FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

I know for a fact Jeb stole Florida for George. And the evidence is undesputable.
Thats just not true

ths fact is that many democrat voters were simply too stupid to fill out a paper ballot correctly

and that may have cost Algore in a close election.

but dont blame republicans for that
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

Turned out to be a Trump hating left winger, Champ. But you don't care about silly things like facts, do you?
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

I hope they prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. All crimes need the harshest punishment possible.

Then you had better start calling for the harshest possible punishment for BLM and Antifa rioter terrorists. Because if you don't that makes you a hypocrite on high. Oh, wait a moment . . .
Conservatives, masters of the red herring fallacy.

C Clayton Jones: Master of getting every fallacy he names wrong.

You are seriously the worst identifier of fallacies I've ever seen. I mean you have a gifted level of sucking at it. I mean you'd be better if you just named random fallacies every time
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the interns the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans and if that happens Biden will be investigated and impeached. He will be aquitted
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
I know that people like you will arrest and kill others by the millions at some point. There are people like that on all sides. You guys are fast tracking it. You do not lose to well. You use unelected judges to make laws and we actually listen to them. You want five dollars worth of services for every dollar spent. And the agendas you have passed has caused everything to be more expensive to do. The Chinese will take over if this keeps up. The Western Hemisphere will go down in flames. And the Chinese investments here will be expected to produce results.
Project much? Trump packed the courts with idealogs. Trump even admitted it at the debates. Obama left a whole bunch of seat unfilled on his way out. Why? Maybe Republicans wouldn't allow him to appoint those judges? So lets see how well the American middle class does under these con judges. With decisions like Citizens United, I know we are doomed for at least the next 2 or 3 generations. Luckily for me my family has EVERY advantage in this society. My dad is set, my brother and I are set and my nephews go to the best schools.

He didn't pack the courts. Packing the courts means you add seats to the court with your political view to gain an advantage. Packing would be Biden adding four seats to the Supreme Court and nominating four liberal judges and swaying the advantage to the liberals 7-6. Trump did not add any seats to any court so he did not pack the court.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

I hope they prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. All crimes need the harshest punishment possible.

Then you had better start calling for the harshest possible punishment for BLM and Antifa rioter terrorists. Because if you don't that makes you a hypocrite on high. Oh, wait a moment . . .
Conservatives, masters of the red herring fallacy.

C Clayton Jones: Master of getting every fallacy he names wrong.

You are seriously the worst identifier of fallacies I've ever seen. I mean you have a gifted level of sucking at it. I mean you'd be better if you just named random fallacies every time
Says the prolificfake news spreader.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

I hope they prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. All crimes need the harshest punishment possible.

Then you had better start calling for the harshest possible punishment for BLM and Antifa rioter terrorists. Because if you don't that makes you a hypocrite on high. Oh, wait a moment . . .
Conservatives, masters of the red herring fallacy.

C Clayton Jones: Master of getting every fallacy he names wrong.

You are seriously the worst identifier of fallacies I've ever seen. I mean you have a gifted level of sucking at it. I mean you'd be better if you just named random fallacies every time
Says the prolificfake news spreader.

Sorry, can you take Biden's dick out of your mouth and say that again?
And before you say it, do you know Trump mails in his vote?
Trump had to request an absentee ballot

but there will be 100 million blank ballots floating around this year just waiting to be stolen or used illegally

this is is a mockery of the democrat process
If they won't fill them out Gretchen and I will.
Which is why you cheer the MAIL IN VIRUS.........we already knew that about you and your tribe.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the interns the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans and if that happens Biden will be investigated and impeached. He will be aquitted
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
I know that people like you will arrest and kill others by the millions at some point. There are people like that on all sides. You guys are fast tracking it. You do not lose to well. You use unelected judges to make laws and we actually listen to them. You want five dollars worth of services for every dollar spent. And the agendas you have passed has caused everything to be more expensive to do. The Chinese will take over if this keeps up. The Western Hemisphere will go down in flames. And the Chinese investments here will be expected to produce results.
Project much? Trump packed the courts with idealogs. Trump even admitted it at the debates. Obama left a whole bunch of seat unfilled on his way out. Why? Maybe Republicans wouldn't allow him to appoint those judges? So lets see how well the American middle class does under these con judges. With decisions like Citizens United, I know we are doomed for at least the next 2 or 3 generations. Luckily for me my family has EVERY advantage in this society. My dad is set, my brother and I are set and my nephews go to the best schools.

He didn't pack the courts. Packing the courts means you add seats to the court with your political view to gain an advantage. Packing would be Biden adding four seats to the Supreme Court and nominating four liberal judges and swaying the advantage to the liberals 7-6. Trump did not add any seats to any court so he did not pack the court.
He has packed the courts with right wing idealogs. Not just the Supreme Court.

My nephew had to buy a girl the morning after pill. Rubber broke.
And before you say it, do you know Trump mails in his vote?
Trump had to request an absentee ballot

but there will be 100 million blank ballots floating around this year just waiting to be stolen or used illegally

this is is a mockery of the democrat process
If they won't fill them out Gretchen and I will.
Which is why you cheer the MAIL IN VIRUS.........we already knew that about you and your tribe.
I think everyone should be able to email in their vote. And be able to go Online to check it to make sure it’s been received
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the interns the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans and if that happens Biden will be investigated and impeached. He will be aquitted
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
I know that people like you will arrest and kill others by the millions at some point. There are people like that on all sides. You guys are fast tracking it. You do not lose to well. You use unelected judges to make laws and we actually listen to them. You want five dollars worth of services for every dollar spent. And the agendas you have passed has caused everything to be more expensive to do. The Chinese will take over if this keeps up. The Western Hemisphere will go down in flames. And the Chinese investments here will be expected to produce results.
Project much? Trump packed the courts with idealogs. Trump even admitted it at the debates. Obama left a whole bunch of seat unfilled on his way out. Why? Maybe Republicans wouldn't allow him to appoint those judges? So lets see how well the American middle class does under these con judges. With decisions like Citizens United, I know we are doomed for at least the next 2 or 3 generations. Luckily for me my family has EVERY advantage in this society. My dad is set, my brother and I are set and my nephews go to the best schools.

He didn't pack the courts. Packing the courts means you add seats to the court with your political view to gain an advantage. Packing would be Biden adding four seats to the Supreme Court and nominating four liberal judges and swaying the advantage to the liberals 7-6. Trump did not add any seats to any court so he did not pack the court.
He has packed the courts with right wing idealogs. Not just the Supreme Court.

My nephew had to buy a girl the morning after pill. Rubber broke.
He was filling legitimate vacancies, that is not what they mean when they say “packing the court.” Every President will fill the vacancies with people that see issues the way he sees it. That is called, what you can do, when you...win.
He has packed the courts with right wing idealogs. Not just the Supreme Court.
No less so than obama and clinton did with leftwingers

the left used to count on activist lib judges giving them what they could not get through the legislative process

but thanks to trump that little scam is less certain now
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the interns the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans and if that happens Biden will be investigated and impeached. He will be aquitted
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
I know that people like you will arrest and kill others by the millions at some point. There are people like that on all sides. You guys are fast tracking it. You do not lose to well. You use unelected judges to make laws and we actually listen to them. You want five dollars worth of services for every dollar spent. And the agendas you have passed has caused everything to be more expensive to do. The Chinese will take over if this keeps up. The Western Hemisphere will go down in flames. And the Chinese investments here will be expected to produce results.
Project much? Trump packed the courts with idealogs. Trump even admitted it at the debates. Obama left a whole bunch of seat unfilled on his way out. Why? Maybe Republicans wouldn't allow him to appoint those judges? So lets see how well the American middle class does under these con judges. With decisions like Citizens United, I know we are doomed for at least the next 2 or 3 generations. Luckily for me my family has EVERY advantage in this society. My dad is set, my brother and I are set and my nephews go to the best schools.

He didn't pack the courts. Packing the courts means you add seats to the court with your political view to gain an advantage. Packing would be Biden adding four seats to the Supreme Court and nominating four liberal judges and swaying the advantage to the liberals 7-6. Trump did not add any seats to any court so he did not pack the court.
He has packed the courts with right wing idealogs. Not just the Supreme Court.

My nephew had to buy a girl the morning after pill. Rubber broke.
He was filling legitimate vacancies, that is not what they mean when they say “packing the court.” Every President will fill the vacancies with people that see issues the way he sees it. That is called, what you can do, when you...win.
He has packed the courts with right wing idealogs. Not just the Supreme Court.
No less so than obama and clinton did with leftwingers

the left used to count on activist lib judges giving them what they could not get through the legislative process

but thanks to trump that little scam is less certain now
That's not what Trump said at the debate. He said Obama fucked up by leaving so many seats vacant. Maybe he was just lying like always. Thanks for pointing it out.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the interns the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans and if that happens Biden will be investigated and impeached. He will be aquitted
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
I know that people like you will arrest and kill others by the millions at some point. There are people like that on all sides. You guys are fast tracking it. You do not lose to well. You use unelected judges to make laws and we actually listen to them. You want five dollars worth of services for every dollar spent. And the agendas you have passed has caused everything to be more expensive to do. The Chinese will take over if this keeps up. The Western Hemisphere will go down in flames. And the Chinese investments here will be expected to produce results.
Project much? Trump packed the courts with idealogs. Trump even admitted it at the debates. Obama left a whole bunch of seat unfilled on his way out. Why? Maybe Republicans wouldn't allow him to appoint those judges? So lets see how well the American middle class does under these con judges. With decisions like Citizens United, I know we are doomed for at least the next 2 or 3 generations. Luckily for me my family has EVERY advantage in this society. My dad is set, my brother and I are set and my nephews go to the best schools.

He didn't pack the courts. Packing the courts means you add seats to the court with your political view to gain an advantage. Packing would be Biden adding four seats to the Supreme Court and nominating four liberal judges and swaying the advantage to the liberals 7-6. Trump did not add any seats to any court so he did not pack the court.

Frum, who served as a speechwriter in the administration of President George W. Bush, warned in the op-ed titled “Last Exit From Autocracy,” published Wednesday, that “the most important ballot question” in the 2020 election was “will Trump get away with his corruption.”
And “if the answer is yes,” he wrote, then “be ready for more. Much more.”

“through the Trump years, institutions have failed again and again to check corruption, abuse of power, and even pro-Trump violence.”
He listed just some of the damage the president has caused, citing his eschewing of ethics guidelines to welcoming Russian assistance in his election campaign.
Frum also swiped at Trump’s enablers in the Republican Party, charging the GOP with thinking of “biased rules as necessary, proper, and just — and to view any effort to correct those rules as a direct attack on their survival.”

Read Frum’s full column here.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the interns the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans and if that happens Biden will be investigated and impeached. He will be aquitted
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
I know that people like you will arrest and kill others by the millions at some point. There are people like that on all sides. You guys are fast tracking it. You do not lose to well. You use unelected judges to make laws and we actually listen to them. You want five dollars worth of services for every dollar spent. And the agendas you have passed has caused everything to be more expensive to do. The Chinese will take over if this keeps up. The Western Hemisphere will go down in flames. And the Chinese investments here will be expected to produce results.
Project much? Trump packed the courts with idealogs. Trump even admitted it at the debates. Obama left a whole bunch of seat unfilled on his way out. Why? Maybe Republicans wouldn't allow him to appoint those judges? So lets see how well the American middle class does under these con judges. With decisions like Citizens United, I know we are doomed for at least the next 2 or 3 generations. Luckily for me my family has EVERY advantage in this society. My dad is set, my brother and I are set and my nephews go to the best schools.

He didn't pack the courts. Packing the courts means you add seats to the court with your political view to gain an advantage. Packing would be Biden adding four seats to the Supreme Court and nominating four liberal judges and swaying the advantage to the liberals 7-6. Trump did not add any seats to any court so he did not pack the court.

Frum, who served as a speechwriter in the administration of President George W. Bush, warned in the op-ed titled “Last Exit From Autocracy,” published Wednesday, that “the most important ballot question” in the 2020 election was “will Trump get away with his corruption.”
And “if the answer is yes,” he wrote, then “be ready for more. Much more.”

“through the Trump years, institutions have failed again and again to check corruption, abuse of power, and even pro-Trump violence.”
He listed just some of the damage the president has caused, citing his eschewing of ethics guidelines to welcoming Russian assistance in his election campaign.
Frum also swiped at Trump’s enablers in the Republican Party, charging the GOP with thinking of “biased rules as necessary, proper, and just — and to view any effort to correct those rules as a direct attack on their survival.”

Read Frum’s full column here.
You convinced me not to vote for Trump, now why should I vote for Biden, other than he is not Trump.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the interns the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans and if that happens Biden will be investigated and impeached. He will be aquitted
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
I know that people like you will arrest and kill others by the millions at some point. There are people like that on all sides. You guys are fast tracking it. You do not lose to well. You use unelected judges to make laws and we actually listen to them. You want five dollars worth of services for every dollar spent. And the agendas you have passed has caused everything to be more expensive to do. The Chinese will take over if this keeps up. The Western Hemisphere will go down in flames. And the Chinese investments here will be expected to produce results.
Project much? Trump packed the courts with idealogs. Trump even admitted it at the debates. Obama left a whole bunch of seat unfilled on his way out. Why? Maybe Republicans wouldn't allow him to appoint those judges? So lets see how well the American middle class does under these con judges. With decisions like Citizens United, I know we are doomed for at least the next 2 or 3 generations. Luckily for me my family has EVERY advantage in this society. My dad is set, my brother and I are set and my nephews go to the best schools.

He didn't pack the courts. Packing the courts means you add seats to the court with your political view to gain an advantage. Packing would be Biden adding four seats to the Supreme Court and nominating four liberal judges and swaying the advantage to the liberals 7-6. Trump did not add any seats to any court so he did not pack the court.

Frum, who served as a speechwriter in the administration of President George W. Bush, warned in the op-ed titled “Last Exit From Autocracy,” published Wednesday, that “the most important ballot question” in the 2020 election was “will Trump get away with his corruption.”
And “if the answer is yes,” he wrote, then “be ready for more. Much more.”

“through the Trump years, institutions have failed again and again to check corruption, abuse of power, and even pro-Trump violence.”
He listed just some of the damage the president has caused, citing his eschewing of ethics guidelines to welcoming Russian assistance in his election campaign.
Frum also swiped at Trump’s enablers in the Republican Party, charging the GOP with thinking of “biased rules as necessary, proper, and just — and to view any effort to correct those rules as a direct attack on their survival.”

Read Frum’s full column here.
Are you a bush supporter?
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the interns the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans and if that happens Biden will be investigated and impeached. He will be aquitted
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
I know that people like you will arrest and kill others by the millions at some point. There are people like that on all sides. You guys are fast tracking it. You do not lose to well. You use unelected judges to make laws and we actually listen to them. You want five dollars worth of services for every dollar spent. And the agendas you have passed has caused everything to be more expensive to do. The Chinese will take over if this keeps up. The Western Hemisphere will go down in flames. And the Chinese investments here will be expected to produce results.
Project much? Trump packed the courts with idealogs. Trump even admitted it at the debates. Obama left a whole bunch of seat unfilled on his way out. Why? Maybe Republicans wouldn't allow him to appoint those judges? So lets see how well the American middle class does under these con judges. With decisions like Citizens United, I know we are doomed for at least the next 2 or 3 generations. Luckily for me my family has EVERY advantage in this society. My dad is set, my brother and I are set and my nephews go to the best schools.

He didn't pack the courts. Packing the courts means you add seats to the court with your political view to gain an advantage. Packing would be Biden adding four seats to the Supreme Court and nominating four liberal judges and swaying the advantage to the liberals 7-6. Trump did not add any seats to any court so he did not pack the court.

Frum, who served as a speechwriter in the administration of President George W. Bush, warned in the op-ed titled “Last Exit From Autocracy,” published Wednesday, that “the most important ballot question” in the 2020 election was “will Trump get away with his corruption.”
And “if the answer is yes,” he wrote, then “be ready for more. Much more.”

“through the Trump years, institutions have failed again and again to check corruption, abuse of power, and even pro-Trump violence.”
He listed just some of the damage the president has caused, citing his eschewing of ethics guidelines to welcoming Russian assistance in his election campaign.
Frum also swiped at Trump’s enablers in the Republican Party, charging the GOP with thinking of “biased rules as necessary, proper, and just — and to view any effort to correct those rules as a direct attack on their survival.”

Read Frum’s full column here.
You convinced me not to vote for Trump, now why should I vote for Biden, other than he is not Trump.
Not voting for trump is a vote for biden
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.

Here is just one, however by allowing and defending their riots as many mayors did, you are supporting Antifa.

Kshama Sawant supported the riots. Wheeler, Brown, also supported the left wing riots, permitted them all summer. Seattle governor and mayor supported the take over of a neighborhood in Seattle where three people died. Chicago , St. Louis, Minneapolis, we are not going to forget who pushed and created the riots, caused the death of many Americans. I’m tired of the left white washing their actions and explaining their justification for violence. Both sides are wrong and the left will give us a yeah but.

The extremists on both sides are ruining this country and we need to hold both sides responsible. The right and the threat to the governor of Michigan was wrong and the left and their murdering and rioting all summer was wrong.
I don't know who those people are....never heard of them.


No matter who starts it, or participates in criminals activities.

Protesters, have a constitutional right, to protest against their government.

It's demented on your part, to conflate the two.

Protesters are not Rioters.

A protest, is not a Riot

A Riot is not a Protest

Rioting is not protesting
The place is on fire and there are dead people.

a. A RIOT.


2 to 10 blocks in chaos with rioting, is not a "city" on fire, that has 1000 blocks or more....
And before you say it, do you know Trump mails in his vote?
Trump had to request an absentee ballot

but there will be 100 million blank ballots floating around this year just waiting to be stolen or used illegally

this is is a mockery of the democrat process
If they won't fill them out Gretchen and I will.
Which is why you cheer the MAIL IN VIRUS.........we already knew that about you and your tribe.
I think everyone should be able to email in their vote. And be able to go Online to check it to make sure it’s been received
Of course you would.....You are a leftist nut job who want's illegals to vote and havest votes

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