FBI will be investigating Trump

There are obvious signs of treason and conspiring with a foreign state to influence a national election.

No one saw this coming.

Trump and family being led away in handcuffs.
How about a definitive link that proves the Russians hacked the DNC. Baby steps.

It's in the same link that definitively shows Clinton's server was hacked.
Everyone knows a homebrew server is the safest place to put state secrets....hitlery had it protected by secret service agents standing by it too!!!!
Well if he gets the same treatment as Hillary then
Donald has nothing to worry about...
The problem for someone like Care is that she doesn't know what's coming next.

She has no alternative but to deflect because the content of the NEXT set of emails that are dumped could be even worse for Clinton.
I could care less what's coming next, I learned in 2008 what back handed things the DNC can do, a real eye opener, to get their way or whatever....this is nothing new to an old timer like me... that's a lesson for others not as seasoned as I am to be learned for the first time....

But if you think, for one nano second, that under handed things like what was going on at the DNC in the primary was not happening at the RNC 100 times worse, conspiring against Donald Trump when the RNC was also suppose to be ''neutral'', I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you!

What Trump did, was in poor judgement....like the other 101 things he's said and done that were in poor judgement.... he's simply incapable of running this nation... It's probably not espionage because the emails are personal so it would be hard to get him on that even though his intent, was to commit espionage by encouraging ''the enemies'' to release what Trump believes is illegally hacked classified govt emails, to the press and rewards would be given for it.... that encourages future attacks of hacking government departments and department heads.

So your "excuse" is that the GOP does it 100 times worse? Care to back that up with one iota of proof?

All Trump has done is point out what a bunch of sleazes you've got running the DNC and Hillary's campaign! It's what he's been pointing out all along. What frosts your cupcakes, Care...is that the leaked emails prove that Trump was right. Poor judgement? Yeah, it was displayed all right...but not by Donald Trump! His judgement was spot on. The bad judgement you speak of was displayed by Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
There are obvious signs of treason and conspiring with a foreign state to influence a national election.

No one saw this coming.

Trump and family being led away in handcuffs.
How about a definitive link that proves the Russians hacked the DNC. Baby steps.
They used the term ''Hallmark'' instead of the word ''signature'' which I believe I heard this morning... here is 1 link I found that says something similar of what I heard this morning...but not precisely.... :(..... I was just listening to the news on tv and not watching, was working on something else at the time so I don't even know what channel I was on....

Signs point to Russia in DNC hack, but FBI isn't ready to blame Russia yet
And therein lies the problem. This thread is essentially charging that Trump is working with the Russians in getting information illegally when it hasn't even been established that it was Russians in the first place. Then there is you along with many on the left claiming that this is worse than Watergate. That is blatantly insane.

Those charges and claims are based on one thing and one thing only - distracting from what is already established fact - the actual content of the released emails. If this is Russia is that wrong? Of course. Should it be pursued? Yes it should. We should be investigating and trying to stop such things from happening to include national response to such acts. That, however, has absolutely nothing to do with the facts that have been brought to light. The investigations are forthcoming and when the bad actors are caught we will deal with it. That yelling and pitching a fit right now, while the bad actors are still being investigated is a sad attempt at deflection.

You are essentially trying to forgive the transgressions of the DNC by pointing to another actors crimes. Many posters here have equated it to ignoring that your spouse was cheating because it was your neighbor that found out and told you and that analogy is actually a rather good one. We should not be ignoring the DNC's actions no matter who released the information and dealing with that crime is a separate issue from dealing with the leaks themselves.
I don't mean to deny the DNC's transgressions....those that worked there that could not be neutral as their DNC'S group charter states they should be, should not be permitted to work for the DNC in official capacity again as far as I am concerned!

Why in my gut I feel this is worse than Watergate with the Russians doing this, is because at least with Watergate, it was the Republicans doing it....the opponent doing it, and yes, sneaky dirty rotten American Politicians doing it by 'playing' politics....

I can accept something like this happening, (though I oppose it for it's illegality and scumminess, if that's even a word?) because it is us, doing it to each other...maybe because the stakes are high, or due to our passion for a cause, or due to a number of other reasons.... all wrong reasons...I repeat...yes I know that..but somewhere in my modest brain, I can accept and empathize and understand that things like The Watergate break in, will happen, whether we like them or not...

This thing with the Russians, trying to influence our election is so much more bothersome to me...especially when I try to figure out the WHY? in it...at the National level....yes, fine...Russia wants Trump to win...and they are trying to do this by this leak of what was going on behind the scenes at the DNC to get Bernie or bust voters digging in their heels... this isn't for America's benefit...one has to just know this is only for Russia's benefit... so what does that mean?

Does it mean that Russians believe the USA will be in chaos with Mr. Trump as Pres, will be WEAKER under Mr. Trump? Russia becoming stronger and a dominant force...becoming the Soviet Union again with satellite countries?

It simply does not sit well with me...and I am compelled to do some research and learn more about the situation...become more informed....this is MAJOR.

As far as the Bernie voters that BOTH Trump and Russia/Putin want to get all riled up with this back stabbing by some at the DNC....be mad, stay home if you want...I could not vote for Obama because I was so upset with how the dirty imo, DNC handled themselves in the primary, favoring Obama...of course, I will admit that Obama was going to win the State I was in regardless, but it felt darn good to just not vote for him as some sort of punishment....Of course, as a liberal speaking to the Bernie supporters who have even more passion for Bernie than I probably did for Hillary in '08, there is A LOT at stake in this election...greater and bigger than the revolution you support, our very existence is at stake imo!!! :eek:

Bernie, as well as he did, with or without any conspiring at the DNC, was NOT going to win this contest...if he really came close to becoming the nominee, the the Republicans and Hillary and Trump would have gone after Bernie, with a vengeance, dropping all kinds of stink bombs on him and his past....as was done with every single Democratic and Republican Candidates running...Bernie was always treated with kid gloves....it would not have been that way, if he were leading.

And one other thing that needs to be repeated imo...do Republicans actually believe the RNC worker was following their charter to stay neutral during the primary and no conspiring against Mr.Trump, or favoritism towards others was NOT happening at the RNC? GUARANTEED, 100 times more, was being done by them, to hurt Mr.Trump's run.

Sorry for this being so long...it's meant to answer lots of different poster responses to me...not just yours.
There are obvious signs of treason and conspiring with a foreign state to influence a national election.

No one saw this coming.

Trump and family being led away in handcuffs.
How about a definitive link that proves the Russians hacked the DNC. Baby steps.
They used the term ''Hallmark'' instead of the word ''signature'' which I believe I heard this morning... here is 1 link I found that says something similar of what I heard this morning...but not precisely.... :(..... I was just listening to the news on tv and not watching, was working on something else at the time so I don't even know what channel I was on....

Signs point to Russia in DNC hack, but FBI isn't ready to blame Russia yet
And therein lies the problem. This thread is essentially charging that Trump is working with the Russians in getting information illegally when it hasn't even been established that it was Russians in the first place. Then there is you along with many on the left claiming that this is worse than Watergate. That is blatantly insane.

Those charges and claims are based on one thing and one thing only - distracting from what is already established fact - the actual content of the released emails. If this is Russia is that wrong? Of course. Should it be pursued? Yes it should. We should be investigating and trying to stop such things from happening to include national response to such acts. That, however, has absolutely nothing to do with the facts that have been brought to light. The investigations are forthcoming and when the bad actors are caught we will deal with it. That yelling and pitching a fit right now, while the bad actors are still being investigated is a sad attempt at deflection.

You are essentially trying to forgive the transgressions of the DNC by pointing to another actors crimes. Many posters here have equated it to ignoring that your spouse was cheating because it was your neighbor that found out and told you and that analogy is actually a rather good one. We should not be ignoring the DNC's actions no matter who released the information and dealing with that crime is a separate issue from dealing with the leaks themselves.
I don't mean to deny the DNC's transgressions....those that worked there that could not be neutral as their DNC'S group charter states they should be, should not be permitted to work for the DNC in official capacity again as far as I am concerned!

Why in my gut I feel this is worse than Watergate with the Russians doing this, is because at least with Watergate, it was the Republicans doing it....the opponent doing it, and yes, sneaky dirty rotten American Politicians doing it by 'playing' politics....

I can accept something like this happening, (though I oppose it for it's illegality and scumminess, if that's even a word?) because it is us, doing it to each other...maybe because the stakes are high, or due to our passion for a cause, or due to a number of other reasons.... all wrong reasons...I repeat...yes I know that..but somewhere in my modest brain, I can accept and empathize and understand that things like The Watergate break in, will happen, whether we like them or not...

This thing with the Russians, trying to influence our election is so much more bothersome to me...especially when I try to figure out the WHY? in it...at the National level....yes, fine...Russia wants Trump to win...and they are trying to do this by this leak of what was going on behind the scenes at the DNC to get Bernie or bust voters digging in their heels... this isn't for America's benefit...one has to just know this is only for Russia's benefit... so what does that mean?

Does it mean that Russians believe the USA will be in chaos with Mr. Trump as Pres, will be WEAKER under Mr. Trump? Russia becoming stronger and a dominant force...becoming the Soviet Union again with satellite countries?

It simply does not sit well with me...and I am compelled to do some research and learn more about the situation...become more informed....this is MAJOR.

As far as the Bernie voters that BOTH Trump and Russia/Putin want to get all riled up with this back stabbing by some at the DNC....be mad, stay home if you want...I could not vote for Obama because I was so upset with how the dirty imo, DNC handled themselves in the primary, favoring Obama...of course, I will admit that Obama was going to win the State I was in regardless, but it felt darn good to just not vote for him as some sort of punishment....Of course, as a liberal speaking to the Bernie supporters who have even more passion for Bernie than I probably did for Hillary in '08, there is A LOT at stake in this election...greater and bigger than the revolution you support, our very existence is at stake imo!!! :eek:

Bernie, as well as he did, with or without any conspiring at the DNC, was NOT going to win this contest...if he really came close to becoming the nominee, the the Republicans and Hillary and Trump would have gone after Bernie, with a vengeance, dropping all kinds of stink bombs on him and his past....as was done with every single Democratic and Republican Candidates running...Bernie was always treated with kid gloves....it would not have been that way, if he were leading.

And one other thing that needs to be repeated imo...do Republicans actually believe the RNC worker was following their charter to stay neutral during the primary and no conspiring against Mr.Trump, or favoritism towards others was NOT happening at the RNC? GUARANTEED, 100 times more, was being done by them, to hurt Mr.Trump's run.

Sorry for this being so long...it's meant to answer lots of different poster responses to me...not just yours.

All of that, Care...but not a single example of an RNC worker conspiring against Trump? Yet you double down on the charge once again? I'm beginning to think you'd be right at home WORKING for the DNC!
There are obvious signs of treason and conspiring with a foreign state to influence a national election.

No one saw this coming.

Trump and family being led away in handcuffs.
How about a definitive link that proves the Russians hacked the DNC. Baby steps.
They used the term ''Hallmark'' instead of the word ''signature'' which I believe I heard this morning... here is 1 link I found that says something similar of what I heard this morning...but not precisely.... :(..... I was just listening to the news on tv and not watching, was working on something else at the time so I don't even know what channel I was on....

Signs point to Russia in DNC hack, but FBI isn't ready to blame Russia yet
And therein lies the problem. This thread is essentially charging that Trump is working with the Russians in getting information illegally when it hasn't even been established that it was Russians in the first place. Then there is you along with many on the left claiming that this is worse than Watergate. That is blatantly insane.

Those charges and claims are based on one thing and one thing only - distracting from what is already established fact - the actual content of the released emails. If this is Russia is that wrong? Of course. Should it be pursued? Yes it should. We should be investigating and trying to stop such things from happening to include national response to such acts. That, however, has absolutely nothing to do with the facts that have been brought to light. The investigations are forthcoming and when the bad actors are caught we will deal with it. That yelling and pitching a fit right now, while the bad actors are still being investigated is a sad attempt at deflection.

You are essentially trying to forgive the transgressions of the DNC by pointing to another actors crimes. Many posters here have equated it to ignoring that your spouse was cheating because it was your neighbor that found out and told you and that analogy is actually a rather good one. We should not be ignoring the DNC's actions no matter who released the information and dealing with that crime is a separate issue from dealing with the leaks themselves.
I don't mean to deny the DNC's transgressions....those that worked there that could not be neutral as their DNC'S group charter states they should be, should not be permitted to work for the DNC in official capacity again as far as I am concerned!

Why in my gut I feel this is worse than Watergate with the Russians doing this, is because at least with Watergate, it was the Republicans doing it....the opponent doing it, and yes, sneaky dirty rotten American Politicians doing it by 'playing' politics....

I can accept something like this happening, (though I oppose it for it's illegality and scumminess, if that's even a word?) because it is us, doing it to each other...maybe because the stakes are high, or due to our passion for a cause, or due to a number of other reasons.... all wrong reasons...I repeat...yes I know that..but somewhere in my modest brain, I can accept and empathize and understand that things like The Watergate break in, will happen, whether we like them or not...

This thing with the Russians, trying to influence our election is so much more bothersome to me...especially when I try to figure out the WHY? in it...at the National level....yes, fine...Russia wants Trump to win...and they are trying to do this by this leak of what was going on behind the scenes at the DNC to get Bernie or bust voters digging in their heels... this isn't for America's benefit...one has to just know this is only for Russia's benefit... so what does that mean?

Does it mean that Russians believe the USA will be in chaos with Mr. Trump as Pres, will be WEAKER under Mr. Trump? Russia becoming stronger and a dominant force...becoming the Soviet Union again with satellite countries?

It simply does not sit well with me...and I am compelled to do some research and learn more about the situation...become more informed....this is MAJOR.

As far as the Bernie voters that BOTH Trump and Russia/Putin want to get all riled up with this back stabbing by some at the DNC....be mad, stay home if you want...I could not vote for Obama because I was so upset with how the dirty imo, DNC handled themselves in the primary, favoring Obama...of course, I will admit that Obama was going to win the State I was in regardless, but it felt darn good to just not vote for him as some sort of punishment....Of course, as a liberal speaking to the Bernie supporters who have even more passion for Bernie than I probably did for Hillary in '08, there is A LOT at stake in this election...greater and bigger than the revolution you support, our very existence is at stake imo!!! :eek:

Bernie, as well as he did, with or without any conspiring at the DNC, was NOT going to win this contest...if he really came close to becoming the nominee, the the Republicans and Hillary and Trump would have gone after Bernie, with a vengeance, dropping all kinds of stink bombs on him and his past....as was done with every single Democratic and Republican Candidates running...Bernie was always treated with kid gloves....it would not have been that way, if he were leading.

And one other thing that needs to be repeated imo...do Republicans actually believe the RNC worker was following their charter to stay neutral during the primary and no conspiring against Mr.Trump, or favoritism towards others was NOT happening at the RNC? GUARANTEED, 100 times more, was being done by them, to hurt Mr.Trump's run.

Sorry for this being so long...it's meant to answer lots of different poster responses to me...not just yours.

All of that, Care...but not a single example of an RNC worker conspiring against Trump? Yet you double down on the charge once again? I'm beginning to think you'd be right at home WORKING for the DNC!
Why don't you get your candidate's buddies to release the RNC emails the Russians probably stole as well? :D certainly to use them if the RNC would have blocked trump's nomination!!!

Here's one example from last December:

More and more voters are flocking to support presidential candidate Donald Trump. And it’s got the bosses of the Republican Party are in full-blown panic mode. Now, reports say they’ve been holding secret meetings to discuss how to undermine the “insurgent” candidacy of Trump should he begin winning state primaries.

The Washington Post has reported that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and GOP chairman Reince Priebus quietly met with “several longtime Republican power brokers” to discuss a strategy to defeat Trump on the Republican convention floor… even if he wins many of the primaries and has the most delegates.
GOP’s secret plan to stop Trump
How about a definitive link that proves the Russians hacked the DNC. Baby steps.
They used the term ''Hallmark'' instead of the word ''signature'' which I believe I heard this morning... here is 1 link I found that says something similar of what I heard this morning...but not precisely.... :(..... I was just listening to the news on tv and not watching, was working on something else at the time so I don't even know what channel I was on....

Signs point to Russia in DNC hack, but FBI isn't ready to blame Russia yet
And therein lies the problem. This thread is essentially charging that Trump is working with the Russians in getting information illegally when it hasn't even been established that it was Russians in the first place. Then there is you along with many on the left claiming that this is worse than Watergate. That is blatantly insane.

Those charges and claims are based on one thing and one thing only - distracting from what is already established fact - the actual content of the released emails. If this is Russia is that wrong? Of course. Should it be pursued? Yes it should. We should be investigating and trying to stop such things from happening to include national response to such acts. That, however, has absolutely nothing to do with the facts that have been brought to light. The investigations are forthcoming and when the bad actors are caught we will deal with it. That yelling and pitching a fit right now, while the bad actors are still being investigated is a sad attempt at deflection.

You are essentially trying to forgive the transgressions of the DNC by pointing to another actors crimes. Many posters here have equated it to ignoring that your spouse was cheating because it was your neighbor that found out and told you and that analogy is actually a rather good one. We should not be ignoring the DNC's actions no matter who released the information and dealing with that crime is a separate issue from dealing with the leaks themselves.
I don't mean to deny the DNC's transgressions....those that worked there that could not be neutral as their DNC'S group charter states they should be, should not be permitted to work for the DNC in official capacity again as far as I am concerned!

Why in my gut I feel this is worse than Watergate with the Russians doing this, is because at least with Watergate, it was the Republicans doing it....the opponent doing it, and yes, sneaky dirty rotten American Politicians doing it by 'playing' politics....

I can accept something like this happening, (though I oppose it for it's illegality and scumminess, if that's even a word?) because it is us, doing it to each other...maybe because the stakes are high, or due to our passion for a cause, or due to a number of other reasons.... all wrong reasons...I repeat...yes I know that..but somewhere in my modest brain, I can accept and empathize and understand that things like The Watergate break in, will happen, whether we like them or not...

This thing with the Russians, trying to influence our election is so much more bothersome to me...especially when I try to figure out the WHY? in it...at the National level....yes, fine...Russia wants Trump to win...and they are trying to do this by this leak of what was going on behind the scenes at the DNC to get Bernie or bust voters digging in their heels... this isn't for America's benefit...one has to just know this is only for Russia's benefit... so what does that mean?

Does it mean that Russians believe the USA will be in chaos with Mr. Trump as Pres, will be WEAKER under Mr. Trump? Russia becoming stronger and a dominant force...becoming the Soviet Union again with satellite countries?

It simply does not sit well with me...and I am compelled to do some research and learn more about the situation...become more informed....this is MAJOR.

As far as the Bernie voters that BOTH Trump and Russia/Putin want to get all riled up with this back stabbing by some at the DNC....be mad, stay home if you want...I could not vote for Obama because I was so upset with how the dirty imo, DNC handled themselves in the primary, favoring Obama...of course, I will admit that Obama was going to win the State I was in regardless, but it felt darn good to just not vote for him as some sort of punishment....Of course, as a liberal speaking to the Bernie supporters who have even more passion for Bernie than I probably did for Hillary in '08, there is A LOT at stake in this election...greater and bigger than the revolution you support, our very existence is at stake imo!!! :eek:

Bernie, as well as he did, with or without any conspiring at the DNC, was NOT going to win this contest...if he really came close to becoming the nominee, the the Republicans and Hillary and Trump would have gone after Bernie, with a vengeance, dropping all kinds of stink bombs on him and his past....as was done with every single Democratic and Republican Candidates running...Bernie was always treated with kid gloves....it would not have been that way, if he were leading.

And one other thing that needs to be repeated imo...do Republicans actually believe the RNC worker was following their charter to stay neutral during the primary and no conspiring against Mr.Trump, or favoritism towards others was NOT happening at the RNC? GUARANTEED, 100 times more, was being done by them, to hurt Mr.Trump's run.

Sorry for this being so long...it's meant to answer lots of different poster responses to me...not just yours.

All of that, Care...but not a single example of an RNC worker conspiring against Trump? Yet you double down on the charge once again? I'm beginning to think you'd be right at home WORKING for the DNC!
Why don't you get your candidate's buddies to release the RNC emails the Russians probably stole as well? :D certainly to use them if the RNC would have blocked trump's nomination!!!

Here's one example from last December:

More and more voters are flocking to support presidential candidate Donald Trump. And it’s got the bosses of the Republican Party are in full-blown panic mode. Now, reports say they’ve been holding secret meetings to discuss how to undermine the “insurgent” candidacy of Trump should he begin winning state primaries.

The Washington Post has reported that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and GOP chairman Reince Priebus quietly met with “several longtime Republican power brokers” to discuss a strategy to defeat Trump on the Republican convention floor… even if he wins many of the primaries and has the most delegates.
GOP’s secret plan to stop Trump

You're so desperate you're quoting "The Horn"? Really, Care? LOL

Let me explain something to you...Priebus meeting "quietly" with GOP power brokers doesn't mean the RNC did anything untoward. For all you know, Priebus met with them and told them that he was a neutral party in all of this and that if Trump won the primaries and most of the delegates that he would be the nominee!

You could easily see that the DNC was in full support mode for Hillary LONG before these emails became public. The lack of debates and the time slots the few debates were booked into were obviously done to protect Clinton's presumption of being the Party nominee. Debbie Wasserman Schultz screwed Martin O'Malley just as much as she screwed Bernie Sanders.

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