FBI's case collapsed in Jan 2017 but it kept targeting President Trump

There is no coup. You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
It's the closest thing we've ever had to a real coup here.
( unless you count the one in 1963 when they murdered JFK )

It is not even close. We have never had a campaign like Trump's that made it easy for Russia to help them by providing internal polling data and other campaign information.
Very ominous sign for all that signed any renewal FISA Warrant Applications on Carter Page. This includes Comey and McCabe.

But, John Brennan seems to be sweating the most now.

The Dumb-Ass, Mentally Ill, TDS Bolsheviks--AKA the Democratic Party, and their Pravda-like Media, are now calling for the resignation of Barr and Durham.

This is GREAT news!

They are over the target!

Susan Rice and Samantha Powers should be sweating bullets also for their massive unmasking campaign. You can bet that hasn't gone unnoticed by Durham.


There is nothing illegal about it as long as you have the proper clearances.

You've never had a clearance have you? Along with a clearance it also requires a need to know for any classified information transfer. That's exactly why the people who talked to the fake whistleblower might be in deep shit if the dude had no need to know.


That only applies to legitimate foreign policy. What Trump did was not a legitimate foreign policy.

No, that applies to all transfers of classified information, it has nothing to do with Trump. It's the fucking law. Once again you ignorance is showing.

Letting her off? She wasn't being charged with anything. She still hasn't been charged with ANYTHING - EVER!!

Trump has had three different investigations into Hillary's emails since the election: The Huber Investigation, Chuck Grassley's 3 year Senate Investigation, and Mike Pompeo's State Department Investigation, and all three said that Hillary Clinton committed no crimes. Grassley started his investigation because he was so furious that Comey cleared her. The Inspector General reviewed Comey's investigation and said that Comey was correct in clearing her.

You fools still make comments that Clinton is a criminal. What's she been charged with?

Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, said she was too stupid to prosecute. In questioning in the house, Comey also verified she lied to congress 5 times, when questioned by Trey Gowdy. The DOJ didn't do a damn thing. But as we know now with the Strozk and Page emails, the fix was in. So don't claim innocence just because she was given a pass, which proves we have a two tiered justice system.

And not one Republican has the balls to stand up to trump and say it's impeachable to ask foreign nations to help investigate a presidential opponent,,,2 tiered you say?

He asked for the country and you can't provide a direct quote from Trump that proves otherwise. Running for office doesn't make poppa joe immune form investigation, don't believe me, just ask any commiecrat going after Trump while he's running for reelection.


He did not. That is a lie. The Administration had already certified Ukraine's compliance. Trump was clearly asking for a investigation of Biden and his crazy theory the DNC servers are hiding in Ukraine which they are not. He also asked China to investigate Biden. The Chinese knew what was going on as they said they were not going to get involved in domestic politics.

The administration hadn't certified the new president or parliament. The new parliament wasn't seated till August. Once the new parliament was seated and passed tough anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them into law, the aid was released a few days later. Those are verifiable facts, look'em up.


The aid was released after it became publicly known that aid was being withheld. 2 days after the House investigations began. These are verifiable.
It is not even close. We have never had a campaign like Trump's that made it easy for Russia to help them by providing internal polling data and other campaign information.
Nobody is denying Russia meddles in the elections,
but what makes you think they cared who won ? They had dirt on either Hillary or Trump( according to you ) and besides that, Putin likes Hillary.
Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, said she was too stupid to prosecute. In questioning in the house, Comey also verified she lied to congress 5 times, when questioned by Trey Gowdy. The DOJ didn't do a damn thing. But as we know now with the Strozk and Page emails, the fix was in. So don't claim innocence just because she was given a pass, which proves we have a two tiered justice system.

And not one Republican has the balls to stand up to trump and say it's impeachable to ask foreign nations to help investigate a presidential opponent,,,2 tiered you say?

He asked for the country and you can't provide a direct quote from Trump that proves otherwise. Running for office doesn't make poppa joe immune form investigation, don't believe me, just ask any commiecrat going after Trump while he's running for reelection.


He did not. That is a lie. The Administration had already certified Ukraine's compliance. Trump was clearly asking for a investigation of Biden and his crazy theory the DNC servers are hiding in Ukraine which they are not. He also asked China to investigate Biden. The Chinese knew what was going on as they said they were not going to get involved in domestic politics.

The administration hadn't certified the new president or parliament. The new parliament wasn't seated till August. Once the new parliament was seated and passed tough anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them into law, the aid was released a few days later. Those are verifiable facts, look'em up.


The aid was released after it became publicly known that aid was being withheld. 2 days after the House investigations began. These are verifiable.

Yeah, that's what you commies keep saying, is one mutually exclusive of the other? If you don't understand the question get a 7th grader to explain it to ya.

The aid was released after it became publicly known that aid was being withheld. 2 days after the House investigations began. These are verifiable.
Then why did Schiff completely lie to us 90 % of the time ?
About basically everything.
Oh btw;
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There is no coup. You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
It's the closest thing we've ever had to a real coup here.
( unless you count the one in 1963 when they murdered JFK )

It is not even close. We have never had a campaign like Trump's that made it easy for Russia to help them by providing internal polling data and other campaign information.

Do you even realize what you just typed?

Very ominous sign for all that signed any renewal FISA Warrant Applications on Carter Page. This includes Comey and McCabe.

But, John Brennan seems to be sweating the most now.

The Dumb-Ass, Mentally Ill, TDS Bolsheviks--AKA the Democratic Party, and their Pravda-like Media, are now calling for the resignation of Barr and Durham.

This is GREAT news!

They are over the target!

Susan Rice and Samantha Powers should be sweating bullets also for their massive unmasking campaign. You can bet that hasn't gone unnoticed by Durham.


There is nothing illegal about it as long as you have the proper clearances.
It's utterly illegal without a legitimate reason, and she had none.
That's a quote from Attorney General William Barr last week during this interview on NBC.

"The campaign was clearly spied upon."

Then he is a liar. There is no evidence it was spied on. Barr is trying to corrupt the DOJ and turn it into Trump's personal Gestapo.

Ok, are you gonna call for Obama to be prosecuted when you figure out he did?

There is no evidence he did anything wrong. I never voted for him but I will not support a political prosecution of Obama.

But you will support a political prosecution of any Republican.
It is not even close. We have never had a campaign like Trump's that made it easy for Russia to help them by providing internal polling data and other campaign information.
Nobody is denying Russia meddles in the elections,
but what makes you think they cared who won ? They had dirt on either Hillary or Trump( according to you ) and besides that, Putin likes Hillary.
That’s not true. Putin’s been struggling to free Russia from the Rothschilds for quite a while. He’s been semi successful at it but Trump has made it much easier for them and the rest of the world. Hillary is close personal friends with Lynn Rothschild. It’s in her emails. Nobody except the fascists like Hillary.
That’s not true. Putin’s been struggling to free Russia from the Rothschilds for quite a while. He’s been semi successful at it but Trump has made it much easier for them and the rest of the world. Hillary is close personal friends with Lynn Rothschild. It’s in her emails. Nobody except the fascists like Hillary.

That wouldn't surprise me at all.
That’s not true. Putin’s been struggling to free Russia from the Rothschilds for quite a while. He’s been semi successful at it but Trump has made it much easier for them and the rest of the world. Hillary is close personal friends with Lynn Rothschild. It’s in her emails. Nobody except the fascists like Hillary.

That wouldn't surprise me at all.

Someday soon you’re going to come back here and tell me I was right about everything I’ve been saying. But you don’t have to wait until then, just follow Q. It’s the largest classified intel dump in the history of the world. It can all be confirmed as true quite easily too. POTUS isn’t even trying to hide it anymore.
Someday soon you’re going to come back here and tell me I was right about everything I’ve been saying. But you don’t have to wait until then, just follow Q. It’s the largest classified intel dump in the history of the world. It can all be confirmed as true quite easily too. POTUS isn’t even trying to hide it anymore.

Trump has smart people around him, including this guy.
That's a quote from Attorney General William Barr last week during this interview on NBC.
Exactly. It's a quote from Trump's lawyer. It's what he was hired to do..............lie for Big Fat Don.
That's a quote from Attorney General William Barr last week during this interview on NBC.
Exactly. It's a quote from Trump's lawyer. It's what he was hired to do..............lie for Big Fat Don.
AG Barr has been totally objective, as opposed to the entire mainstream media with the exception of Fox news lying for Hillary ?
Letting her off? She wasn't being charged with anything. She still hasn't been charged with ANYTHING - EVER!!

Trump has had three different investigations into Hillary's emails since the election: The Huber Investigation, Chuck Grassley's 3 year Senate Investigation, and Mike Pompeo's State Department Investigation, and all three said that Hillary Clinton committed no crimes. Grassley started his investigation because he was so furious that Comey cleared her. The Inspector General reviewed Comey's investigation and said that Comey was correct in clearing her.

You fools still make comments that Clinton is a criminal. What's she been charged with?

Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, said she was too stupid to prosecute. In questioning in the house, Comey also verified she lied to congress 5 times, when questioned by Trey Gowdy. The DOJ didn't do a damn thing. But as we know now with the Strozk and Page emails, the fix was in. So don't claim innocence just because she was given a pass, which proves we have a two tiered justice system.

And not one Republican has the balls to stand up to trump and say it's impeachable to ask foreign nations to help investigate a presidential opponent,,,2 tiered you say?

He asked for the country and you can't provide a direct quote from Trump that proves otherwise. Running for office doesn't make poppa joe immune form investigation, don't believe me, just ask any commiecrat going after Trump while he's running for reelection.


He did not. That is a lie. The Administration had already certified Ukraine's compliance. Trump was clearly asking for a investigation of Biden and his crazy theory the DNC servers are hiding in Ukraine which they are not. He also asked China to investigate Biden. The Chinese knew what was going on as they said they were not going to get involved in domestic politics.

The administration hadn't certified the new president or parliament. The new parliament wasn't seated till August. Once the new parliament was seated and passed tough anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them into law, the aid was released a few days later. Those are verifiable facts, look'em up.


Bullshit. Trump had no legal authority to withhold the aid. Congress took any authority to withhold foreign aid away from the President after Nixon left office. Once Congress and the Senate have approved the aid, and all conditions were met, the President cannot withhold the aid for any reason.

The anti-corruption conditions were certified in April, 2019, by the Pentagon. Trump had no legal authority to withhold aid. These are facts you should look up.

Also - please note that Sondland, Volker, Morrison, and the witness from the OMB have confirmed that what you posted is not what happened. I believe the witnesses who had NOTHING to gain from lying, over Trump and Guliani any day.

Trump released the aid two days after news of his attempts to extort the Ukrainians became public. After he was caught. There is no amount of lipstick you can put on this pig to make it look good.
Bullshit. Trump had no legal authority to withhold the aid. Congress took any authority to withhold foreign aid away from the President after Nixon left office. Once Congress and the Senate have approved the aid, and all conditions were met, the President cannot withhold the aid for any reason.

The anti-corruption conditions were certified in April, 2019, by the Pentagon. Trump had no legal authority to withhold aid. These are facts you should look up.

Also - please note that Sondland, Volker, Morrison, and the witness from the OMB have confirmed that what you posted is not what happened. I believe the witnesses who had NOTHING to gain from lying, over Trump and Guliani any day.

Trump released the aid two days after news of his attempts to extort the Ukrainians became public. After he was caught. There is no amount of lipstick you can put on this pig to make it look good.

Believing CNN much ?
Thanks. I needed a good chuckle today, twisted sister.

After 3 years of going after him for anything and everything, you rest your case
on third party hearsay involving Ukraine, even when clearly the facts of the case about the Biden corruption will blow back in your face.That's like throwing a Hail Mary pass at the end of the game when you're down by 10 points......all for show. Ludicrous.

Do you people have an ounce of common sense even ?
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That's a quote from Attorney General William Barr last week during this interview on NBC.
Exactly. It's a quote from Trump's lawyer. It's what he was hired to do..............lie for Big Fat Don.

Yeah, yeah, everyone in the fucking world is a liar that doesn't buy into your commie conspiracy theories. You commies just crack me up.

Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, said she was too stupid to prosecute. In questioning in the house, Comey also verified she lied to congress 5 times, when questioned by Trey Gowdy. The DOJ didn't do a damn thing. But as we know now with the Strozk and Page emails, the fix was in. So don't claim innocence just because she was given a pass, which proves we have a two tiered justice system.

And not one Republican has the balls to stand up to trump and say it's impeachable to ask foreign nations to help investigate a presidential opponent,,,2 tiered you say?

He asked for the country and you can't provide a direct quote from Trump that proves otherwise. Running for office doesn't make poppa joe immune form investigation, don't believe me, just ask any commiecrat going after Trump while he's running for reelection.


He did not. That is a lie. The Administration had already certified Ukraine's compliance. Trump was clearly asking for a investigation of Biden and his crazy theory the DNC servers are hiding in Ukraine which they are not. He also asked China to investigate Biden. The Chinese knew what was going on as they said they were not going to get involved in domestic politics.

The administration hadn't certified the new president or parliament. The new parliament wasn't seated till August. Once the new parliament was seated and passed tough anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them into law, the aid was released a few days later. Those are verifiable facts, look'em up.


Bullshit. Trump had no legal authority to withhold the aid. Congress took any authority to withhold foreign aid away from the President after Nixon left office. Once Congress and the Senate have approved the aid, and all conditions were met, the President cannot withhold the aid for any reason.

The anti-corruption conditions were certified in April, 2019, by the Pentagon. Trump had no legal authority to withhold aid. These are facts you should look up.

Also - please note that Sondland, Volker, Morrison, and the witness from the OMB have confirmed that what you posted is not what happened. I believe the witnesses who had NOTHING to gain from lying, over Trump and Guliani any day.

Trump released the aid two days after news of his attempts to extort the Ukrainians became public. After he was caught. There is no amount of lipstick you can put on this pig to make it look good.

Zelensky didn't take office till May, the new parliament till August. How was that govt certified in April?


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