FCC to review Stephen Colbert....really bitches?

The term is actually kind of stolen from Archer:

Was also used in a fan produced abridged version of the anime Devil Is a Part Timer (Starting @ 10:07ish):

As for it being used in a homosexual context, I don't think that's necessarily any more offensive than the original heterosexual usage. In fact, I personally found the term so hilarious I made a note of it on my FB (and I don't really FB):


That said, saying it on a broadcast TV show is over the line IMO. It's patently insulting and offensive regardless of how you want to shake it. The decision the FCC has to make is if the classical "after 10pm" time slot it was aired in makes it okay to just open up with such things. And if so, then I think they should have to refund all their fees on Howard Stern (and others) and those radio shows/networks who ran his/their racy comments.
The term is actually kind of stolen from Archer:

Was also used in a fan produced abridged version of the anime Devil Is a Part Timer (Starting @ 10:07ish):

As for it being used in a homosexual context, I don't think that's necessarily any more offensive than the original heterosexual usage. In fact, I personally found the term so hilarious I made a note of it on my FB (and I don't really FB):


That said, saying it on a broadcast TV show is over the line IMO. It's patently insulting and offensive regardless of how you want to shake it. The decision the FCC has to make is if the classical "after 10pm" time slot it was aired in makes it okay to just open up with such things. And if so, then I think they should have to refund all their fees on Howard Stern (and others) and those radio shows/networks who ran his/their racy comments.

Say, you are just a font of wisdom on penile colloquiality. :D
I had never heard the term before, although it's self-explanatory. I agree that it's crude and too forced to be funny, but in the event not only was the TV show on in the "safe harbor" time, it was bleeped and pixelated out anyway, so as a broadcast it never happened beyond suggestion.

That said, this is all speculation on exactly what part of the show the FCC received complaints on. Some of them might have been the bleeped "cockholster", others may have been the political angle, or whatever.

Again, FCC gets such complaints on a very regular basis, whether justified or not, whether acted on or not, and in each case it's required to review the circumstances. Nobody ever hears about the vast majority of these complaints because most are found to be without merit and go nowhere. We wouldn't have heard about this one, had some radio talking head exercising deliberate ignorance for profit not brought it up with the FCC Chair, trying to frame it as if it were a special event and trying to imply the Bureau was taking some kind of pro-active action. It isn't, and anyone and everyone who works in radio knows damn well it doesn't work that way.

Howard Stern, when he was on terrestrial broadcast, was in the morning, nowhere near "safe harbor" time. But that would have worked the same way --- some listener(s) complain(s), FCC reviews the complaints, and serves action as deemed necessary. Technically these actions when they happen are not about "you said this or that word" --- they're about whether the broadcast licensee is "serving their obligation to serve the public interest", or sometimes about whether the broadcast licensee "is in proper control of its talent". They make it far more general than direct "obscenity" since that's too much of a slippery slope.

In the instant case since CBS audibly bleeped and visually pixelated the term, it would be quite a stretch to find they were not in control. And the late-night time slot opens up the field for content as far as serving public interest.
Last edited:

Let me get this straight, Trump who is about as vulgar as they come, gets a fuckin pass on national tv, meanwhile, the rest of us, have to watch our backs?

Mr. Pussy grabber, Mr. Fake news, Mr. bomb the hell out of em, Mr. I got a big dick....really bitches???

How come liberal nutjobs aren't up in arms about Colbert's homophobic jokes about Trump and Putin? I guess when you're a leftie lunatic, you can literally get away with anything.

Yanno, I watched the whole thing and it never occurred to me to characterize it as "homophobic" or "homo-anything". Your mind works in uh, different ways, not that there's anything wrong with that.

But me, I saw it as the metaphor it obviously is. Ain't rocket surgery to figure that out.
The term is actually kind of stolen from Archer:

Was also used in a fan produced abridged version of the anime Devil Is a Part Timer (Starting @ 10:07ish):

As for it being used in a homosexual context, I don't think that's necessarily any more offensive than the original heterosexual usage. In fact, I personally found the term so hilarious I made a note of it on my FB (and I don't really FB):


That said, saying it on a broadcast TV show is over the line IMO. It's patently insulting and offensive regardless of how you want to shake it. The decision the FCC has to make is if the classical "after 10pm" time slot it was aired in makes it okay to just open up with such things. And if so, then I think they should have to refund all their fees on Howard Stern (and others) and those radio shows/networks who ran his/their racy comments.

Say, you are just a font of wisdom on penile colloquiality. :D
I had never heard the term before, although it's self-explanatory. I agree that it's crude and too forced to be funny, but in the event not only was the TV show on in the "safe harbor" time, it was bleeped and pixelated out anyway, so as a broadcast it never happened beyond suggestion.

That said, this is all speculation on exactly what part of the show the FCC received complaints on. Some of them might have been the bleeped "cockholster", others may have been the political angle, or whatever.

Again, FCC gets such complaints on a very regular basis, whether justified or not, whether acted on or not, and in each case it's required to review the circumstances. Nobody ever hears about the vast majority of these complaints because most are found to be without merit and go nowhere. We wouldn't have heard about this one, had some radio talking head exercising deliberate ignorance for profit not brought it up with the FCC Chair, trying to frame it as if it were a special event and trying to imply the Bureau was taking some kind of pro-active action. It isn't, and anyone and everyone who works in radio knows damn well it doesn't work that way.

Howard Stern, when he was on terrestrial broadcast, was in the morning, nowhere near "safe harbor" time. But that would have worked the same way --- some listener(s) complain(s), FCC reviews the complaints, and serves action as deemed necessary. Technically these actions when they happen are not about "you said this or that word" --- they're about whether the broadcast licensee is "serving their obligation to serve the public interest", or sometimes about whether the broadcast licensee "is in proper control of its talent". They make it far more general than direct "obscenity" since that's too much of a slippery slope.

In the instant case since CBS audibly bleeped and visually pixelated the term, it would be quite a stretch to find they were not in control. And the late-night time slot opens up the field for content as far as serving public interest.

I have never professed to have anything but a rather sick sense of humor - see also my amusement with lefties call to arms and the slaughter that will come, or my amusement at the poor fools who work minimum wage. Perhaps inherent that I feel in color ~shrug~

Anyway, as I recall Stern was actually live at night, but the stations would air him in the 6am to 10pm time slot. Regardless, he was fined in the "allowable" 10pm to 6am slot because his comments were "patently offensive" and in fact they changed the FCC rules (to your broadened definitions) trying to shut him up because he was deemed "too offensive."

Personally I could give a shit, I think folks should be allowed to say anything they damn well wish on air, I think parents should be responsible for reading the little tags they made everyone pop up on the screen - that stupid 10 seconds I have to watch before Lucifer saying it's "sexually suggestive" and "violent" - twas the whole point of putting that crap on there after all, to let folks decide what they were willing to be "offended" by.
The term is actually kind of stolen from Archer:

Was also used in a fan produced abridged version of the anime Devil Is a Part Timer (Starting @ 10:07ish):

As for it being used in a homosexual context, I don't think that's necessarily any more offensive than the original heterosexual usage. In fact, I personally found the term so hilarious I made a note of it on my FB (and I don't really FB):


That said, saying it on a broadcast TV show is over the line IMO. It's patently insulting and offensive regardless of how you want to shake it. The decision the FCC has to make is if the classical "after 10pm" time slot it was aired in makes it okay to just open up with such things. And if so, then I think they should have to refund all their fees on Howard Stern (and others) and those radio shows/networks who ran his/their racy comments.

Say, you are just a font of wisdom on penile colloquiality. :D
I had never heard the term before, although it's self-explanatory. I agree that it's crude and too forced to be funny, but in the event not only was the TV show on in the "safe harbor" time, it was bleeped and pixelated out anyway, so as a broadcast it never happened beyond suggestion.

That said, this is all speculation on exactly what part of the show the FCC received complaints on. Some of them might have been the bleeped "cockholster", others may have been the political angle, or whatever.

Again, FCC gets such complaints on a very regular basis, whether justified or not, whether acted on or not, and in each case it's required to review the circumstances. Nobody ever hears about the vast majority of these complaints because most are found to be without merit and go nowhere. We wouldn't have heard about this one, had some radio talking head exercising deliberate ignorance for profit not brought it up with the FCC Chair, trying to frame it as if it were a special event and trying to imply the Bureau was taking some kind of pro-active action. It isn't, and anyone and everyone who works in radio knows damn well it doesn't work that way.

Howard Stern, when he was on terrestrial broadcast, was in the morning, nowhere near "safe harbor" time. But that would have worked the same way --- some listener(s) complain(s), FCC reviews the complaints, and serves action as deemed necessary. Technically these actions when they happen are not about "you said this or that word" --- they're about whether the broadcast licensee is "serving their obligation to serve the public interest", or sometimes about whether the broadcast licensee "is in proper control of its talent". They make it far more general than direct "obscenity" since that's too much of a slippery slope.

In the instant case since CBS audibly bleeped and visually pixelated the term, it would be quite a stretch to find they were not in control. And the late-night time slot opens up the field for content as far as serving public interest.

I have never professed to have anything but a rather sick sense of humor - see also my amusement with lefties call to arms and the slaughter that will come, or my amusement at the poor fools who work minimum wage. Perhaps inherent that I feel in color ~shrug~

Anyway, as I recall Stern was actually live at night, but the stations would air him in the 6am to 10pm time slot. Regardless, he was fined in the "allowable" 10pm to 6am slot because his comments were "patently offensive" and in fact they changed the FCC rules (to your broadened definitions) trying to shut him up because he was deemed "too offensive."

Personally I could give a shit, I think folks should be allowed to say anything they damn well wish on air, I think parents should be responsible for reading the little tags they made everyone pop up on the screen - that stupid 10 seconds I have to watch before Lucifer saying it's "sexually suggestive" and "violent" - twas the whole point of putting that crap on there after all, to let folks decide what they were willing to be "offended" by.

Nope --- Howard Stern was always on live in early mornings, 6am Originally on one station in New Yawk and then they started simulcasting in Philadelphia via WYSP, where he was in a remote battle with the then-top-rated morning DJ John DeBella on WMMR, who was actually there locally. That got kinda nasty with personal attacks (from Stern). But no, he's always been in the morning time slot.
The term is actually kind of stolen from Archer:

Was also used in a fan produced abridged version of the anime Devil Is a Part Timer (Starting @ 10:07ish):

As for it being used in a homosexual context, I don't think that's necessarily any more offensive than the original heterosexual usage. In fact, I personally found the term so hilarious I made a note of it on my FB (and I don't really FB):


That said, saying it on a broadcast TV show is over the line IMO. It's patently insulting and offensive regardless of how you want to shake it. The decision the FCC has to make is if the classical "after 10pm" time slot it was aired in makes it okay to just open up with such things. And if so, then I think they should have to refund all their fees on Howard Stern (and others) and those radio shows/networks who ran his/their racy comments.

Say, you are just a font of wisdom on penile colloquiality. :D
I had never heard the term before, although it's self-explanatory. I agree that it's crude and too forced to be funny, but in the event not only was the TV show on in the "safe harbor" time, it was bleeped and pixelated out anyway, so as a broadcast it never happened beyond suggestion.

That said, this is all speculation on exactly what part of the show the FCC received complaints on. Some of them might have been the bleeped "cockholster", others may have been the political angle, or whatever.

Again, FCC gets such complaints on a very regular basis, whether justified or not, whether acted on or not, and in each case it's required to review the circumstances. Nobody ever hears about the vast majority of these complaints because most are found to be without merit and go nowhere. We wouldn't have heard about this one, had some radio talking head exercising deliberate ignorance for profit not brought it up with the FCC Chair, trying to frame it as if it were a special event and trying to imply the Bureau was taking some kind of pro-active action. It isn't, and anyone and everyone who works in radio knows damn well it doesn't work that way.

Howard Stern, when he was on terrestrial broadcast, was in the morning, nowhere near "safe harbor" time. But that would have worked the same way --- some listener(s) complain(s), FCC reviews the complaints, and serves action as deemed necessary. Technically these actions when they happen are not about "you said this or that word" --- they're about whether the broadcast licensee is "serving their obligation to serve the public interest", or sometimes about whether the broadcast licensee "is in proper control of its talent". They make it far more general than direct "obscenity" since that's too much of a slippery slope.

In the instant case since CBS audibly bleeped and visually pixelated the term, it would be quite a stretch to find they were not in control. And the late-night time slot opens up the field for content as far as serving public interest.

I have never professed to have anything but a rather sick sense of humor - see also my amusement with lefties call to arms and the slaughter that will come, or my amusement at the poor fools who work minimum wage. Perhaps inherent that I feel in color ~shrug~

Anyway, as I recall Stern was actually live at night, but the stations would air him in the 6am to 10pm time slot. Regardless, he was fined in the "allowable" 10pm to 6am slot because his comments were "patently offensive" and in fact they changed the FCC rules (to your broadened definitions) trying to shut him up because he was deemed "too offensive."

Personally I could give a shit, I think folks should be allowed to say anything they damn well wish on air, I think parents should be responsible for reading the little tags they made everyone pop up on the screen - that stupid 10 seconds I have to watch before Lucifer saying it's "sexually suggestive" and "violent" - twas the whole point of putting that crap on there after all, to let folks decide what they were willing to be "offended" by.

Nope --- Howard Stern was always on live in early mornings, 6am Originally on one station in New Yawk and then they started simulcasting in Philadelphia via WYSP, where he was in a remote battle with the then-top-rated morning DJ John DeBella on WMMR, who was actually there locally. That got kinda nasty with personal attacks (from Stern). But no, he's always been in the morning time slot.

hmm likely just me being in Alaska perhaps, we get shit at the most fucked up times up here... In any event, i don't give enough of a shit to research it so go with it.

Either way, the whole "decency on air" thing was always bullshit, and it became even more bullshit when we got cable and satellite radio (though we don't have the latter up here so much yet heh) Alaskan's are irritated cause they made us take "Hot Toddy" off the air as "offensive to Native Alaskans" even though they fucking loved it. ("Hot Toddy" was a song about a drunk native in love with Palin's husband.) Actually listening to them talking to Gov. Walker about sales tax vs income tax to fix our stupid budget... #CloseTheFaucetOPECKTHXBI
Fun Fact: KEK is what World of Warcraft spits out when Korean Hordes go LOL

See also: Kuk (Kek or Keku) was one of the oldest Egyptian gods in ancient Egyptian history is the deification of the primordial concept of darkness. The name Kuk means darkness, the god of the darkness of chaos before the creation was began. Kuk has no gender, but has the aspect that can represent as male or female. Kuk is the male aspect and Kauket also known as Keket is the female aspect.

According to the myth, there was a watery mass of dark, directionless chaos was the only thing existed on earth before there was land. There were four frog gods (see also the green meme) and four snake goddesses who lived this chaos. They were four pair of deities, Nun and Naunet, Amun and Amaunet, Heh and Hauhet and Kuk with Kauket who represents water, void, infinite time and darkness. This group of eight gods formed the Ogdoad. Then very first land was rose out of Nun in the form of mound.

Kuk appearance portrayed as a man with the head of frog or as a frog itself. Kauket appearance portrayed as a woman with the head of snake or as a snake itself. Kuk represented darkness, obscurity and night. However, although he was a god of the darkness, he was also associated with the dawn and given the title as the “bringer-in of the light”.
hmm likely just me being in Alaska perhaps, we get shit at the most fucked up times up here... In any event, i don't give enough of a shit to research it so go with it.

I know the history very well as I was working in Philadelphia radio at the time. I had dealings with John DeBella, who was a straight-up guy. As opposed to that slimeslopper in Noo Yawk.

Either way, the whole "decency on air" thing was always bullshit, and it became even more bullshit when we got cable and satellite radio (though we don't have the latter up here so much yet heh) Alaskan's are irritated cause they made us take "Hot Toddy" off the air as "offensive to Native Alaskans" even though they fucking loved it. ("Hot Toddy" was a song about a drunk native in love with Palin's husband.)

If you have a decent internet connection may I recommend an internet radio. I used to think, 'what's the big deal, I can stream on my computer' until I got one. Wouldn't go on without one now. Feeds into my stereo and it's just like picking up a local signal from Seattle -- or Chicago -- or New Orleans -- or Sweden --- etc etc. It's WAY easier than hunting around for a stream, and I can set it to automatically play specific programs if I want.

My internet connection is not that great, and it's good and steady. :thup:

And I absolutely agree on the Puritanical airwaves hypocrisy.
Fun Fact: KEK is what World of Warcraft spits out when Korean Hordes go LOL

See also: Kuk (Kek or Keku) was one of the oldest Egyptian gods in ancient Egyptian history is the deification of the primordial concept of darkness. The name Kuk means darkness, the god of the darkness of chaos before the creation was began. Kuk has no gender, but has the aspect that can represent as male or female. Kuk is the male aspect and Kauket also known as Keket is the female aspect.

According to the myth, there was a watery mass of dark, directionless chaos was the only thing existed on earth before there was land. There were four frog gods (see also the green meme) and four snake goddesses who lived this chaos. They were four pair of deities, Nun and Naunet, Amun and Amaunet, Heh and Hauhet and Kuk with Kauket who represents water, void, infinite time and darkness. This group of eight gods formed the Ogdoad. Then very first land was rose out of Nun in the form of mound.

Kuk appearance portrayed as a man with the head of frog or as a frog itself. Kauket appearance portrayed as a woman with the head of snake or as a snake itself. Kuk represented darkness, obscurity and night. However, although he was a god of the darkness, he was also associated with the dawn and given the title as the “bringer-in of the light”.

If you have a decent internet connection may I recommend an internet radio. I used to think, 'what's the big deal, I can stream on my computer' until I got one. Wouldn't go on without one now. Feeds into my stereo and it's just like picking up a local signal from Seattle -- or Chicago -- or New Orleans -- or Sweden --- etc etc.

My internet connection is not that great, and it's good and steady. :thup:

And I absolutely agree on the Puritanical airwaves hypocrisy.

I have 1G interweb, but no digital radio in the house so interweb radio is all I have. Our radio folks do well and put all their stuff on the web cause the towers can't even reach much outside the city anyway. Some of em we can't even get on Hillside /in/ Anchorage. It's all internet radio. (Also, Alaska and China getting cozy over natural gas. Oooo baby.)
If you have a decent internet connection may I recommend an internet radio. I used to think, 'what's the big deal, I can stream on my computer' until I got one. Wouldn't go on without one now. Feeds into my stereo and it's just like picking up a local signal from Seattle -- or Chicago -- or New Orleans -- or Sweden --- etc etc.

My internet connection is not that great, and it's good and steady. :thup:

And I absolutely agree on the Puritanical airwaves hypocrisy.

I have 1G interweb, but no digital radio in the house so interweb radio is all I have. Our radio folks do well and put all their stuff on the web cause the towers can't even reach much outside the city anyway. Some of em we can't even get on Hillside /in/ Anchorage. It's all internet radio. (Also, Alaska and China getting cozy over natural gas. Oooo baby.)

Pretty much everybody streams on the web by now.
When I say "an internet radio" I mean the literal device, like this:


This is the one I have. I love it.

Let me get this straight, Trump who is about as vulgar as they come, gets a fuckin pass on national tv, meanwhile, the rest of us, have to watch our backs?

Mr. Pussy grabber, Mr. Fake news, Mr. bomb the hell out of em, Mr. I got a big dick....really bitches???

How come liberal nutjobs aren't up in arms about Colbert's homophobic jokes about Trump and Putin? I guess when you're a leftie lunatic, you can literally get away with anything.

Yanno, I watched the whole thing and it never occurred to me to characterize it as "homophobic" or "homo-anything". Your mind works in uh, different ways, not that there's anything wrong with that.

But me, I saw it as the metaphor it obviously is. Ain't rocket surgery to figure that out.

Trump getting on his knees sucking Putin off isn't homophobic?
If you have a decent internet connection may I recommend an internet radio. I used to think, 'what's the big deal, I can stream on my computer' until I got one. Wouldn't go on without one now. Feeds into my stereo and it's just like picking up a local signal from Seattle -- or Chicago -- or New Orleans -- or Sweden --- etc etc.

My internet connection is not that great, and it's good and steady. :thup:

And I absolutely agree on the Puritanical airwaves hypocrisy.

I have 1G interweb, but no digital radio in the house so interweb radio is all I have. Our radio folks do well and put all their stuff on the web cause the towers can't even reach much outside the city anyway. Some of em we can't even get on Hillside /in/ Anchorage. It's all internet radio. (Also, Alaska and China getting cozy over natural gas. Oooo baby.)

Pretty much everybody streams on the web by now.
When I say "an internet radio" I mean the literal device, like this:


This is the one I have. I love it.

Ah, yea no interest in that. I find lower 48ers suck ass so I stick to local radio heh
Fun Fact: KEK is what World of Warcraft spits out when Korean Hordes go LOL

See also: Kuk (Kek or Keku) was one of the oldest Egyptian gods in ancient Egyptian history is the deification of the primordial concept of darkness. The name Kuk means darkness, the god of the darkness of chaos before the creation was began. Kuk has no gender, but has the aspect that can represent as male or female. Kuk is the male aspect and Kauket also known as Keket is the female aspect.

According to the myth, there was a watery mass of dark, directionless chaos was the only thing existed on earth before there was land. There were four frog gods (see also the green meme) and four snake goddesses who lived this chaos. They were four pair of deities, Nun and Naunet, Amun and Amaunet, Heh and Hauhet and Kuk with Kauket who represents water, void, infinite time and darkness. This group of eight gods formed the Ogdoad. Then very first land was rose out of Nun in the form of mound.

Kuk appearance portrayed as a man with the head of frog or as a frog itself. Kauket appearance portrayed as a woman with the head of snake or as a snake itself. Kuk represented darkness, obscurity and night. However, although he was a god of the darkness, he was also associated with the dawn and given the title as the “bringer-in of the light”.


Rumor is PEPE is dead. o_O

Also, I prefer the Cult of Slaanesh.

"...and you ask how I could do such a thing? Well I ask you: How could I not? Once I had gazed upon the beauty of the Lord of Delight, I knew I had no choice. To catch even a glimpse of his immortal radiance is to be swept away by the pure ecstasy His perfect form invokes. I gave up my soul willingly! He shall be my Lover and my Master for all eternity, and I shall be his!"

Let me get this straight, Trump who is about as vulgar as they come, gets a fuckin pass on national tv, meanwhile, the rest of us, have to watch our backs?

Mr. Pussy grabber, Mr. Fake news, Mr. bomb the hell out of em, Mr. I got a big dick....really bitches???

The difference is obvious. CBS is licensed to use public airways and has ultimate responsibility over the content of Colbert's program. Trump is not responsible for use the networks make of whatever he utters. If Colbert repeats what Trump himself had once said there wouldn't be a controversy, but instead he went where he shouldn't have.
Fun Fact: KEK is what World of Warcraft spits out when Korean Hordes go LOL

See also: Kuk (Kek or Keku) was one of the oldest Egyptian gods in ancient Egyptian history is the deification of the primordial concept of darkness. The name Kuk means darkness, the god of the darkness of chaos before the creation was began. Kuk has no gender, but has the aspect that can represent as male or female. Kuk is the male aspect and Kauket also known as Keket is the female aspect.

According to the myth, there was a watery mass of dark, directionless chaos was the only thing existed on earth before there was land. There were four frog gods (see also the green meme) and four snake goddesses who lived this chaos. They were four pair of deities, Nun and Naunet, Amun and Amaunet, Heh and Hauhet and Kuk with Kauket who represents water, void, infinite time and darkness. This group of eight gods formed the Ogdoad. Then very first land was rose out of Nun in the form of mound.

Kuk appearance portrayed as a man with the head of frog or as a frog itself. Kauket appearance portrayed as a woman with the head of snake or as a snake itself. Kuk represented darkness, obscurity and night. However, although he was a god of the darkness, he was also associated with the dawn and given the title as the “bringer-in of the light”.


Rumor is PEPE is dead. o_O

Also, I prefer the Cult of Slaanesh.

"...and you ask how I could do such a thing? Well I ask you: How could I not? Once I had gazed upon the beauty of the Lord of Delight, I knew I had no choice. To catch even a glimpse of his immortal radiance is to be swept away by the pure ecstasy His perfect form invokes. I gave up my soul willingly! He shall be my Lover and my Master for all eternity, and I shall be his!"

Blasphemous Normastani scum. Kek lives, the one true emperor god is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and can not die, renounce your heresy and be saved through Kek (pbuh). Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Last edited:
Fun Fact: KEK is what World of Warcraft spits out when Korean Hordes go LOL

See also: Kuk (Kek or Keku) was one of the oldest Egyptian gods in ancient Egyptian history is the deification of the primordial concept of darkness. The name Kuk means darkness, the god of the darkness of chaos before the creation was began. Kuk has no gender, but has the aspect that can represent as male or female. Kuk is the male aspect and Kauket also known as Keket is the female aspect.

According to the myth, there was a watery mass of dark, directionless chaos was the only thing existed on earth before there was land. There were four frog gods (see also the green meme) and four snake goddesses who lived this chaos. They were four pair of deities, Nun and Naunet, Amun and Amaunet, Heh and Hauhet and Kuk with Kauket who represents water, void, infinite time and darkness. This group of eight gods formed the Ogdoad. Then very first land was rose out of Nun in the form of mound.

Kuk appearance portrayed as a man with the head of frog or as a frog itself. Kauket appearance portrayed as a woman with the head of snake or as a snake itself. Kuk represented darkness, obscurity and night. However, although he was a god of the darkness, he was also associated with the dawn and given the title as the “bringer-in of the light”.


Rumor is PEPE is dead. o_O

Also, I prefer the Cult of Slaanesh.

"...and you ask how I could do such a thing? Well I ask you: How could I not? Once I had gazed upon the beauty of the Lord of Delight, I knew I had no choice. To catch even a glimpse of his immortal radiance is to be swept away by the pure ecstasy His perfect form invokes. I gave up my soul willingly! He shall be my Lover and my Master for all eternity, and I shall be his!"

Blasphemous Normastani scum. Kek lives, the one true emperor god is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and can not die, renounce your heresy and be saved through Kek (pbuh). Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Chaos smites your God - /pol/ - Politically Incorrect » Thread #124527835

Oops wrong link sorry - Pepe The Frog Is Dead: Cartoonist Kills Off Stoner Amphibian Hijacked By Alt-Right | HuffPost
If you have a decent internet connection may I recommend an internet radio. I used to think, 'what's the big deal, I can stream on my computer' until I got one. Wouldn't go on without one now. Feeds into my stereo and it's just like picking up a local signal from Seattle -- or Chicago -- or New Orleans -- or Sweden --- etc etc.

My internet connection is not that great, and it's good and steady. :thup:

And I absolutely agree on the Puritanical airwaves hypocrisy.

I have 1G interweb, but no digital radio in the house so interweb radio is all I have. Our radio folks do well and put all their stuff on the web cause the towers can't even reach much outside the city anyway. Some of em we can't even get on Hillside /in/ Anchorage. It's all internet radio. (Also, Alaska and China getting cozy over natural gas. Oooo baby.)

Pretty much everybody streams on the web by now.
When I say "an internet radio" I mean the literal device, like this:


This is the one I have. I love it.

Ah, yea no interest in that. I find lower 48ers suck ass so I stick to local radio heh

It's in no way limited to lower 48, even if that blanket statement had merit. You can tune in Iceland if you want. You can tune in Azerbaijan. I can get up from this chair and tune in the air traffic control tower at the Ottawa airport, right now. Don't tempt me -- I'll do it. :rofl:

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