FDA Druid-Song


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This commerce-energy vignette was inspired by the democracy-caricature film Bulworth,

Signing off,


America's landscape was changing because of the impact of consumerism and capitalism, and the FDA had a much more pronounced 'role' now that fast-food culture was so mainstream! The commerce 'mascot' became a cute Caucasian child named Sandy who was dressed in a pirate costume and appeared in FDA ads sponsored by the U.S. government --- e.g., "Burgers have to be monitored like Halloween candy as much as baby-food in this new age!" Sandy became the new Sara Lee.

A radical young journalist named Wade Wilson decided to write editorials in the New Yorker regarding the media's exploitation of childhood-imagery and innocence-imagery to further a pro-capitalism 'agenda' the FDA would 'endorse' now that there was a Burger King in Afghanistan! Wade even petitioned with the British Parliament, requesting the European Union seek capitalism-monopoly curbing sanctions against America's domination over capitalism in the modern age.

Meanwhile, a strange American costumed vigilante named 'Deadpool' showed up and was carrying an electric stun-gun and tranquilizer-darts and roaming around American cities during evening weekends trying to curb the activities of criminals and gangs. Deadpool would leave messages at the scene of crime-stops (where he tied up criminals for the cops to find) such as, "Sandy the pirate-baby will curb all urbanization cynicism!" First Lady Melania Trump declared Deadpool to be the 'cure' to yellow-journalism (since she did not realize Wade Wilson was actually Deadpool!).



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