FDA should butt out and let us take care of ourselves.

I do agree that if there is no other options, people should be able to take an experimental drug. What do they have to lose, especially if its a terminal disease. But problem with that is everybody who takes the exp drug has to get reported. So somebody may not be a good candidate for the trial, or be so far advanced in the disease that problems they face while on the drugs would be associated with the drug, which could hurt FDA approval of it.

but people complain and think drugs are not safe,imagine if there was no FDA. Prior to the FDA, there was a ton of crap products out there killing people, or just ripping them off by making claims that never had to be proven.

A?nd to say "we can take care of ourselves" is a bit irresponsible as we know how people with no medical training think they know more than medical professionals as is.

I do agree that if there is no other options, people should be able to take an experimental drug. What do they have to lose, especially if its a terminal disease. But problem with that is everybody who takes the exp drug has to get reported. So somebody may not be a good candidate for the trial, or be so far advanced in the disease that problems they face while on the drugs would be associated with the drug, which could hurt FDA approval of it.

but people complain and think drugs are not safe,imagine if there was no FDA. Prior to the FDA, there was a ton of crap products out there killing people, or just ripping them off by making claims that never had to be proven.

A?nd to say "we can take care of ourselves" is a bit irresponsible as we know how people with no medical training think they know more than medical professionals as is.
The FDA doesn't get anywhere near the illicit drug trade....If people were constantly keeling over from bad cocaine, the MSM would be running the story 24-7.

The FDA is nothing more than a big friggin' protection racket.

I do agree that if there is no other options, people should be able to take an experimental drug. What do they have to lose, especially if its a terminal disease. But problem with that is everybody who takes the exp drug has to get reported. So somebody may not be a good candidate for the trial, or be so far advanced in the disease that problems they face while on the drugs would be associated with the drug, which could hurt FDA approval of it.

but people complain and think drugs are not safe,imagine if there was no FDA. Prior to the FDA, there was a ton of crap products out there killing people, or just ripping them off by making claims that never had to be proven.

A?nd to say "we can take care of ourselves" is a bit irresponsible as we know how people with no medical training think they know more than medical professionals as is.
The FDA doesn't get anywhere near the illicit drug trade....If people were constantly keeling over from bad cocaine, the MSM would be running the story 24-7.

The FDA is nothing more than a big friggin' protection racket.

Yup, sure it is. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

another ignorant conspiracy theorist
I do agree that if there is no other options, people should be able to take an experimental drug. What do they have to lose, especially if its a terminal disease. But problem with that is everybody who takes the exp drug has to get reported. So somebody may not be a good candidate for the trial, or be so far advanced in the disease that problems they face while on the drugs would be associated with the drug, which could hurt FDA approval of it.

but people complain and think drugs are not safe,imagine if there was no FDA. Prior to the FDA, there was a ton of crap products out there killing people, or just ripping them off by making claims that never had to be proven.

A?nd to say "we can take care of ourselves" is a bit irresponsible as we know how people with no medical training think they know more than medical professionals as is.
The FDA doesn't get anywhere near the illicit drug trade....If people were constantly keeling over from bad cocaine, the MSM would be running the story 24-7.

The FDA is nothing more than a big friggin' protection racket.

Yup, sure it is. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

another ignorant conspiracy theorist
Translation: I got nothin'.
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The DEA is a bunch of assholes, and taking it way too far with fear of recreational use of pain medications. People in pain should ge ttheir drugs and doctors shouldn't be scared to give them out.
Excerpt from article-
Chrysalis Nutritionist Stephen Heuer Arrested by Federal Marshalls in FDA Raid

* By Mike Adams
Natural News, January 16, 2009
Straight to the Source
Chrysalis Nutritionist Stephen Heuer Arrested by Federal Marshalls in FDA Raid
NaturalNews contacted Cocoon Nutrition offices and was told that Stephen Heuer had been arrested and detained by U.S. Federal Marshalls. No further comment was available, but we hope to be able to speak with Heuer's attorneys soon to determine the nature of the charges being brought against Heuer.

The truth about health is outlawed in the "land of the free"

Effectively, it is illegal in America to tell the truth about nutritional products that you sell. The statements made by Heuer on the Cocoon Nutrition website are technically factual and accurate. But they are not LEGAL to make in America because Free Speech is routinely oppressed by the FDA and FTC. Telling the truth in America is enough to get you locked up in federal prison; especially if you dare to inform people about natural cures that might take revenues away from the drug companies.

Both the FDA and FTC are now acting as the racket enforcement thugs of Big Pharma. And like any other mob, they use armed personnel to protect their revenue territories. Who will they raid next? Take your pick: It will be a small, family-run health supplement company that lacks the financial resources to fight back. Notice how the FDA won't dare attack the Life Extension Foundation anymore? That's because LEF has the financial resources to stand up for itself. Small, family-run nutritional businesses do not, so they're routinely targeted by FDA thugs for business termination.

Mercury Fillings Shattered! FDA, ADA Conspiracy to Poison Children with Toxic Mercury Fillings Exposed in Groundbreaking Lawsuit
(NaturalNews) The FDA has, for decades, ridiculously insisted that mercury fillings pose no health threat whatsoever to children. While dismissing hundreds of studies showing a clear link between mercury amalgam fillings ("silver fillings") and disastrous neurological effects in the human body, the FDA denied the truth about mercury and effectively protected the mercury filling racket that has brought so much harm to so many people. For over a hundred years, a cabal of "mercury mongers" made up of the American Dental Association, mercury filling manufacturers and indignant dentists have reaped windfall profits by implanting toxic fillings into the mouths of children, all while insisting that mercury -- one of the most toxic heavy metals known to modern science -- posed no health threat whatsoever.

Today, that reign of toxicity is about to end. Thanks to the tireless, multi-year efforts of people like Charles Brown, National Counsel for Consumers for Dental Choice (Consumers for Dental Choice - working for mercury-free dentistry / safe dental fillings), the FDA has now been forced to acknowledge a fact so fundamental that, by any measure of honest science, it should have adopted the position decades ago. What position is that? Simply that mercury is toxic to humans.

Why the FDA has to be sued to do its job of protecting consumers
The FDA's stonewalling on this issue has been nothing less than a circus of politically-motivated denials, much like the Big Tobacco executives swearing under oath that "Nicotine is not addictive." In similar style, the FDA insisted for decades that "Mercury is not toxic." Both statements, as any sane person can readily conclude, are the outbursts of lunatics. Sadly, those lunatics somehow remain in charge of our nation's food, drugs and cosmetics (and dental care), meaning that any real progress to protect the People must come from outside the FDA.

And that's exactly what just happened. Consumers for Dental Choice teamed up with Moms Against Mercury (Moms Against Mercury) to sue the FDA and its commissioner whose name sounds like an evil-minded villian right out of a Marvel comic book: Von Eschenbach. The lawsuit, entitled, Moms Against Mercury et al. v. Von Eschenbach, Commissioner, et al was concluded earlier this week with a reluctant agreement by the FDA to both change its website on the issue of mercury and to reclassify mercury within one year, following a period of public comment (which the agency will no doubt try to drag out as long as possible in order to avoid actually sticking to the terms of the lawsuit agreement).

Remarkably, the FDA's website no longer claims mercury is harmless. The language has now been changed in dramatic fashion, reading: "Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetus."

Article continued at link

Mercury Fillings Shattered! FDA, ADA Conspiracy to Poison Children with Toxic Mercury Fillings Exposed in Groundbreaking Lawsuit
Mercury Fillings Shattered! FDA, ADA Conspiracy to Poison Children with Toxic Mercury Fillings Exposed in Groundbreaking Lawsuit
There's still a lot of fudging there. Note the careful use of the word "may," which means the FDA still isn't sure whether mercury is neurotoxic, but it might be. This is the FDA's way of continuing to stonewall this issue, even as it lost its lawsuit. For any FDA officials who don't yet think mercury is toxic to the human nervous system, I invite them to chug a few milliliters of the substance themselves and find out what the effects might be. It certainly couldn't make them any more mad than they are already!

Article continued at link.

FDA Declares Mercury Amalgam Fillings Safe for All

(NaturalNews) His mercury fillings were gray
And he chewed on them every day.
But the stuff reached his brain
And it drove him insane
Now he works for the FDA
- by Mike Adams

Any scientific credibility the FDA might have been clinging to in these last few years has now disintegrated with the agency's recent announcement that after reviewing 200 scientific studies, it has concluded mercury fillings are safe for human health! This ruling, as you'll read below, further demonstrates how the FDA is a rogue federal agency that respects no law and frequently operates in direct violation of the law.

Case in point: Last year Consumers for Dental Choice (Consumers for Dental Choice - working for mercury-free dentistry / safe dental fillings) sued the FDA over the issue of mercury fillings. A court settlement required the FDA to remove from its website statements about mercury fillings being "safe" and, instead, to publish this statement: "Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses."

That statement stayed on the FDA's website for several months. But that page has now been removed from the FDA's website (http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/P...), returning no results. The FDA also deleted a "question and answer" page from its website that discussed the health risk of mercury fillings.

Instead, the FDA now posts a press release stating that the levels of mercury "released by dental amalgam fillings are not high enough to cause harm in patients." (http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsr...)

Mercury fillings are indestructible, says the FDA!
What this so-called "scientific" conclusion really says is that mercury fillings don't produce mercury vapor or mercury dust. But any dentist can tell you that drilling on mercury fillings produces mercury dust that's immediately inhaled by the patient (and the dentist). This video from the IAOMT provides direct visual evidence that mercury fillings quite readily produce mercury vapor just by chewing on them: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself....

The FDA, however, insists mercury fillings are so safe that even infants and babies can have them installed in their mouths. Susan Runner is the head of dental devices at the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health, and she explained earlier this week that mercury fillings are safe for children under six years old because they have smaller mouths and breathe less air than adults, thereby "minimizing" any risks. (Huh?)

This kind of loopy logic has been extended to all groups -- Pregnant women, infants, children and senior citizens -- for which the FDA now insists mercury fillings are perfectly safe.

That's why attorney Charlie Brown of Consumers for Dental Choice says, "FDA remains alone in the world in failing to protect children and pregnant women from mercury fillings. Since 1996, Canadian dentists have been told not to put mercury amalgam in children or pregnant women. Since 1998, British dentists have been told the same for pregnant women. Norway and Sweden have banned amalgam altogether. Regrettably, this rule should have meant the end of two-tiered dentistry: mercury for the poor and choice for the rest. Instead the FDA has failed to carry out its mission of protecting the public health."

Article continued at link

Must protect those GM/GMO corn crops that have been touted for contaminating all corn crops.
High Fructose Corn Syrup Contaminated with Toxic Mercury, Says Research (opinion)
High Fructose Corn Syrup Contaminated with Toxic Mercury, Says Research (opinion).....(NaturalNews) New research published in Environmental Health and conducted in part by a scientist at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has revealed that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is contaminated with the toxic heavy metal mercury.

That means that many of the products using HFCS may also be contaminated with mercury. Carbonated sodas are sweetened with HFCS, as are candy bars, bread, salad dressings, pizza sauce, fruit drinks and thousands of other grocery items.

Mercury is so highly toxic that it causes severe neurological disorders. It can also result in the loss of hair, teeth and nails as well as muscle weakness, loss of kidney function, emotional mood swings and memory impairment. (Mercur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...) (P.S. Somebody please update this Wikipedia page with this latest research about HFCS being a source for mercury exposure, too.)

The highest level of contamination found in the study (Environmental Health | Full text | Mercury from chlor-alkali plants: measured concentrations in food product sugar) was 0.57 micrograms of mercury per gram of HFCS. The EPA says that an average-sized woman should consume no more than 5.5 micrograms per day of mercury, meaning that the average American consumer may be eating five times the upper safety limit of mercury every day due to high-fructose corn syrup consumption if they consume the foods tested in the study.

That's because the average American consumes 12 teaspoons of HFCS every day! So just by eating the standard American diet of processed foods, consumers are right now potentially exposing themselves to exceedingly high levels of mercury that far surpass the safety limits set by the EPA.

Buy groceries, get free mercury!
High-fructose corn syrup is used in almost everything, it seems. A second study conducted by David Wallinga, M.D., entitled "Not So Sweet: Missing Mercury and High Fructose Corn Syrup" (http://healthobservatory.org/librar...) reveals that nearly one-third of all grocery items sweetened with HFCS were contaminated with mercury.

Eating some sweetened yogurt? Mercury!

How about some salad dressing with HFCS? Mercury!

Want some ketchup on that burger? Mercury!

In fact, mercury is found in thousands of grocery products sold across the world right now. And it's no exaggeration to say that mainstream consumers of popular food items are likely suffering from widespread mercury poisoning (especially if you add in the mercury exposure they're getting from dental fillings).

Where does all the mercury come from?
Most people don't know how high-fructose corn syrup is really made. One of those processes is a bizarre chemical brew involving the creation of caustic soda by exposing raw materials to pools of electrified mercury in a large vat. Through this process, the caustic soda gets contaminated with mercury, and when corn kernels are exposed to this caustic soda to break them down, that contamination is passed through to the HFCS.

Article continued at link
FDA Scientists Revolt Against Corrupt Food and Drug Administration Officials

(NaturalNews) A group of scientists working in the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health division has revolted against the corrupt managers of its own department, accusing them of committing crimes by claiming, "There is extensive documentary evidence that managers at CDRH have corrupted and interfered with the scientific review of medical devices."

Read the letter yourself here (PDF):

The letter from the FDA's own scientists goes on to say, "It is evident that managers at CDRH have deviated from FDA's mission to identify and address underlying problems with medical devices before they cause irreparable harm, and this deviation has placed the American people at risk."

Congressman John, Dingell, chair of the committee which received the letter, went on to charge that these FDA bureaucrats "approved or cleared medical device applications in gross violation of laws and regulations..." (http://energycommerce.house.gov/Pre...)
FDA Scientists Ask Obama to Restructure Drug Agency - WSJ.com

Jan. 8 2009
FDA Scientists Ask Obama to Restructure Drug Agency

WASHINGTON -- A group of scientists at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday sent a letter to President-elect Barack Obama's transition team pleading with him to restructure the agency, saying managers have ordered, intimidated and coerced scientists to manipulate data in violation of the law.

The nine scientists, whose names have been provided to the transition team and to some members of Congress, say the FDA is a "fundamentally broken" agency and describe it as place where honest employees committed to integrity can't act without fear of reprisal.

"There is an atmosphere at FDA in which the honest employee fears the dishonest employee," according to the letter, addressed to John Podesta, head of Mr. Obama's transition team.

The letter will likely increase pressure on Tom Daschle, Mr. Obama's choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services, to make sweeping changes at the agency.

The scientists' main concerns are with the agency's scientific review process for medical devices, which they characterize as having been "corrupted and distorted by current FDA managers, thereby placing the American people at risk."

Article continued at link
wow, wouldn't be a thread without the copy and pasting asshole on a misinformation and conpsiracy theory campaign. tHanks again Rodishi for showing your unbelievable ability to copy and paste
wow, wouldn't be a thread without the copy and pasting asshole on a misinformation and conpsiracy theory campaign. tHanks again Rodishi for showing your unbelievable ability to copy and paste
Thank yo also greed for your input as to my abilities discovered through peoples such as yourself spouting away:lol:
I don't see what's dangerous about terminally ill patients being allowed to test out new drugs that might help them if they choose to do so? Whats the worst side effect for someone who is going to die anyway? It might even save money in research in he long run.
I don't see what's dangerous about terminally ill patients being allowed to test out new drugs that might help them if they choose to do so? Whats the worst side effect for someone who is going to die anyway? It might even save money in research in he long run.

As long as they are not somehow coerced into doing it.
And therein lies the rub, how to monitor and regulate that?
Anything that can be abused will be abused.
I don't see what's dangerous about terminally ill patients being allowed to test out new drugs that might help them if they choose to do so? Whats the worst side effect for someone who is going to die anyway? It might even save money in research in he long run.

I mentioned one reason why it could be bad. Every person who takes a drug during clinical trials has to be recorded. So if someone is a bad candidate for the trials, like being far gone in the disease where positive outcome is doubfult, or they have other problems that may show up during them taking the drug, it all has to be reported. and that will reflect poorly on the safety of the drug even though problems reported while the patient was on the drug had nothiong to do with the drug, it can be associated with it.

I think its in place to prevent fraud in clinical trials in that if there is an adverse event that occured while the drug was being taken, it has to be reported. THis prevents investigators from throwing out data to make favorable results.

But maybee they can pass a rule where people with no other options can take a particualr drug. I know its true in many cases, and they do try to fast track drugs which target a disease where there is no other treatment available.

but then people would complain that the drugs aren't safe if they eased up restrictions in clinical trails and acceptance of a new drug
I don't see what's dangerous about terminally ill patients being allowed to test out new drugs that might help them if they choose to do so? Whats the worst side effect for someone who is going to die anyway? It might even save money in research in he long run.

As long as they are not somehow coerced into doing it.
And therein lies the rub, how to monitor and regulate that?
Anything that can be abused will be abused.

Yup, which is why there are many restricting rules and regulations and laws in place for evertything, to prevent abuse

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