FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

Markle and Weatherman would have been interned as non-combatant American enemies if they had voiced those sentiments above during WWII.
well that's a lie.

how many people voted to send Americans to death camps?

Death camps?

Who are you? Sarah Palin?
You think everyone who walked into those desert concentration camps walked out? 125 degrees and elderly and infant Americans don’t mix.

1940s America was no picnic for Minorities
Negroes were lynched for smiling at a white woman

"Gee mom, everyone else was doin' it!"
Interring the Japanese was effective

There were no Japanese terror attacks after 1942
Sending Japanese to concentration camps was effective because there were no terror attacks after 1942? So that makes it acceptable?

Tell us more how Syrian refugees should not be shipped into America, let alone sending all Muslims to concentration camps.

well that's a lie.

how many people voted to send Americans to death camps?

Death camps?

Who are you? Sarah Palin?
You think everyone who walked into those desert concentration camps walked out? 125 degrees and elderly and infant Americans don’t mix.

1940s America was no picnic for Minorities
Negroes were lynched for smiling at a white woman

"Gee mom, everyone else was doin' it!"
Interring the Japanese was effective

There were no Japanese terror attacks after 1942

Illogical idiocy, and highly un-American.

No Japanese American was convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war.
Death camps?

Who are you? Sarah Palin?
You think everyone who walked into those desert concentration camps walked out? 125 degrees and elderly and infant Americans don’t mix.

1940s America was no picnic for Minorities
Negroes were lynched for smiling at a white woman

"Gee mom, everyone else was doin' it!"
Interring the Japanese was effective

There were no Japanese terror attacks after 1942

Illogical idiocy, and highly un-American.

No Japanese American was convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war.
But Japanese Americans were some of the most highly decorated soldiers in the US Army.......
well that's a lie.

how many people voted to send Americans to death camps?

Death camps?

Who are you? Sarah Palin?
You think everyone who walked into those desert concentration camps walked out? 125 degrees and elderly and infant Americans don’t mix.

1940s America was no picnic for Minorities
Negroes were lynched for smiling at a white woman

"Gee mom, everyone else was doin' it!"
Interring the Japanese was effective

There were no Japanese terror attacks after 1942

Throwing you into prison for the rest of your life would be very effective in preventing you from jaywalking - ever.
You think everyone who walked into those desert concentration camps walked out? 125 degrees and elderly and infant Americans don’t mix.

1940s America was no picnic for Minorities
Negroes were lynched for smiling at a white woman

"Gee mom, everyone else was doin' it!"
Interring the Japanese was effective

There were no Japanese terror attacks after 1942

Illogical idiocy, and highly un-American.

No Japanese American was convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war.
But Japanese Americans were some of the most highly decorated soldiers in the US Army.......

THE most highly decorated.
FDR made us into a modern democracy
well that's a lie.

how many people voted to send Americans to death camps?

Death camps?

Who are you? Sarah Palin?
You think everyone who walked into those desert concentration camps walked out? 125 degrees and elderly and infant Americans don’t mix.

1940s America was no picnic for Minorities
Negroes were lynched for smiling at a white woman
Lynched by Democrats

Every one of those lynching's came from a conservative
1940s America was no picnic for Minorities
Negroes were lynched for smiling at a white woman

"Gee mom, everyone else was doin' it!"
Interring the Japanese was effective

There were no Japanese terror attacks after 1942

Illogical idiocy, and highly un-American.

No Japanese American was convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war.
But Japanese Americans were some of the most highly decorated soldiers in the US Army.......

THE most highly decorated.

I just rewatched Ken Burns documentary on WWII "The War"
It seems the Japanese battalion was THE most decorated because their General didn't mind having them killed. Any time a dangerous assignment came up, he would put his Japanese in first

Also covered Senator Daniel Inouye and how he won his medal of honor. He attacked three German machine gun nests and took them out with hand grenades. On the third nest a German grenade launcher round hit him in the arm just as he was getting ready to throw a grenade. His arm was mangled and barely attached to his body but was still holding the grenade. he used his left hand to pry the grenade out of his useless right hand and threw it into the machine gun nest before he passed out

He lost his right arm, but met future Senator Bob Dole in the hospital, They both entered the Senate a year apart and were lifetime friends even though they were in different parties
The alt right cowards (weatherman, etc) want American democracy to fall. Their continued anti-American scree is abominable.
Hindsight is twenty-twenty. Yet at the time the US populace was not having Japs roaming the nation during a war in which the Japs attacked the US through deceit.
Hindsight is twenty-twenty. Yet at the time the US populace was not having Japs roaming the nation during a war in which the Japs attacked the US through deceit.

Looking at 1942 through the perspective of 2018 America is not going to show an inclusive country

We were a country built on stereotypes

Stereotypes about blacks, stereotypes about jews, stereotypes about women
The stereotype about our Japanese citizens was that they could not be trusted, they were sneaky, they were loyal to the Emperor

Why is anyone surprised that they acted on that perception of the threat of the Japanese?
Especially with post Pear Harbor Japanese propaganda?
"Gee mom, everyone else was doin' it!"
Interring the Japanese was effective

There were no Japanese terror attacks after 1942

Illogical idiocy, and highly un-American.

No Japanese American was convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war.
But Japanese Americans were some of the most highly decorated soldiers in the US Army.......

THE most highly decorated.

I just rewatched Ken Burns documentary on WWII "The War"
It seems the Japanese battalion was THE most decorated because their General didn't mind having them killed. Any time a dangerous assignment came up, he would put his Japanese in first

Also covered Senator Daniel Inouye and how he won his medal of honor. He attacked three German machine gun nests and took them out with hand grenades. On the third nest a German grenade launcher round hit him in the arm just as he was getting ready to throw a grenade. His arm was mangled and barely attached to his body but was still holding the grenade. he used his left hand to pry the grenade out of his useless right hand and threw it into the machine gun nest before he passed out

He lost his right arm, but met future Senator Bob Dole in the hospital, They both entered the Senate a year apart and were lifetime friends even though they were in different parties
Ken Burns? Tokyo Rose was more accurate in her reporting.
Why would any American in 1942 oppose locking up the Japanese?

The alt right cowards (weatherman, etc) want American democracy to fall. Their continued anti-American scree is abominable.
No shock you defend a racist fascist, you don't need to remind us.
Yes, weatherman, you are a racist fascist: everyone knows that; you also troll and fabricate falsehoods; and you want America to fall under Russian domination.
" The Ringle Report, from the Office of Naval Intelligence, found that only a small percentage of Japanese Americans posed a potential security threat, and that the most dangerous were already known or in custody."

Confession of Error: The Solicitor General's Mistakes During the Japanese-American Internment Cases

Progs count history as fake news, which is why they ignore the history of collectivist states like Nazi Germany and the former USSR, cuz they still think it could work, if only.......

Pre Second World War II Germany was a facsist State not a collective state.

But thanks for failing again at a point.

So what is the difference between fascism and collectivism in your opinion?

From my vantage point fascism Is just one of many flavors of collectivism.

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