FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

Plenty of anti-Americans willingly revealing themselves for what they are on this thread.
Interring the Japanese was effective

There were no Japanese terror attacks after 1942

Illogical idiocy, and highly un-American.

No Japanese American was convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war.
But Japanese Americans were some of the most highly decorated soldiers in the US Army.......

THE most highly decorated.

I just rewatched Ken Burns documentary on WWII "The War"
It seems the Japanese battalion was THE most decorated because their General didn't mind having them killed. Any time a dangerous assignment came up, he would put his Japanese in first

Also covered Senator Daniel Inouye and how he won his medal of honor. He attacked three German machine gun nests and took them out with hand grenades. On the third nest a German grenade launcher round hit him in the arm just as he was getting ready to throw a grenade. His arm was mangled and barely attached to his body but was still holding the grenade. he used his left hand to pry the grenade out of his useless right hand and threw it into the machine gun nest before he passed out

He lost his right arm, but met future Senator Bob Dole in the hospital, They both entered the Senate a year apart and were lifetime friends even though they were in different parties
Ken Burns? Tokyo Rose was more accurate in her reporting.

And she had a nicer mustache.
Why would any American in 1942 oppose locking up the Japanese?

Tell us again why Trump is so wrong for putting restrictions on Syrians.
Plenty of anti-Americans willingly revealing themselves for what they are on this thread.

I'm a realist
I know what 1942 America was like

The Japanese were hated. Sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, Rape of Nanking, Bataan Death March. These were the Japanese of 1942....not Mr Myogi from Karate Kid, not those people who make us nice cars

The people of 1942 were told that Japs were sneaky, evil, untrustworthy
Removing them from our midst made a lot of sense
Plenty of anti-Americans willingly revealing themselves for what they are on this thread.

I'm a realist
I know what 1942 America was like

The Japanese were hated. Sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, Rape of Nanking, Bataan Death March. These were the Japanese of 1942....not Mr Myogi from Karate Kid, not those people who make us nice cars

The people of 1942 were told that Japs were sneaky, evil, untrustworthy
Removing them from our midst made a lot of sense




Plenty of anti-Americans willingly revealing themselves for what they are on this thread.

I'm a realist

That’s funny, that’s exactly what every mindless, vile racist on this site says - repeatedly.

Japs were evil, untrustworthy and setting up a west coast invasion
Incarcerating them to be safe was the only reasonable solution
They certainly were well known for their brutality..
Plenty of anti-Americans willingly revealing themselves for what they are on this thread.

I'm a realist

That’s funny, that’s exactly what every mindless, vile racist on this site says - repeatedly.

Japs [sic] were evil, untrustworthy and setting up a west coast invasion
Incarcerating them to be safe was the only reasonable solution

We are talking about AMERICAN CITIZENS, and throwing AMERICAN CITIZENS into concentration camps was anything but “reasonable,” which any real American would know.
Plenty of anti-Americans willingly revealing themselves for what they are on this thread.

I'm a realist

That’s funny, that’s exactly what every mindless, vile racist on this site says - repeatedly.

Japs [sic] were evil, untrustworthy and setting up a west coast invasion
Incarcerating them to be safe was the only reasonable solution

We are talking about AMERICAN CITIZENS, and throwing AMERICAN CITIZENS into concentration camps was anything but “reasonable,” which any real American would know.


In 1942 we had black AMERICAN CITIZENS who were denied the vote, denied the use of a restroom, segregated from society. We had Mexicans and Indians who were treated the same in their communities. We had women denied education and jobs because of their sex

You really think the Japanese were going to get a fair shake after Pearl Harbor?
Fascism is just one of many favors of Progressivism, right and center and left.
Plenty of anti-Americans willingly revealing themselves for what they are on this thread.

I'm a realist

That’s funny, that’s exactly what every mindless, vile racist on this site says - repeatedly.

Japs [sic] were evil, untrustworthy and setting up a west coast invasion
Incarcerating them to be safe was the only reasonable solution

We are talking about AMERICAN CITIZENS, and throwing AMERICAN CITIZENS into concentration camps was anything but “reasonable,” which any real American would know.


In 1942 we had black AMERICAN CITIZENS who were denied the vote, denied the use of a restroom, segregated from society. We had Mexicans and Indians who were treated the same in their communities. We had women denied education and jobs because of their sex

You really think the Japanese were going to get a fair shake after Pearl Harbor?

You meant to say “you really think the AMERICANS were going to get a fair shake?”

There are plenty of racist idiots in America today too. I guess that makes everything and anything alright now, right you illogical buffoon? Anything that racist, arrogant, dishonest, dishonorable piece of shit fdr did is just fine because “the other kids were doing it!” Is that it, genius?
I'm a realist

That’s funny, that’s exactly what every mindless, vile racist on this site says - repeatedly.

Japs [sic] were evil, untrustworthy and setting up a west coast invasion
Incarcerating them to be safe was the only reasonable solution

We are talking about AMERICAN CITIZENS, and throwing AMERICAN CITIZENS into concentration camps was anything but “reasonable,” which any real American would know.


In 1942 we had black AMERICAN CITIZENS who were denied the vote, denied the use of a restroom, segregated from society. We had Mexicans and Indians who were treated the same in their communities. We had women denied education and jobs because of their sex

You really think the Japanese were going to get a fair shake after Pearl Harbor?

You meant to say “you really think the AMERICANS were going to get a fair shake?”

There are plenty of racist idiots in America today too. I guess that makes everything and anything alright now, right you illogical buffoon? Anything that racist, arrogant, dishonest, dishonorable piece of shit fdr did is just fine because “the other kids were doing it!” Is that it, genius?

It is easy to make those claims today

But it is not who we were in 1942. Looking back 75 years it is easy to say how wrong they were

In the context of post Pearl Harbor 1942.....you really can't expect better
Plenty of anti-Americans willingly revealing themselves for what they are on this thread.

I'm a realist

That’s funny, that’s exactly what every mindless, vile racist on this site says - repeatedly.

Japs [sic] were evil, untrustworthy and setting up a west coast invasion
Incarcerating them to be safe was the only reasonable solution

We are talking about AMERICAN CITIZENS, and throwing AMERICAN CITIZENS into concentration camps was anything but “reasonable,” which any real American would know.


In 1942 we had black AMERICAN CITIZENS who were denied the vote, denied the use of a restroom, segregated from society. We had Mexicans and Indians who were treated the same in their communities. We had women denied education and jobs because of their sex

You really think the Japanese were going to get a fair shake after Pearl Harbor?
Why sure thing.....Unk just can't understand how things were different then compared to now and passing moral judgment is a waste of time...
How many Korean "Comfort Girls" did the Japs put into rape camps?

That's what made FDR so mad, right? His Uncle Joe starved 3 million kids and 6 million total Kulaks, but rape a Korean woman and FDR will toss you in a camp you yellow bastage!
Fascism is just one of many favors of Progressivism, right and center and left.

Like "Progressivism", Fascism is government control left wing ideology
Not really since the GOP has done it in US history, in fact they started the movement...

Taking a cue from their Founding Fathers: Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Castro, proto-Communists known as Progressive Democrats weaponized the FBI and turned it against their political opponents

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