FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

Actually it's the alt right, like weatherman and ilk, that love Mussolini and his trains.
"Gee mom, everyone else was doin' it!"
Interring the Japanese was effective

There were no Japanese terror attacks after 1942

Illogical idiocy, and highly un-American.

No Japanese American was convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war.
But Japanese Americans were some of the most highly decorated soldiers in the US Army.......

THE most highly decorated.

I just rewatched Ken Burns documentary on WWII "The War"
It seems the Japanese battalion was THE most decorated because their General didn't mind having them killed. Any time a dangerous assignment came up, he would put his Japanese in first

Also covered Senator Daniel Inouye and how he won his medal of honor. He attacked three German machine gun nests and took them out with hand grenades. On the third nest a German grenade launcher round hit him in the arm just as he was getting ready to throw a grenade. His arm was mangled and barely attached to his body but was still holding the grenade. he used his left hand to pry the grenade out of his useless right hand and threw it into the machine gun nest before he passed out

He lost his right arm, but met future Senator Bob Dole in the hospital, They both entered the Senate a year apart and were lifetime friends even though they were in different parties

Ken Burns does make some great documentaries.
Military Commander with the task of defending the western US coast against Japanese attack and espionage was in favor of and asked for the Japanese internment program. FDR's hands were tied so to speak. He would have had to go against his military commanders on the internment issue.


German Americans were allowed to go free.
Are you claiming Gen. DeWitt is fictional and no east coast Germans were imprisoned?

Innocent American Germans were not rounded up in groups and thrown into prison just because.
The Germans problems had been identified before Germany declared war on the US.and they were picked up, quickly. During WWI there were internment camps for the Germans.
Military Commander with the task of defending the western US coast against Japanese attack and espionage was in favor of and asked for the Japanese internment program. FDR's hands were tied so to speak. He would have had to go against his military commanders on the internment issue.


German Americans were allowed to go free.
Are you claiming Gen. DeWitt is fictional and no east coast Germans were imprisoned?

Innocent American Germans were not rounded up in groups and thrown into prison just because.
The Germans problems had been identified before Germany declared war on the US.and they were picked up, quickly. During WWI there were internment camps for the Germans.

My grandmother was a German citizen during WWII. While she was investigated by the FBI she was left alone. However, those Germans in the community that belonged to the Bundt and were known for Pro-Nazi sentiments got sent away
Military Commander with the task of defending the western US coast against Japanese attack and espionage was in favor of and asked for the Japanese internment program. FDR's hands were tied so to speak. He would have had to go against his military commanders on the internment issue.


German Americans were allowed to go free.
Are you claiming Gen. DeWitt is fictional and no east coast Germans were imprisoned?

Innocent American Germans were not rounded up in groups and thrown into prison just because.
The Germans problems had been identified before Germany declared war on the US.and they were picked up, quickly. During WWI there were internment camps for the Germans.

My grandmother was a German citizen during WWII. While she was investigated by the FBI she was left alone. However, those Germans in the community that belonged to the Bundt and were known for Pro-Nazi sentiments got sent away
Yep my Mother's side of the family is German they were also watched with scrutiny...
Military Commander with the task of defending the western US coast against Japanese attack and espionage was in favor of and asked for the Japanese internment program. FDR's hands were tied so to speak. He would have had to go against his military commanders on the internment issue.


German Americans were allowed to go free.
Are you claiming Gen. DeWitt is fictional and no east coast Germans were imprisoned?

Innocent American Germans were not rounded up in groups and thrown into prison just because.
The Germans problems had been identified before Germany declared war on the US.and they were picked up, quickly. During WWI there were internment camps for the Germans.

My grandmother was a German citizen during WWII. While she was investigated by the FBI she was left alone. However, those Germans in the community that belonged to the Bundt and were known for Pro-Nazi sentiments got sent away

So from the Nazi party to the Dim party.

Not surprising.

German Americans were allowed to go free.
Are you claiming Gen. DeWitt is fictional and no east coast Germans were imprisoned?

Innocent American Germans were not rounded up in groups and thrown into prison just because.
The Germans problems had been identified before Germany declared war on the US.and they were picked up, quickly. During WWI there were internment camps for the Germans.

My grandmother was a German citizen during WWII. While she was investigated by the FBI she was left alone. However, those Germans in the community that belonged to the Bundt and were known for Pro-Nazi sentiments got sent away

So from the Nazi party to the Dim party.

Not surprising.

Don't be stupid, be a smarty
Be sure to join the Nazi Party
Wonder if that slavery was the PWA, WPA, CCC's or just what? To the unemployed, the youth on the road it didn't seem like slavery but more like government aid. Maybe that's why historians have named FDR, best president?

all these egghead historians are funded by the government,its only the presidents that served their new world order agenda to destory america such as FDR that get mentioned as one of americas best.:haha:

Here is WHY he is considered one of the best.they love the fact he was pals with a mass murderer.:iyfyus.jpg:
FDR is easily acknowledged as our greatest president at home and around the world. He saved our nation and saved England, France, Netherlands, as well as Italy, Germany and Japan
Many of these people were U.S. citizens. Today you can't even put an illegal alien who committed murder behind bars. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the Supreme Count and Justice Black paid him back by writing the majority opinion that justified FDR's concentration camps. Of course the mainstream media was always in lock step support of anything the dying man decreed no matter how outrageous. Support from the media is the key to fascism.
“On February 19, 1942 — seventy-four years ago today — Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. With the stroke of his pen, the man who had earlier snubbed Jesse Owens after the Berlin Olympics used his executive powers to order the imprisonment of over 100,000 persons of Japanese ancestry (as well as thousands of German and Italian ancestry) for the duration of World War II.”

People will put certain people on pedestals when they really shouldn't.

George Washington went around killing Native Americans in a ruthless manner.

Ronald Reagan allowed the Japanese to buy up a lot of America, did the Iran-Contra affair along with a load of other stuff that gets ignored.

Presidents can't keep everyone happy, but if they try to keep a few happy, they'll annoy everyone else, so they try and keep as many happy as possible, meaning they'll annoy everyone at the same time. They just have to hope that these people will forget, and they do.
Does anyone remember what the issue about Nixon was all about? The only thing we remember is the media condemning the administration and H-wood piling on with half a dozen unflattering movies. The point is about the good old double standard which is that he media always stands by a democrat. Imagine a republican issuing an executive order that authorized the incarceration of American citizens without due process and forcing them to rid themselves of lucrative real estate that real estate agents quickly gobble up at bargain prices. You almost gotta laugh that the center of Japanese espionage and sabotage was in Hawaii but it was exempt from FDR's executive order probably because the local people wouldn't stand for it and probably because Japanese buss boys were needed to make coffee for the Admirals.

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