FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

as always,i could not have said it any better myself.the last one we had who was not disasterous for america and served the people instead of the bankers and corporations of course was kennedy,sadly we will never get a president anything like him again that will do that.they know they will pay the same price he did if they do.

I remember that, but do not agree.

President Obama was a fine President. Right up there with the best.

Unfortunately we had an egnorant,do nothing Republican Congress opposing him every step of the way led by Mitch McConnell, John Boehner,then sleazy Paul Ryan.

Wow! Just wow! You are a dupe of enormous proportion.

Many Rs KNOW W sucked. Many Ds believe BO good to great. Yet both men were near identical twins in their actions as POTUS. I guess there is a difference between Rs and Ds....some Ds clearly are delusional.

It could be you are duped by the ruling class owned MSM. The D party is the party of the ruling class...after all.

Dead wrong in your post. Obama was as different from Bush as daylight from dark.

Obama was brilliant, a Constitutional Lawyer.

Bush barely made it through College. Became a 20 year drunk. Failed at everything he tried. Won because Republicans wanted a yes man. Cheney ran the Government right into the ground. We were on a rising tide under Obama. Now the debt just went from 20 trillion to 21, thanks to your spend thrift Congress. But it has been this way since Reagan. No surprise there.

Obama worked his way up in Politics after a successful career.

And you have the nerve to call us dumb?

wow the ONLY thing you got right there in all your rambling was the debt has always been this way since Reagan.Reagan indeed got the ball rolling for the destruction of America that each president since then INCLUDING your hero Obama has continued and expanded on. LOL. that is WHY the lamestream media and our corrupt school system worships Reagan as they do.
Obviously you are a black lady,the blacks are always in denial mode on this all the time that he was no different than Bush.:haha:

If not for skin color,it would be hard to tell who was who from the two.:haha:

Yes,he is correct,only the dumb would seriously think Obama as one of the best ever..you blacks are so biased and in denial.comedy gold.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

what deserted Island you been living on?:haha::haha::haha::haha::rofl::rofl::rofl:

somehow a president who expands the war that Bush got started and ALSO murdering innocent women and children around the world signing executive order after executive order betraying americans and invading Syria WITHOUT approval from congress,if that is makes a president one of the finest in your warped mind,then you are one crazy wacked out nut.:rolleyes-41:

oh and thats being irresponsible blaming the dems for Obama signing executive order after executive order taking expanding Bushs policys taking away our rights and invading Syria who had done nothing to us.:rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You need to take two hours out of your time and stop listening to the MSM lies you have heard on the lamestream news about our dictater here.this video documents and proves he and i have been telling you,that he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded on them. It is a great video cause it is not only on just about Obama,it also explains the truth in there how Kennedy was the last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and corporations.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: It should not be called The Obama Deception because it goes into much more detail how corrupt our government is and doesnt just talk about Just Obama.:clap2:

excellent great video.:dance: Best two hours of your time you could do a favor for yourself on if you were ever going to watch a video.:thup: yes he is correct,you have proven on this thread you are indeed dumb about your knowledge of traiter Obama.:2up:

A black lady? Bless your heart! What a nice compliment! But I think a couple of friends would dispute your thinks.

I am your worst enemy. An Old White Democrat that has watched your party deteriorate for 40 years now. You have really out done yourself this time by electing the scum of the earth!

Color matters nothing to me. President Obama was great with class all the way

you keep ending up with egg on your face black lady embarrassing yourself further and further with every post.:2up:

you contradict yourself that color does not matter with me because there you go again telling bullshit that obomination was great with class.yeah its only you blacks that are biased about his corruption and refuse to see how he is no different than Bush.:2up: you cant stand toe to toe with me and gipper,we have OWNED your ass that he was as horrible ad a traiter as bush was. you are so much in denial you only read PARTS of posts cause you ignored my facts how he was no different than bush.:ahole-1:

And when i tried to lead you the horse to the water,that video,you did this-:scared1: as do all Obozo worshippers always do.:rofl:

the scum of the earth would be all the presidents from Reagan all the way up to Obama,Trump looks like an angel compared to all of them INCLUDING your hero murderer Obomination :rofl:
Last edited:
as always,i could not have said it any better myself.the last one we had who was not disasterous for america and served the people instead of the bankers and corporations of course was kennedy,sadly we will never get a president anything like him again that will do that.they know they will pay the same price he did if they do.

I remember that, but do not agree.

President Obama was a fine President. Right up there with the best.

Unfortunately we had an egnorant,do nothing Republican Congress opposing him every step of the way led by Mitch McConnell, John Boehner,then sleazy Paul Ryan.

Wow! Just wow! You are a dupe of enormous proportion.

Many Rs KNOW W sucked. Many Ds believe BO good to great. Yet both men were near identical twins in their actions as POTUS. I guess there is a difference between Rs and Ds....some Ds clearly are delusional.

It could be you are duped by the ruling class owned MSM. The D party is the party of the ruling class...after all.

Dead wrong in your post. Obama was as different from Bush as daylight from dark.

Obama was brilliant, a Constitutional Lawyer.

Bush barely made it through College. Became a 20 year drunk. Failed at everything he tried. Won because Republicans wanted a yes man. Cheney ran the Government right into the ground. We were on a rising tide under Obama. Now the debt just went from 20 trillion to 21, thanks to your spend thrift Congress. But it has been this way since Reagan. No surprise there.

Obama worked his way up in Politics after a successful career.

And you have the nerve to call us dumb?

wow the ONLY thing you got right there in all your rambling was the debt has always been this way since Reagan.Reagan indeed got the ball rolling for the destruction of America that each president since then INCLUDING your hero Obama has continued and expanded on. LOL. that is WHY the lamestream media and our corrupt school system worships Reagan as they do.
Obviously you are a black lady,the blacks are always in denial mode on this all the time that he was no different than Bush.:haha:

If not for skin color,it would be hard to tell who was who from the two.:haha:

Yes,he is correct,only the dumb would seriously think Obama as one of the best ever..you blacks are so biased and in denial.comedy gold.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

what deserted Island you been living on?:haha::haha::haha::haha::rofl::rofl::rofl:

somehow a president who expands the war that Bush got started and ALSO murdering innocent women and children around the world signing executive order after executive order betraying americans and invading Syria WITHOUT approval from congress,if that is makes a president one of the finest in your warped mind,then you are one crazy wacked out nut.:rolleyes-41:

oh and thats being irresponsible blaming the dems for Obama signing executive order after executive order taking expanding Bushs policys taking away our rights and invading Syria who had done nothing to us.:rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You need to take two hours out of your time and stop listening to the MSM lies you have heard on the lamestream news about our dictater here.this video documents and proves he and i have been telling you,that he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded on them. It is a great video cause it is not only on just about Obama,it also explains the truth in there how Kennedy was the last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and corporations.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: It should not be called The Obama Deception because it goes into much more detail how corrupt our government is and doesnt just talk about Just Obama.:clap2:

excellent great video.:dance: Best two hours of your time you could do a favor for yourself on if you were ever going to watch a video.:thup: yes he is correct,you have proven on this thread you are indeed dumb about your knowledge of traiter Obama.:2up:

Do you think you are impressing someone with all those childish smilies?

I am completely underwhelmed. One could have impressed your point. The others make your posts childish.


oh i am not here to impress ANYBODY,i am just laughing at your ignorance you display how you keep playing dodgeball with facts running off from the evidence i have displayed that proves in spades,your hero Obomination was just as evil and corrupt as Bush was.:haha:

Like all Obozo apologists always do when they are cornered backed up against the wall with nowhere to run.you covered your ears and closed your eyes when you could not counter the facts in that two hour video of mine of documented crimes of obamas.:rofl:

yeah its best for you to leave,you cant stand toe to toe in with me in a debate when i OWN your ass.:rofl:its best for you to leave because this is what you are doing everytime you open your mouth.:dig:
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Yup, we all remember FDR's slaves working on the WH's plantation.
The vast majority of FDR's slaves never saw the WH.

Why do you Democrats support slavery?

Trying so hard would be this black chic here i have owned who has covered her ears and closed her eyes when she was challenged to watch that video that exposed Obamas corruption.:iyfyus.jpg: She only selectively reads posts same as jakey snakey.LOL
Its sick how these traiters to america like him and Eisenhower are put on a pedastal and put on our coins. how those two corrupt ever made it on our coins is just sick. Its a joke how the sheep in america think that FDR created jobs and got out of a depression,the asshole FUELED the depression.
Sadly nearly all our presidents from Wilson on, have been disasters.

as always,i could not have said it any better myself.the last one we had who was not disasterous for america and served the people instead of the bankers and corporations of course was kennedy,sadly we will never get a president anything like him again that will do that.they know they will pay the same price he did if they do.

I remember that, but do not agree.

President Obama was a fine President. Right up there with the best.

Unfortunately we had an egnorant,do nothing Republican Congress opposing him every step of the way led by Mitch McConnell, John Boehner,then sleazy Paul Ryan.

Wow! Just wow! You are a dupe of enormous proportion.

Many Rs KNOW W sucked. Many Ds believe BO good to great. Yet both men were near identical twins in their actions as POTUS. I guess there is a difference between Rs and Ds....some Ds clearly are delusional.

It could be you are duped by the ruling class owned MSM. The D party is the party of the ruling class...after all.

Dead wrong in your post. Obama was as different from Bush as daylight from dark.

Obama was brilliant, a Constitutional Lawyer.

Bush barely made it through College. Became a 20 year drunk. Failed at everything he tried. Won because Republicans wanted a yes man. Cheney ran the Government right into the ground. We were on a rising tide under Obama. Now the debt just went from 20 trillion to 21, thanks to your spend thrift Congress. But it has been this way since Reagan. No surprise there.

Obama worked his way up in Politics after a successful career.

And you have the nerve to call us dumb?

Obama was never a Constitutional Lawyer never mind a brilliant one. Kagan got SCOTUS for covering up his academic record including that she took the Bar exam for him.
I remember that, but do not agree.

President Obama was a fine President. Right up there with the best.

Unfortunately we had an egnorant,do nothing Republican Congress opposing him every step of the way led by Mitch McConnell, John Boehner,then sleazy Paul Ryan.

Wow! Just wow! You are a dupe of enormous proportion.

Many Rs KNOW W sucked. Many Ds believe BO good to great. Yet both men were near identical twins in their actions as POTUS. I guess there is a difference between Rs and Ds....some Ds clearly are delusional.

It could be you are duped by the ruling class owned MSM. The D party is the party of the ruling class...after all.

Dead wrong in your post. Obama was as different from Bush as daylight from dark.

Obama was brilliant, a Constitutional Lawyer.

Bush barely made it through College. Became a 20 year drunk. Failed at everything he tried. Won because Republicans wanted a yes man. Cheney ran the Government right into the ground. We were on a rising tide under Obama. Now the debt just went from 20 trillion to 21, thanks to your spend thrift Congress. But it has been this way since Reagan. No surprise there.

Obama worked his way up in Politics after a successful career.

And you have the nerve to call us dumb?

wow the ONLY thing you got right there in all your rambling was the debt has always been this way since Reagan.Reagan indeed got the ball rolling for the destruction of America that each president since then INCLUDING your hero Obama has continued and expanded on. LOL. that is WHY the lamestream media and our corrupt school system worships Reagan as they do.
Obviously you are a black lady,the blacks are always in denial mode on this all the time that he was no different than Bush.:haha:

If not for skin color,it would be hard to tell who was who from the two.:haha:

Yes,he is correct,only the dumb would seriously think Obama as one of the best ever..you blacks are so biased and in denial.comedy gold.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

what deserted Island you been living on?:haha::haha::haha::haha::rofl::rofl::rofl:

somehow a president who expands the war that Bush got started and ALSO murdering innocent women and children around the world signing executive order after executive order betraying americans and invading Syria WITHOUT approval from congress,if that is makes a president one of the finest in your warped mind,then you are one crazy wacked out nut.:rolleyes-41:

oh and thats being irresponsible blaming the dems for Obama signing executive order after executive order taking expanding Bushs policys taking away our rights and invading Syria who had done nothing to us.:rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You need to take two hours out of your time and stop listening to the MSM lies you have heard on the lamestream news about our dictater here.this video documents and proves he and i have been telling you,that he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded on them. It is a great video cause it is not only on just about Obama,it also explains the truth in there how Kennedy was the last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and corporations.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: It should not be called The Obama Deception because it goes into much more detail how corrupt our government is and doesnt just talk about Just Obama.:clap2:

excellent great video.:dance: Best two hours of your time you could do a favor for yourself on if you were ever going to watch a video.:thup: yes he is correct,you have proven on this thread you are indeed dumb about your knowledge of traiter Obama.:2up:

A black lady? Bless your heart! What a nice compliment! But I think a couple of friends would dispute your thinks.

I am your worst enemy. An Old White Democrat that has watched your party deteriorate for 40 years now. You have really out done yourself this time by electing the scum of the earth!

Color matters nothing to me. President Obama was great with class all the way

you keep ending up with egg on your face black lady embarrassing yourself further and further with every post.:2up:

you contradict yourself that color does not matter with me because there you go again telling bullshit that obomination was great with class.yeah its only you blacks that are biased about his corruption and refuse to see how he is no different than Bush.:2up: you cant stand toe to toe with me and gipper,we have OWNED your ass that he was as horrible ad a traiter as bush was. you are so much in denial you only read PARTS of posts cause you ignored my facts how he was no different than bush.:ahole-1:

And when i tried to lead you the horse to the water,that video,you did this-:scared1: as do all Obozo worshippers always do.:rofl:

the scum of the earth would be all the presidents from Reagan all the way up to Obama,Trump looks like an angel compared to all of them INCLUDING your hero murderer Obomination :rofl:

It is very disheartening that so many Americans think Obama good. Clearly and objectively he was AWFUL. He was very much like W who most on the left and right, KNOW was awful.

I guess it goes to show that the liberal MSM still can control the minds of some Americans. Sad. Very sad.
No one controls my mind. I have lived long enough to tell the difference between a person with integrity and a lying, cheating con man!

Just because you wear blinders is no reason others should.
FDR was a disaster. His stupid economic policies prolonged the Great Depression, causing terrible suffering for millions of Americans. He forced farmers to destroy their products, when Americans were starving...them lied us into war.

Its sick how these traiters to america like him and Eisenhower are put on a pedastal and put on our coins. how those two corrupt ever made it on our coins is just sick. Its a joke how the sheep in america think that FDR created jobs and got out of a depression,the asshole FUELED the depression.
Sadly nearly all our presidents from Wilson on, have been disasters.

as always,i could not have said it any better myself.the last one we had who was not disasterous for america and served the people instead of the bankers and corporations of course was kennedy,sadly we will never get a president anything like him again that will do that.they know they will pay the same price he did if they do.

I remember that, but do not agree.

President Obama was a fine President. Right up there with the best.

Unfortunately we had an egnorant,do nothing Republican Congress opposing him every step of the way led by Mitch McConnell, John Boehner,then sleazy Paul Ryan.
No question the Great Obama was one of our greatest modern Presidents
Wow! Just wow! You are a dupe of enormous proportion.

Many Rs KNOW W sucked. Many Ds believe BO good to great. Yet both men were near identical twins in their actions as POTUS. I guess there is a difference between Rs and Ds....some Ds clearly are delusional.

It could be you are duped by the ruling class owned MSM. The D party is the party of the ruling class...after all.

Dead wrong in your post. Obama was as different from Bush as daylight from dark.

Obama was brilliant, a Constitutional Lawyer.

Bush barely made it through College. Became a 20 year drunk. Failed at everything he tried. Won because Republicans wanted a yes man. Cheney ran the Government right into the ground. We were on a rising tide under Obama. Now the debt just went from 20 trillion to 21, thanks to your spend thrift Congress. But it has been this way since Reagan. No surprise there.

Obama worked his way up in Politics after a successful career.

And you have the nerve to call us dumb?

wow the ONLY thing you got right there in all your rambling was the debt has always been this way since Reagan.Reagan indeed got the ball rolling for the destruction of America that each president since then INCLUDING your hero Obama has continued and expanded on. LOL. that is WHY the lamestream media and our corrupt school system worships Reagan as they do.
Obviously you are a black lady,the blacks are always in denial mode on this all the time that he was no different than Bush.:haha:

If not for skin color,it would be hard to tell who was who from the two.:haha:

Yes,he is correct,only the dumb would seriously think Obama as one of the best ever..you blacks are so biased and in denial.comedy gold.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

what deserted Island you been living on?:haha::haha::haha::haha::rofl::rofl::rofl:

somehow a president who expands the war that Bush got started and ALSO murdering innocent women and children around the world signing executive order after executive order betraying americans and invading Syria WITHOUT approval from congress,if that is makes a president one of the finest in your warped mind,then you are one crazy wacked out nut.:rolleyes-41:

oh and thats being irresponsible blaming the dems for Obama signing executive order after executive order taking expanding Bushs policys taking away our rights and invading Syria who had done nothing to us.:rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You need to take two hours out of your time and stop listening to the MSM lies you have heard on the lamestream news about our dictater here.this video documents and proves he and i have been telling you,that he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded on them. It is a great video cause it is not only on just about Obama,it also explains the truth in there how Kennedy was the last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and corporations.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: It should not be called The Obama Deception because it goes into much more detail how corrupt our government is and doesnt just talk about Just Obama.:clap2:

excellent great video.:dance: Best two hours of your time you could do a favor for yourself on if you were ever going to watch a video.:thup: yes he is correct,you have proven on this thread you are indeed dumb about your knowledge of traiter Obama.:2up:

A black lady? Bless your heart! What a nice compliment! But I think a couple of friends would dispute your thinks.

I am your worst enemy. An Old White Democrat that has watched your party deteriorate for 40 years now. You have really out done yourself this time by electing the scum of the earth!

Color matters nothing to me. President Obama was great with class all the way

you keep ending up with egg on your face black lady embarrassing yourself further and further with every post.:2up:

you contradict yourself that color does not matter with me because there you go again telling bullshit that obomination was great with class.yeah its only you blacks that are biased about his corruption and refuse to see how he is no different than Bush.:2up: you cant stand toe to toe with me and gipper,we have OWNED your ass that he was as horrible ad a traiter as bush was. you are so much in denial you only read PARTS of posts cause you ignored my facts how he was no different than bush.:ahole-1:

And when i tried to lead you the horse to the water,that video,you did this-:scared1: as do all Obozo worshippers always do.:rofl:

the scum of the earth would be all the presidents from Reagan all the way up to Obama,Trump looks like an angel compared to all of them INCLUDING your hero murderer Obomination :rofl:

It is very disheartening that so many Americans think Obama good. Clearly and objectively he was AWFUL. He was very much like W who most on the left and right, KNOW was awful.

I guess it goes to show that the liberal MSM still can control the minds of some Americans. Sad. Very sad.


And you voted for Trump
The country will be in great need of an FDR or Obama by the time Trump is booted out on his fat ass.
Dead wrong in your post. Obama was as different from Bush as daylight from dark.

Obama was brilliant, a Constitutional Lawyer.

Bush barely made it through College. Became a 20 year drunk. Failed at everything he tried. Won because Republicans wanted a yes man. Cheney ran the Government right into the ground. We were on a rising tide under Obama. Now the debt just went from 20 trillion to 21, thanks to your spend thrift Congress. But it has been this way since Reagan. No surprise there.

Obama worked his way up in Politics after a successful career.

And you have the nerve to call us dumb?

wow the ONLY thing you got right there in all your rambling was the debt has always been this way since Reagan.Reagan indeed got the ball rolling for the destruction of America that each president since then INCLUDING your hero Obama has continued and expanded on. LOL. that is WHY the lamestream media and our corrupt school system worships Reagan as they do.
Obviously you are a black lady,the blacks are always in denial mode on this all the time that he was no different than Bush.:haha:

If not for skin color,it would be hard to tell who was who from the two.:haha:

Yes,he is correct,only the dumb would seriously think Obama as one of the best ever..you blacks are so biased and in denial.comedy gold.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

what deserted Island you been living on?:haha::haha::haha::haha::rofl::rofl::rofl:

somehow a president who expands the war that Bush got started and ALSO murdering innocent women and children around the world signing executive order after executive order betraying americans and invading Syria WITHOUT approval from congress,if that is makes a president one of the finest in your warped mind,then you are one crazy wacked out nut.:rolleyes-41:

oh and thats being irresponsible blaming the dems for Obama signing executive order after executive order taking expanding Bushs policys taking away our rights and invading Syria who had done nothing to us.:rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You need to take two hours out of your time and stop listening to the MSM lies you have heard on the lamestream news about our dictater here.this video documents and proves he and i have been telling you,that he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded on them. It is a great video cause it is not only on just about Obama,it also explains the truth in there how Kennedy was the last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and corporations.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: It should not be called The Obama Deception because it goes into much more detail how corrupt our government is and doesnt just talk about Just Obama.:clap2:

excellent great video.:dance: Best two hours of your time you could do a favor for yourself on if you were ever going to watch a video.:thup: yes he is correct,you have proven on this thread you are indeed dumb about your knowledge of traiter Obama.:2up:

A black lady? Bless your heart! What a nice compliment! But I think a couple of friends would dispute your thinks.

I am your worst enemy. An Old White Democrat that has watched your party deteriorate for 40 years now. You have really out done yourself this time by electing the scum of the earth!

Color matters nothing to me. President Obama was great with class all the way

you keep ending up with egg on your face black lady embarrassing yourself further and further with every post.:2up:

you contradict yourself that color does not matter with me because there you go again telling bullshit that obomination was great with class.yeah its only you blacks that are biased about his corruption and refuse to see how he is no different than Bush.:2up: you cant stand toe to toe with me and gipper,we have OWNED your ass that he was as horrible ad a traiter as bush was. you are so much in denial you only read PARTS of posts cause you ignored my facts how he was no different than bush.:ahole-1:

And when i tried to lead you the horse to the water,that video,you did this-:scared1: as do all Obozo worshippers always do.:rofl:

the scum of the earth would be all the presidents from Reagan all the way up to Obama,Trump looks like an angel compared to all of them INCLUDING your hero murderer Obomination :rofl:

It is very disheartening that so many Americans think Obama good. Clearly and objectively he was AWFUL. He was very much like W who most on the left and right, KNOW was awful.

I guess it goes to show that the liberal MSM still can control the minds of some Americans. Sad. Very sad.


And you voted for Trump

LOL. You voted for Cankles.
FDR was a disaster. His stupid economic policies prolonged the Great Depression, causing terrible suffering for millions of Americans. He forced farmers to destroy their products, when Americans were starving...them lied us into war.

Its sick how these traiters to america like him and Eisenhower are put on a pedastal and put on our coins. how those two corrupt ever made it on our coins is just sick. Its a joke how the sheep in america think that FDR created jobs and got out of a depression,the asshole FUELED the depression.
Sadly nearly all our presidents from Wilson on, have been disasters.

as always,i could not have said it any better myself.the last one we had who was not disasterous for america and served the people instead of the bankers and corporations of course was kennedy,sadly we will never get a president anything like him again that will do that.they know they will pay the same price he did if they do.

I remember that, but do not agree.

President Obama was a fine President. Right up there with the best.

Unfortunately we had an egnorant,do nothing Republican Congress opposing him every step of the way led by Mitch McConnell, John Boehner,then sleazy Paul Ryan.
No question the Great Obama was one of our greatest modern Presidents
You just admitted to being a fool. But then we all knew that about you.
wow the ONLY thing you got right there in all your rambling was the debt has always been this way since Reagan.Reagan indeed got the ball rolling for the destruction of America that each president since then INCLUDING your hero Obama has continued and expanded on. LOL. that is WHY the lamestream media and our corrupt school system worships Reagan as they do.
Obviously you are a black lady,the blacks are always in denial mode on this all the time that he was no different than Bush.:haha:

If not for skin color,it would be hard to tell who was who from the two.:haha:

Yes,he is correct,only the dumb would seriously think Obama as one of the best ever..you blacks are so biased and in denial.comedy gold.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

what deserted Island you been living on?:haha::haha::haha::haha::rofl::rofl::rofl:

somehow a president who expands the war that Bush got started and ALSO murdering innocent women and children around the world signing executive order after executive order betraying americans and invading Syria WITHOUT approval from congress,if that is makes a president one of the finest in your warped mind,then you are one crazy wacked out nut.:rolleyes-41:

oh and thats being irresponsible blaming the dems for Obama signing executive order after executive order taking expanding Bushs policys taking away our rights and invading Syria who had done nothing to us.:rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You need to take two hours out of your time and stop listening to the MSM lies you have heard on the lamestream news about our dictater here.this video documents and proves he and i have been telling you,that he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded on them. It is a great video cause it is not only on just about Obama,it also explains the truth in there how Kennedy was the last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and corporations.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: It should not be called The Obama Deception because it goes into much more detail how corrupt our government is and doesnt just talk about Just Obama.:clap2:

excellent great video.:dance: Best two hours of your time you could do a favor for yourself on if you were ever going to watch a video.:thup: yes he is correct,you have proven on this thread you are indeed dumb about your knowledge of traiter Obama.:2up:

A black lady? Bless your heart! What a nice compliment! But I think a couple of friends would dispute your thinks.

I am your worst enemy. An Old White Democrat that has watched your party deteriorate for 40 years now. You have really out done yourself this time by electing the scum of the earth!

Color matters nothing to me. President Obama was great with class all the way

you keep ending up with egg on your face black lady embarrassing yourself further and further with every post.:2up:

you contradict yourself that color does not matter with me because there you go again telling bullshit that obomination was great with class.yeah its only you blacks that are biased about his corruption and refuse to see how he is no different than Bush.:2up: you cant stand toe to toe with me and gipper,we have OWNED your ass that he was as horrible ad a traiter as bush was. you are so much in denial you only read PARTS of posts cause you ignored my facts how he was no different than bush.:ahole-1:

And when i tried to lead you the horse to the water,that video,you did this-:scared1: as do all Obozo worshippers always do.:rofl:

the scum of the earth would be all the presidents from Reagan all the way up to Obama,Trump looks like an angel compared to all of them INCLUDING your hero murderer Obomination :rofl:

It is very disheartening that so many Americans think Obama good. Clearly and objectively he was AWFUL. He was very much like W who most on the left and right, KNOW was awful.

I guess it goes to show that the liberal MSM still can control the minds of some Americans. Sad. Very sad.


And you voted for Trump

LOL. You voted for Cankles.

As did most intelligent Americans

I think I will vote for a Birther!

Last edited:
A black lady? Bless your heart! What a nice compliment! But I think a couple of friends would dispute your thinks.

I am your worst enemy. An Old White Democrat that has watched your party deteriorate for 40 years now. You have really out done yourself this time by electing the scum of the earth!

Color matters nothing to me. President Obama was great with class all the way

you keep ending up with egg on your face black lady embarrassing yourself further and further with every post.:2up:

you contradict yourself that color does not matter with me because there you go again telling bullshit that obomination was great with class.yeah its only you blacks that are biased about his corruption and refuse to see how he is no different than Bush.:2up: you cant stand toe to toe with me and gipper,we have OWNED your ass that he was as horrible ad a traiter as bush was. you are so much in denial you only read PARTS of posts cause you ignored my facts how he was no different than bush.:ahole-1:

And when i tried to lead you the horse to the water,that video,you did this-:scared1: as do all Obozo worshippers always do.:rofl:

the scum of the earth would be all the presidents from Reagan all the way up to Obama,Trump looks like an angel compared to all of them INCLUDING your hero murderer Obomination :rofl:
It is very disheartening that so many Americans think Obama good. Clearly and objectively he was AWFUL. He was very much like W who most on the left and right, KNOW was awful.

I guess it goes to show that the liberal MSM still can control the minds of some Americans. Sad. Very sad.

And you voted for Trump
LOL. You voted for Cankles.
It’s did most intelligent Americans

I think I will vote for a Birther!

Voting for a criminal is now considered intelligent. Isn’t America great!
you keep ending up with egg on your face black lady embarrassing yourself further and further with every post.:2up:

you contradict yourself that color does not matter with me because there you go again telling bullshit that obomination was great with class.yeah its only you blacks that are biased about his corruption and refuse to see how he is no different than Bush.:2up: you cant stand toe to toe with me and gipper,we have OWNED your ass that he was as horrible ad a traiter as bush was. you are so much in denial you only read PARTS of posts cause you ignored my facts how he was no different than bush.:ahole-1:

And when i tried to lead you the horse to the water,that video,you did this-:scared1: as do all Obozo worshippers always do.:rofl:

the scum of the earth would be all the presidents from Reagan all the way up to Obama,Trump looks like an angel compared to all of them INCLUDING your hero murderer Obomination :rofl:
It is very disheartening that so many Americans think Obama good. Clearly and objectively he was AWFUL. He was very much like W who most on the left and right, KNOW was awful.

I guess it goes to show that the liberal MSM still can control the minds of some Americans. Sad. Very sad.

And you voted for Trump
LOL. You voted for Cankles.
It’s did most intelligent Americans

I think I will vote for a Birther!

Voting for a criminal is now considered intelligent. Isn’t America great!

Crooked Donnie........Lock him up
Lock him up
Wow! Just wow! You are a dupe of enormous proportion.

Many Rs KNOW W sucked. Many Ds believe BO good to great. Yet both men were near identical twins in their actions as POTUS. I guess there is a difference between Rs and Ds....some Ds clearly are delusional.

It could be you are duped by the ruling class owned MSM. The D party is the party of the ruling class...after all.

Dead wrong in your post. Obama was as different from Bush as daylight from dark.

Obama was brilliant, a Constitutional Lawyer.

Bush barely made it through College. Became a 20 year drunk. Failed at everything he tried. Won because Republicans wanted a yes man. Cheney ran the Government right into the ground. We were on a rising tide under Obama. Now the debt just went from 20 trillion to 21, thanks to your spend thrift Congress. But it has been this way since Reagan. No surprise there.

Obama worked his way up in Politics after a successful career.

And you have the nerve to call us dumb?

wow the ONLY thing you got right there in all your rambling was the debt has always been this way since Reagan.Reagan indeed got the ball rolling for the destruction of America that each president since then INCLUDING your hero Obama has continued and expanded on. LOL. that is WHY the lamestream media and our corrupt school system worships Reagan as they do.
Obviously you are a black lady,the blacks are always in denial mode on this all the time that he was no different than Bush.:haha:

If not for skin color,it would be hard to tell who was who from the two.:haha:

Yes,he is correct,only the dumb would seriously think Obama as one of the best ever..you blacks are so biased and in denial.comedy gold.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

what deserted Island you been living on?:haha::haha::haha::haha::rofl::rofl::rofl:

somehow a president who expands the war that Bush got started and ALSO murdering innocent women and children around the world signing executive order after executive order betraying americans and invading Syria WITHOUT approval from congress,if that is makes a president one of the finest in your warped mind,then you are one crazy wacked out nut.:rolleyes-41:

oh and thats being irresponsible blaming the dems for Obama signing executive order after executive order taking expanding Bushs policys taking away our rights and invading Syria who had done nothing to us.:rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You need to take two hours out of your time and stop listening to the MSM lies you have heard on the lamestream news about our dictater here.this video documents and proves he and i have been telling you,that he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded on them. It is a great video cause it is not only on just about Obama,it also explains the truth in there how Kennedy was the last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and corporations.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: It should not be called The Obama Deception because it goes into much more detail how corrupt our government is and doesnt just talk about Just Obama.:clap2:

excellent great video.:dance: Best two hours of your time you could do a favor for yourself on if you were ever going to watch a video.:thup: yes he is correct,you have proven on this thread you are indeed dumb about your knowledge of traiter Obama.:2up:

A black lady? Bless your heart! What a nice compliment! But I think a couple of friends would dispute your thinks.

I am your worst enemy. An Old White Democrat that has watched your party deteriorate for 40 years now. You have really out done yourself this time by electing the scum of the earth!

Color matters nothing to me. President Obama was great with class all the way

you keep ending up with egg on your face black lady embarrassing yourself further and further with every post.:2up:

you contradict yourself that color does not matter with me because there you go again telling bullshit that obomination was great with class.yeah its only you blacks that are biased about his corruption and refuse to see how he is no different than Bush.:2up: you cant stand toe to toe with me and gipper,we have OWNED your ass that he was as horrible ad a traiter as bush was. you are so much in denial you only read PARTS of posts cause you ignored my facts how he was no different than bush.:ahole-1:

And when i tried to lead you the horse to the water,that video,you did this-:scared1: as do all Obozo worshippers always do.:rofl:

the scum of the earth would be all the presidents from Reagan all the way up to Obama,Trump looks like an angel compared to all of them INCLUDING your hero murderer Obomination :rofl:

It is very disheartening that so many Americans think Obama good. Clearly and objectively he was AWFUL. He was very much like W who most on the left and right, KNOW was awful.

I guess it goes to show that the liberal MSM still can control the minds of some Americans. Sad. Very sad.

yeah and whats even MORE sad is that people today STILL worship that evil dictater traiter FDR.beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
The country will be in great need of an FDR or Obama by the time Trump is booted out on his fat ass.

so says the stupid trill who cant come to grips with with what traiter he was.and cant handle facts trump is fighting government corruption.LOL
Dead wrong in your post. Obama was as different from Bush as daylight from dark.

Obama was brilliant, a Constitutional Lawyer.

Bush barely made it through College. Became a 20 year drunk. Failed at everything he tried. Won because Republicans wanted a yes man. Cheney ran the Government right into the ground. We were on a rising tide under Obama. Now the debt just went from 20 trillion to 21, thanks to your spend thrift Congress. But it has been this way since Reagan. No surprise there.

Obama worked his way up in Politics after a successful career.

And you have the nerve to call us dumb?

wow the ONLY thing you got right there in all your rambling was the debt has always been this way since Reagan.Reagan indeed got the ball rolling for the destruction of America that each president since then INCLUDING your hero Obama has continued and expanded on. LOL. that is WHY the lamestream media and our corrupt school system worships Reagan as they do.
Obviously you are a black lady,the blacks are always in denial mode on this all the time that he was no different than Bush.:haha:

If not for skin color,it would be hard to tell who was who from the two.:haha:

Yes,he is correct,only the dumb would seriously think Obama as one of the best ever..you blacks are so biased and in denial.comedy gold.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

what deserted Island you been living on?:haha::haha::haha::haha::rofl::rofl::rofl:

somehow a president who expands the war that Bush got started and ALSO murdering innocent women and children around the world signing executive order after executive order betraying americans and invading Syria WITHOUT approval from congress,if that is makes a president one of the finest in your warped mind,then you are one crazy wacked out nut.:rolleyes-41:

oh and thats being irresponsible blaming the dems for Obama signing executive order after executive order taking expanding Bushs policys taking away our rights and invading Syria who had done nothing to us.:rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You need to take two hours out of your time and stop listening to the MSM lies you have heard on the lamestream news about our dictater here.this video documents and proves he and i have been telling you,that he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded on them. It is a great video cause it is not only on just about Obama,it also explains the truth in there how Kennedy was the last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and corporations.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: It should not be called The Obama Deception because it goes into much more detail how corrupt our government is and doesnt just talk about Just Obama.:clap2:

excellent great video.:dance: Best two hours of your time you could do a favor for yourself on if you were ever going to watch a video.:thup: yes he is correct,you have proven on this thread you are indeed dumb about your knowledge of traiter Obama.:2up:

A black lady? Bless your heart! What a nice compliment! But I think a couple of friends would dispute your thinks.

I am your worst enemy. An Old White Democrat that has watched your party deteriorate for 40 years now. You have really out done yourself this time by electing the scum of the earth!

Color matters nothing to me. President Obama was great with class all the way

you keep ending up with egg on your face black lady embarrassing yourself further and further with every post.:2up:

you contradict yourself that color does not matter with me because there you go again telling bullshit that obomination was great with class.yeah its only you blacks that are biased about his corruption and refuse to see how he is no different than Bush.:2up: you cant stand toe to toe with me and gipper,we have OWNED your ass that he was as horrible ad a traiter as bush was. you are so much in denial you only read PARTS of posts cause you ignored my facts how he was no different than bush.:ahole-1:

And when i tried to lead you the horse to the water,that video,you did this-:scared1: as do all Obozo worshippers always do.:rofl:

the scum of the earth would be all the presidents from Reagan all the way up to Obama,Trump looks like an angel compared to all of them INCLUDING your hero murderer Obomination :rofl:

It is very disheartening that so many Americans think Obama good. Clearly and objectively he was AWFUL. He was very much like W who most on the left and right, KNOW was awful.

I guess it goes to show that the liberal MSM still can control the minds of some Americans. Sad. Very sad.

yeah and whats even MORE sad is that people today STILL worship that evil dictater traiter FDR.beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.

So do not accept your Social Security when you get old enough. And what ever you do make sure you do not accept Medicare! That evil,old President from Texas, LBJ, gave you that

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