FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

... Americans had no patience or sympathy for the Japanese. They absolutely had no sympathy. .....

The scumbag fdr did not throw "the Japanese" into his concentration camps, he threw innocent AMERICANS and legal residents who had committed no atrocities or crimes at all into his concentration camps. Your appeal to emotion fails because your aim is off. You fail at logic yet again.
It was done in WWI also..
and YOU will never stop doing this everytime your hero you have your head up the ass on is exposed for the murderous criminal he was murdering all those americans at pearl harbour ALLOWING it to happen.this is YOU when evidence is given to you that you dont like what a fucking traiter to americans he was and murdered all those saliers at pearly harbour letting it happen on PURPOSE.

Any and all evidence you think you have has been debunked for decades.

coiming from a troll who does THIS-:scared1: all the time when challeneged to look at it is NO POSITION to be telling lies i have been debunked for decades,other way around shill.:haha: unlike you,i address evidence and dont run off from it.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok:

these are the two things you always do when your hero bastard gets exposed for the criminal he was.:scared1::CryingCow:

AGAIN stick to the subject of REAGAN,something you are NOT biased on and actually take the time to look at HIS corruption.:D
You are evading showing evidence that FDR somehow orchestrated Pearl Harbor, What you are claiming happens to be the granddaddy of conspiracy theories. But go ahead and provide your best piece of evidence to prove your conspiracy theory.

quit LYING ,i have taken you to school on that MANY times,you ran off and LIED and said it was not true when you could not counter the facts shiil:206:
You have not taken anyone to school on the topic.of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy. You have nor even made a claim about alleged evidence to support your conspiracy theory.

You have been challenged to provide your best piece of evidence of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy.
Put up or shut up.

just to watch you tell LIES that it has been debunked as you did back then? and watch you act like PC does when her hero REAGAN is exposed and ignores the evidence on him same as you did?yeah right.:rolleyes: I DID put up back then,YOU ignored it back then and LIED saying it was debunked,so YOU shut up motherfucker.
... Americans had no patience or sympathy for the Japanese. They absolutely had no sympathy. .....

The scumbag fdr did not throw "the Japanese" into his concentration camps, he threw innocent AMERICANS and legal residents who had committed no atrocities or crimes at all into his concentration camps. Your appeal to emotion fails because your aim is off. You fail at logic yet again.
Without misusing the term concentration camp you have nothing. Perhaps these camps were technically concentration camps, but they were nothing like the concentration camps people visualize when thinking or talking about WWII. You present a distorted view of the reality of the situation.

as i was saying.YOU evaded the facts in the conspiracy section MANY times by at least a handful of us that owned your sorry ass in that thread and did this each time knowing you were taken to school

fucking coward.BECAUSE of your cowardly actions back then of LIES,nobody takes you serious here in your lies on him.
Liar. Prove it. Show threads or links to them.
... Americans had no patience or sympathy for the Japanese. They absolutely had no sympathy. .....

The scumbag fdr did not throw "the Japanese" into his concentration camps, he threw innocent AMERICANS and legal residents who had committed no atrocities or crimes at all into his concentration camps. Your appeal to emotion fails because your aim is off. You fail at logic yet again.
Without misusing the term concentration camp you have nothing. Perhaps these camps were technically concentration camps, but they were nothing like the concentration camps people visualize when thinking or talking about WWII. You present a distorted view of the reality of the situation.

as i was saying.YOU evaded the facts in the conspiracy section MANY times by at least a handful of us that owned your sorry ass in that thread and did this each time knowing you were taken to school

fucking coward.BECAUSE of your cowardly actions back then of LIES,nobody takes you serious here in your lies on him.
Liar. Prove it. Show threads or links to them.

if you were a newbie who hasnt LIED so many times,i WOULD but you are the same as PC is on reagan,you run off and ignore them.quit acting like there have not been MANY posters here in the history section who unlike PC,did not have an obsession over him and DID expose him for the lying traiter he was that you cowardly ignored.:haha:

too many links here in the history section have exposed him,YOU ignored those facts sorry troll, not going to [play your game again.
Any and all evidence you think you have has been debunked for decades.

coiming from a troll who does THIS-:scared1: all the time when challeneged to look at it is NO POSITION to be telling lies i have been debunked for decades,other way around shill.:haha: unlike you,i address evidence and dont run off from it.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok:

these are the two things you always do when your hero bastard gets exposed for the criminal he was.:scared1::CryingCow:

AGAIN stick to the subject of REAGAN,something you are NOT biased on and actually take the time to look at HIS corruption.:D
You are evading showing evidence that FDR somehow orchestrated Pearl Harbor, What you are claiming happens to be the granddaddy of conspiracy theories. But go ahead and provide your best piece of evidence to prove your conspiracy theory.

quit LYING ,i have taken you to school on that MANY times,you ran off and LIED and said it was not true when you could not counter the facts shiil:206:
You have not taken anyone to school on the topic.of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy. You have nor even made a claim about alleged evidence to support your conspiracy theory.

You have been challenged to provide your best piece of evidence of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy.
Put up or shut up.

just to watch you tell LIES that it has been debunked as you did back then? and watch you act like PC does when her hero REAGAN is exposed and ignores the evidence on him same as you did?yeah right.:rolleyes: I DID put up back then,YOU ignored it back then and LIED saying it was debunked,so YOU shut up motherfucker.
Don'r blow a gasket dufus. Just calmly find the post where you claim to have shown evidence of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy and post it.
Stop trying to change the subject. This is about you claiming evidence to an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy.
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oh and the OP OWNED your sorry ass in his OP and like the coward you are,you ignored it since you are BIASED on him.

why do i have to keep saying Stick to the corruption of reagan something you KNOW something about and just ignoring that post no matter how many times i have repeated it here?:rolleyes:
coiming from a troll who does THIS-:scared1: all the time when challeneged to look at it is NO POSITION to be telling lies i have been debunked for decades,other way around shill.:haha: unlike you,i address evidence and dont run off from it.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok:

these are the two things you always do when your hero bastard gets exposed for the criminal
he was.:scared1::CryingCow:

AGAIN stick to the subject of REAGAN,something you are NOT biased on and actually take the time to look at HIS corruption.:D
You are evading showing evidence that FDR somehow orchestrated Pearl Harbor, What you are claiming happens to be the granddaddy of conspiracy theories. But go ahead and provide your best piece of evidence to prove your conspiracy theory.

quit LYING ,i have taken you to school on that MANY times,you ran off and LIED and said it was not true when you could not counter the facts shiil:206:
You have not taken anyone to school on the topic.of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy. You have nor even made a claim about alleged evidence to support your conspiracy theory.

You have been challenged to provide your best piece of evidence of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy.
Put up or shut up.

just to watch you tell LIES that it has been debunked as you did back then? and watch you act like PC does when her hero REAGAN is exposed and ignores the evidence on him same as you did?yeah right.:rolleyes: I DID put up back then,YOU ignored it back then and LIED saying it was debunked,so YOU shut up motherfucker.
Don'r blow a gasket dufus. Just calmly find the post where you claim to have shown evidence of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy and post it.
Stop trying to change the subject. This is about you claiming evidence to an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy.

Stop trying to change the subject. This is about you claiming evidence to an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy.[/QUOTE]




FDR was terrible.
Whats even worse about that is, he had the SC on his side!
Dont forget he expanded the welfare state
Remember him wanting to set prices for goods? Remember wanting to expand the SC so he wouldnt have enough competition for his bullshit?
Fucking TYRANT
FDR did battle with the Supreme Court.
With the NRA FDR would not set prices, but those in the business would try to make sure those in the business would make some sort of profit.
FDR did expand the welfare state because Americans were hungry. Welfare has always been part of the United States.

FDR did more than that

He is the only President to invoke Socialism on a broad scale. He took over the manufacturing and food supplies of the United States and told them what they could make
There were only about 100 cars made during the war

FDRs Socialism created the Arsenal of Democracy. The biggest military buildup in history. He turned us from a second rate military and manufacturing country to the worlds biggest Superpower

Great President

Oh, so that's why unemployment averaged 20% over FDR's first two terms and didn't abate until Hitler invaded France and US was all but certain to be on a war economy footing

We had this thing called a "Depression" ...it was in all the papers

It started out as a recession. Democrats, with FDR in the lead, turned it into a depression. Obama used the same tactics, and damn near got the same results. Democrats didn't understand economics then, and they don't today.
there have been MANY threads on FDRS traiterous actions at pearl harbour in the conspiracy section of cold hard facts avaliable for you to look at which as we BOTH know,you will never take the time to dig up since as we BOTH know,you only see what you WANT to see.:rolleyes: I should not have to hold you by the hand and do everything for you.:rolleyes:
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FDR was terrible.
Whats even worse about that is, he had the SC on his side!
Dont forget he expanded the welfare state
Remember him wanting to set prices for goods? Remember wanting to expand the SC so he wouldnt have enough competition for his bullshit?
Fucking TYRANT
FDR did battle with the Supreme Court.
With the NRA FDR would not set prices, but those in the business would try to make sure those in the business would make some sort of profit.
FDR did expand the welfare state because Americans were hungry. Welfare has always been part of the United States.

FDR did more than that

He is the only President to invoke Socialism on a broad scale. He took over the manufacturing and food supplies of the United States and told them what they could make
There were only about 100 cars made during the war

FDRs Socialism created the Arsenal of Democracy. The biggest military buildup in history. He turned us from a second rate military and manufacturing country to the worlds biggest Superpower

Great President

Oh, so that's why unemployment averaged 20% over FDR's first two terms and didn't abate until Hitler invaded France and US was all but certain to be on a war economy footing

We had this thing called a "Depression" ...it was in all the papers

It started out as a recession. Democrats, with FDR in the lead, turned it into a depression. Obama used the same tactics, and damn near got the same results. Democrats didn't understand economics then, and they don't today.

thank you on the part of FDR.word of advise,dont try and have a debate with campy on this,if you try and give him links or anything,he does this since he is biased on him.

he works for the DNC.He amazingly does what most americans wont and will accept how corrupt reagan was but that is ONLY cause he was a republican,anytime you take him to school on FDR'S corruption though or the democrats,he does that above.LOL
FDR was terrible.
Whats even worse about that is, he had the SC on his side!
Dont forget he expanded the welfare state
Remember him wanting to set prices for goods? Remember wanting to expand the SC so he wouldnt have enough competition for his bullshit?
Fucking TYRANT
FDR did battle with the Supreme Court.
With the NRA FDR would not set prices, but those in the business would try to make sure those in the business would make some sort of profit.
FDR did expand the welfare state because Americans were hungry. Welfare has always been part of the United States.

FDR did more than that

He is the only President to invoke Socialism on a broad scale. He took over the manufacturing and food supplies of the United States and told them what they could make
There were only about 100 cars made during the war

FDRs Socialism created the Arsenal of Democracy. The biggest military buildup in history. He turned us from a second rate military and manufacturing country to the worlds biggest Superpower

Great President

Oh, so that's why unemployment averaged 20% over FDR's first two terms and didn't abate until Hitler invaded France and US was all but certain to be on a war economy footing

We had this thing called a "Depression" ...it was in all the papers

It started out as a recession. Democrats, with FDR in the lead, turned it into a depression. Obama used the same tactics, and damn near got the same results. Democrats didn't understand economics then, and they don't today.
Another no-nothing poorly educated brainwashed fool. Rhe Grear Depression did not start as a recession. It started with the stock marker crash of 1929, four years before FDR was inaugurated. Unemployment was 25% and banks were closing every day. There was no insurance for the depositors so they lost all their savings. A full blown depression was breaking America and many years old by the time FDR was elected into office.
FDR first 2 terms average unemployment was 20%, only abating after Hitler conquered Frank in 1940. Moreover FDR was a sock puppet for "Uncle Joe" Stalin, a ruthless mass murderer who starved 6 million of his own people to death. Fuck FDR

Just like President Obama. Takes years for a good Democratic President to clean up the economic mess Republicans make!

Hang on to your hat and wallet. Experts are already predicting a down turn this year.
FDR did battle with the Supreme Court.
With the NRA FDR would not set prices, but those in the business would try to make sure those in the business would make some sort of profit.
FDR did expand the welfare state because Americans were hungry. Welfare has always been part of the United States.

FDR did more than that

He is the only President to invoke Socialism on a broad scale. He took over the manufacturing and food supplies of the United States and told them what they could make
There were only about 100 cars made during the war

FDRs Socialism created the Arsenal of Democracy. The biggest military buildup in history. He turned us from a second rate military and manufacturing country to the worlds biggest Superpower

Great President

Oh, so that's why unemployment averaged 20% over FDR's first two terms and didn't abate until Hitler invaded France and US was all but certain to be on a war economy footing

We had this thing called a "Depression" ...it was in all the papers

It started out as a recession. Democrats, with FDR in the lead, turned it into a depression. Obama used the same tactics, and damn near got the same results. Democrats didn't understand economics then, and they don't today.

thank you on the part of FDR.word of advise,dont try and have a debate with campy on this,if you try and give him links or anything,he does this since he is biased on him.

he works for the DNC.He amazingly does what most americans wont and will accept how corrupt reagan was but that is ONLY cause he was a republican,anytime you take him to school on FDR'S corruption though or the democrats,he does that above.LOL

Translation. Campy knows what he is talking about.
FDR was held in great regard by the greatest generation. The ones who fought in WW2 and built a great middle class. Shame the dumb fuck boomers have destroyed that legacy with their greed.
FDR had no clue. The only thing that ended the Depression was WWII otherwise it would have lasted 20 years at least. I am also surprised that you Liberals would support a Racist like FDR who so blatantly revered the evil Robert E Lee. What gives?

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Remarks at the Unveiling of the Robert E. Lee Memorial Statue, Dallas, Texas.

Are you going to refuse your Social Security,too?

You do not understand how different the country was then. But you forget all the job Corps FDR created. WPA, CCC, putting able bodied men to work to rebuild and repair the Country.

Obama tried to do a modern version, the Republicans bitched and moaned all the way.
coiming from a troll who does THIS-:scared1: all the time when challeneged to look at it is NO POSITION to be telling lies i have been debunked for decades,other way around shill.:haha: unlike you,i address evidence and dont run off from it.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok:

these are the two things you always do when your hero bastard gets exposed for the criminal he was.:scared1::CryingCow:

AGAIN stick to the subject of REAGAN,something you are NOT biased on and actually take the time to look at HIS corruption.:D
You are evading showing evidence that FDR somehow orchestrated Pearl Harbor, What you are claiming happens to be the granddaddy of conspiracy theories. But go ahead and provide your best piece of evidence to prove your conspiracy theory.

quit LYING ,i have taken you to school on that MANY times,you ran off and LIED and said it was not true when you could not counter the facts shiil:206:
You have not taken anyone to school on the topic.of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy. You have nor even made a claim about alleged evidence to support your conspiracy theory.

You have been challenged to provide your best piece of evidence of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy.
Put up or shut up.

just to watch you tell LIES that it has been debunked as you did back then? and watch you act like PC does when her hero REAGAN is exposed and ignores the evidence on him same as you did?yeah right.:rolleyes: I DID put up back then,YOU ignored it back then and LIED saying it was debunked,so YOU shut up motherfucker.
Don'r blow a gasket dufus. Just calmly find the post where you claim to have shown evidence of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy and post it.
Stop trying to change the subject. This is about you claiming evidence to an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy.

Better yet,why not ask those who lived then? There are still many around who Know what happened and actually listened to FDR give his ,” Day Of Infamy, “ Speech. They are not all dead, and they sure as hell know the twisted versions passed around by those ignorant enough to believe them.
You are evading showing evidence that FDR somehow orchestrated Pearl Harbor, What you are claiming happens to be the granddaddy of conspiracy theories. But go ahead and provide your best piece of evidence to prove your conspiracy theory.

quit LYING ,i have taken you to school on that MANY times,you ran off and LIED and said it was not true when you could not counter the facts shiil:206:
You have not taken anyone to school on the topic.of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy. You have nor even made a claim about alleged evidence to support your conspiracy theory.

You have been challenged to provide your best piece of evidence of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy.
Put up or shut up.

just to watch you tell LIES that it has been debunked as you did back then? and watch you act like PC does when her hero REAGAN is exposed and ignores the evidence on him same as you did?yeah right.:rolleyes: I DID put up back then,YOU ignored it back then and LIED saying it was debunked,so YOU shut up motherfucker.
Don'r blow a gasket dufus. Just calmly find the post where you claim to have shown evidence of an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy and post it.
Stop trying to change the subject. This is about you claiming evidence to an FDR/Pearl Harbor conspiracy.

Better yet,why not ask those who lived then? There are still many around who Know what happened and actually listened to FDR give his ,” Day Of Infamy, “ Speech. They are not all dead, and they sure as hell know the twisted versions passed around by those ignorant enough to believe them.
Regent, a member here who likes to post comments in FDR, Great Depression era, and WWII threads worked in a New Deal work relief project and when WWII began served as a rifle company soldier in the Pacific under General MacArthur. He has probably posted in this thread.

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