FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

The scumbag fdr knew. The Navy told him, his own intel operatives told him, the FBI told him. Quit playing the apologist, racist democrat.
He may have received some conflicting opinions
The OVERWHELMING opinion was that the Japanese were dangerous and needed to be locked up
Very few Americans disagreed

The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry

It was 1942, not 1742. People knew right from wrong. Too bad you don’t.
1942 America did not know right from wrong. Blacks were officially segregated. Jews were banned from country clubs. Women had secondary status. Gays were openly beaten

Why are you shocked Japs were treated the way they were?

They did not know right from wrong? As early as Thomas Jefferson, they knew slavery was wrong. Jefferson even wanted to free the slaves in the Declaration of Independence, but was pressure not to in order for the Southern Colonies to sign on to the Constitution. For you see, they abandoned their conscience in favor of a larger more centralized government.

Then Lincoln and company offered the Southern states a Constitutional amendment that would have made slavery a Constitutional right with the Corwin amendment, if only they would return to the Union. Since they refused, he sent the troops in where over a million Americans lost their lives. Why? Because men years prior did not have enough back bone and moral fiber to do the right thing, cuz they craved the power so much.

I will agree that FDR did not know right from wrong. The man was an ardent racist, a war monger, and he despised the Constitution as seen with his court packing scheme.

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
If you want an overreach of power by FDR....look at how he took over ALL industrial production in the US and told them what they could produce and what resources and workers they could have

Nothing short of total socialism

Yet, it is the reason we won the war
He may have received some conflicting opinions
The OVERWHELMING opinion was that the Japanese were dangerous and needed to be locked up
Very few Americans disagreed

The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry

It was 1942, not 1742. People knew right from wrong. Too bad you don’t.
1942 America did not know right from wrong. Blacks were officially segregated. Jews were banned from country clubs. Women had secondary status. Gays were openly beaten

Why are you shocked Japs were treated the way they were?

They did not know right from wrong? As early as Thomas Jefferson, they knew slavery was wrong. Jefferson even wanted to free the slaves in the Declaration of Independence, but was pressure not to in order for the Southern Colonies to sign on to the Constitution. For you see, they abandoned their conscience in favor of a larger more centralized government.

Then Lincoln and company offered the Southern states a Constitutional amendment that would have made slavery a Constitutional right with the Corwin amendment, if only they would return to the Union. Since they refused, he sent the troops in where over a million Americans lost their lives. Why? Because men years prior did not have enough back bone and moral fiber to do the right thing, cuz they craved the power so much.

I will agree that FDR did not know right from wrong. The man was an ardent racist, a war monger, and he despised the Constitution as seen with his court packing scheme.

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
You are kind of getting it outside your hate rhetoric
Jefferson was a product of his times. He supported and participated in slavery. Yet, he produced one of the keystone documents of democracy

Lincoln opposed slavery, but understood the political limitations of his time. He did what was necessary to save the Union

FDR was an icon of his time. The right man for the right time
The AMERICANS that the scumbag fdr threw into his concentration camps did NOT bomb Pearl Harbor.

In 1942 they were Japs first and Americans second.

Clearly the same way democrats like YOU still think.
An overwhelming majority of Americans of Japanese ancestry vote Democratic

When you democrats realize you cannot defend your idol, you always fall back on disingenuous excuses and logical fallacy.

Most Japanese Americans today support the Democrats. Is that the way THEY think?

A fully indoctrinated democrat can’t even recognize a logical fallacy. See above.
My dad served in Pattons army, uncles also. Both my GF's immigrated to America in time to step off the boat ,be fitted for a uniform, and serve in the trenches of WW1, the first english they learned was 'incoming'....

For the life of me i don't see why DJT isn't doing the very same thing for all these islamic men fit for duty.


My Dad served in Germany. The man who later became my Husband, Father of my Son’s was an 18 year old, wounded on Omaha Beach, went on all the way through Europe, helped liberate the Concentration Camps.
My Uncles, all my further BIL’s served.

I am so sick of the Johnny come lately who have no idea what they went through. The ignorance is amazing. The last war we ever won.

I remember FDR well. I barely remember his, “ Day Of Infamy,” Speech, but know I was terrified.

A big 10-4 MaryAnne

methinks you won't find many apologists among WW2 vets, if one can still find some to talk to.

my understanding is , we really were not anywhere near the military we are now , in fact way down on the 'superpower' list.

The Axis were not only a formidable foe, from the stories i heard they were also bat sh*t crazy loyalists

The 'greatest generation' had a lotta buckin' up to face and defeat them , they did what they had to do & paid dearly for it

I'm not about to put 'em down in any way shape or form

FDR was an icon of his time. The right man for the right time

Yes he was RWinger, he was also known as a 'traitor to his class' with the legislation of Glass Steagall , which effectively took a LOT of power away from the banksters

The old timers said FDR 'stopped the banks from taking our homes' due to it

FF to Clinton's rescinding of it, and the subsequent housing bubble bursting in '08

We sure coulda used an 'FDR then.....

My Dad was 35 when they started taking men with one child up to 37!

That is how badly they needed man power.

One of my friends was there at the Train Station to see our Dad’s leave for Camp Maxey, Texas for training.

My Dad came home, hers did not. I always had a guilty feeling when I would see her. Not reasonable, but that is fact.
FDR was an icon of his time. The right man for the right time

Yes he was RWinger, he was also known as a 'traitor to his class' with the legislation of Glass Steagall , which effectively took a LOT of power away from the banksters

The old timers said FDR 'stopped the banks from taking our homes' due to it

FF to Clinton's rescinding of it, and the subsequent housing bubble bursting in '08

We sure coulda used an 'FDR then.....


Yes,and Phil Gramm and his nasty gang killed that protection,the same way they are gutting the Consumer Protection Agency now.
In 1942 they were Japs first and Americans second.

Clearly the same way democrats like YOU still think.
An overwhelming majority of Americans of Japanese ancestry vote Democratic

When you democrats realize you cannot defend your idol, you always fall back on disingenuous excuses and logical fallacy.

Most Japanese Americans today support the Democrats. Is that the way THEY think?

A fully indoctrinated democrat can’t even recognize a logical fallacy. See above.
He may have received some conflicting opinions
The OVERWHELMING opinion was that the Japanese were dangerous and needed to be locked up
Very few Americans disagreed

The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry

It was 1942, not 1742. People knew right from wrong. Too bad you don’t.
1942 America did not know right from wrong. Blacks were officially segregated. Jews were banned from country clubs. Women had secondary status. Gays were openly beaten

Why are you shocked Japs were treated the way they were?

They did not know right from wrong? As early as Thomas Jefferson, they knew slavery was wrong. Jefferson even wanted to free the slaves in the Declaration of Independence, but was pressure not to in order for the Southern Colonies to sign on to the Constitution. For you see, they abandoned their conscience in favor of a larger more centralized government.

Then Lincoln and company offered the Southern states a Constitutional amendment that would have made slavery a Constitutional right with the Corwin amendment, if only they would return to the Union. Since they refused, he sent the troops in where over a million Americans lost their lives. Why? Because men years prior did not have enough back bone and moral fiber to do the right thing, cuz they craved the power so much.

I will agree that FDR did not know right from wrong. The man was an ardent racist, a war monger, and he despised the Constitution as seen with his court packing scheme.

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.

You seem to be getting your war stories all mixed up.

Why am I not surprised?
My dad served in Pattons army, uncles also. Both my GF's immigrated to America in time to step off the boat ,be fitted for a uniform, and serve in the trenches of WW1, the first english they learned was 'incoming'....

For the life of me i don't see why DJT isn't doing the very same thing for all these islamic men fit for duty.


My Dad served in Germany. The man who later became my Husband, Father of my Son’s was an 18 year old, wounded on Omaha Beach, went on all the way through Europe, helped liberate the Concentration Camps.
My Uncles, all my further BIL’s served.

I am so sick of the Johnny come lately who have no idea what they went through. The ignorance is amazing. The last war we ever won.

I remember FDR well. I barely remember his, “ Day Of Infamy,” Speech, but know I was terrified.

A big 10-4 MaryAnne

methinks you won't find many apologists among WW2 vets, if one can still find some to talk to.

my understanding is , we really were not anywhere near the military we are now , in fact way down on the 'superpower' list.

The Axis were not only a formidable foe, from the stories i heard they were also bat sh*t crazy loyalists

The 'greatest generation' had a lotta buckin' up to face and defeat them , they did what they had to do & paid dearly for it

I'm not about to put 'em down in any way shape or form

I think we were somewhere around 17th in the world in 1939. We still had surplus WWI equipment and were way behind in aircraft, tanks and artillery
By the end of WWII we were the only real superpower and the only nation with nukes
FDR was an icon of his time. The right man for the right time

Yes he was RWinger, he was also known as a 'traitor to his class' with the legislation of Glass Steagall , which effectively took a LOT of power away from the banksters

The old timers said FDR 'stopped the banks from taking our homes' due to it

FF to Clinton's rescinding of it, and the subsequent housing bubble bursting in '08

We sure coulda used an 'FDR then.....

FDR is criticized because they say it took to long to recover from the depression. That his policies extended the depression

But FDR understood that the depression was about people not the banks. As FDR said........people don’t eat on the long term.

He had to do things to ease the suffering of the people, if the wealthy and banks had it tougher, he didn’t care
In 1942 they were Japs first and Americans second.

Clearly the same way democrats like YOU still think.
An overwhelming majority of Americans of Japanese ancestry vote Democratic

When you democrats realize you cannot defend your idol, you always fall back on disingenuous excuses and logical fallacy.

Most Japanese Americans today support the Democrats. Is that the way THEY think?

A fully indoctrinated democrat can’t even recognize a logical fallacy. See above.
You act like the Japanese immigrants were treated worse than any other immigrants in America. Your rant seems to be that the Japanese for a handful of years suffered worse than any other group of immigrants or ethnic group in all of our history. Japanese were mistreated for a short time while a war against Japan engulfed America and as tens of thousands of Americans were being killed and maimed by the Japanese and America feared more attacks and terrorism from the Japanese. All they needed was a handful of traitors or agents to wreak havoc on the west coast. People in charge of trying to keep America protected did not want to take chances and gamble.

Your rants and whining now do more to educate Americans about Japanese atrocities and barbarism than anything else. Many Americans do not know how animalistic and barbaric the Japanese race became during WWII. Thanks to you they are being educated.
Remember, while Japanese Americans were being detained in America, Americans in Japanese custody were being used, tortured and murdered for biological warfare experiments designed for use on the west coast of America.
If you want an overreach of power by FDR....look at how he took over ALL industrial production in the US and told them what they could produce and what resources and workers they could have

Nothing short of total socialism

Yet, it is the reason we won the war

To be fair to the young, Right winger, they do not have the slightest understanding of just how desperate the situation was back then.

Most younger people do not.

FDR was Human. He made mistakes, but his accomplishments far out weigh his mistakes.

They have no conception of a world with only radio’s, telephones with Operators.
Clearly the same way democrats like YOU still think.
An overwhelming majority of Americans of Japanese ancestry vote Democratic

When you democrats realize you cannot defend your idol, you always fall back on disingenuous excuses and logical fallacy.

Most Japanese Americans today support the Democrats. Is that the way THEY think?

A fully indoctrinated democrat can’t even recognize a logical fallacy. See above.
You act like the Japanese immigrants were treated worse than any other immigrants in America. Your rant seems to be that the Japanese for a handful of years suffered worse than any other group of immigrants or ethnic group in all of our history. Japanese were mistreated for a short time while a war against Japan engulfed America and as tens of thousands of Americans were being killed and maimed by the Japanese and America feared more attacks and terrorism from the Japanese. All they needed was a handful of traitors or agents to wreak havoc on the west coast. People in charge of trying to keep America protected did not want to take chances and gamble.

Your rants and whining now do more to educate Americans about Japanese atrocities and barbarism than anything else. Many Americans do not know how animalistic and barbaric the Japanese race became during WWII. Thanks to you they are being educated.
Remember, while Japanese Americans were being detained in America, Americans in Japanese custody were being used, tortured and murdered for biological warfare experiments designed for use on the west coast of America.

Giant steaming pile of logical fallacy ^^^^^^^
If you want an overreach of power by FDR....look at how he took over ALL industrial production in the US and told them what they could produce and what resources and workers they could have

Nothing short of total socialism

Yet, it is the reason we won the war

Indeed. Socialism is the key to building world conquering armies, so FDR adopted the same approach Hitler and Stalin did. He simply centralized power and poured half or more of his resources into the military.

Without socialism world wars would be impossible.

Thanks socialism

The problem is, since FDR created a centralized war machine the US has been at war across the globe ever since, even though they no longer take the time to declare war.

Now the US has troops in over 70 countries around the world, something Hitler could only fantasize about.
FDR did more than that

He is the only President to invoke Socialism on a broad scale. He took over the manufacturing and food supplies of the United States and told them what they could make
There were only about 100 cars made during the war

FDRs Socialism created the Arsenal of Democracy. The biggest military buildup in history. He turned us from a second rate military and manufacturing country to the worlds biggest Superpower

Great President

Oh, so that's why unemployment averaged 20% over FDR's first two terms and didn't abate until Hitler invaded France and US was all but certain to be on a war economy footing

We had this thing called a "Depression" ...it was in all the papers

It started out as a recession. Democrats, with FDR in the lead, turned it into a depression. Obama used the same tactics, and damn near got the same results. Democrats didn't understand economics then, and they don't today.

Thank you sir.Too bad the FDR sheep worshippers are so brainwashed,biased and in denial mode on this they cant handle this little pesky fact of yours you stated so well.:2up: anytime you give them the evidence,this is what they do-

^^^Redundant spammer..

i know the truth hurts your feelings which you always run off from.LOL
He may have received some conflicting opinions
The OVERWHELMING opinion was that the Japanese were dangerous and needed to be locked up
Very few Americans disagreed

The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry

It was 1942, not 1742. People knew right from wrong. Too bad you don’t.
1942 America did not know right from wrong. Blacks were officially segregated. Jews were banned from country clubs. Women had secondary status. Gays were openly beaten

Why are you shocked Japs were treated the way they were?

They did not know right from wrong? As early as Thomas Jefferson, they knew slavery was wrong. Jefferson even wanted to free the slaves in the Declaration of Independence, but was pressure not to in order for the Southern Colonies to sign on to the Constitution. For you see, they abandoned their conscience in favor of a larger more centralized government.

Then Lincoln and company offered the Southern states a Constitutional amendment that would have made slavery a Constitutional right with the Corwin amendment, if only they would return to the Union. Since they refused, he sent the troops in where over a million Americans lost their lives. Why? Because men years prior did not have enough back bone and moral fiber to do the right thing, cuz they craved the power so much.

I will agree that FDR did not know right from wrong. The man was an ardent racist, a war monger, and he despised the Constitution as seen with his court packing scheme.

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.

Votto,you are one of the few extreme rare posters that have come on here that have taken the time to look at the documented evidence over the years that the FDR worshippers dont have a single interest in looking and learning about,they are in denial mode that their corrupt school system has brainwashed them their whole lives on this issue and too closed minded to look at the evidence.

excellent stuff there,well done.you took them all to school.I could not have said it better myself.:udaman::yes_text12::thankusmile:
The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry

It was 1942, not 1742. People knew right from wrong. Too bad you don’t.
1942 America did not know right from wrong. Blacks were officially segregated. Jews were banned from country clubs. Women had secondary status. Gays were openly beaten

Why are you shocked Japs were treated the way they were?

They did not know right from wrong? As early as Thomas Jefferson, they knew slavery was wrong. Jefferson even wanted to free the slaves in the Declaration of Independence, but was pressure not to in order for the Southern Colonies to sign on to the Constitution. For you see, they abandoned their conscience in favor of a larger more centralized government.

Then Lincoln and company offered the Southern states a Constitutional amendment that would have made slavery a Constitutional right with the Corwin amendment, if only they would return to the Union. Since they refused, he sent the troops in where over a million Americans lost their lives. Why? Because men years prior did not have enough back bone and moral fiber to do the right thing, cuz they craved the power so much.

I will agree that FDR did not know right from wrong. The man was an ardent racist, a war monger, and he despised the Constitution as seen with his court packing scheme.

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.

Votto,you are one of the few extreme rare posters that have come on here that have taken the time to look at the documented evidence over the years that the FDR worshippers dont have a single interest in looking and learning about,they are in denial mode that their corrupt school system has brainwashed them their whole lives on this issue and too closed minded to look at the evidence.

excellent stuff there,well done.you took them all to school.I could not have said it better myself.:udaman::yes_text12::thankusmile:

What I found interesting is when you visit Washington DC, all the monuments, except for maybe Jefferson, are dedicated to warmongers.

At least Washington turned down the opportunity to be king, and he voluntarily stepped down after 2 terms thus setting the precedent.......until FDR broke it by wanting to be a king. Congress then had to limit the terms by legislation to try and reduce the corruption seen under FDR.

As a result, I still like Washington but detest FDR. Washington just wanted to be free as where FDR just wanted to be a god.

I even remember visiting the FDR monument in DC. I walked up and there was this terrible smell. I looked up and it was a bunch of bathrooms. I thought to myself, how fitting.
If you want an overreach of power by FDR....look at how he took over ALL industrial production in the US and told them what they could produce and what resources and workers they could have

Nothing short of total socialism

Yet, it is the reason we won the war

To be fair to the young, Right winger, they do not have the slightest understanding of just how desperate the situation was back then.

Most younger people do not.

FDR was Human. He made mistakes, but his accomplishments far out weigh his mistakes.

They have no conception of a world with only radio’s, telephones with Operators.

I was born in the 50s but have read quite a bit about the war years. It was a different country with different values. Some values were better, some worse......but patriotism consumed the country. People would do anything FDR Said was needed......and we had it significantly easier than any other beligerant nation

FDR and Churchill were the two greatest leaders of the twentieth century. Without them, the postwar world would be significantly worse
In 1942, the Japanese were a threat to the country and were considered to be loyal to their emperor.
Containment was considered the only way to prevent Japanese espionage on the West Coast
Had FDR not done it, California was already going to and the possibility of mass killings of American/Japanese civilians would have happened..
Hard to recreate the hysteria of 1942 with a 2018 mindset

Ralph Carr did not live in 2018.
Good ole Ralph
One of the ONLY Americans to disagree
Most Americans cheered the idea
Doesn't matter if the Japanese Americans were a threat or not. That is not the deciding question. The real question is, is the Constitution the law of the land or not?

Clearly FDR and many other tyrannical presidents our nation has had to endure, do not believe the Constitution constrains their power to do whatever they want.

You obviously prefer tyranny of the executive (aka criminal scumbag), rather than a constitutional republic that limits the power of the central government. FDR should have been impeached and removed for this action and so many others the crook undertook.

you are making wayyyyyy too much sense for their warped minds to comprehend.:abgg2q.jpg:careful too much logic,common sense and facts like this Gipper will overload their brains so much and fry them,they will be zombies incapable of talking if you keep posting so many of the documented criminal activities of FDR.:happy-1:

ever notice how the FDR worshiippers are as much brainwashed zombies as the reagannut worshippers are? sure would love to see them all in a room together and duke it out.Neither can understand as we do that both parties are corrupt and both controlled by the bankers and servants to them as both FDR and Eisenhower were.. Trump being the exception him being a RINO nothing like the round table group plotting against americans that Romney,Mccain,and Bush are all part of thank god.

Yeah a war entirely set up by FDR.:thup:

a fact they cant come to grips with as demonstrated on this entire thread.:rolleyes:
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