FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

My dad served in Pattons army, uncles also. Both my GF's immigrated to America in time to step off the boat ,be fitted for a uniform, and serve in the trenches of WW1, the first english they learned was 'incoming'....

For the life of me i don't see why DJT isn't doing the very same thing for all these islamic men fit for duty.


My Dad served in Germany. The man who later became my Husband, Father of my Son’s was an 18 year old, wounded on Omaha Beach, went on all the way through Europe, helped liberate the Concentration Camps.
My Uncles, all my further BIL’s served.

I am so sick of the Johnny come lately who have no idea what they went through. The ignorance is amazing. The last war we ever won.

I remember FDR well. I barely remember his, “ Day Of Infamy,” Speech, but know I was terrified.
People need to understand a 1942 mindset.
There were good guys and there were bad guys. In 1942, there were no bigger bad guys than the Japs who bombed Pearl Harbor

The AMERICANS that the scumbag fdr threw into his concentration camps did NOT bomb Pearl Harbor.
In 1942, the Japanese were a threat to the country and were considered to be loyal to their emperor.
Containment was considered the only way to prevent Japanese espionage on the West Coast

Lie. The scumbag fdr knew the Americans he threw into his concentration camps were NOT a threat.
Doesn’t seem anyone knew

The scumbag fdr knew. The Navy told him, his own intel operatives told him, the FBI told him. Quit playing the apologist, racist democrat.
He may have received some conflicting opinions
The OVERWHELMING opinion was that the Japanese were dangerous and needed to be locked up
Very few Americans disagreed

The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry
Hard to recreate the hysteria of 1942 with a 2018 mindset

Ralph Carr did not live in 2018.
Good ole Ralph
One of the ONLY Americans to disagree
Most Americans cheered the idea
Doesn't matter if the Japanese Americans were a threat or not. That is not the deciding question. The real question is, is the Constitution the law of the land or not?

Clearly FDR and many other tyrannical presidents our nation has had to endure, do not believe the Constitution constrains their power to do whatever they want.

You obviously prefer tyranny of the executive (aka criminal scumbag), rather than a constitutional republic that limits the power of the central government. FDR should have been impeached and removed for this action and so many others the crook undertook.
In times of war and national emergency yes rights can be curtailed..
Yeah a war entirely set up by FDR.
Yeah you go with that...
Ralph Carr did not live in 2018.
Good ole Ralph
One of the ONLY Americans to disagree
Most Americans cheered the idea
Doesn't matter if the Japanese Americans were a threat or not. That is not the deciding question. The real question is, is the Constitution the law of the land or not?

Clearly FDR and many other tyrannical presidents our nation has had to endure, do not believe the Constitution constrains their power to do whatever they want.

You obviously prefer tyranny of the executive (aka criminal scumbag), rather than a constitutional republic that limits the power of the central government. FDR should have been impeached and removed for this action and so many others the crook undertook.
In times of war and national emergency yes rights can be curtailed..
Yeah a war entirely set up by FDR.
Yeah you go with that...
So...if a POTUS has unlimited power during war, what do you think will transpire?
Hard to recreate the hysteria of 1942 with a 2018 mindset

Ralph Carr did not live in 2018.
Good ole Ralph
One of the ONLY Americans to disagree
Most Americans cheered the idea
Doesn't matter if the Japanese Americans were a threat or not. That is not the deciding question. The real question is, is the Constitution the law of the land or not?

Clearly FDR and many other tyrannical presidents our nation has had to endure, do not believe the Constitution constrains their power to do whatever they want.

You obviously prefer tyranny of the executive (aka criminal scumbag), rather than a constitutional republic that limits the power of the central government. FDR should have been impeached and removed for this action and so many others the crook undertook.
In times of war and national emergency yes rights can be curtailed..
In WWI they would lock you up for speaking out against the war
Do you find that acceptable?
My dad served in Pattons army, uncles also. Both my GF's immigrated to America in time to step off the boat ,be fitted for a uniform, and serve in the trenches of WW1, the first english they learned was 'incoming'....

For the life of me i don't see why DJT isn't doing the very same thing for all these islamic men fit for duty.


My Dad served in Germany. The man who later became my Husband, Father of my Son’s was an 18 year old, wounded on Omaha Beach, went on all the way through Europe, helped liberate the Concentration Camps.
My Uncles, all my further BIL’s served.

I am so sick of the Johnny come lately who have no idea what they went through. The ignorance is amazing. The last war we ever won.

I remember FDR well. I barely remember his, “ Day Of Infamy,” Speech, but know I was terrified.
People need to understand a 1942 mindset.
There were good guys and there were bad guys. In 1942, there were no bigger bad guys than the Japs who bombed Pearl Harbor

The AMERICANS that the scumbag fdr threw into his concentration camps did NOT bomb Pearl Harbor.

In 1942 they were Japs first and Americans second.
Same 1942 that enforced Jim Crow
Good ole Ralph
One of the ONLY Americans to disagree
Most Americans cheered the idea
Doesn't matter if the Japanese Americans were a threat or not. That is not the deciding question. The real question is, is the Constitution the law of the land or not?

Clearly FDR and many other tyrannical presidents our nation has had to endure, do not believe the Constitution constrains their power to do whatever they want.

You obviously prefer tyranny of the executive (aka criminal scumbag), rather than a constitutional republic that limits the power of the central government. FDR should have been impeached and removed for this action and so many others the crook undertook.
In times of war and national emergency yes rights can be curtailed..
Yeah a war entirely set up by FDR.
Yeah you go with that...
So...if a POTUS has unlimited power during war, what do you think will transpire?
Good ole Ralph
One of the ONLY Americans to disagree
Most Americans cheered the idea
Doesn't matter if the Japanese Americans were a threat or not. That is not the deciding question. The real question is, is the Constitution the law of the land or not?

Clearly FDR and many other tyrannical presidents our nation has had to endure, do not believe the Constitution constrains their power to do whatever they want.

You obviously prefer tyranny of the executive (aka criminal scumbag), rather than a constitutional republic that limits the power of the central government. FDR should have been impeached and removed for this action and so many others the crook undertook.
In times of war and national emergency yes rights can be curtailed..
Yeah a war entirely set up by FDR.
Yeah you go with that...
So...if a POTUS has unlimited power during war, what do you think will transpire?
Many things. But FDR didn't make Hitler or Hirohito do what they did or Mussolini who let FDR make him do stuff when he was gov. of NY....
Lie. The scumbag fdr knew the Americans he threw into his concentration camps were NOT a threat.
Doesn’t seem anyone knew

The scumbag fdr knew. The Navy told him, his own intel operatives told him, the FBI told him. Quit playing the apologist, racist democrat.
He may have received some conflicting opinions
The OVERWHELMING opinion was that the Japanese were dangerous and needed to be locked up
Very few Americans disagreed

The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry

It was 1942, not 1742. People knew right from wrong. Too bad you don’t.
FDR is hated by the far right because he proved beyond question or debate that programs with levels and degrees of socialist foundations have functional places in a capitalist economic system. No civilized country on earth or in history has not used programs or policies that mimic a socialist program or policy. America has such programs and policies since it's inception and colonial days.

Some of America's most favored programs today came out of FDR's New Deal and are socialist in nature. Some things are so big and so important that only the government can operate them. Some things rely on publicly owned resources. A river used to build a dam and generate electricity or provide a food source, irrigation or a mode of transportation. You can employ private industry to fulfill some of the mechanics but in the big picture and final outcome, it is the government that controls the production that comes from the river. Government control of production is the definition of socialism. Government controls how many dams can be built and their sizes, how many fish can be caught when where, how much water can be deterred and diverted for irrigation, or what kind of ships and the number of ship or boats can be used for transportation of goods and services on the river. Socialism.
FDR used rivers to create jobs and bring industry and jobs to oppressed regions of America.

People in many of those areas were not even counted on unemployed rolls and lists. They never had jobs or employment, not until FDR.
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My dad served in Pattons army, uncles also. Both my GF's immigrated to America in time to step off the boat ,be fitted for a uniform, and serve in the trenches of WW1, the first english they learned was 'incoming'....

For the life of me i don't see why DJT isn't doing the very same thing for all these islamic men fit for duty.


My Dad served in Germany. The man who later became my Husband, Father of my Son’s was an 18 year old, wounded on Omaha Beach, went on all the way through Europe, helped liberate the Concentration Camps.
My Uncles, all my further BIL’s served.

I am so sick of the Johnny come lately who have no idea what they went through. The ignorance is amazing. The last war we ever won.

I remember FDR well. I barely remember his, “ Day Of Infamy,” Speech, but know I was terrified.
People need to understand a 1942 mindset.
There were good guys and there were bad guys. In 1942, there were no bigger bad guys than the Japs who bombed Pearl Harbor

The AMERICANS that the scumbag fdr threw into his concentration camps did NOT bomb Pearl Harbor.

In 1942 they were Japs first and Americans second.

Clearly the same way democrats like YOU still think.
Ralph Carr did not live in 2018.
Good ole Ralph
One of the ONLY Americans to disagree
Most Americans cheered the idea
Doesn't matter if the Japanese Americans were a threat or not. That is not the deciding question. The real question is, is the Constitution the law of the land or not?

Clearly FDR and many other tyrannical presidents our nation has had to endure, do not believe the Constitution constrains their power to do whatever they want.

You obviously prefer tyranny of the executive (aka criminal scumbag), rather than a constitutional republic that limits the power of the central government. FDR should have been impeached and removed for this action and so many others the crook undertook.
In times of war and national emergency yes rights can be curtailed..
In WWI they would lock you up for speaking out against the war
Do you find that acceptable?

The democrats find it laudable.
Doesn’t seem anyone knew

The scumbag fdr knew. The Navy told him, his own intel operatives told him, the FBI told him. Quit playing the apologist, racist democrat.
He may have received some conflicting opinions
The OVERWHELMING opinion was that the Japanese were dangerous and needed to be locked up
Very few Americans disagreed

The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry

It was 1942, not 1742. People knew right from wrong. Too bad you don’t.
1942 America did not know right from wrong. Blacks were officially segregated. Jews were banned from country clubs. Women had secondary status. Gays were openly beaten

Why are you shocked Japs were treated the way they were?
My dad served in Pattons army, uncles also. Both my GF's immigrated to America in time to step off the boat ,be fitted for a uniform, and serve in the trenches of WW1, the first english they learned was 'incoming'....

For the life of me i don't see why DJT isn't doing the very same thing for all these islamic men fit for duty.


My Dad served in Germany. The man who later became my Husband, Father of my Son’s was an 18 year old, wounded on Omaha Beach, went on all the way through Europe, helped liberate the Concentration Camps.
My Uncles, all my further BIL’s served.

I am so sick of the Johnny come lately who have no idea what they went through. The ignorance is amazing. The last war we ever won.

I remember FDR well. I barely remember his, “ Day Of Infamy,” Speech, but know I was terrified.
People need to understand a 1942 mindset.
There were good guys and there were bad guys. In 1942, there were no bigger bad guys than the Japs who bombed Pearl Harbor

The AMERICANS that the scumbag fdr threw into his concentration camps did NOT bomb Pearl Harbor.

In 1942 they were Japs first and Americans second.

Clearly the same way democrats like YOU still think.
An overwhelming majority of Americans of Japanese ancestry vote Democratic
The scumbag fdr knew. The Navy told him, his own intel operatives told him, the FBI told him. Quit playing the apologist, racist democrat.
He may have received some conflicting opinions
The OVERWHELMING opinion was that the Japanese were dangerous and needed to be locked up
Very few Americans disagreed

The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry

It was 1942, not 1742. People knew right from wrong. Too bad you don’t.
1942 America did not know right from wrong. ...

You want to believe that because democrats still don’t today.
My Dad served in Germany. The man who later became my Husband, Father of my Son’s was an 18 year old, wounded on Omaha Beach, went on all the way through Europe, helped liberate the Concentration Camps.
My Uncles, all my further BIL’s served.

I am so sick of the Johnny come lately who have no idea what they went through. The ignorance is amazing. The last war we ever won.

I remember FDR well. I barely remember his, “ Day Of Infamy,” Speech, but know I was terrified.
People need to understand a 1942 mindset.
There were good guys and there were bad guys. In 1942, there were no bigger bad guys than the Japs who bombed Pearl Harbor

The AMERICANS that the scumbag fdr threw into his concentration camps did NOT bomb Pearl Harbor.

In 1942 they were Japs first and Americans second.

Clearly the same way democrats like YOU still think.
An overwhelming majority of Americans of Japanese ancestry vote Democratic

When you democrats realize you cannot defend your idol, you always fall back on disingenuous excuses and logical fallacy.
People need to understand a 1942 mindset.
There were good guys and there were bad guys. In 1942, there were no bigger bad guys than the Japs who bombed Pearl Harbor

The AMERICANS that the scumbag fdr threw into his concentration camps did NOT bomb Pearl Harbor.

In 1942 they were Japs first and Americans second.

Clearly the same way democrats like YOU still think.
An overwhelming majority of Americans of Japanese ancestry vote Democratic

When you democrats realize you cannot defend your idol, you always fall back on disingenuous excuses and logical fallacy.

Most Japanese Americans today support the Democrats. Is that the way THEY think?

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