FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left


In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."

trust me votto,,your wasting you're breath. He wont read the link.Me and Gipper have dealt with him before so many times in the past and when you back him up against the wall knowing he cant counter the evidence and facts,he just comes back with BS crap all the time saying- "Rusbridgers book has been debunked".blah blah blah blah blah.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
I read the link and reviews to Nave's book. I knew about him and the topic long ago. My post debunks your friend's misinformation. Nothing in the link he provides implies or indicates FDR new of this alleged code.

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.

This was German, but a part of the code breakers at NCR.
Dayton Code breakers, WW 2.

Dayton Codebreakers | A story that was secret for 50 years


Took my Grandson to vist this a few years ago.

Hope that Dayton engineer will get recognized for code-breaking
They blamed Churchill in the article but I doubt FDR did not know.

I can't see Churchill risking the US losing it's fleet when they desperately needed them to fight the Nazi war machine.

No, it is no coincidence that just enough vessels were moved out of Pearl Harbor before the attack. Churchill had nothing to do with that, it was all the commander in chief

If you want an overreach of power by FDR....look at how he took over ALL industrial production in the US and told them what they could produce and what resources and workers they could have

Nothing short of total socialism

Yet, it is the reason we won the war

Indeed. Socialism is the key to building world conquering armies, so FDR adopted the same approach Hitler and Stalin did. He simply centralized power and poured half or more of his resources into the military.

Without socialism world wars would be impossible.

Thanks socialism

The problem is, since FDR created a centralized war machine the US has been at war across the globe ever since, even though they no longer take the time to declare war.

Now the US has troops in over 70 countries around the world, something Hitler could only fantasize about.
Imagine that....the right man for the right time

Imagine if we ran the war years like a democracy. Let the free market decide what war products would be produced and let the suppliers decide what needed to be done. Let critical war materials ...steel, aluminum, rubber, copper go to the highest bidder

FDR acted in a time of crisis and saved the

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
And what did we learn by breaking the code?

Did we learn that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on Dec 7 at 0800 and that the Philippines and Singapore would be attacked 20 hours later?

No we received general information that Japan was prepared for war and an attack was imminent

1941 intelligence decemination was very segmented and was unable to quickly get out a warning

Yeah,forget the fact the Government turned auto plants into making machines of war. No one complained,they went to work in the factories,especially women. The men were all fighting.
The scumbag fdr knew. The Navy told him, his own intel operatives told him, the FBI told him. Quit playing the apologist, racist democrat.
He may have received some conflicting opinions
The OVERWHELMING opinion was that the Japanese were dangerous and needed to be locked up
Very few Americans disagreed

The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry
It won't be long until we discover the American people were forced to vote for FDR four times. The people must have hated FDR's guts for forcing them to do that. But then we discover the Historians were forced to vote FDR as America's greatest president, even after FDR bombed Pearl Harbor. Where, oh where, does it end? Of course if the Americans hadn't voted for FDR four times we now know they too would be put in the concentration camps along with the Japanese.

Leaving aside yet another of your red herrings, do you think the Russian people were forced to vote for Putin?

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
This has been given to you by me and others over the years. Why do you always ignore the facts?

Go back and read my earliers posts on this thread,i told him the EXACT same thing about you that you just said about yourself.:2up: I did it to make it clear i was not tooting my OWN horn, giving credit to others such as you and Votto.

He obviously has alzhemiers diseace.:biggrin: a complete waste of time.

He has proven too many time to remember on this thread he has NO INTEREST in the truth. I told him stop being such a lazy ass and go into the conspiracy section and and browse through all the threads there from the past made by people like you who exposed his traiterous activitties and he will find MANY threads there that people like you made that documented it all.He just keeps repeating the same old bullshit though over and over again though that we have no evidence.:rolleyes:

Unlike you,me and votto though,he wont do that because he wont do any research on it.same as the reagan zombies he only sees what he WANTS to see so on FDR and he wont take the time to follow my advise i gave him.:rolleyes:

mary ann is the same,i posted a video that proves Obama carried out the same policys that Bush did and how same as Bush,was also a tratiter to americans,but she wont watch the video. .these trolls cant stand tow to toe in a debate and wont take the time to look at the evidence.:rolleyes:

What the hell are you blaming me for? This thread was about FDR ,not Obama.

As for me, I have been respectfully watching Barbara Bush funeral
He may have received some conflicting opinions
The OVERWHELMING opinion was that the Japanese were dangerous and needed to be locked up
Very few Americans disagreed

The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry
It won't be long until we discover the American people were forced to vote for FDR four times. The people must have hated FDR's guts for forcing them to do that. But then we discover the Historians were forced to vote FDR as America's greatest president, even after FDR bombed Pearl Harbor. Where, oh where, does it end? Of course if the Americans hadn't voted for FDR four times we now know they too would be put in the concentration camps along with the Japanese.
No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.
They blamed Churchill in the article but I doubt FDR did not know.

I can't see Churchill risking the US losing it's fleet when they desperately needed them to fight the Nazi war machine.

No, it is no coincidence that just enough vessels were moved out of Pearl Harbor before the attack. Churchill had nothing to do with that, it was all the commander in chief

If you want an overreach of power by FDR....look at how he took over ALL industrial production in the US and told them what they could produce and what resources and workers they could have

Nothing short of total socialism

Yet, it is the reason we won the war

Indeed. Socialism is the key to building world conquering armies, so FDR adopted the same approach Hitler and Stalin did. He simply centralized power and poured half or more of his resources into the military.

Without socialism world wars would be impossible.

Thanks socialism

The problem is, since FDR created a centralized war machine the US has been at war across the globe ever since, even though they no longer take the time to declare war.

Now the US has troops in over 70 countries around the world, something Hitler could only fantasize about.
Imagine that....the right man for the right time

Imagine if we ran the war years like a democracy. Let the free market decide what war products would be produced and let the suppliers decide what needed to be done. Let critical war materials ...steel, aluminum, rubber, copper go to the highest bidder

FDR acted in a time of crisis and saved the

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
And what did we learn by breaking the code?

Did we learn that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on Dec 7 at 0800 and that the Philippines and Singapore would be attacked 20 hours later?

No we received general information that Japan was prepared for war and an attack was imminent

1941 intelligence decemination was very segmented and was unable to quickly get out a warning

Yeah,forget the fact the Government turned auto plants into making machines of war. No one complained,they went to work in the factories,especially women. The men were all fighting.
During the war years, the auto companies only produced 100 cars for civilian use

Imagine if free market forces prevailed and an auto company decided they could make more profit selling cars to civilians rich with money from defense jobs
The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry
It won't be long until we discover the American people were forced to vote for FDR four times. The people must have hated FDR's guts for forcing them to do that. But then we discover the Historians were forced to vote FDR as America's greatest president, even after FDR bombed Pearl Harbor. Where, oh where, does it end? Of course if the Americans hadn't voted for FDR four times we now know they too would be put in the concentration camps along with the Japanese.
No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.
You are becoming a broken record

Japanese went to internment camps, it shouldn’t have happened but that was the way things were

No matter who was president, Democrat or Republican........the Japanese were going to the camps

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
This has been given to you by me and others over the years. Why do you always ignore the facts?

Go back and read my earliers posts on this thread,i told him the EXACT same thing about you that you just said about yourself.:2up: I did it to make it clear i was not tooting my OWN horn, giving credit to others such as you and Votto.

He obviously has alzhemiers diseace.:biggrin: a complete waste of time.

He has proven too many time to remember on this thread he has NO INTEREST in the truth. I told him stop being such a lazy ass and go into the conspiracy section and and browse through all the threads there from the past made by people like you who exposed his traiterous activitties and he will find MANY threads there that people like you made that documented it all.He just keeps repeating the same old bullshit though over and over again though that we have no evidence.:rolleyes:

Unlike you,me and votto though,he wont do that because he wont do any research on it.same as the reagan zombies he only sees what he WANTS to see so on FDR and he wont take the time to follow my advise i gave him.:rolleyes:

mary ann is the same,i posted a video that proves Obama carried out the same policys that Bush did and how same as Bush,was also a tratiter to americans,but she wont watch the video. .these trolls cant stand tow to toe in a debate and wont take the time to look at the evidence.:rolleyes:

What the hell are you blaming me for? This thread was about FDR ,not Obama.

As for me, I have been respectfully watching Barbara Bush funeral
I wouldn't waste five seconds on her funeral. May she rest in peace, but I think she was a disgusting elitist just like her asshole criminal of a husband and her doofus sons.
The racist scumbag knew there was no threat, and knew what he was doing was wrong. His buddies got some real bargains on real estate though. You lower yourself to his level of immoral and un-American filth by playing the shameless apologist.

He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry
It won't be long until we discover the American people were forced to vote for FDR four times. The people must have hated FDR's guts for forcing them to do that. But then we discover the Historians were forced to vote FDR as America's greatest president, even after FDR bombed Pearl Harbor. Where, oh where, does it end? Of course if the Americans hadn't voted for FDR four times we now know they too would be put in the concentration camps along with the Japanese.
No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.

Do you have any idea how your silly name calling sounds when it is clear you do not know your History. Did you miss that class?
They blamed Churchill in the article but I doubt FDR did not know.

I can't see Churchill risking the US losing it's fleet when they desperately needed them to fight the Nazi war machine.

No, it is no coincidence that just enough vessels were moved out of Pearl Harbor before the attack. Churchill had nothing to do with that, it was all the commander in chief

If you want an overreach of power by FDR....look at how he took over ALL industrial production in the US and told them what they could produce and what resources and workers they could have

Nothing short of total socialism

Yet, it is the reason we won the war

Indeed. Socialism is the key to building world conquering armies, so FDR adopted the same approach Hitler and Stalin did. He simply centralized power and poured half or more of his resources into the military.

Without socialism world wars would be impossible.

Thanks socialism

The problem is, since FDR created a centralized war machine the US has been at war across the globe ever since, even though they no longer take the time to declare war.

Now the US has troops in over 70 countries around the world, something Hitler could only fantasize about.
Imagine that....the right man for the right time

Imagine if we ran the war years like a democracy. Let the free market decide what war products would be produced and let the suppliers decide what needed to be done. Let critical war materials ...steel, aluminum, rubber, copper go to the highest bidder

FDR acted in a time of crisis and saved the

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
And what did we learn by breaking the code?

Did we learn that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on Dec 7 at 0800 and that the Philippines and Singapore would be attacked 20 hours later?

No we received general information that Japan was prepared for war and an attack was imminent

1941 intelligence decemination was very segmented and was unable to quickly get out a warning

Yeah,forget the fact the Government turned auto plants into making machines of war. No one complained,they went to work in the factories,especially women. The men were all fighting.
During the war years, the auto companies only produced 100 cars for civilian use

Imagine if free market forces prevailed and an auto company decided they could make more profit selling cars to civilians rich with money from defense jobs

Trust me,I know.

We had gas stamps for my Mother to get to work, no tires, period. Sugar was rationed, plus many other commodities. Those that had cars,treated them like gold.

After the war, my Dad had a new car every year!:) after they began making them again.:)
He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry
It won't be long until we discover the American people were forced to vote for FDR four times. The people must have hated FDR's guts for forcing them to do that. But then we discover the Historians were forced to vote FDR as America's greatest president, even after FDR bombed Pearl Harbor. Where, oh where, does it end? Of course if the Americans hadn't voted for FDR four times we now know they too would be put in the concentration camps along with the Japanese.
No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.

No matter who was president, Democrat or Republican........the Japanese were going to the camps

You need to believe to excuse your racist idol.

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
This has been given to you by me and others over the years. Why do you always ignore the facts?

Go back and read my earliers posts on this thread,i told him the EXACT same thing about you that you just said about yourself.:2up: I did it to make it clear i was not tooting my OWN horn, giving credit to others such as you and Votto.

He obviously has alzhemiers diseace.:biggrin: a complete waste of time.

He has proven too many time to remember on this thread he has NO INTEREST in the truth. I told him stop being such a lazy ass and go into the conspiracy section and and browse through all the threads there from the past made by people like you who exposed his traiterous activitties and he will find MANY threads there that people like you made that documented it all.He just keeps repeating the same old bullshit though over and over again though that we have no evidence.:rolleyes:

Unlike you,me and votto though,he wont do that because he wont do any research on it.same as the reagan zombies he only sees what he WANTS to see so on FDR and he wont take the time to follow my advise i gave him.:rolleyes:

mary ann is the same,i posted a video that proves Obama carried out the same policys that Bush did and how same as Bush,was also a tratiter to americans,but she wont watch the video. .these trolls cant stand tow to toe in a debate and wont take the time to look at the evidence.:rolleyes:

What the hell are you blaming me for? This thread was about FDR ,not Obama.

As for me, I have been respectfully watching Barbara Bush funeral
I wouldn't waste five seconds on her funeral. May she rest in peace, but I think she was a disgusting elitist just like her asshole criminal of a husband and her doofus sons.

Carrying that hate a little far? Blame her Husband and Son.

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?
It won't be long until we discover the American people were forced to vote for FDR four times. The people must have hated FDR's guts for forcing them to do that. But then we discover the Historians were forced to vote FDR as America's greatest president, even after FDR bombed Pearl Harbor. Where, oh where, does it end? Of course if the Americans hadn't voted for FDR four times we now know they too would be put in the concentration camps along with the Japanese.
No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.

No matter who was president, Democrat or Republican........the Japanese were going to the camps

You need to believe to excuse your racist idol.

I believe, but certainly not a human man. None are perfect. Neither are we.

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry
It won't be long until we discover the American people were forced to vote for FDR four times. The people must have hated FDR's guts for forcing them to do that. But then we discover the Historians were forced to vote FDR as America's greatest president, even after FDR bombed Pearl Harbor. Where, oh where, does it end? Of course if the Americans hadn't voted for FDR four times we now know they too would be put in the concentration camps along with the Japanese.
No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.

Do you have any idea how your silly name calling sounds when it is clear you do not know your History. Did you miss that class?
They blamed Churchill in the article but I doubt FDR did not know.

I can't see Churchill risking the US losing it's fleet when they desperately needed them to fight the Nazi war machine.

No, it is no coincidence that just enough vessels were moved out of Pearl Harbor before the attack. Churchill had nothing to do with that, it was all the commander in chief

If you want an overreach of power by FDR....look at how he took over ALL industrial production in the US and told them what they could produce and what resources and workers they could have

Nothing short of total socialism

Yet, it is the reason we won the war

Indeed. Socialism is the key to building world conquering armies, so FDR adopted the same approach Hitler and Stalin did. He simply centralized power and poured half or more of his resources into the military.

Without socialism world wars would be impossible.

Thanks socialism

The problem is, since FDR created a centralized war machine the US has been at war across the globe ever since, even though they no longer take the time to declare war.

Now the US has troops in over 70 countries around the world, something Hitler could only fantasize about.
Imagine that....the right man for the right time

Imagine if we ran the war years like a democracy. Let the free market decide what war products would be produced and let the suppliers decide what needed to be done. Let critical war materials ...steel, aluminum, rubber, copper go to the highest bidder

FDR acted in a time of crisis and saved the
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
And what did we learn by breaking the code?

Did we learn that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on Dec 7 at 0800 and that the Philippines and Singapore would be attacked 20 hours later?

No we received general information that Japan was prepared for war and an attack was imminent

1941 intelligence decemination was very segmented and was unable to quickly get out a warning

Yeah,forget the fact the Government turned auto plants into making machines of war. No one complained,they went to work in the factories,especially women. The men were all fighting.
During the war years, the auto companies only produced 100 cars for civilian use

Imagine if free market forces prevailed and an auto company decided they could make more profit selling cars to civilians rich with money from defense jobs

Trust me,I know.

We had gas stamps for my Mother to get to work, no tires, period. Sugar was rationed, plus many other commodities. Those that had cars,treated them like gold.

After the war, my Dad had a new car every year!:) after they began making them again.:)

I’m a history teacher. How about you, big mouth?

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.

In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.

Gee, another coincidence, eh?

So now we have proof that:

1. The Allies had broken the Japanese code before Pearl Harbor
2. Radar picked up the on coming attack at Pearl Harbor.

Yet nothing was done.

What are the odds?
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.

Gee, another coincidence, eh?

So now we have proof that:

1. The Allies had broken the Japanese code before Pearl Harbor
2. Radar picked up the on coming attack at Pearl Harbor.

Yet nothing was done.

What are the odds?

the chess game is over and you are the winner who has checkmated Campy and Mary Ann.:2up:

these three videos here below ALSO educate the FDR worshippers like CAMPY and Mary Ann they have been brianwashed their whole lives by our corrupt school system in our american history classes and FDR FULLY knew of the attacks but Camp of course as Gipper well knows in our debates from past years,wont watch it and hear he facts in them since he worships him and treats him like a god.:rolleyes: and Mary Ann ALSO was too much of a coward to watch my video THE OBAMA DECEPTION since it has pesky facts in it that are documented that Obama is a war monger mass murderer same as him so SHE wont watch these two videos either obviously,:D:rolleyes:

this LAST video here was done by patriot Jim Corbett who had to move to japen because he was getting threats obviously from the CIA because of telling the TRUTH of government corruption like this.He took his family to japen because it was not just threats to him,it was too HIS family. campy and mary trolls will disimiss that of course and say its not true.:rolleyes:
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He held similar racist views as the majority of America in 1942. In many ways he was more open than the rest of society.
There were very few Americans who did not want the Japanese locked up. No, he did not “know” the Japanese were no threat. Nobody in 1942 “knew” they were no threat
The consensus was better safe than sorry
It won't be long until we discover the American people were forced to vote for FDR four times. The people must have hated FDR's guts for forcing them to do that. But then we discover the Historians were forced to vote FDR as America's greatest president, even after FDR bombed Pearl Harbor. Where, oh where, does it end? Of course if the Americans hadn't voted for FDR four times we now know they too would be put in the concentration camps along with the Japanese.
No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.

Do you have any idea how your silly name calling sounds when it is clear you do not know your History. Did you miss that class?
They blamed Churchill in the article but I doubt FDR did not know.

I can't see Churchill risking the US losing it's fleet when they desperately needed them to fight the Nazi war machine.

No, it is no coincidence that just enough vessels were moved out of Pearl Harbor before the attack. Churchill had nothing to do with that, it was all the commander in chief

If you want an overreach of power by FDR....look at how he took over ALL industrial production in the US and told them what they could produce and what resources and workers they could have

Nothing short of total socialism

Yet, it is the reason we won the war

Indeed. Socialism is the key to building world conquering armies, so FDR adopted the same approach Hitler and Stalin did. He simply centralized power and poured half or more of his resources into the military.

Without socialism world wars would be impossible.

Thanks socialism

The problem is, since FDR created a centralized war machine the US has been at war across the globe ever since, even though they no longer take the time to declare war.

Now the US has troops in over 70 countries around the world, something Hitler could only fantasize about.
Imagine that....the right man for the right time

Imagine if we ran the war years like a democracy. Let the free market decide what war products would be produced and let the suppliers decide what needed to be done. Let critical war materials ...steel, aluminum, rubber, copper go to the highest bidder

FDR acted in a time of crisis and saved the
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
And what did we learn by breaking the code?

Did we learn that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on Dec 7 at 0800 and that the Philippines and Singapore would be attacked 20 hours later?

No we received general information that Japan was prepared for war and an attack was imminent

1941 intelligence decemination was very segmented and was unable to quickly get out a warning

Yeah,forget the fact the Government turned auto plants into making machines of war. No one complained,they went to work in the factories,especially women. The men were all fighting.
During the war years, the auto companies only produced 100 cars for civilian use

Imagine if free market forces prevailed and an auto company decided they could make more profit selling cars to civilians rich with money from defense jobs

Trust me,I know.

We had gas stamps for my Mother to get to work, no tires, period. Sugar was rationed, plus many other commodities. Those that had cars,treated them like gold.

After the war, my Dad had a new car every year!:) after they began making them again.:)
You must have been rich. My parents did not buy a new car till I was out of High School

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