FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left


In fact, before Pearl Harbor the US broke the Japanese code, so why were they not ready again like they were for the battle of Midway? Oh yea, cuz FRD wanted Americans to support his war mongering efforts by having them respond to a "surprise" attack.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.
They couldn’t move

They still would have been sitting ducks.
It won't be long until we discover the American people were forced to vote for FDR four times. The people must have hated FDR's guts for forcing them to do that. But then we discover the Historians were forced to vote FDR as America's greatest president, even after FDR bombed Pearl Harbor. Where, oh where, does it end? Of course if the Americans hadn't voted for FDR four times we now know they too would be put in the concentration camps along with the Japanese.
No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.

Do you have any idea how your silly name calling sounds when it is clear you do not know your History. Did you miss that class?
They blamed Churchill in the article but I doubt FDR did not know.

I can't see Churchill risking the US losing it's fleet when they desperately needed them to fight the Nazi war machine.

No, it is no coincidence that just enough vessels were moved out of Pearl Harbor before the attack. Churchill had nothing to do with that, it was all the commander in chief

Indeed. Socialism is the key to building world conquering armies, so FDR adopted the same approach Hitler and Stalin did. He simply centralized power and poured half or more of his resources into the military.

Without socialism world wars would be impossible.

Thanks socialism

The problem is, since FDR created a centralized war machine the US has been at war across the globe ever since, even though they no longer take the time to declare war.

Now the US has troops in over 70 countries around the world, something Hitler could only fantasize about.
Imagine that....the right man for the right time

Imagine if we ran the war years like a democracy. Let the free market decide what war products would be produced and let the suppliers decide what needed to be done. Let critical war materials ...steel, aluminum, rubber, copper go to the highest bidder

FDR acted in a time of crisis and saved the
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
And what did we learn by breaking the code?

Did we learn that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on Dec 7 at 0800 and that the Philippines and Singapore would be attacked 20 hours later?

No we received general information that Japan was prepared for war and an attack was imminent

1941 intelligence decemination was very segmented and was unable to quickly get out a warning

Yeah,forget the fact the Government turned auto plants into making machines of war. No one complained,they went to work in the factories,especially women. The men were all fighting.
During the war years, the auto companies only produced 100 cars for civilian use

Imagine if free market forces prevailed and an auto company decided they could make more profit selling cars to civilians rich with money from defense jobs

Trust me,I know.

We had gas stamps for my Mother to get to work, no tires, period. Sugar was rationed, plus many other commodities. Those that had cars,treated them like gold.

After the war, my Dad had a new car every year!:) after they began making them again.:)

I’m a history teacher. How about you, big mouth?
Too funny
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.

Gee, another coincidence, eh?

So now we have proof that:

1. The Allies had broken the Japanese code before Pearl Harbor
2. Radar picked up the on coming attack at Pearl Harbor.

Yet nothing was done.

What are the odds?
Evidence, if you believe the author, is that the code was broken and supplied to the British, not the allies, meaning the US in addition to the British. The whole point of the book used for the link is that the British did not supply the US with the information. Another valid question is if GB had broken the Japanese code, why were they not prepared for being attacked. GB lost its Asian fleet and ports. This is why the book and claim are not taken seriously.

Radar only gave a short warning, but enough to have alerted the Navy in Pearl and the AAF in time to man the guns and be ready, locked and loaded and get fighters in the air for the incoming Japs.
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.
They couldn’t move

They still would have been sitting ducks.
Aircraft would have been scrambled and anti-aircraft weapons manned and prepared for the attack.
It won't be long until we discover the American people were forced to vote for FDR four times. The people must have hated FDR's guts for forcing them to do that. But then we discover the Historians were forced to vote FDR as America's greatest president, even after FDR bombed Pearl Harbor. Where, oh where, does it end? Of course if the Americans hadn't voted for FDR four times we now know they too would be put in the concentration camps along with the Japanese.
No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.

Do you have any idea how your silly name calling sounds when it is clear you do not know your History. Did you miss that class?
They blamed Churchill in the article but I doubt FDR did not know.

I can't see Churchill risking the US losing it's fleet when they desperately needed them to fight the Nazi war machine.

No, it is no coincidence that just enough vessels were moved out of Pearl Harbor before the attack. Churchill had nothing to do with that, it was all the commander in chief

Imagine that....the right man for the right time

Imagine if we ran the war years like a democracy. Let the free market decide what war products would be produced and let the suppliers decide what needed to be done. Let critical war materials ...steel, aluminum, rubber, copper go to the highest bidder

FDR acted in a time of crisis and saved the
And what did we learn by breaking the code?

Did we learn that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on Dec 7 at 0800 and that the Philippines and Singapore would be attacked 20 hours later?

No we received general information that Japan was prepared for war and an attack was imminent

1941 intelligence decemination was very segmented and was unable to quickly get out a warning

Yeah,forget the fact the Government turned auto plants into making machines of war. No one complained,they went to work in the factories,especially women. The men were all fighting.
During the war years, the auto companies only produced 100 cars for civilian use

Imagine if free market forces prevailed and an auto company decided they could make more profit selling cars to civilians rich with money from defense jobs

Trust me,I know.

We had gas stamps for my Mother to get to work, no tires, period. Sugar was rationed, plus many other commodities. Those that had cars,treated them like gold.

After the war, my Dad had a new car every year!:) after they began making them again.:)

I’m a history teacher. How about you, big mouth?
Too funny

What is? Your ridiculous butchering of logic?
If you want an overreach of power by FDR....look at how he took over ALL industrial production in the US and told them what they could produce and what resources and workers they could have

Nothing short of total socialism

Yet, it is the reason we won the war

Indeed. Socialism is the key to building world conquering armies, so FDR adopted the same approach Hitler and Stalin did. He simply centralized power and poured half or more of his resources into the military.

Without socialism world wars would be impossible.

Thanks socialism

The problem is, since FDR created a centralized war machine the US has been at war across the globe ever since, even though they no longer take the time to declare war.

Now the US has troops in over 70 countries around the world, something Hitler could only fantasize about.

The notion predates FDR , if you're familiar with Marine Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler along with our S American escapades....

No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.

Do you have any idea how your silly name calling sounds when it is clear you do not know your History. Did you miss that class?
Yeah,forget the fact the Government turned auto plants into making machines of war. No one complained,they went to work in the factories,especially women. The men were all fighting.
During the war years, the auto companies only produced 100 cars for civilian use

Imagine if free market forces prevailed and an auto company decided they could make more profit selling cars to civilians rich with money from defense jobs

Trust me,I know.

We had gas stamps for my Mother to get to work, no tires, period. Sugar was rationed, plus many other commodities. Those that had cars,treated them like gold.

After the war, my Dad had a new car every year!:) after they began making them again.:)

I’m a history teacher. How about you, big mouth?
Too funny

What is? Your ridiculous butchering of logic?

"butcher" might be something to ask teach about

The rape of Nanking , the Holocaust, the Blitzhrieg

levels of genocide and human cruelty that make Johnny Jihad look like quite the amateur

No matter who was president.......the Japanese were going to the camps

Racist democrat speculation.

Racists always assume everyone else is racist too.

Do you have any idea how your silly name calling sounds when it is clear you do not know your History. Did you miss that class?
Yeah,forget the fact the Government turned auto plants into making machines of war. No one complained,they went to work in the factories,especially women. The men were all fighting.
During the war years, the auto companies only produced 100 cars for civilian use

Imagine if free market forces prevailed and an auto company decided they could make more profit selling cars to civilians rich with money from defense jobs

Trust me,I know.

We had gas stamps for my Mother to get to work, no tires, period. Sugar was rationed, plus many other commodities. Those that had cars,treated them like gold.

After the war, my Dad had a new car every year!:) after they began making them again.:)

I’m a history teacher. How about you, big mouth?
Too funny

What is? Your ridiculous butchering of logic?
Do you teach the atrocities committed by the empire of Japan?
The rape of Nanking, torture and starvation of prisoners, Korean women forced into btothels.........or just that FDR was mean
WRONGwinger^ can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is:haha:,same as how he whines and crys about being wrong the Rams would never come back to LA all the time he does this in defeat as well on his hero FDR constantly as well.:CryingCow::haha:
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.

Gee, another coincidence, eh?

So now we have proof that:

1. The Allies had broken the Japanese code before Pearl Harbor
2. Radar picked up the on coming attack at Pearl Harbor.

Yet nothing was done.

What are the odds?
Evidence, if you believe the author, is that the code was broken and supplied to the British, not the allies, meaning the US in addition to the British. The whole point of the book used for the link is that the British did not supply the US with the information. Another valid question is if GB had broken the Japanese code, why were they not prepared for being attacked. GB lost its Asian fleet and ports. This is why the book and claim are not taken seriously.

Radar only gave a short warning, but enough to have alerted the Navy in Pearl and the AAF in time to man the guns and be ready, locked and loaded and get fighters in the air for the incoming Japs.

In the South Pacific Paratroopers were flown in low to avoid radar. A friend could hear his buddies hitting the rocks because they were too low to get their parachutes fully opened.

These people have no idea of how primitive communications were back then.
WRONGwinger^ can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is:haha:,same as how he whines and crys about being wrong the Rams would never come back to LA all the time he does this in defeat as well on his hero FDR constantly as well.:CryingCow::haha:

Gets under your skin,huh?:11_2_1043:
Japanese Naval code was not broken by American code breakers until late May 1942. What evidence do you have that the code was broken before Pearl Harbor? Please provide a link. Thank you.
Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.

Gee, another coincidence, eh?

So now we have proof that:

1. The Allies had broken the Japanese code before Pearl Harbor
2. Radar picked up the on coming attack at Pearl Harbor.

Yet nothing was done.

What are the odds?

Notice how they STILL have not owned up to it yet they were taken to school by me,you and Gipper in this video here?

Oh yeah,thats right,they wont watch it cause they only see what they WANT to see if it does not go along with their warped opinions they have been brainwashed to believe as the gospel truth by both our corrupt school system in history classes and HOLLYWOOD as well.:haha::abgg2q.jpg:

they wont look at the evidence in this short 30 minute video cause pesky facts and evidence dont matter to them.:abgg2q.jpg:

this video here really is ALL you need to show them to prove YOU are the winner in the chessgame and checkmated their asses that FDR was a traiter.:2up:

It ALSO has MANY other great links and videos in it that they will never click on and watch since they cant come to grips with reality they have been brainwashed and programmed by the schools their whole entire lives.:rolleyes:

this is also a very short one just a little over 5 minutes long that in a nutshell,explains the REAL history on FDR and the pearl harbour attacks that I would take the time to show to children since THEY are open minded and no biased about it.:D its a great video for beginners who are open minded and not biased on FDR actually Willing to look at the evidence.

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Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.

Gee, another coincidence, eh?

So now we have proof that:

1. The Allies had broken the Japanese code before Pearl Harbor
2. Radar picked up the on coming attack at Pearl Harbor.

Yet nothing was done.

What are the odds?
Evidence, if you believe the author, is that the code was broken and supplied to the British, not the allies, meaning the US in addition to the British. The whole point of the book used for the link is that the British did not supply the US with the information. Another valid question is if GB had broken the Japanese code, why were they not prepared for being attacked. GB lost its Asian fleet and ports. This is why the book and claim are not taken seriously.

Radar only gave a short warning, but enough to have alerted the Navy in Pearl and the AAF in time to man the guns and be ready, locked and loaded and get fighters in the air for the incoming Japs.

Another braggart claiming he did it. They had an awful time breaking the German Code,too. My links provide the info.

As I said, communication was propimative back then. Those code breakers here were all women, and actually were locked in their small dorms at night. They are all there in the Park. Patterson,who founded NCR, donated them.

Wright Brothers,Patterson, Kettering,Deeds are all there.
WRONGwinger^ can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is:haha:,same as how he whines and crys about being wrong the Rams would never come back to LA all the time he does this in defeat as well on his hero FDR constantly as well.:CryingCow::haha:

Gets under your skin,huh?:11_2_1043:

No i laugh at a moron who cries all the time about being wrong the rams would NEVER come back to LA kid :haha: hardly gets under my skin.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:and who would KILL himself FIRST before ever admitting it.you siding with a government paid shill who is the ONLY person in the world that still thinks they are still in st louis just hurts your credibility even worse than you have since you first got here.:biggrin:

HE is the one butthurt i proved him WRONG when he insisted the rams would never come back to LA,WHY would i be mad when i proved what an idiot he is who cant admit when he has been proven wrong? you kill me.:abgg2q.jpg:
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Capt. Eric Nave, 94; Broke Japan's Code Before Pearl Harbor

Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.

He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.

The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.

"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.

Gee, another coincidence, eh?

So now we have proof that:

1. The Allies had broken the Japanese code before Pearl Harbor
2. Radar picked up the on coming attack at Pearl Harbor.

Yet nothing was done.

What are the odds?

Notice how they STILL have not owned up to it yet they were taken to school by me,you and Gipper in this video here?

Oh yeah,thats right,they wont watch it cause they only see what they WANT to see if it does not go along with their warped opinions they have been brainwashed to believe as the gospel truth by both our corrupt school system in history classes and HOLLYWOOD as well.:haha::abgg2q.jpg:

they wont look at the evidence in this short 30 minute video cause pesky facts and evidence dont matter to them.:abgg2q.jpg:

this video here really is ALL you need to show them to prove YOU are the winner in the chessgame and checkmated their asses that FDR was a traiter.:2up:

It ALSO has MANY other great links and videos in it that they will never click on and watch since they cant come to grips with reality they have been brainwashed and programmed by the schools their whole entire lives.:rolleyes:

this is also a very short one just a little over 5 minutes long that in a nutshell,explains the REAL history on FDR and the pearl harbour attacks that I would take the time to show to children since THEY are open minded and no biased about it.:D its a great video for beginners who are open minded and not biased on FDR actually Willing to look at the evidence.

A video?:abgg2q.jpg:
WRONGwinger^ can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is:haha:,same as how he whines and crys about being wrong the Rams would never come back to LA all the time he does this in defeat as well on his hero FDR constantly as well.:CryingCow::haha:

Gets under your skin,huh?:11_2_1043:

No i laugh at a moron who cries all the time about being wrong the rams would NEVER come back to LA kid :haha: hardly gets under my skin.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:and who would KILL himself FIRST before ever admitting it.you siding with a government paid shill who is the ONLY person in the world that still thinks they are still in st louis just hurts your credibility even worse than you have since you first got here.:biggrin:
I own this little bitch
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.

Gee, another coincidence, eh?

So now we have proof that:

1. The Allies had broken the Japanese code before Pearl Harbor
2. Radar picked up the on coming attack at Pearl Harbor.

Yet nothing was done.

What are the odds?
Evidence, if you believe the author, is that the code was broken and supplied to the British, not the allies, meaning the US in addition to the British. The whole point of the book used for the link is that the British did not supply the US with the information. Another valid question is if GB had broken the Japanese code, why were they not prepared for being attacked. GB lost its Asian fleet and ports. This is why the book and claim are not taken seriously.

Radar only gave a short warning, but enough to have alerted the Navy in Pearl and the AAF in time to man the guns and be ready, locked and loaded and get fighters in the air for the incoming Japs.

Another braggart claiming he did it. They had an awful time breaking the German Code,too. My links provide the info.

As I said, communication was propimative back then. Those code breakers here were all women, and actually were locked in their small dorms at night. They are all there in the Park. Patterson,who founded NCR, donated them.

Wright Brothers,Patterson, Kettering,Deeds are all there.
They didn’t just have to break the code

They had to break it every day
WRONGwinger^ can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is:haha:,same as how he whines and crys about being wrong the Rams would never come back to LA all the time he does this in defeat as well on his hero FDR constantly as well.:CryingCow::haha:

Gets under your skin,huh?:11_2_1043:

No i laugh at a moron who cries all the time about being wrong the rams would NEVER come back to LA kid :haha: hardly gets under my skin.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:and who would KILL himself FIRST before ever admitting it.you siding with a government paid shill who is the ONLY person in the world that still thinks they are still in st louis just hurts your credibility even worse than you have since you first got here.:biggrin:

You would not be so angry if he did not bother you:11_2_1043:
Proof of FDR knowing of a Japanese code is a link to an obituary about a British guy who wrote a book accusing Churchill of refusing to share the code with FDR and luring FDR into WWII.

Is there someone competent and not retarded who can help these guy's out?

The historian was only privy that the code had been broken well before Pearl Harbor.

It is up to you to believe that Churchill never shared this information and KNEW that Japan was coming for Pearl Harbor and did nothing, thus risking the total destruction of the US fleet which would have been disastrous for the war US war effort against the Nazi regime.

I simply don't believe it, and you certainly won't find any war documents showing that such sensitive information was ever shared.

I find it interesting that the US fleet at Pearl Harbor had just enough ships out to sail to be able to fight at Midway later on and win.
One thing missed in these Pearl Harbor conspiracies is that a newly invented radar system was in place and actually spotted the incomimg Japanese aircrafr coming in on rheir way ro Pearl. Radar operators reported in a timely fashion, but as Congressional hearing would discover, the officer in charge who received the warning was inexperienced and mistakenly judged the radar report to be about a group of B-17's scheduled to arrive from the opposite direction. What a difference it would have made if the warning from radar had been heeded. All those Battle Ships would have been locked and loaded. The surprise would have been on the Japs.

Gee, another coincidence, eh?

So now we have proof that:

1. The Allies had broken the Japanese code before Pearl Harbor
2. Radar picked up the on coming attack at Pearl Harbor.

Yet nothing was done.

What are the odds?

Notice how they STILL have not owned up to it yet they were taken to school by me,you and Gipper in this video here?

Oh yeah,thats right,they wont watch it cause they only see what they WANT to see if it does not go along with their warped opinions they have been brainwashed to believe as the gospel truth by both our corrupt school system in history classes and HOLLYWOOD as well.:haha::abgg2q.jpg:

they wont look at the evidence in this short 30 minute video cause pesky facts and evidence dont matter to them.:abgg2q.jpg:

this video here really is ALL you need to show them to prove YOU are the winner in the chessgame and checkmated their asses that FDR was a traiter.:2up:

It ALSO has MANY other great links and videos in it that they will never click on and watch since they cant come to grips with reality they have been brainwashed and programmed by the schools their whole entire lives.:rolleyes:

this is also a very short one just a little over 5 minutes long that in a nutshell,explains the REAL history on FDR and the pearl harbour attacks that I would take the time to show to children since THEY are open minded and no biased about it.:D its a great video for beginners who are open minded and not biased on FDR actually Willing to look at the evidence.

A video?:abgg2q.jpg:

thanks for proving as ALWAYS,you only see what you WANT to see.you missed all the SEVERAL links there in this video that gave them. nice game of DODGEBALL from you as always.

Pearl Harbor: The Facts Behind the Fiction - by James Perloff The raid on Pearl Harbor took the U.S. Pacific Fleet by surprise, but back in Washington, the Roosevelt administration was fully aware of the coming onslaught. http://tinyurl.com/p2dkx9w Related links: Motives Behind the Betrayal No explanation of Pearl Harbor is more consistent with the facts than to cast blame for the treachery on pro-Communist and globalist influences within FDR's administration. http://tinyurl.com/olqemhd Scapegoating Kimmel and Short Though these two U.S. commanders at Pearl Harbor have been blamed for the debacle, they have since been exonerated. The true guilt has yet to be laid at the feet of FDR. http://tinyurl.com/o58tzkt The Great Deceivers: FDR and the "Infamy" Behind Pearl Harbor http://tinyurl.com/neaumq8 Why We Fought Despite popular misconceptions, America's involvement in WWII was brought on not by isolationism but by globalism—a concerted, clandestine effort to build world government. http://tinyurl.com/ohx98ay Framework for World Government From the moment State Department planners in the Roosevelt administration began crafting plans for the United Nations, their goal was always the same: world government. http://tinyurl.com/oozrq3b World Government by Design http://tinyurl.com/jpxnmok No Accident: The Continuing Betrayal of American Interests Is a Matter of Policy http://tinyurl.com/poh265q Players, Plans, and Betrayals http://tinyurl.com/p3l7rku Sowing the Wind: Myths and Realities of the Second World War http://tinyurl.com/gwgpl3k Making War http://tinyurl.com/p6cbo4j Pearl Harbor and the Engineers of War http://tinyurl.com/pmn6cev How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor http://tinyurl.com/a2t47ds Backing Japan Into a Corner http://tinyurl.com/j39lxls FDR, Pearl Harbor and the U.N. http://tinyurl.com/qy7dkdl Pearl Harbor: The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy http://tinyurl.com/borhqwc Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War http://tinyurl.com/q9485uj Back Door to War: The Roosevelt Foreign Policy 1933-1941 http://tinyurl.com/pfu2b4e John T. Flynn on Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor http://tinyurl.com/o5wjtrt Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor? http://tinyurl.com/nad5q6z The Pearl Harbor ‘Surprise’ http://tinyurl.com/gsbklqb A Brit Propagandist and the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor http://tinyurl.com/hkxtura Pearl Harbor: Let's Hope it Bombs http://tinyurl.com/qxft6ts December 7, 1941 . . . a Day of Deceit http://tinyurl.com/qefgvcj Did FDR Lure Japan Into Attacking Pearl Harbor? http://tinyurl.com/oxpfzjw A Speech To Remember http://tinyurl.com/zmnotvz The “Pearl Harbor Scene” in “The Godfather” http://tinyurl.com/oa58sj7 Backdoor to War and Infamy http://tinyurl.com/ovs5prp Pearl Harbor Historiography: A Lesson in Academic Housecleaning http://tinyurl.com/oxks9jy The 'Good War' and Defend America First http://tinyurl.com/nanuac2 Why They Hate the America First Committee http://tinyurl.com/nltl9pe America's Will to War: The Turning Point http://tinyurl.com/o29mvqj Getting the Other Side To Fire the First Shot http://tinyurl.com/q39mz4j John T. Flynn and the Myth of FDR http://tinyurl.com/psgonvz FDR's Patriot Purge http://tinyurl.com/q4n3zvs American Isolationism, 1939-1941 http://tinyurl.com/hu6l4tq Rethinking the Good War http://tinyurl.com/qdpjcxf WWII: Remembering the Past http://tinyurl.com/hnwnxqc World War Two: The Good War? http://tinyurl.com/pld8kup How Americans Have Been Misled about World War II http://tinyurl.com/hgztafs America's Asian Empire: Aggression, A-Bombs and Other Atrocities http://tinyurl.com/hega642 Bombings Worse than Nagasaki and Hiroshima http://tinyurl.com/j64qgbj War, Peace, and the State http://tinyurl.com/zkeeuar War Collectivism http://tinyurl.com/q3dx4j4 Great Wars and Great Leaders: A Libertarian Rebuttal http://tinyurl.com/cr9wdwo America's Second Crusade http://tinyurl.com/9op9buy Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace http://tinyurl.com/qdx9c9w A Century of War: Lincoln, Wilson, and Roosevelt http://tinyurl.com/6whr9xh The Costs of War: America's Pyrrhic Victories http://tinyurl.com/8456ywk Reassessing the Presidency: The Rise of the Executive State and the Decline of Freedom http://tinyurl.com/c4mzzwb Wilson, Churchill, Roosevelt and Bush: The Banality of Betrayal http://tinyurl.com/pcjpxg4 Understanding America’s Many Wars http://tinyurl.com/q74fvfc World War Two, a View From Different Eyes http://tinyurl.com/puu6j26 Why Americans Believe That Bombing Hiroshima Was Necessary http://tinyurl.com/p2vkgv4 A Walk in the Northwoods http://tinyurl.com/ns6augk Defending the Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy of Our Founders http://tinyurl.com/q6dfmzy Minding Our Own Business http://tinyurl.com/z8s9zlv Fallacies of Isolationism Exposed http://tinyurl.com/zdh4zo7 More Americans Think U.S. Should "Mind its Own Business" http://tinyurl.com/96352c8

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WRONGwinger^ can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is:haha:,same as how he whines and crys about being wrong the Rams would never come back to LA all the time he does this in defeat as well on his hero FDR constantly as well.:CryingCow::haha:

Gets under your skin,huh?:11_2_1043:

No i laugh at a moron who cries all the time about being wrong the rams would NEVER come back to LA kid :haha: hardly gets under my skin.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:and who would KILL himself FIRST before ever admitting it.you siding with a government paid shill who is the ONLY person in the world that still thinks they are still in st louis just hurts your credibility even worse than you have since you first got here.:biggrin:

You would not be so angry if he did not bother you:11_2_1043:

ANGRY? you crack me up as much he does,i would not post LAUGHING smileys all the time IF he did not amuse me with his stupidity.:haha: i would post ANGRYY smileys like this:mad:

you sure are attracted to stupid clowns like him.:D

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