CDZ Fear and guns....a discussion.

You do??? So are you from our Great Country, The United States where we have constitutionally guaranteed rights?
I live in the Great Country of Australia

Well, nobody cares about Australia, I understand, but I'm sure you could find somebody to talk to you.
The US are very happy to have our support when things go Tits Up

Your military??? :lol: Hilarious!
The truth is that Australia is always the first or among the first to take up arms with the U.S. They are one of our most loyal allies and I can personally attest to the bang-up job they did in Vietnam. Nothing slack about he Diggers.
Thank you Hoss,some forget the close ties we have with the United States,or just ignorant of how we feel about Americans,after 9/11, I took my Tenika to school assembly,not being particularly religious myself,there were prayers for those who died,their families and Americans as a whole,it was very sad but uplifting in many ways as the solidarity between us was shown in a caring way,there was not a dry eye Hoss including mine.

Over the years Americans love to have R&R in Perth,the Military are always treated with respect,many years ago the State Government introduced a "Welcome an American Sailor into your Home" it works wonderfully well,and many times my family have had sailors(all ranks) to stay with us,It makes the likes of ChrisL a Curr of the worst type and very un-American,she has come on here full of aggression and self pity,steve
You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?

I do not believe you. That is correct. Lol. Do I trust you? Hell no!

The problem is not the law-abiding citizens who have never raised a weapon to another person. Whether or not YOU feel they are paranoid is really quite irrelevant. You are not qualified to make a diagnosis.

What we DO know is that criminals are not going to stop using guns because you make a law. Right?
I've proposed no laws. I have proposed one thing, and one thing only. The prevention of unnecessary death. I believe that to be the CDC's mission. You do not. There is not one valid argument you can advance to support such paranoid beliefs. You have therefore not tried to justify your extremist and groundless views. The CDC and I are serious about preventing death. You are not. You don't want to do ANYTHING to prevent these tragic deaths. Shame on you.
I do have some fear. There is a rational and justifiable reason to be afraid. It's violent out there. I fear for my family and my property.

The gun grabbers also fear, but they will try to pretend that our fear is unwarranted. They can't do it if we don't allow them to.

The world was not made perfect.

Which is exactly why we need guns.

You should realize that you cannot reason with some people and that they will just start insulting and making false accusations against you. They are terrible and rotten people.
There is something mentally wrong with you.......I suggest you look in a may shock you
Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?

I do not believe you. That is correct. Lol. Do I trust you? Hell no!

The problem is not the law-abiding citizens who have never raised a weapon to another person. Whether or not YOU feel they are paranoid is really quite irrelevant. You are not qualified to make a diagnosis.

What we DO know is that criminals are not going to stop using guns because you make a law. Right?
I've proposed no laws. I have proposed one thing, and one thing only. The prevention of unnecessary death. I believe that to be the CDC's mission. You do not. There is not one valid argument you can advance to support such paranoid beliefs. You have therefore not tried to justify your extremist and groundless views. The CDC and I are serious about preventing death. You are not. You don't want to do ANYTHING to prevent these tragic deaths. Shame on you.

The CDC is an anti gun organization....
Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?

I do not believe you. That is correct. Lol. Do I trust you? Hell no!

The problem is not the law-abiding citizens who have never raised a weapon to another person. Whether or not YOU feel they are paranoid is really quite irrelevant. You are not qualified to make a diagnosis.

What we DO know is that criminals are not going to stop using guns because you make a law. Right?
I've proposed no laws. I have proposed one thing, and one thing only. The prevention of unnecessary death. I believe that to be the CDC's mission. You do not. There is not one valid argument you can advance to support such paranoid beliefs. You have therefore not tried to justify your extremist and groundless views. The CDC and I are serious about preventing death. You are not. You don't want to do ANYTHING to prevent these tragic deaths. Shame on you.

Lol. The prevention of unnecessary death??? And what do you propose to do that? Ban swimming pools right?
I do have some fear. There is a rational and justifiable reason to be afraid. It's violent out there. I fear for my family and my property.

The gun grabbers also fear, but they will try to pretend that our fear is unwarranted. They can't do it if we don't allow them to.

The world was not made perfect.

Which is exactly why we need guns.

You should realize that you cannot reason with some people and that they will just start insulting and making false accusations against you. They are terrible and rotten people.
There is something mentally wrong with you.......I suggest you look in a may shock you

I'm sorry, that would be yourself. Have you read your posts? You came here and started insulting me. Lol. :D You are so crazy you don't even realize it??? Is that what it is?
Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?

And here are the stats from the CDC......

Here are the stats on some common types of would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling would save more lives.....

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)
Gun Suicide: 21,175
Non gun suicide: 19,974


Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....
What in the world are you talking about woman?
Read my hips...... Where in the world I say women should stop protecting themselves? You are way off and pathetic and dumb.

Read your hips? :)

My point stands, you have no say in my decision. It's a personal decision that each person makes, as is their right to do so.

Bringing up criminals does not a point make. Criminals do not follow laws. That is why they are criminals. The fact that this has to be explained over and over again is very tiresome.

Tiresome? People like me and other people here do not live in fear. We have more other things to enjoy than you are trying to advocate. Fear.... Who are you to tell me that I should arm myself because of your fear? .... As I previously mentioned in my neighborhood we do not close or lock our gates since I was born. We leave our doors unlock.
If your decision to arm yourself I'm not stopping you. I could care less....

Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.

Ask me if I care if you put me on ignore. You are trying to force me to believe your world that people are murdered every corner of streets because of your fear.... And I'm trying to tell you NO.... I don't live in fear but living peacefully.
And I don't really understand what your problem is.... I'm not telling you to disarm or others not to exercise their rights to own a gun. But you keep going on and on with your belief. You can arm yourself to however you want I don't care. You are a dishonest person.
Gun v. non gun suicide rates, 2013..

Gun Suicide: 21,175

Non gun suicide: 19,974
I do have some fear. There is a rational and justifiable reason to be afraid. It's violent out there. I fear for my family and my property.

The gun grabbers also fear, but they will try to pretend that our fear is unwarranted. They can't do it if we don't allow them to.

The world was not made perfect.

Which is exactly why we need guns.

You should realize that you cannot reason with some people and that they will just start insulting and making false accusations against you. They are terrible and rotten people.
There is something mentally wrong with you.......I suggest you look in a may shock you

I am calling your bluff. Post anything from me that shows something is "mentally wrong" with me. I'll be waiting. I suspect, like Charwin and the others who cannot form a coherent thought, you will come up empty handed. ;) I've read plenty of your posts on Israel, etc. I know just what kind of a person you are. Now, again, you must be reminded that this is the CLEAN DEBATE ZONE. You are not allowed to personally insult others. Try to control yourself please. Thanks.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?

I do not believe you. That is correct. Lol. Do I trust you? Hell no!

The problem is not the law-abiding citizens who have never raised a weapon to another person. Whether or not YOU feel they are paranoid is really quite irrelevant. You are not qualified to make a diagnosis.

What we DO know is that criminals are not going to stop using guns because you make a law. Right?
I've proposed no laws. I have proposed one thing, and one thing only. The prevention of unnecessary death. I believe that to be the CDC's mission. You do not. There is not one valid argument you can advance to support such paranoid beliefs. You have therefore not tried to justify your extremist and groundless views. The CDC and I are serious about preventing death. You are not. You don't want to do ANYTHING to prevent these tragic deaths. Shame on you.

The CDC is an anti gun organization....

You seem surprised by the fact that not everyone shares your POV.
Read your hips? :)

My point stands, you have no say in my decision. It's a personal decision that each person makes, as is their right to do so.

Bringing up criminals does not a point make. Criminals do not follow laws. That is why they are criminals. The fact that this has to be explained over and over again is very tiresome.

Tiresome? People like me and other people here do not live in fear. We have more other things to enjoy than you are trying to advocate. Fear.... Who are you to tell me that I should arm myself because of your fear? .... As I previously mentioned in my neighborhood we do not close or lock our gates since I was born. We leave our doors unlock.
If your decision to arm yourself I'm not stopping you. I could care less....

Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.

Ask me if I care if you put me on ignore. You are trying to force me to believe your world that people are murdered every corner of streets because of your fear.... And I'm trying to tell you NO.... I don't live in fear but living peacefully.
And I don't really understand what your problem is.... I'm not telling you to disarm or others not to exercise their rights to own a gun. But you keep going on and on with your belief. You can arm yourself to however you want I don't care. You are a dishonest person.

Okay, goodbye and good riddance. :bye1: I'm sure I will not miss you.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?

I do not believe you. That is correct. Lol. Do I trust you? Hell no!

The problem is not the law-abiding citizens who have never raised a weapon to another person. Whether or not YOU feel they are paranoid is really quite irrelevant. You are not qualified to make a diagnosis.

What we DO know is that criminals are not going to stop using guns because you make a law. Right?
I've proposed no laws. I have proposed one thing, and one thing only. The prevention of unnecessary death. I believe that to be the CDC's mission. You do not. There is not one valid argument you can advance to support such paranoid beliefs. You have therefore not tried to justify your extremist and groundless views. The CDC and I are serious about preventing death. You are not. You don't want to do ANYTHING to prevent these tragic deaths. Shame on you.

Lol. The prevention of unnecessary death??? And what do you propose to do that? Ban swimming pools right?

Notice how he focuses on guns...and not all the real medical malpractice, drug over doses...drunk driving....or even falling.....

Funny how all the passion is for gun deaths.........
Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?

I do not believe you. That is correct. Lol. Do I trust you? Hell no!

The problem is not the law-abiding citizens who have never raised a weapon to another person. Whether or not YOU feel they are paranoid is really quite irrelevant. You are not qualified to make a diagnosis.

What we DO know is that criminals are not going to stop using guns because you make a law. Right?
I've proposed no laws. I have proposed one thing, and one thing only. The prevention of unnecessary death. I believe that to be the CDC's mission. You do not. There is not one valid argument you can advance to support such paranoid beliefs. You have therefore not tried to justify your extremist and groundless views. The CDC and I are serious about preventing death. You are not. You don't want to do ANYTHING to prevent these tragic deaths. Shame on you.

The CDC is an anti gun organization....

You seem surprised by the fact that not everyone shares your POV.

Surprised, no...sad...yes.
Tiresome? People like me and other people here do not live in fear. We have more other things to enjoy than you are trying to advocate. Fear.... Who are you to tell me that I should arm myself because of your fear? .... As I previously mentioned in my neighborhood we do not close or lock our gates since I was born. We leave our doors unlock.
If your decision to arm yourself I'm not stopping you. I could care less....

Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.

Ask me if I care if you put me on ignore. You are trying to force me to believe your world that people are murdered every corner of streets because of your fear.... And I'm trying to tell you NO.... I don't live in fear but living peacefully.
And I don't really understand what your problem is.... I'm not telling you to disarm or others not to exercise their rights to own a gun. But you keep going on and on with your belief. You can arm yourself to however you want I don't care. You are a dishonest person.

Okay, goodbye and good riddance. :bye1: I'm sure I will not miss you.

Cue the music...."You don't bring me flowers....any more....."
I do have some fear. There is a rational and justifiable reason to be afraid. It's violent out there. I fear for my family and my property.

The gun grabbers also fear, but they will try to pretend that our fear is unwarranted. They can't do it if we don't allow them to.

The world was not made perfect.

Which is exactly why we need guns.

You should realize that you cannot reason with some people and that they will just start insulting and making false accusations against you. They are terrible and rotten people.

I have a feeling I am on his ignore list.......perhaps I am wrong. Thanks for all the posts ChrisL.....I enjoy them....

That is not true..... I don't put any one on ignore. Ignore are just for pussy and weak. If people can't handle the brutality of Internet then they should not be here. I just don't have time to deal with you right now because you posted and using the same cut and paste all the time.
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this is in the CDZ because it gets a little old when some start talking sex organs and guns.....


We are constantly told that if you carry a gun you are afraid.

Is this true.


Carrying a gun for self defense is a rational response to the reality that even though I know where I live is ver safe, there are still criminals out there and that you never know when one will target you. These things happen every day, in every state, in every country.

How much fear goes into carrying a gun...for me....there is about as much emotion to carrying a gun as there is carrying my cell phone.

Now....the other side...the one that is constantly accusing my side of being afraid.....I believe that fear is what they feel....especially about guns. The don't like people, but they hate guns in the hands of people.

For example.

There are over 3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands in this country.

Each year maybe, maybe, 2-3 are used in any type of crime or even a mass shooting.

With those numbers, those who I believe fear guns want all AR-15s banned from private hands. To me, that is real fear. The numbers show that the odds of being a victim of a violent attack by an attacker with an AR-15 are so would actually have more of a chance of running into Big Foot and Elvis having Lunch with Aliens.....

And yet, they call for all AR-15s and other rifles like it to be completely banned.

And yet even if AR-15s are completely banned, there is not one crime that is committed on those rare occasions where an AR-15 is used that cannot be done to the same effect with a pistol, shot gun or other rifle or a combination of those......

Yet we are called scaredy cats for wearing a gun like we wear a cell phone or buckle our seat belts.

To a rational person....who sounds more afraid of guns...who sounds more filled with actual fear...?

If you have a fire extinguisher, does that mean you're afraid of fires? No, it means you are prepared. ;)
What a stupid saying I wear boots in the rain when it rains,because I'm prepared.........Stupid is a stupid speaks,methinks

Here. Your first post to me, and I wasn't even addressing you. I was agreeing with 2A guy. :) Lol.
I do have some fear. There is a rational and justifiable reason to be afraid. It's violent out there. I fear for my family and my property.

The gun grabbers also fear, but they will try to pretend that our fear is unwarranted. They can't do it if we don't allow them to.

The world was not made perfect.

Which is exactly why we need guns.

You should realize that you cannot reason with some people and that they will just start insulting and making false accusations against you. They are terrible and rotten people.

I have a feeling I am on his ignore list.......perhaps I am wrong. Thanks for all the posts ChrisL.....I enjoy them....

That is not true..... I don't put any one on ignore. Ignore are just for pussy and weak. If people can't handle the brutality of Internet then try should not be here. I just don't have time to deal with you now because you posted and using the same cut and paste all the time.

I didn't mean you...I meant the guy with the obama as elvis avatar....
Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.

Ask me if I care if you put me on ignore. You are trying to force me to believe your world that people are murdered every corner of streets because of your fear.... And I'm trying to tell you NO.... I don't live in fear but living peacefully.
And I don't really understand what your problem is.... I'm not telling you to disarm or others not to exercise their rights to own a gun. But you keep going on and on with your belief. You can arm yourself to however you want I don't care. You are a dishonest person.

Okay, goodbye and good riddance. :bye1: I'm sure I will not miss you.

Cue the music...."You don't bring me flowers....any more....."

Meh, I don't feel like I'm missing much. ;) I will not tolerate false accusations anymore . . . or crazy people who cannot be reasoned with. I'm tired of it.

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