CDZ Fear and guns....a discussion.

Tiresome? People like me and other people here do not live in fear. We have more other things to enjoy than you are trying to advocate. Fear.... Who are you to tell me that I should arm myself because of your fear? .... As I previously mentioned in my neighborhood we do not close or lock our gates since I was born. We leave our doors unlock.
If your decision to arm yourself I'm not stopping you. I could care less....

Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

And you claimed that they are NOT a politically driven organization until I proved you wrong by pointing out the fact that they receive funding from the federal government. Right? So who is the dishonest one here. You can fool yourself but not the truly "honest" people here. :)
And I also stated that you have no idea what "politically motivated" means. You don't.
Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

I didn't say they were dishonest. Nowhere did I say that. YOU are the dishonest one here.
"If the CDC was serious about preventing deaths, they would be looking at our psychiatric/mental health status."

The CDC is dedicated to preventing death. That is why they requesting that further research be done. You are stating, quite plainly, that they are NOT requesting further research to prevent deaths. That they are dishonest when they say that is what they are doing.

At the same time you believe that they are serious when they state that guns are effective for home defense. That is hypocrisy. That is dishonest.

Where did I say they were serious or not serious in either case. Stop putting words in my mouth that I did not say or I will have to put you in the same category as Charwin. You don't want to be there. :D Thanks.
Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

And you claimed that they are NOT a politically driven organization until I proved you wrong by pointing out the fact that they receive funding from the federal government. Right? So who is the dishonest one here. You can fool yourself but not the truly "honest" people here. :)
And I also stated that you have no idea what "politically motivated" means. You don't.

Sure I do. More so than you do obviously. The fact is that the CDC gets ALL of it's money through grants through lobbying the feds.
Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

I didn't say they were dishonest. Nowhere did I say that. YOU are the dishonest one here.
"If the CDC was serious about preventing deaths, they would be looking at our psychiatric/mental health status."

The CDC is dedicated to preventing death. That is why they requesting that further research be done. You are stating, quite plainly, that they are NOT requesting further research to prevent deaths. That they are dishonest when they say that is what they are doing.

At the same time you believe that they are serious when they state that guns are effective for home defense. That is hypocrisy. That is dishonest.

Do you disagree with any of my statements. If so, which ones and why. You think guns are responsible for murders? Seriously? Lol. Wow.
this is in the CDZ because it gets a little old when some start talking sex organs and guns.....


We are constantly told that if you carry a gun you are afraid.

Is this true.


Carrying a gun for self defense is a rational response to the reality that even though I know where I live is ver safe, there are still criminals out there and that you never know when one will target you. These things happen every day, in every state, in every country.

How much fear goes into carrying a gun...for me....there is about as much emotion to carrying a gun as there is carrying my cell phone.

Now....the other side...the one that is constantly accusing my side of being afraid.....I believe that fear is what they feel....especially about guns. The don't like people, but they hate guns in the hands of people.

For example.

There are over 3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands in this country.

Each year maybe, maybe, 2-3 are used in any type of crime or even a mass shooting.

With those numbers, those who I believe fear guns want all AR-15s banned from private hands. To me, that is real fear. The numbers show that the odds of being a victim of a violent attack by an attacker with an AR-15 are so would actually have more of a chance of running into Big Foot and Elvis having Lunch with Aliens.....

And yet, they call for all AR-15s and other rifles like it to be completely banned.

And yet even if AR-15s are completely banned, there is not one crime that is committed on those rare occasions where an AR-15 is used that cannot be done to the same effect with a pistol, shot gun or other rifle or a combination of those......

Yet we are called scaredy cats for wearing a gun like we wear a cell phone or buckle our seat belts.

To a rational person....who sounds more afraid of guns...who sounds more filled with actual fear...?
Wrong. Writing in all caps does not make your attempted point valid.
In Australia we use CAPITALS for emphasis ..... We do not use capitals for SHOUTING like you do in the United States,steve
Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

I didn't say they were dishonest. Nowhere did I say that. YOU are the dishonest one here.
"If the CDC was serious about preventing deaths, they would be looking at our psychiatric/mental health status."

The CDC is dedicated to preventing death. That is why they requesting that further research be done. You are stating, quite plainly, that they are NOT requesting further research to prevent deaths. That they are dishonest when they say that is what they are doing.

At the same time you believe that they are serious when they state that guns are effective for home defense. That is hypocrisy. That is dishonest.

Again, you made a false accusation and this certainly is not helping you out. I think you will have to go on ignore for attempted character assassination. Just because you are losing an argument, that does not mean it is okay to make false accusations against others. Now, why don't you just admit that I have not lied or been dishonest about anything. I have posted the facts. You just don't like the facts, so you are going to try to make it appear as if I'm dishonest. Please don't think we all are not familiar with this tactic. You are certainly not the first to try it. It fails though, as everyone here knows I'm probably the MOST honest poster here. ;)
Tiresome? People like me and other people here do not live in fear. We have more other things to enjoy than you are trying to advocate. Fear.... Who are you to tell me that I should arm myself because of your fear? .... As I previously mentioned in my neighborhood we do not close or lock our gates since I was born. We leave our doors unlock.
If your decision to arm yourself I'm not stopping you. I could care less....

Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?
You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

I didn't say they were dishonest. Nowhere did I say that. YOU are the dishonest one here.
"If the CDC was serious about preventing deaths, they would be looking at our psychiatric/mental health status."

The CDC is dedicated to preventing death. That is why they requesting that further research be done. You are stating, quite plainly, that they are NOT requesting further research to prevent deaths. That they are dishonest when they say that is what they are doing.

At the same time you believe that they are serious when they state that guns are effective for home defense. That is hypocrisy. That is dishonest.

Again, you made a false accusation and this certainly is not helping you out. I think you will have to go on ignore for attempted character assassination. Just because you are losing an argument, that does not mean it is okay to make false accusations against others. Now, why don't you just admit that I have not lied or been dishonest about anything. I have posted the facts. You just don't like the facts, so you are going to try to make it appear as if I'm dishonest. Please don't think we all are not familiar with this tactic. You are certainly not the first to try it. It fails though, as everyone here knows I'm probably the MOST honest poster here. ;)
Then you did not write what I quoted? You do believe that the CDC is serious about preventing deaths?
Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

I didn't say they were dishonest. Nowhere did I say that. YOU are the dishonest one here.
"If the CDC was serious about preventing deaths, they would be looking at our psychiatric/mental health status."

The CDC is dedicated to preventing death. That is why they requesting that further research be done. You are stating, quite plainly, that they are NOT requesting further research to prevent deaths. That they are dishonest when they say that is what they are doing.

At the same time you believe that they are serious when they state that guns are effective for home defense. That is hypocrisy. That is dishonest.

Again, you made a false accusation and this certainly is not helping you out. I think you will have to go on ignore for attempted character assassination. Just because you are losing an argument, that does not mean it is okay to make false accusations against others. Now, why don't you just admit that I have not lied or been dishonest about anything. I have posted the facts. You just don't like the facts, so you are going to try to make it appear as if I'm dishonest. Please don't think we all are not familiar with this tactic. You are certainly not the first to try it. It fails though, as everyone here knows I'm probably the MOST honest poster here. ;)
Then you did not write what I quoted? You do believe that the CDC is serious about preventing deaths?

I was wondering why they would concentrate their attentions on guns and not on mental illness. That does not mean the results of their study were not valid.
Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?

Yes...and you lie by omission....

there were only 8,124 gun murders in 2014..... 505 accidental gun deaths (2013 stats) and the rest were suicides

Suicides do not count because we also had 19,974 suicides without gun in this country in 2013...and Japan, South Korea and China have more suicides than we do and they have 0 access to guns.
Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?

I do not believe you. That is correct. Lol. Do I trust you? Hell no!

The problem is not the law-abiding citizens who have never raised a weapon to another person. Whether or not YOU feel they are paranoid is really quite irrelevant. You are not qualified to make a diagnosis.

What we DO know is that criminals are not going to stop using guns because you make a law. Right?
Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

I didn't say they were dishonest. Nowhere did I say that. YOU are the dishonest one here.
"If the CDC was serious about preventing deaths, they would be looking at our psychiatric/mental health status."

The CDC is dedicated to preventing death. That is why they requesting that further research be done. You are stating, quite plainly, that they are NOT requesting further research to prevent deaths. That they are dishonest when they say that is what they are doing.

At the same time you believe that they are serious when they state that guns are effective for home defense. That is hypocrisy. That is dishonest.

Again, you made a false accusation and this certainly is not helping you out. I think you will have to go on ignore for attempted character assassination. Just because you are losing an argument, that does not mean it is okay to make false accusations against others. Now, why don't you just admit that I have not lied or been dishonest about anything. I have posted the facts. You just don't like the facts, so you are going to try to make it appear as if I'm dishonest. Please don't think we all are not familiar with this tactic. You are certainly not the first to try it. It fails though, as everyone here knows I'm probably the MOST honest poster here. ;)
Then you did not write what I quoted? You do believe that the CDC is serious about preventing deaths?

Which LAWS do you think should be made that would prevent criminals from killing people? Hmm?
Who is telling you to arm yourself? Nobody is. Stop being a drama queen. AND it is "I could NOT care less."

You are a dishonest person.

Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

Sorry, but my side has nothing to be dishonest about. That is all on your side and your argument. You use dishonesty. I don't have to do that. All the facts are on my side.
There is only one fact. 30,000 people a year die by gun violence. You do not believe that one single person on this earth, who is concerned with this fact, is not a "guuuun grabber!".

The problem is not guns, it is morally bankrupt paranoiacs who display a complete indifference to human life. What are you willing to do to reduce gun deaths?

We do not have an indifference to death of innocents. 1.5 million times a year, according to bill clinton, Americans stop violent crime and save lives.....vs... 8,124 gun murders.....

Can you tell how many lives are saved vs. lives lost due to guns?
Where have I been dishonest? You are crazy. Lol. Now, I want you to post anything I've said that is "dishonest." If you do not come up with something, then we will know who the "dishonest" one is. If you don't answer or if you don't come up with anything, I will placing you on ignore as being a liar and trying to character assassinate me. K? :) So, I'll be waiting for your evidence.
You have cited the CDC as a source authority and then denied that they do valid research. You can't have it both ways. That's dishonest.

I didn't say they were dishonest. Nowhere did I say that. YOU are the dishonest one here.
"If the CDC was serious about preventing deaths, they would be looking at our psychiatric/mental health status."

The CDC is dedicated to preventing death. That is why they requesting that further research be done. You are stating, quite plainly, that they are NOT requesting further research to prevent deaths. That they are dishonest when they say that is what they are doing.

At the same time you believe that they are serious when they state that guns are effective for home defense. That is hypocrisy. That is dishonest.

Again, you made a false accusation and this certainly is not helping you out. I think you will have to go on ignore for attempted character assassination. Just because you are losing an argument, that does not mean it is okay to make false accusations against others. Now, why don't you just admit that I have not lied or been dishonest about anything. I have posted the facts. You just don't like the facts, so you are going to try to make it appear as if I'm dishonest. Please don't think we all are not familiar with this tactic. You are certainly not the first to try it. It fails though, as everyone here knows I'm probably the MOST honest poster here. ;)
Then you did not write what I quoted? You do believe that the CDC is serious about preventing deaths?

They are more concerned with banning guns.
As far as I know, murder is already against the law. Once a person has decided on that, then they decide on their tool of choice. The gun does not cause a person to decide to kill. That already exists in a person. Also, there have always been guns in this country and we have always had this right. These mass shootings are a relatively RECENT problem.
I do have some fear. There is a rational and justifiable reason to be afraid. It's violent out there. I fear for my family and my property.

The gun grabbers also fear, but they will try to pretend that our fear is unwarranted. They can't do it if we don't allow them to.

The world was not made perfect.
I do have some fear. There is a rational and justifiable reason to be afraid. It's violent out there. I fear for my family and my property.

The gun grabbers also fear, but they will try to pretend that our fear is unwarranted. They can't do it if we don't allow them to.

The world was not made perfect.

Which is exactly why we need guns.
I do have some fear. There is a rational and justifiable reason to be afraid. It's violent out there. I fear for my family and my property.

The gun grabbers also fear, but they will try to pretend that our fear is unwarranted. They can't do it if we don't allow them to.

The world was not made perfect.

Which is exactly why we need guns.

You should realize that you cannot reason with some people and that they will just start insulting and making false accusations against you. They are terrible and rotten people.
I do have some fear. There is a rational and justifiable reason to be afraid. It's violent out there. I fear for my family and my property.

The gun grabbers also fear, but they will try to pretend that our fear is unwarranted. They can't do it if we don't allow them to.

The world was not made perfect.

Which is exactly why we need guns.

You should realize that you cannot reason with some people and that they will just start insulting and making false accusations against you. They are terrible and rotten people.

I have a feeling I am on his ignore list.......perhaps I am wrong. Thanks for all the posts ChrisL.....I enjoy them....

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