Fear and Loathing on the Left as Trump Utters "Merry Christmas".

Conservatives and the zealous play the victim card each Yuletide. Imagine being butt hurt over "Merry Christmas"! How small your life would be!

And co-opting Hunter Thompson's Fear and Loathing? The right traffics in fear. A safe place for them.
You're turning the controversy on its head. I don't recall protests against saying Merry Xmas. The problem has been with those who have been butthurt over Happy Holidays. We see it every year.
How can you say controversy is being "turned on its head" while literately saying there is none?

What is wrong with you?
You're turning the controversy on its head. I don't recall protests against saying Merry Xmas. The problem has been with those who have been butthurt over Happy Holidays. We see it every year.
How can you say controversy is being "turned on its head" while literately saying there is none? What is wrong with you?
I didn't say there was no controversy. Once again you're trying to turn the discussion on its head. Haven't we heard every year about how some people hate the greeting 'Happy Holidays'? Well, it wasn't the liberals complaining.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

And I feel great. I say it to everyone I talk to. At the store, on the phone, to the bus driver and sometimes when I pass people on the street. Guess that makes you a liar, doesn't it?
Saying "Merry Christmas" is racist towards Jews at a time when they really need our help. Shame on you.
lol So you are afraid Ivanka and Jared will be insulted?
I'm afraid I don't understand
Ivanka and Jared are Jews who will not be insulted if Trump wishes people Merry Christmas.

I am a jew-----easter is much more fun than is Christmas-----chocolate
easter bunnies WIN-----over candy canes
Self-hating Jew
Have a wacky Festivus and an angry New Year. May your holiday be full of drunkenness and your vomiting have some control.
I didn't say there was no controversy. Once again you're trying to turn the discussion on its head. Haven't we heard every year about how some people hate the greeting 'Happy Holidays'? Well, it wasn't the liberals complaining.
No, "Happy Holidays" is one of the few things liberals have not complained about. It is "Merry Christmas" and it's politically incorrect connotations that they find offensive.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

And I feel great. I say it to everyone I talk to. At the store, on the phone, to the bus driver and sometimes when I pass people on the street. Guess that makes you a liar, doesn't it?
Saying "Merry Christmas" is racist towards Jews at a time when they really need our help. Shame on you.
lol So you are afraid Ivanka and Jared will be insulted?
I'm afraid I don't understand
Ivanka and Jared are Jews who will not be insulted if Trump wishes people Merry Christmas.
How do you know how "they" feel. Most likely they are hurt by this but keep their mouths shut because they like the money
"Happy Holidays" is one of the few things liberals have not complained about. It is "Merry Christmas" and it's politically incorrect connotations that they find offensive.
Fake news
NO, NO, NO! It is Wikileaks and Russia that cost the Beast the election! Do try to keep up!
Try and stay on topic. Don't run and hide just because you're losing. Take it like a man, if that's possible.
"Happy Holidays" is one of the few things liberals have not complained about. It is "Merry Christmas" and it's politically incorrect connotations that they find offensive.
Fake news
NO, NO, NO! It is Wikileaks and Russia that cost the Beast the election! Do try to keep up!
Try and stay on topic. Don't run and hide just because you're losing. Take it like a man, if that's possible.
I thought you introduced "fake news" Suzie. Now it seems it was Wikileaks that turned the election which is weird because until today it was about #35 on the list of excuses Hillary lost.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

There, I said it some more.

Merry Christmas!

And a Happy New Year. We're gonna need it.
What's funny is Trump saying Merry Christmas when even right wingers know Christ would never accept Trump as he is for using a charity to help his own family and business, grabbing pu$$y, stiffing his own workers, lying, cheating, being a racist, being a serial adulterer, denying medical care to a newborn to get back at the family of the newborn. And those are just the things he admits to.
Conservatives and the zealous play the victim card each Yuletide. Imagine being butt hurt over "Merry Christmas"! How small your life would be!
Merry fucking Christmas liberal fucking douchbag.....
Spoken with all the respect for the season an Alt-Right douche bag can muster.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

There, I said it some more.

Merry Christmas!

And a Happy New Year. We're gonna need it.
Happy Trump year to you too....

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