Fear of a black president


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2009
Whether people admit it or not, it exists and is going to be a big problem for this country. There are so many articles on this topic. I like this one by Alvin F. Poussaint, M.D., of Harvard Medical School. Here is some of what he said:

These days, the political climate has renewed the sense of urgency around the question of extreme racism as a form of mental illness. The red-faced freak-outs by many of the whites who turned up at Town Hall meetings around the nation through August, Poussaint said, are indications that conscious and subconscious racist beliefs among some whites have found a ready repository in the form of the 44th President.

“It is not rational, but they see America as ‘their country,’ which translates in their minds that this President is not legitimate,” Poussaint explained. “If they are unemployed, if they are struggling to keep their families together, they will blame Obama instead of Bush, even though it is obvious that the Bush Administration was actually in charge when the economy went bad.

“But these folks shouting at the President won’t blame Bush, in large part because Bush is a white man. Obama is black, blacks are inferior and can’t do anything right, so in their thinking, he is to blame for it,” Poussaint said.

Misplaced anxiety and anger over lost jobs, or diminished finances or perceived threats to one’s safety by a political changing of the guard, appear to be exacerbating in those who previously managed to keep racist opinions or beliefs in check, Poussaint said. And when we decline to accurately identify this misplaced animosity as racism, or to write it off merely as “partisan politics,” it is not just foolhardy, it is potentially dangerous, Poussaint said.

With an eye focused perhaps on the increasing volatility of “partisan politics,” President Obama said recently that he doesn’t think that racism is the main instigator of the anti-health care reform protests. But Poussaint says that now is not the time to be in denial about the potential harm that extreme racism can visit upon the American body politic.

“President Obama has been subjected to more death threats than any president in history,” Poussaint said. “Gun sales went way up after his election, and they continue to climb. You had an elected Congressman [Rep. Joe Wilson, a South Carolina Republican] calling the President a liar in the middle of a formal speech! Since when has anything like that ever happened? And you actually have other elected officials defend the Congressman who acted out so disrespectfully against the president,” Poussaint said. Not in the case of Wilson’s outburst, but in general, “after a point, this sort of thing can become delusional thinking,” Poussaint told TheDefendersOnline. “And the danger grows once the individual reaches the point where they think the only way to solve the perceived ‘problem” is to kill the person they believe is causing it.”

With a black man leading the U.S. for the first time in history, we have to be unafraid to ask hard questions in this regard: Are whites who rail against President Obama driven crazy by racism? And might they be considered dangerous?

Has Fear of a Black President Driven Some White People Crazy? | The Defenders Online | A Civil Rights Blog
Whether people admit it or not, it exists and is going to be a big problem for this country. There are so many articles on this topic. I like this one by Alvin F. Poussaint, M.D., of Harvard Medical School. Here is some of what he said:

These days, the political climate has renewed the sense of urgency around the question of extreme racism as a form of mental illness. The red-faced freak-outs by many of the whites who turned up at Town Hall meetings around the nation through August, Poussaint said, are indications that conscious and subconscious racist beliefs among some whites have found a ready repository in the form of the 44th President.

“It is not rational, but they see America as ‘their country,’ which translates in their minds that this President is not legitimate,” Poussaint explained. “If they are unemployed, if they are struggling to keep their families together, they will blame Obama instead of Bush, even though it is obvious that the Bush Administration was actually in charge when the economy went bad.

“But these folks shouting at the President won’t blame Bush, in large part because Bush is a white man. Obama is black, blacks are inferior and can’t do anything right, so in their thinking, he is to blame for it,” Poussaint said.

Misplaced anxiety and anger over lost jobs, or diminished finances or perceived threats to one’s safety by a political changing of the guard, appear to be exacerbating in those who previously managed to keep racist opinions or beliefs in check, Poussaint said. And when we decline to accurately identify this misplaced animosity as racism, or to write it off merely as “partisan politics,” it is not just foolhardy, it is potentially dangerous, Poussaint said.

With an eye focused perhaps on the increasing volatility of “partisan politics,” President Obama said recently that he doesn’t think that racism is the main instigator of the anti-health care reform protests. But Poussaint says that now is not the time to be in denial about the potential harm that extreme racism can visit upon the American body politic.

“President Obama has been subjected to more death threats than any president in history,” Poussaint said. “Gun sales went way up after his election, and they continue to climb. You had an elected Congressman [Rep. Joe Wilson, a South Carolina Republican] calling the President a liar in the middle of a formal speech! Since when has anything like that ever happened? And you actually have other elected officials defend the Congressman who acted out so disrespectfully against the president,” Poussaint said. Not in the case of Wilson’s outburst, but in general, “after a point, this sort of thing can become delusional thinking,” Poussaint told TheDefendersOnline. “And the danger grows once the individual reaches the point where they think the only way to solve the perceived ‘problem” is to kill the person they believe is causing it.”

With a black man leading the U.S. for the first time in history, we have to be unafraid to ask hard questions in this regard: Are whites who rail against President Obama driven crazy by racism? And might they be considered dangerous?

Has Fear of a Black President Driven Some White People Crazy? | The Defenders Online | A Civil Rights Blog
Wow. Someone else blaming all criticism of Obama on racism. Quite original.
I would bet a million dollars that neither of you even read the article.
This thread is an absolute fail!!

I would bet a million dollars that neither of you even read the article.
I read every bit that you posted; didn't click the link though. I decided to stop reading when i got to this point:

With a black man leading the U.S. for the first time in history, we have to be unafraid to ask hard questions in this regard: Are whites who rail against President Obama driven crazy by racism? And might they be considered dangerous?
Seriously, this kind of crap is getting so old. Are there still wildly racist people out there? Absolutely! ...there are wildly racist black people as well. Maybe many of them hated Bush because the color of his skin?

Wasn't Obama supposed to be the post-racial president? Guess not.

True or False; it would be possible for a president to get elected with 0% of the white vote?
Gee, Alvin F. Poussaint is black...... what a surprise.
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So all opposition by white people to Obama is racist.

Go find a new song. This old saw is tired worn out bullshit.

Did you read the article? If you did, I don't think you understood the point.

I read the article. Still bullshit anyway you cut it.

1) Obama has not received any more death threats than a normal prez, as per the SS.

2) Obama is receiving the same amount of (non)respect that Bush received when he was President. It wasn't racism then. It isn't racism now. (Now watch this drive).

The article is complete bullshit. It is attempting to paint all opposition to Obama by white people as potentially racist, and therefore easily discredited. Just like all the articles before it making the same fallacious argument, this one too falls on its face.
Whether people admit it or not, it exists and is going to be a big problem for this country. There are so many articles on this topic. I like this one by Alvin F. Poussaint, M.D., of Harvard Medical School. Here is some of what he said:

These days, the political climate has renewed the sense of urgency around the question of extreme racism as a form of mental illness. The red-faced freak-outs by many of the whites who turned up at Town Hall meetings around the nation through August, Poussaint said, are indications that conscious and subconscious racist beliefs among some whites have found a ready repository in the form of the 44th President.

“It is not rational, but they see America as ‘their country,’ which translates in their minds that this President is not legitimate,” Poussaint explained. “If they are unemployed, if they are struggling to keep their families together, they will blame Obama instead of Bush, even though it is obvious that the Bush Administration was actually in charge when the economy went bad.

“But these folks shouting at the President won’t blame Bush, in large part because Bush is a white man. Obama is black, blacks are inferior and can’t do anything right, so in their thinking, he is to blame for it,” Poussaint said.

Misplaced anxiety and anger over lost jobs, or diminished finances or perceived threats to one’s safety by a political changing of the guard, appear to be exacerbating in those who previously managed to keep racist opinions or beliefs in check, Poussaint said. And when we decline to accurately identify this misplaced animosity as racism, or to write it off merely as “partisan politics,” it is not just foolhardy, it is potentially dangerous, Poussaint said.

With an eye focused perhaps on the increasing volatility of “partisan politics,” President Obama said recently that he doesn’t think that racism is the main instigator of the anti-health care reform protests. But Poussaint says that now is not the time to be in denial about the potential harm that extreme racism can visit upon the American body politic.

“President Obama has been subjected to more death threats than any president in history,” Poussaint said. “Gun sales went way up after his election, and they continue to climb. You had an elected Congressman [Rep. Joe Wilson, a South Carolina Republican] calling the President a liar in the middle of a formal speech! Since when has anything like that ever happened? And you actually have other elected officials defend the Congressman who acted out so disrespectfully against the president,” Poussaint said. Not in the case of Wilson’s outburst, but in general, “after a point, this sort of thing can become delusional thinking,” Poussaint told TheDefendersOnline. “And the danger grows once the individual reaches the point where they think the only way to solve the perceived ‘problem” is to kill the person they believe is causing it.”

With a black man leading the U.S. for the first time in history, we have to be unafraid to ask hard questions in this regard: Are whites who rail against President Obama driven crazy by racism? And might they be considered dangerous?

Has Fear of a Black President Driven Some White People Crazy? | The Defenders Online | A Civil Rights Blog

I wonder if world renowned child Psychologist, Alvin F. Poussaint, has ever done a study about how black people will vote for and follow like lemmings, any person running for office that kind of looks like them.......... regardless of their obvious lack of knowledge, experience or qualification for the job. I would love to see how this dildo would spin that.
Whether people admit it or not, it exists and is going to be a big problem for this country. There are so many articles on this topic. I like this one by Alvin F. Poussaint, M.D., of Harvard Medical School. Here is some of what he said:

These days, the political climate has renewed the sense of urgency around the question of extreme racism as a form of mental illness. The red-faced freak-outs by many of the whites who turned up at Town Hall meetings around the nation through August, Poussaint said, are indications that conscious and subconscious racist beliefs among some whites have found a ready repository in the form of the 44th President.

“It is not rational, but they see America as ‘their country,’ which translates in their minds that this President is not legitimate,” Poussaint explained. “If they are unemployed, if they are struggling to keep their families together, they will blame Obama instead of Bush, even though it is obvious that the Bush Administration was actually in charge when the economy went bad.

“But these folks shouting at the President won’t blame Bush, in large part because Bush is a white man. Obama is black, blacks are inferior and can’t do anything right, so in their thinking, he is to blame for it,” Poussaint said.

Misplaced anxiety and anger over lost jobs, or diminished finances or perceived threats to one’s safety by a political changing of the guard, appear to be exacerbating in those who previously managed to keep racist opinions or beliefs in check, Poussaint said. And when we decline to accurately identify this misplaced animosity as racism, or to write it off merely as “partisan politics,” it is not just foolhardy, it is potentially dangerous, Poussaint said.

With an eye focused perhaps on the increasing volatility of “partisan politics,” President Obama said recently that he doesn’t think that racism is the main instigator of the anti-health care reform protests. But Poussaint says that now is not the time to be in denial about the potential harm that extreme racism can visit upon the American body politic.

“President Obama has been subjected to more death threats than any president in history,” Poussaint said. “Gun sales went way up after his election, and they continue to climb. You had an elected Congressman [Rep. Joe Wilson, a South Carolina Republican] calling the President a liar in the middle of a formal speech! Since when has anything like that ever happened? And you actually have other elected officials defend the Congressman who acted out so disrespectfully against the president,” Poussaint said. Not in the case of Wilson’s outburst, but in general, “after a point, this sort of thing can become delusional thinking,” Poussaint told TheDefendersOnline. “And the danger grows once the individual reaches the point where they think the only way to solve the perceived ‘problem” is to kill the person they believe is causing it.”

With a black man leading the U.S. for the first time in history, we have to be unafraid to ask hard questions in this regard: Are whites who rail against President Obama driven crazy by racism? And might they be considered dangerous?

Has Fear of a Black President Driven Some White People Crazy? | The Defenders Online | A Civil Rights Blog

You are showing your lack of original thought, or for that matter any real thought process.

The ony people who worry about using a man's race (African-American, Asian-American, etc.,) are people who are racist. They just try to find nice ways to get around it.
Our President is half white as well. Something the sad Leftist Race-Baiters continue to conveniently forget. Leftist wingnuts never let the facts get in the way of their stale Race-Baiting. Par for the course for them i guess. Pretty sad stuff.
I wonder if world renowned child Psychologist, Alvin F. Poussaint, has ever done a study about how black people will vote for and follow like lemmings, any person running for office that kind of looks like them.......... regardless of their obvious lack of knowledge, experience or qualification for the job. I would love to see how this dildo would spin that.

Provide evidence to back up your claims.
Libsa are obsessed with race.... think about it. They see everybody as being part of some group. I guess it is that collectivism thing.
Seriously,you never hear the Leftist nutters talking about how the President is also half white. I guess that's just too inconvenient for them. That fact really does seem to get in the way of their tired & stale race-baiting i guess. Hmm?
Whether people admit it or not, it exists and is going to be a big problem for this country. There are so many articles on this topic. I like this one by Alvin F. Poussaint, M.D., of Harvard Medical School. Here is some of what he said:

These days, the political climate has renewed the sense of urgency around the question of extreme racism as a form of mental illness. The red-faced freak-outs by many of the whites who turned up at Town Hall meetings around the nation through August, Poussaint said, are indications that conscious and subconscious racist beliefs among some whites have found a ready repository in the form of the 44th President.

“It is not rational, but they see America as ‘their country,’ which translates in their minds that this President is not legitimate,” Poussaint explained. “If they are unemployed, if they are struggling to keep their families together, they will blame Obama instead of Bush, even though it is obvious that the Bush Administration was actually in charge when the economy went bad.

“But these folks shouting at the President won’t blame Bush, in large part because Bush is a white man. Obama is black, blacks are inferior and can’t do anything right, so in their thinking, he is to blame for it,” Poussaint said.

Misplaced anxiety and anger over lost jobs, or diminished finances or perceived threats to one’s safety by a political changing of the guard, appear to be exacerbating in those who previously managed to keep racist opinions or beliefs in check, Poussaint said. And when we decline to accurately identify this misplaced animosity as racism, or to write it off merely as “partisan politics,” it is not just foolhardy, it is potentially dangerous, Poussaint said.

With an eye focused perhaps on the increasing volatility of “partisan politics,” President Obama said recently that he doesn’t think that racism is the main instigator of the anti-health care reform protests. But Poussaint says that now is not the time to be in denial about the potential harm that extreme racism can visit upon the American body politic.

“President Obama has been subjected to more death threats than any president in history,” Poussaint said. “Gun sales went way up after his election, and they continue to climb. You had an elected Congressman [Rep. Joe Wilson, a South Carolina Republican] calling the President a liar in the middle of a formal speech! Since when has anything like that ever happened? And you actually have other elected officials defend the Congressman who acted out so disrespectfully against the president,” Poussaint said. Not in the case of Wilson’s outburst, but in general, “after a point, this sort of thing can become delusional thinking,” Poussaint told TheDefendersOnline. “And the danger grows once the individual reaches the point where they think the only way to solve the perceived ‘problem” is to kill the person they believe is causing it.”

With a black man leading the U.S. for the first time in history, we have to be unafraid to ask hard questions in this regard: Are whites who rail against President Obama driven crazy by racism? And might they be considered dangerous?

Has Fear of a Black President Driven Some White People Crazy? | The Defenders Online | A Civil Rights Blog

50% of whites voted for him, more than 90% of blacks did. Let's face it, given those stats, it's the blacks that are racist.
I wonder if world renowned child Psychologist, Alvin F. Poussaint, has ever done a study about how black people will vote for and follow like lemmings, any person running for office that kind of looks like them.......... regardless of their obvious lack of knowledge, experience or qualification for the job. I would love to see how this dildo would spin that.

Provide evidence to back up your claims.

Exit polls: How Obama won - David Paul Kuhn - POLITICO.com

...Fully 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate, a 2-percentage-point rise in their national turnout. As in past years, black women turned out at a higher rate than black men...
Might also check out this, the differences are amazing:

National (US) Poll * January 13, 2010 * Obama's Approval Splits Evenly - Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut

It wasn't that way in the election or Jan-Mar/Apr

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