Fear The Trump!

Anyone who doesn't believe in climate change, a progressive tax system, that we should live under Christian (or any religion) laws, racists and bigots. The usual.
Well....let's break this down:

1.) Global Warming has been absolutely, unequivocally proven to be a farce (which is why your side of the aisle had to panic and rebrand it "climate change"). The libtard hacks predicted the polar ice-cap would be completely melted by 2014. So what happened? It expanded an astounding 60% (over 900,000 sq miles). Libtard have been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" emails in which they discussed how they lied about the results they found.

2.) A "progressive tax system" is absolutely criminal. We use percentages in taxes because it ensures that those who make the most will pay the most and those who make the least will pay the least. A person making $1,000,000 with a 10% tax rate will pay $100,000 while a person making $10,000 will pay $1,000. That is the ultimate system of fair. Why should a wealthy person carry a higher percentage of burden?!? Just because you hate them and you are envious of their success?

3.) Racists and bigots are almost exclusively the result of left-wing ideology so no idea what you're talking about there. It was the Democrats who attacked their own country to keep slavery, it was the Democrats who created the KKK, and it was the Democrats who vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement. And 150 years later, you people still fight to continue slavery. Your "progressive tax system" is a prime example. You believe people should be forced to labor against their will and that the fruits of those labor so should be taken by force and given to someone else. The very definition of slavery. You also don't believe that people have the right to freedom.

There is a "far right wing". What a damn shame that you don't know who they actually are and what they believe because they are very dangerous. But you facilitate their existence by focusing on liberal propaganda and believing nonsense like "global warming" and considering that "far right-wing".

This is why I consider you far right wing.
And that is why you are both wrong and ignorant. How sad. Tragic way to go through life. Can I ask one question? Is it really too much work for you to do 10 minutes of research and know what you're talking about?

I know what I'm talking about. You asked me a question and I answered it. You then felt the need to attempt to defend your every position when I didn't ask you to. You simply proved that the views I consider far right wing can be applied to someone who is far right wing. Thank you
And there is they key word. What you consider instead of what is fact.

You asked me what I considered far right wing, you implied I considered anyone not liberal to be far right wing, not true.

What do you consider far right win?
You asked me what I considered far right wing, you implied I considered anyone not liberal to be far right wing, not true.

What do you consider far right win?

The U.S. Constitution is ground zero. It's the highest law of the land. That is all the Tea Party advocates for. Constitutional government (just like our founders). They are "centrist". To the right of them are libertarian's. They believe in usurping the Constitution on a limited level (such as insisting the U.S. government has no business engaging in national security overseas). To the right of them is where it gets really dangerous - Sovereign Citizens. They believe that they were born "sovereign" unto themselves and that no laws apply to them. Not the U.S. Constitution. Not the speed limit. They will often kill law enforcement just for pulling them over. They are violent and extreme. To the right of them is the anarchist. While the Soverign Citizen just wants sovereignty for themselves and could care less about what other people do, the anarchist wants no laws and no government for all of society.

Those are the actual "far right-wing". And those people pose a real threat to society. Trying to falsely paint anyone who believes the true science on "global warming" as "far right-wing" is not only ignorant, but extremely dangerous as it fails to focus on the real extremism that truly does pose a threat to society.
You asked me what I considered far right wing, you implied I considered anyone not liberal to be far right wing, not true.

What do you consider far right win?

The U.S. Constitution is ground zero. It's the highest law of the land. That is all the Tea Party advocates for. Constitutional government (just like our founders). They are "centrist". To the right of them are libertarian's. They believe in usurping the Constitution on a limited level (such as insisting the U.S. government has no business engaging in national security overseas). To the right of them is where it gets really dangerous - Sovereign Citizens. They believe that they were born "sovereign" unto themselves and that no laws apply to them. Not the U.S. Constitution. Not the speed limit. They will often kill law enforcement just for pulling them over. They are violent and extreme. To the right of them is the anarchist. While the Soverign Citizen just wants sovereignty for themselves and could care less about what other people do, the anarchist wants no laws and no government for all of society.

Those are the actual "far right-wing". And those people pose a real threat to society. Trying to falsely paint anyone who believes the true science on "global warming" as "far right-wing" is not only ignorant, but extremely dangerous as it fails to focus on the real extremism that truly does pose a threat to society.

Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Libertarians with their socially liberal postilions are to the right of the tea party? Don't see much truth there.

As far as 'national security issues overseas', it usually depends on the issue at hand.

Sovereign citizens are beyond far right, they are made up of morons, hucksters and the mentally ill. There are also very, very few of them. They also do not believe in a progressive tax system, climate change and many are racist or bigoted. So, my point stands.
You asked me what I considered far right wing, you implied I considered anyone not liberal to be far right wing, not true.

What do you consider far right win?

The U.S. Constitution is ground zero. It's the highest law of the land. That is all the Tea Party advocates for. Constitutional government (just like our founders). They are "centrist". To the right of them are libertarian's. They believe in usurping the Constitution on a limited level (such as insisting the U.S. government has no business engaging in national security overseas). To the right of them is where it gets really dangerous - Sovereign Citizens. They believe that they were born "sovereign" unto themselves and that no laws apply to them. Not the U.S. Constitution. Not the speed limit. They will often kill law enforcement just for pulling them over. They are violent and extreme. To the right of them is the anarchist. While the Soverign Citizen just wants sovereignty for themselves and could care less about what other people do, the anarchist wants no laws and no government for all of society.

Those are the actual "far right-wing". And those people pose a real threat to society. Trying to falsely paint anyone who believes the true science on "global warming" as "far right-wing" is not only ignorant, but extremely dangerous as it fails to focus on the real extremism that truly does pose a threat to society.

Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Libertarians with their socially liberal postilions are to the right of the tea party? Don't see much truth there.

As far as 'national security issues overseas', it usually depends on the issue at hand.

Sovereign citizens are beyond far right, they are made up of morons, hucksters and the mentally ill. There are also very, very few of them. They also do not believe in a progressive tax system, climate change and many are racist or bigoted. So, my point stands.
Everything you just said is 100% inaccurate and the result of radical, unhinged left-wing views. You've never even heard of Soverign Citizens before my post above. The fact that you would subsequently comment about them as if you were an expert speaks volumes.
Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Yes - but only one of those groups actually puts actions behind their words. Libtards will claim all day that they support the Constitution and then they will try to shut down the free speech of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, try to end the religious rights of the church and the people (such as forcing them to bake cakes for homosexuals), and strip the American people of their 2nd Amendent rights.

Nice true dear - but everything you post is inaccurate and desperate. I'm all ears if you want to talk facts (like I've been doing) but everything you post is fantasy concocted out of desperation.
You asked me what I considered far right wing, you implied I considered anyone not liberal to be far right wing, not true.

What do you consider far right win?

The U.S. Constitution is ground zero. It's the highest law of the land. That is all the Tea Party advocates for. Constitutional government (just like our founders). They are "centrist". To the right of them are libertarian's. They believe in usurping the Constitution on a limited level (such as insisting the U.S. government has no business engaging in national security overseas). To the right of them is where it gets really dangerous - Sovereign Citizens. They believe that they were born "sovereign" unto themselves and that no laws apply to them. Not the U.S. Constitution. Not the speed limit. They will often kill law enforcement just for pulling them over. They are violent and extreme. To the right of them is the anarchist. While the Soverign Citizen just wants sovereignty for themselves and could care less about what other people do, the anarchist wants no laws and no government for all of society.

Those are the actual "far right-wing". And those people pose a real threat to society. Trying to falsely paint anyone who believes the true science on "global warming" as "far right-wing" is not only ignorant, but extremely dangerous as it fails to focus on the real extremism that truly does pose a threat to society.

Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Libertarians with their socially liberal postilions are to the right of the tea party? Don't see much truth there.

As far as 'national security issues overseas', it usually depends on the issue at hand.

Sovereign citizens are beyond far right, they are made up of morons, hucksters and the mentally ill. There are also very, very few of them. They also do not believe in a progressive tax system, climate change and many are racist or bigoted. So, my point stands.
Everything you just said is 100% inaccurate and the result of radical, unhinged left-wing views. You've never even heard of Soverign Citizens before my post above. The fact that you would subsequently comment about them as if you were an expert speaks volumes.

Everybody has heard of sovereigns, I can even spell it right.

According to you marriage equality is to the right of the tea party.
Libertarians with their socially liberal postilions are to the right of the tea party? Don't see much truth there.

What "socially liberal positions"?!? They don't believe in government funded welfare. They dont believe in government funded Social Security. They don't believe in government funded food stamps. They dont believe in government funded Medicare. They dont believe in government funded Medicaid.

What views you think you align win them on isn't the result of shared "social views". It's the result of their belief in getting government the hell out of our lives. They don't think the government should stop homosexuals from getting married. Hardly the same view you have of the government facilitating and forcing it on everyone.

You've yet to get one thing accurate in all of your posts. How sad.
You asked me what I considered far right wing, you implied I considered anyone not liberal to be far right wing, not true.

What do you consider far right win?

The U.S. Constitution is ground zero. It's the highest law of the land. That is all the Tea Party advocates for. Constitutional government (just like our founders). They are "centrist". To the right of them are libertarian's. They believe in usurping the Constitution on a limited level (such as insisting the U.S. government has no business engaging in national security overseas). To the right of them is where it gets really dangerous - Sovereign Citizens. They believe that they were born "sovereign" unto themselves and that no laws apply to them. Not the U.S. Constitution. Not the speed limit. They will often kill law enforcement just for pulling them over. They are violent and extreme. To the right of them is the anarchist. While the Soverign Citizen just wants sovereignty for themselves and could care less about what other people do, the anarchist wants no laws and no government for all of society.

Those are the actual "far right-wing". And those people pose a real threat to society. Trying to falsely paint anyone who believes the true science on "global warming" as "far right-wing" is not only ignorant, but extremely dangerous as it fails to focus on the real extremism that truly does pose a threat to society.

Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Libertarians with their socially liberal postilions are to the right of the tea party? Don't see much truth there.

As far as 'national security issues overseas', it usually depends on the issue at hand.

Sovereign citizens are beyond far right, they are made up of morons, hucksters and the mentally ill. There are also very, very few of them. They also do not believe in a progressive tax system, climate change and many are racist or bigoted. So, my point stands.
Everything you just said is 100% inaccurate and the result of radical, unhinged left-wing views. You've never even heard of Soverign Citizens before my post above. The fact that you would subsequently comment about them as if you were an expert speaks volumes.

Everybody has heard of sovereigns, I can even spell it right.

According to you marriage equality is to the right of the tea party.
Sweetie...you never heard of them before my posts. If you did, you'd hardly be calling centrist views "radical right-wing".
Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Yes - but only one of those groups actually puts actions behind their words. Libtards will claim all day that they support the Constitution and then they will try to shut down the free speech of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, try to end the religious rights of the church and the people (such as forcing them to bake cakes for homosexuals), and strip the American people of their 2nd Amendent rights.

Nice true dear - but everything you post is inaccurate and desperate. I'm all ears if you want to talk facts (like I've been doing) but everything you post is fantasy concocted out of desperation.

I'm not for shutting down the free speech of Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity and my guess is you're going to have a difficult time demonstrating Liberals infringing on their 1st amendment rights.

I'm not for ending the religious right of churches and I don't think churches should ever be required to bake cakes, for homosexuals or anyone else.

I'm not interested in stripping anyone's second amendment rights. Regulate and clearly define, yes, like all rights. But that is the view of the vast majority of Americans whether you get that or not.

Anyway, you're still far right.
Sovereign citizens are beyond far right, they are made up of morons, hucksters and the mentally ill. There are also very, very few of them. They also do not believe in a progressive tax system, climate change and many are racist or bigoted. So, my point stands.

Proof of your nonsense. One cannot get beyond "far" anything. By its very nature, "far left" or "far right" implies the radical fringe. There is no going beyond the far radical fringe.

What you're trying to do is cover up the ignorance in your previous posts where you referred to rational centrist views as "far right" because you were ignorant of actual far right-wing ideology.
You asked me what I considered far right wing, you implied I considered anyone not liberal to be far right wing, not true.

What do you consider far right win?

The U.S. Constitution is ground zero. It's the highest law of the land. That is all the Tea Party advocates for. Constitutional government (just like our founders). They are "centrist". To the right of them are libertarian's. They believe in usurping the Constitution on a limited level (such as insisting the U.S. government has no business engaging in national security overseas). To the right of them is where it gets really dangerous - Sovereign Citizens. They believe that they were born "sovereign" unto themselves and that no laws apply to them. Not the U.S. Constitution. Not the speed limit. They will often kill law enforcement just for pulling them over. They are violent and extreme. To the right of them is the anarchist. While the Soverign Citizen just wants sovereignty for themselves and could care less about what other people do, the anarchist wants no laws and no government for all of society.

Those are the actual "far right-wing". And those people pose a real threat to society. Trying to falsely paint anyone who believes the true science on "global warming" as "far right-wing" is not only ignorant, but extremely dangerous as it fails to focus on the real extremism that truly does pose a threat to society.

Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Libertarians with their socially liberal postilions are to the right of the tea party? Don't see much truth there.

As far as 'national security issues overseas', it usually depends on the issue at hand.

Sovereign citizens are beyond far right, they are made up of morons, hucksters and the mentally ill. There are also very, very few of them. They also do not believe in a progressive tax system, climate change and many are racist or bigoted. So, my point stands.
Everything you just said is 100% inaccurate and the result of radical, unhinged left-wing views. You've never even heard of Soverign Citizens before my post above. The fact that you would subsequently comment about them as if you were an expert speaks volumes.

Everybody has heard of sovereigns, I can even spell it right.

According to you marriage equality is to the right of the tea party.
Sweetie...you never heard of them before my posts. If you did, you'd hardly be calling centrist views "radical right-wing".

Right, here I am referencing them before today:

USMB liberals screeching "Trump getting away with not releasing taxes!!" - But is it even illegal?

Maybe think your shit through. I believe this is where you admit you're wrong.
Sovereign citizens are beyond far right, they are made up of morons, hucksters and the mentally ill. There are also very, very few of them. They also do not believe in a progressive tax system, climate change and many are racist or bigoted. So, my point stands.

Proof of your nonsense. One cannot get beyond "far" anything. By its very nature, "far left" or "far right" implies the radical fringe. There is no going beyond the far radical fringe.

What you're trying to do is cover up the ignorance in your previous posts where you referred to rational centrist views as "far right" because you were ignorant of actual far right-wing ideology.

Sure you can, sovereign citizens are beyond the pale. You should be happy, I don't think your far right views are as extreme as others.
Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Yes - but only one of those groups actually puts actions behind their words. Libtards will claim all day that they support the Constitution and then they will try to shut down the free speech of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, try to end the religious rights of the church and the people (such as forcing them to bake cakes for homosexuals), and strip the American people of their 2nd Amendent rights.

Nice true dear - but everything you post is inaccurate and desperate. I'm all ears if you want to talk facts (like I've been doing) but everything you post is fantasy concocted out of desperation.

I'm not for shutting down the free speech of Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity and my guess is you're going to have a difficult time demonstrating Liberals infringing on their 1st amendment rights.

I'm not for ending the religious right of churches and I don't think churches should ever be required to bake cakes, for homosexuals or anyone else.

I'm not interested in stripping anyone's second amendment rights. Regulate and clearly define, yes, like all rights. But that is the view of the vast majority of Americans whether you get that or not.

Anyway, you're still far right.
Well congrats. If what you say is true, then you're one of the rational liberals. A very rare species. But that doesn't change the fact that your entire side of the aisle is overwhelmingly guilty of all of those items and more.

And I won't have a difficult time of "demonstrating" how liberals have attempted to get Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and other conservatives off the air because they want to shut down any free speech that proves their ideology is oppressive.

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Glenn Beck off the air: http://orig.colorofchange.org/beck/hold/

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Sean Hannity off the air: Sign the petition: Boycott Sean Hannity advertisers

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Rush Limbaugh off the air: Boycott Rush Limbaugh and his advertisers and sponsors

Are you sure you want to keep playing? Each post I prove that you really don't know what you're talking about.
President Trump could wipe out the national debt within days through simply mandating (Executive Order) a gigantic 90% of assets departure tax on those renouncing citizenship. But the chances of huge proceeds diminish as one considers:

1. Most who way they will leave won't.

2. Those who do leave own neither pot to piss in nor window to throw same out.

And that begs the question of whether Canada would admit any sans pots or windows.
Right, here I am referencing them before today:

USMB liberals screeching "Trump getting away with not releasing taxes!!" - But is it even illegal?

Maybe think your shit through. I believe this is where you admit you're wrong.
Yeah - you parroted what you saw someone else post. You clearly had no idea who they were or what their ideology was. If you did - then this is where you admit you lied when you attempted to paint rational centrist views as "far right-wing". So you're either ignorant or a liar. Would you care to admit which one you are?
President Trump could wipe out the national debt within days through simply mandating (Executive Order) a gigantic 90% of assets departure tax on those renouncing citizenship. But the chances of huge proceeds diminish as one considers:

1. Most who way they will leave won't.

2. Those who do leave own neither pot to piss in nor window to throw same out.

And that begs the question of whether Canada would admit any sans pots or windows.
And here is the best part - all of these racist radical libtards (who will never leave anyway because they are far too lazy) are all proving how fiercely racist, xenophobic, and hateful they are...

Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Yes - but only one of those groups actually puts actions behind their words. Libtards will claim all day that they support the Constitution and then they will try to shut down the free speech of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, try to end the religious rights of the church and the people (such as forcing them to bake cakes for homosexuals), and strip the American people of their 2nd Amendent rights.

Nice true dear - but everything you post is inaccurate and desperate. I'm all ears if you want to talk facts (like I've been doing) but everything you post is fantasy concocted out of desperation.

I'm not for shutting down the free speech of Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity and my guess is you're going to have a difficult time demonstrating Liberals infringing on their 1st amendment rights.

I'm not for ending the religious right of churches and I don't think churches should ever be required to bake cakes, for homosexuals or anyone else.

I'm not interested in stripping anyone's second amendment rights. Regulate and clearly define, yes, like all rights. But that is the view of the vast majority of Americans whether you get that or not.

Anyway, you're still far right.
Well congrats. If what you say is true, then you're one of the rational liberals. A very rare species. But that doesn't change the fact that your entire side of the aisle is overwhelmingly guilty of all of those items and more.

And I won't have a difficult time of "demonstrating" how liberals have attempted to get Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and other conservatives off the air because they want to shut down any free speech that proves their ideology is oppressive.

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Glenn Beck off the air: ColorOfChange.org

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Sean Hannity off the air: Sign the petition: Boycott Sean Hannity advertisers

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Rush Limbaugh off the air: Boycott Rush Limbaugh and his advertisers and sponsors

Are you sure you want to keep playing? Each post I prove that you really don't know what you're talking about.

This is your problem, you have clearly misidentified liberal positions. Boycotting or petitions to get someone taken off the air is not necessarily liberal nor does it have anything to do with the 1st amendment. Yet you claim to be a defender of the Constitution. That is quite funny.
Right, here I am referencing them before today:

USMB liberals screeching "Trump getting away with not releasing taxes!!" - But is it even illegal?

Maybe think your shit through. I believe this is where you admit you're wrong.
Yeah - you parroted what you saw someone else post. You clearly had no idea who they were or what their ideology was. If you did - then this is where you admit you lied when you attempted to paint rational centrist views as "far right-wing". So you're either ignorant or a liar. Would you care to admit which one you are?

Obviously I know what a sovereign citizen is, you claimed I never even heard the term before, why be such a putz for something so provably false?

I bet you're so far right wing that you think liberals want to force churches to bake cakes. :badgrin:
Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Yes - but only one of those groups actually puts actions behind their words. Libtards will claim all day that they support the Constitution and then they will try to shut down the free speech of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, try to end the religious rights of the church and the people (such as forcing them to bake cakes for homosexuals), and strip the American people of their 2nd Amendent rights.

Nice true dear - but everything you post is inaccurate and desperate. I'm all ears if you want to talk facts (like I've been doing) but everything you post is fantasy concocted out of desperation.

I'm not for shutting down the free speech of Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity and my guess is you're going to have a difficult time demonstrating Liberals infringing on their 1st amendment rights.

I'm not for ending the religious right of churches and I don't think churches should ever be required to bake cakes, for homosexuals or anyone else.

I'm not interested in stripping anyone's second amendment rights. Regulate and clearly define, yes, like all rights. But that is the view of the vast majority of Americans whether you get that or not.

Anyway, you're still far right.
Well congrats. If what you say is true, then you're one of the rational liberals. A very rare species. But that doesn't change the fact that your entire side of the aisle is overwhelmingly guilty of all of those items and more.

And I won't have a difficult time of "demonstrating" how liberals have attempted to get Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and other conservatives off the air because they want to shut down any free speech that proves their ideology is oppressive.

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Glenn Beck off the air: ColorOfChange.org

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Sean Hannity off the air: Sign the petition: Boycott Sean Hannity advertisers

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Rush Limbaugh off the air: Boycott Rush Limbaugh and his advertisers and sponsors

Are you sure you want to keep playing? Each post I prove that you really don't know what you're talking about.

This is your problem, you have clearly misidentified liberal positions. Boycotting or petitions to get someone taken off the air is not necessarily liberal nor does it have anything to do with the 1st amendment. Yet you claim to be a defender of the Constitution. That is quite funny.
Deny. Deny. Deny. Liberals hate free speech. They've worked around the clock to get conservatives off the air for speaking the truth and now in California they actually proposed a law making it a crime to accept science and deny the "Global Warming" farce.
Right, here I am referencing them before today:

USMB liberals screeching "Trump getting away with not releasing taxes!!" - But is it even illegal?

Maybe think your shit through. I believe this is where you admit you're wrong.
Yeah - you parroted what you saw someone else post. You clearly had no idea who they were or what their ideology was. If you did - then this is where you admit you lied when you attempted to paint rational centrist views as "far right-wing". So you're either ignorant or a liar. Would you care to admit which one you are?

Obviously I know what a sovereign citizen is, you claimed I never even heard the term before, why be such a putz for something so provably false?

I bet you're so far right wing that you think liberals want to force churches to bake cakes. :badgrin:
So people haven't been forced to bake cakes for homosexuals even though it goes against their religious views?!?

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