Fear The Trump!

In case nobody noticed, the source is not news. It's editorialized propaganda disguised as news and designed to be easily digested by primarily low information lefties. The source even includes an angry photo of the target for those low information lefties who grew up on cartoons. "World leaders are seeking guidance and reassurance" is translated by left wing editorialists to "Trump terrifies world leaders". It's routine political spin and we see it every day.
Everybody, conservatives, libertarians and liberals claim to advocate for the Constitution and each group believes that it is, so your first couple of sentences are nothing more than bullshit.

Yes - but only one of those groups actually puts actions behind their words. Libtards will claim all day that they support the Constitution and then they will try to shut down the free speech of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, try to end the religious rights of the church and the people (such as forcing them to bake cakes for homosexuals), and strip the American people of their 2nd Amendent rights.

Nice true dear - but everything you post is inaccurate and desperate. I'm all ears if you want to talk facts (like I've been doing) but everything you post is fantasy concocted out of desperation.

I'm not for shutting down the free speech of Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity and my guess is you're going to have a difficult time demonstrating Liberals infringing on their 1st amendment rights.

I'm not for ending the religious right of churches and I don't think churches should ever be required to bake cakes, for homosexuals or anyone else.

I'm not interested in stripping anyone's second amendment rights. Regulate and clearly define, yes, like all rights. But that is the view of the vast majority of Americans whether you get that or not.

Anyway, you're still far right.
Well congrats. If what you say is true, then you're one of the rational liberals. A very rare species. But that doesn't change the fact that your entire side of the aisle is overwhelmingly guilty of all of those items and more.

And I won't have a difficult time of "demonstrating" how liberals have attempted to get Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and other conservatives off the air because they want to shut down any free speech that proves their ideology is oppressive.

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Glenn Beck off the air: ColorOfChange.org

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Sean Hannity off the air: Sign the petition: Boycott Sean Hannity advertisers

Here is just one of dozens and dozens of examples of libtards trying to get Rush Limbaugh off the air: Boycott Rush Limbaugh and his advertisers and sponsors

Are you sure you want to keep playing? Each post I prove that you really don't know what you're talking about.

This is your problem, you have clearly misidentified liberal positions. Boycotting or petitions to get someone taken off the air is not necessarily liberal nor does it have anything to do with the 1st amendment. Yet you claim to be a defender of the Constitution. That is quite funny.
Deny. Deny. Deny. Liberals hate free speech. They've worked around the clock to get conservatives off the air for speaking the truth and now in California they actually proposed a law making it a crime to accept science and deny the "Global Warming" farce.

You have yet to show an example of Liberals not for free speech. Sorry, boycotts and petitions used by both sides do not count. You don't even understand free speech to begin with, start from there.

And no, California never made it a crime to 'deny science'. They attempted to pass a bill that made it a crime for the fossil fuel industry and think tanks to pass off bogus science as fact. Not really legislation I can support but what you are describing is not based in fact and implies anybody who doesn't believe in facts gets rounded up. Not true. Anyway, since most Americans, hell even half of Republicans believe climate change is real and we should do something about it:

An overwhelming majority of the American public, including half of Republicans, support government action to curb global warming, according to a poll conducted by The New York Times, Stanford University and the nonpartisan environmental research group Resources for the Future. In a finding that could have implications for the 2016 presidential campaign, the poll also found that two-thirds of Americans said they were more likely to vote for political candidates who campaign on fighting climate change. They were less likely to vote for candidates who questioned or denied the science that determined that humans caused global warming.


It's just another reminder that you are a member of the far right.
In case nobody noticed, the source is not news. It's editorialized propaganda disguised as news and designed to be easily digested by primarily low information lefties. The source even includes an angry photo of the target for those low information lefties who grew up on cartoons. "World leaders are seeking guidance and reassurance" is translated by left wing editorialists to "Trump terrifies world leaders". It's routine political spin and we see it every day.

OK, sparky, run along now, you have other threads to spam.
Right, here I am referencing them before today:

USMB liberals screeching "Trump getting away with not releasing taxes!!" - But is it even illegal?

Maybe think your shit through. I believe this is where you admit you're wrong.
Yeah - you parroted what you saw someone else post. You clearly had no idea who they were or what their ideology was. If you did - then this is where you admit you lied when you attempted to paint rational centrist views as "far right-wing". So you're either ignorant or a liar. Would you care to admit which one you are?

Obviously I know what a sovereign citizen is, you claimed I never even heard the term before, why be such a putz for something so provably false?

I bet you're so far right wing that you think liberals want to force churches to bake cakes. :badgrin:
So people haven't been forced to bake cakes for homosexuals even though it goes against their religious views?!?

First off, you said churches were forced to bake cakes, why did you do that? Can you just be honest for a change?

Second, a baker has been told they cannot discriminate and not do business with someone because of their sexual orientation, just like they couldn't if they were black.

I wouldn't be surprised that you think a business should be able to refuse service to someone because of the color of their skin. Am I right?
First off, you said churches were forced to bake cakes, why did you do that? Can you just be honest for a change?

I said churches and PEOPLE and it wasn't just limited to baking cakes. For one thing, people are the church goof-ball. Second, churches have been forced to provide contraception against their will. There are a ton of ways their religious rights have been violated and you know it. You're just being desperate and disingenuous (as usual). Can you just be honest for a change?

Second, a baker has been told they cannot discriminate and not do business with someone because of their sexual orientation, just like they couldn't if they were black.

And where does the state derive that power? A private person on private property has every constitutional right to enter or not enter into business agreements as they see fit. Does that state have the power to force Microsoft to purchase their hardware from Apple? Does the state have the power to force McDonald's to use Burger King for their supply chain?

I wouldn't be surprised that you think a business should be able to refuse service to someone because of the color of their skin. Am I right?

And thank you for proving once again that the left claims to support the U.S. Constitution, but in fact violates it every chance they get. The fact that you believe a person of faith should be forced into homosexual acts and/or events against their beliefs in an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution. The fact that you believe that a private citizen on private property should be forced to provide their labor against their will is an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution.

You've proven over and over already that you can't be honest, but I'll try again and ask if you could be honest just one. Does a black man have the right to show up on your doorstep and demand that he share your bed with you for the night? Yes or No?

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