FEAR: TRUMP on Mueller appointment, RAGE/paranoia/lashing out. Staff--'we barely got by'


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
Man oh man, guess what. THE BOOK IS SOLD OUT HARD COPY ALL OVER THE COUNTRY! They're selling downloadable versions.

Nothing that any of us wouldn't have suspected and assumed from this contemptible narcissist but it is 'fun' seeing it in writing. This man has delivered a lot of misery in his life and it took 73 years but karma has landed on his head. About GD time. I hope he stalks the floors at night. I wish him misery, every detestable moment in his horrid existence. He's left a path of destruction in his wake. Paybacks are bitch!

Trump had a white-hot meltdown the day Mueller was appointed: Woodward

12 SEP 2018 AT 23:33 ET

The day special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed, President Donald Trump flew into a rage the likes of which no one in the White House has ever seen, according to Bob Woodward’s new book Fear.

The evening of Tuesday, May 16, 2017, The New York Times published a massive story about the president and former FBI Director James Comey “had written contemporaneous memos of his conversations with Trump,” Woodward described.

Trump reportedly “hovered around the TV, glued to coverage” of the stories.

On CNN, conservative commentator David Gergen warned that Trump was “in impeachment territory. What we see is a presidency that’s starting to come apart.”

Almost like Gergen cued the president, Trump began to fume.

A former aide Robert Porter could see that the president was “about to lose it” at the mere mention of impeachment.

“The president voiced outrage that Comey seemed to have turned the tables on him,” the book claims.

The following day was when Trump learned Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller.

“Trump’s mood deteriorated overnight and the next day, May 18, was the worst,” the book continues. “The president erupted into uncontrollable anger, visibly agitated to a degree that no one in his inner circle had witnessed before. It was a harrowing experience.” “We barely got by,” Porter told the aide.

The president usually stays in the Oval Office or his private dining room, but on that day, he was storming back and forth between the two places. He turned to cable news to try and distract him and “raged” as aides came in and out.

“He was just in here, and I didn’t hire him for the FBI,” Trump erupted. “Of course he’s got an axe to grind with me.”

“Everybody’s trying to get me,” the president continued. “It’s unfair. Now everybody’s saying I’m going to be impeached.”

He then began asking Porter about the powers a special counsel has. The aide explained that Mueller would have “virtually unlimited” ability to look into whatever he wanted under the scope of the investigation.

“Now I have this person,” Woodward cited Trump saying bitterly, “who has no accountability who can look into anything, however unrelated it is? They’re going to spend years digging through my whole life and finances.”

Meetings were ultimately canceled that day because the president couldn’t focus. According to the book, the ragegasm reminded Porter of what former President Richard Nixon final days were like.

“They’re out to get me,” Trump said. “This is an injustice. This is unfair. How could this have happened? It’s all Jeff Sessions’ fault. This is all politically motivated. Rod Rosenstein doesn’t know what the hell he is doing. He’s a Democrat. He’s from Maryland.”

“I’m getting punched,” Trump said. “I have to punch back. In order for it to be a fair fight, I have to be fighting.

He continued to pace between the rooms for the remainder of the day, ranting that he’d lost control of the investigation into Russia.

“I am the president,” Trump said. “I can fire anybody that I want. They can’t be investigating me for firing Comey. And Comey deserved to be fired! Everybody hated him. He was awful.”

Trump had a white-hot meltdown the day Mueller was appointed: Woodward
From the book;

Man oh man, guess what. THE BOOK IS SOLD OUT HARD COPY ALL OVER THE COUNTRY! They're selling downloadable versions.

Nothing that any of us wouldn't have suspected and assumed from this contemptible narcissist but it is 'fun' seeing it in writing. This man has delivered a lot of misery in his life and it took 73 years but karma has landed on his head. About GD time. I hope he stalks the floors at night. I wish him misery, every detestable moment in his horrid existence. He's left a path of destruction in his wake. Paybacks are bitch!

Trump had a white-hot meltdown the day Mueller was appointed: Woodward

12 SEP 2018 AT 23:33 ET

The day special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed, President Donald Trump flew into a rage the likes of which no one in the White House has ever seen, according to Bob Woodward’s new book Fear.

The evening of Tuesday, May 16, 2017, The New York Times published a massive story about the president and former FBI Director James Comey “had written contemporaneous memos of his conversations with Trump,” Woodward described.

Trump reportedly “hovered around the TV, glued to coverage” of the stories.

On CNN, conservative commentator David Gergen warned that Trump was “in impeachment territory. What we see is a presidency that’s starting to come apart.”

Almost like Gergen cued the president, Trump began to fume.

A former aide Robert Porter could see that the president was “about to lose it” at the mere mention of impeachment.

“The president voiced outrage that Comey seemed to have turned the tables on him,” the book claims.

The following day was when Trump learned Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller.

“Trump’s mood deteriorated overnight and the next day, May 18, was the worst,” the book continues. “The president erupted into uncontrollable anger, visibly agitated to a degree that no one in his inner circle had witnessed before. It was a harrowing experience.” “We barely got by,” Porter told the aide.

The president usually stays in the Oval Office or his private dining room, but on that day, he was storming back and forth between the two places. He turned to cable news to try and distract him and “raged” as aides came in and out.

“He was just in here, and I didn’t hire him for the FBI,” Trump erupted. “Of course he’s got an axe to grind with me.”

“Everybody’s trying to get me,” the president continued. “It’s unfair. Now everybody’s saying I’m going to be impeached.”

He then began asking Porter about the powers a special counsel has. The aide explained that Mueller would have “virtually unlimited” ability to look into whatever he wanted under the scope of the investigation.

“Now I have this person,” Woodward cited Trump saying bitterly, “who has no accountability who can look into anything, however unrelated it is? They’re going to spend years digging through my whole life and finances.”

Meetings were ultimately canceled that day because the president couldn’t focus. According to the book, the ragegasm reminded Porter of what former President Richard Nixon final days were like.

“They’re out to get me,” Trump said. “This is an injustice. This is unfair. How could this have happened? It’s all Jeff Sessions’ fault. This is all politically motivated. Rod Rosenstein doesn’t know what the hell he is doing. He’s a Democrat. He’s from Maryland.”

“I’m getting punched,” Trump said. “I have to punch back. In order for it to be a fair fight, I have to be fighting.

He continued to pace between the rooms for the remainder of the day, ranting that he’d lost control of the investigation into Russia.

“I am the president,” Trump said. “I can fire anybody that I want. They can’t be investigating me for firing Comey. And Comey deserved to be fired! Everybody hated him. He was awful.”

Trump had a white-hot meltdown the day Mueller was appointed: Woodward
Considering Mueller's history, and his corruption?

I would fly into a white hot rage too.

Mueller is a Deep State idiot. He has no interest in truth, only cares about the power of the establishment, and cares nothing about truth, justice, or everyday people.

He is everything wrong with the system.

Reminder: Liberal hero Robert Mueller lied about Iraq’s non-existent WMDs (VIDEO)

Anthrax and Russiagate: Robert Mueller's Appointment Raises Concern

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

13 Shocking Facts About Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller | Washington's Blog
More Fun Excerpts

WASHINGTON (AP) — Longtime Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward's new book on President Donald Trump's first 18 months in office includes some incendiary comments attributed to the president and key former and current White House staffers. Trump and other officials have denied some accounts. A look at some of the most explosive passages:

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on working for Trump: "He's an idiot. It's pointless to try to convince him of anything. He's gone off the rails. We're in crazytown."

Trump on Attorney General Jeff Sessions: "This guy is mentally retarded. He's this dumb Southerner. ... How in the world was I ever persuaded to pick him for my attorney general? ... He couldn't even be a one-person country lawyer down in Alabama. What business does he have being attorney general?"

Trump after making a speech condemning white supremacists over violence in Charlottesville: "That was the biggest f---ing mistake I've made. ... You never make those concessions. You never apologize. I didn't do anything wrong in the first place. Why look weak?"

Trump to former director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn when he tried to resign post-Charlottesville: "This is treason."

Defense Secretary of Jim Mattis on Iranian leaders: "Those idiot raghead mullahs."

Trump on his Twitter habits: Woodward recounts that after the messaging platform doubled its character count for a single tweet from 140 to 280, Trump told then-White House staff secretary Rob Porter, "It's a good thing, but it's a bit of a shame because I was the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters."

Trump on his nickname for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un: "Little Rocket Man. ... I think that may be my best ever, best nickname ever."

Ivanka Trump, when told she was a "staffer" by Steve Bannon: "I'm not a staffer! ... I'll never be a staffer. I'm the first daughter and I'm never going to be a staffer."

Deputy Chief of Staff Zach Fuentes on Kelly: "He's not a detail guy. ... Never put more than one page in front of him."
Considering Mueller's history, and his corruption?

I would fly into a white hot rage too.

Mueller is a Deep State idiot. He has no interest in truth, only cares about the power of the establishment, and cares nothing about truth, justice, or everyday people.

He is everything wrong with the system.

Reminder: Liberal hero Robert Mueller lied about Iraq’s non-existent WMDs (VIDEO)

Anthrax and Russiagate: Robert Mueller's Appointment Raises Concern

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

13 Shocking Facts About Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller | Washington's Blog

Lost me at "Deep State" and links like WashingtonBlog and RT. Seriously .. quoting Putin's propaganda arm? :lol:
This one is SUPER-DUPER fun!

President Trump allegedly suggested to his chief economic adviser last year that the government should print more money to help eliminate federal debt, according to an excerpt from Bob Woodward’s new book.

The veteran Watergate journalist wrote in his new book — “Fear: Trump in the White House” — that Gary Cohn, the now-former top economic adviser, told Trump that the Federal Reserve was likely to increase rates during his first term in office, in an excerpt first reported by Business Insider.

“We should just go borrow a lot of money, hold it, and then sell it to make money,” Trump reportedly said in response.

Cohn was “astounded” by the president’s response, which he reportedly said illustrated a “lack of basic understanding” about how federal debt works.

Trump, who was the president-elect at the time and had promised to wipe out U.S. debt in eight years, reportedly offered a solution: “Just run the presses — print money.”

Woodward wrote that Cohn then went on to explain how printing more money is thought to lead to inflation and could be catastrophic for the fiscal health of the U.S.

"It was clear that Trump did not understand the way the US government debt cycle balance sheet worked," Woodward wrote.​

Trump's plan to help eliminate the federal debt was to print money: Woodward book

I would call him "Donald Gump" but honestly? Gump was a bunch smarter and Donald couldn't run from home plate to first base!

Last edited:
Considering Mueller's history, and his corruption?

I would fly into a white hot rage too.

Mueller is a Deep State idiot. He has no interest in truth, only cares about the power of the establishment, and cares nothing about truth, justice, or everyday people.

He is everything wrong with the system.

Reminder: Liberal hero Robert Mueller lied about Iraq’s non-existent WMDs (VIDEO)

Anthrax and Russiagate: Robert Mueller's Appointment Raises Concern

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

13 Shocking Facts About Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller | Washington's Blog

Lost me at "Deep State" and links like WashingtonBlog and RT. Seriously .. quoting Putin's propaganda arm? :lol:

Hey, if you don't want to have a conversation, just admit, you lose, that's fine.

Attacking a source is a fallacy. You either need to attack the argument, or again, you lose.

Sorry if you don't like the facts buddy.

There is no denying that Mueller was the one that bungled the WMD intelligence, or that he bungled the anthrax investigation, or rounded up too many innocents after 9/11. . . . that facts go on and on.

Your refusal to look at them is not my concern.

If you actually GO TO that Washington blog, it will have all the links you need. It brings together multiple source that should satisfy you, but face it, you just don't want to know the truth..


This one is SUPER-DUPER fun!

President Trump allegedly suggested to his chief economic adviser last year that the government should print more money to help eliminate federal debt, according to an excerpt from Bob Woodward’s new book.

The veteran Watergate journalist wrote in his new book — “Fear: Trump in the White House” — that Gary Cohn, the now-former top economic adviser, told Trump that the Federal Reserve was likely to increase rates during his first term in office, in an excerpt first reported by Business Insider.

“We should just go borrow a lot of money, hold it, and then sell it to make money,” Trump reportedly said in response.

Cohn was “astounded” by the president’s response, which he reportedly said illustrated a “lack of basic understanding” about how federal debt works.

Trump, who was the president-elect at the time and had promised to wipe out U.S. debt in eight years, reportedly offered a solution: “Just run the presses — print money.”

Woodward wrote that Cohn then went on to explain how printing more money is thought to lead to inflation and could be catastrophic for the fiscal health of the U.S.

"It was clear that Trump did not understand the way the US government debt cycle balance sheet worked," Woodward wrote.​

Trump's plan to help eliminate the federal debt was to print money: Woodward book

I would call him "Donald Gump" but honestly? Gump was a bunch smarter!

IOW, the exact thing the FED did to bail that nation out after the 2008 MBS collapse? He just wanted to be treated the same as Barrack, not unreasonable.
This one is SUPER-DUPER fun!

President Trump allegedly suggested to his chief economic adviser last year that the government should print more money to help eliminate federal debt, according to an excerpt from Bob Woodward’s new book.

The veteran Watergate journalist wrote in his new book — “Fear: Trump in the White House” — that Gary Cohn, the now-former top economic adviser, told Trump that the Federal Reserve was likely to increase rates during his first term in office, in an excerpt first reported by Business Insider.

“We should just go borrow a lot of money, hold it, and then sell it to make money,” Trump reportedly said in response.

Cohn was “astounded” by the president’s response, which he reportedly said illustrated a “lack of basic understanding” about how federal debt works.

Trump, who was the president-elect at the time and had promised to wipe out U.S. debt in eight years, reportedly offered a solution: “Just run the presses — print money.”

Woodward wrote that Cohn then went on to explain how printing more money is thought to lead to inflation and could be catastrophic for the fiscal health of the U.S.

"It was clear that Trump did not understand the way the US government debt cycle balance sheet worked," Woodward wrote.​

Trump's plan to help eliminate the federal debt was to print money: Woodward book

I would call him "Donald Gump" but honestly? Gump was a bunch smarter!

IOW, the exact thing the FED did to bail that nation out after the 2008 MBS collapse? He just wanted to be treated the same as Barrack, not unreasonable.

No, that is not at all what Obama did or said to do despite the repeated claims of his haters.
Subject here is Trump - YES unreasonable and naive beyond words.
This one is SUPER-DUPER fun!

President Trump allegedly suggested to his chief economic adviser last year that the government should print more money to help eliminate federal debt, according to an excerpt from Bob Woodward’s new book.

The veteran Watergate journalist wrote in his new book — “Fear: Trump in the White House” — that Gary Cohn, the now-former top economic adviser, told Trump that the Federal Reserve was likely to increase rates during his first term in office, in an excerpt first reported by Business Insider.

“We should just go borrow a lot of money, hold it, and then sell it to make money,” Trump reportedly said in response.

Cohn was “astounded” by the president’s response, which he reportedly said illustrated a “lack of basic understanding” about how federal debt works.

Trump, who was the president-elect at the time and had promised to wipe out U.S. debt in eight years, reportedly offered a solution: “Just run the presses — print money.”

Woodward wrote that Cohn then went on to explain how printing more money is thought to lead to inflation and could be catastrophic for the fiscal health of the U.S.

"It was clear that Trump did not understand the way the US government debt cycle balance sheet worked," Woodward wrote.​

Trump's plan to help eliminate the federal debt was to print money: Woodward book

I would call him "Donald Gump" but honestly? Gump was a bunch smarter and Donald couldn't run from home plate to first base!

"Run POTUS! Run!"
Considering Mueller's history, and his corruption?

I would fly into a white hot rage too.

Mueller is a Deep State idiot. He has no interest in truth, only cares about the power of the establishment, and cares nothing about truth, justice, or everyday people.

He is everything wrong with the system.

Reminder: Liberal hero Robert Mueller lied about Iraq’s non-existent WMDs (VIDEO)

Anthrax and Russiagate: Robert Mueller's Appointment Raises Concern

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

13 Shocking Facts About Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller | Washington's Blog

Lost me at "Deep State" and links like WashingtonBlog and RT. Seriously .. quoting Putin's propaganda arm? :lol:

Hey, if you don't want to have a conversation, just admit, you lose, that's fine.

Attacking a source is a fallacy. You either need to attack the argument, or again, you lose.

Sorry if you don't like the facts buddy.

There is no denying that Mueller was the one that bungled the WMD intelligence, or that he bungled the anthrax investigation, or rounded up too many innocents after 9/11. . . . that facts go on and on.

Your refusal to look at them is not my concern.

If you actually GO TO that Washington blog, it will have all the links you need. It brings together multiple source that should satisfy you, but face it, you just don't want to know the truth..

Anyone who uses the phrase "Deep State" loses / There is no such thing.
And anyone who uses RT as a source is a Putin Fluffer.

More Fun Excerpts

WASHINGTON (AP) — Longtime Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward's new book on President Donald Trump's first 18 months in office includes some incendiary comments attributed to the president and key former and current White House staffers. Trump and other officials have denied some accounts. A look at some of the most explosive passages:

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on working for Trump: "He's an idiot. It's pointless to try to convince him of anything. He's gone off the rails. We're in crazytown."

Trump on Attorney General Jeff Sessions: "This guy is mentally retarded. He's this dumb Southerner. ... How in the world was I ever persuaded to pick him for my attorney general? ... He couldn't even be a one-person country lawyer down in Alabama. What business does he have being attorney general?"

Trump after making a speech condemning white supremacists over violence in Charlottesville: "That was the biggest f---ing mistake I've made. ... You never make those concessions. You never apologize. I didn't do anything wrong in the first place. Why look weak?"

Trump to former director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn when he tried to resign post-Charlottesville: "This is treason."

Defense Secretary of Jim Mattis on Iranian leaders: "Those idiot raghead mullahs."

Trump on his Twitter habits: Woodward recounts that after the messaging platform doubled its character count for a single tweet from 140 to 280, Trump told then-White House staff secretary Rob Porter, "It's a good thing, but it's a bit of a shame because I was the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters."

Trump on his nickname for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un: "Little Rocket Man. ... I think that may be my best ever, best nickname ever."

Ivanka Trump, when told she was a "staffer" by Steve Bannon: "I'm not a staffer! ... I'll never be a staffer. I'm the first daughter and I'm never going to be a staffer."

Deputy Chief of Staff Zach Fuentes on Kelly: "He's not a detail guy. ... Never put more than one page in front of him."
"I was the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters." LMFAO! Puleeze!
This one is SUPER-DUPER fun!

President Trump allegedly suggested to his chief economic adviser last year that the government should print more money to help eliminate federal debt, according to an excerpt from Bob Woodward’s new book.

The veteran Watergate journalist wrote in his new book — “Fear: Trump in the White House” — that Gary Cohn, the now-former top economic adviser, told Trump that the Federal Reserve was likely to increase rates during his first term in office, in an excerpt first reported by Business Insider.

“We should just go borrow a lot of money, hold it, and then sell it to make money,” Trump reportedly said in response.

Cohn was “astounded” by the president’s response, which he reportedly said illustrated a “lack of basic understanding” about how federal debt works.

Trump, who was the president-elect at the time and had promised to wipe out U.S. debt in eight years, reportedly offered a solution: “Just run the presses — print money.”

Woodward wrote that Cohn then went on to explain how printing more money is thought to lead to inflation and could be catastrophic for the fiscal health of the U.S.

"It was clear that Trump did not understand the way the US government debt cycle balance sheet worked," Woodward wrote.​

Trump's plan to help eliminate the federal debt was to print money: Woodward book

I would call him "Donald Gump" but honestly? Gump was a bunch smarter!

IOW, the exact thing the FED did to bail that nation out after the 2008 MBS collapse? He just wanted to be treated the same as Barrack, not unreasonable.

No, that is not at all what Obama did or said to do despite the repeated claims of his haters.
Subject here is Trump - YES unreasonable and naive beyond words.

I agree, Obama didn't do it, the FED introduced multiple rounds of quantitative easing, which is exactly what Trump is talking about, expanding the monetary base. Not a whole lot of difference. He would just approach it the way Lincoln and JFK did.

Though we know how the banking interests dealt with those presidents, right? wot wot. Or maybe you don't.
Considering Mueller's history, and his corruption?

I would fly into a white hot rage too.

Mueller is a Deep State idiot. He has no interest in truth, only cares about the power of the establishment, and cares nothing about truth, justice, or everyday people.

He is everything wrong with the system.

Reminder: Liberal hero Robert Mueller lied about Iraq’s non-existent WMDs (VIDEO)

Anthrax and Russiagate: Robert Mueller's Appointment Raises Concern

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

13 Shocking Facts About Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller | Washington's Blog

Lost me at "Deep State" and links like WashingtonBlog and RT. Seriously .. quoting Putin's propaganda arm? :lol:

Hey, if you don't want to have a conversation, just admit, you lose, that's fine.

Attacking a source is a fallacy. You either need to attack the argument, or again, you lose.

Sorry if you don't like the facts buddy.

There is no denying that Mueller was the one that bungled the WMD intelligence, or that he bungled the anthrax investigation, or rounded up too many innocents after 9/11. . . . that facts go on and on.

Your refusal to look at them is not my concern.

If you actually GO TO that Washington blog, it will have all the links you need. It brings together multiple source that should satisfy you, but face it, you just don't want to know the truth..

Anyone who uses the phrase "Deep State" loses / There is no such thing.
And anyone who uses RT as a source is a Putin Fluffer.


Anyone who doesn't know what the military–industrial complex and the un-elected government is?

Shouldn't even be on a political forum discussing anything b/c they are too stupid to take seriously.

You really don't know shit about RT or it's connection to Russia.

It is immaterial to the journism they produce. You NEED TO ATTACK THE STORIES, otherwise it is a fallacy.


"I was the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters." LMFAO! Puleeze!

When he heard that, Ernest did one full spin in his grave followed by a belly laugh overheard by a groundskeeper on a riding mower. :D
Well I'm sure there is some truth in the book but I'd also bet there is a lot of fiction in it as well.

Woodward was out to make a buck and also to give the lefty loons a charge. LOL

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