Fearmongering from Trump and his disgusting click farm trolls

Right now social media is being bombarded with Trump trolls screaming about a deep recession and how that would cost more lives than the virus, blah blah blah. We all know the only reason Trump wants to turn the economy back on against all medical expert's advice and against all sanity is because Trump believes the economy will help him with the coming election. That's insane.

China shut down their economy for 3 months, and locked down cities of millions. Their efforts contained the virus in their country. There was no deep recession and no one died from a recession. Why would we? The Trump supporters screaming otherwise are just disgusting people. How do you live with yourselves?
Wow, you fail AGAIN, Neil. You REALLY need to do SOMETHING about your raging TDS. Better luck next time.

He smells like a paid poster.
Nah, he just smells.
How do you live with yourselves?
Because I want to pay my bills and mortgage you pathetic POS.
Because I wish to work and not be dependent on the Nanny state for income.

Something idiots like you fail to understand or do.
Would you kill your grandmom and grandfather or parents or great aunt, in order to pay your bills? What's more important?
I am a grandparent.
Save us the ignorant fear based hyperbole.
We can limit contact without destroying the worlds economy with blanket shutdowns.
China shut down their economy for 3 months, and locked down cities of millions. Their efforts contained the virus in their country.

How do you know?
They don't. The leading entomologist Dr. Osterholm believes China will have a second run as people go out and about again. That we will have to learn to live with the virus. All we can do is reduce the spike in cases as to not overwhelm the hospitals. Exactly what flatten the curve means. There is no eradication.
Right now social media is being bombarded with Trump trolls screaming about a deep recession and how that would cost more lives than the virus, blah blah blah. We all know the only reason Trump wants to turn the economy back on against all medical expert's advice and against all sanity is because Trump believes the economy will help him with the coming election. That's insane.

China shut down their economy for 3 months, and locked down cities of millions. Their efforts contained the virus in their country. There was no deep recession and no one died from a recession. Why would we? The Trump supporters screaming otherwise are just disgusting people. How do you live with yourselves?
Why can't we be more Totalitarian? If only we had a real Progressive government like China, Cuba or Venezuela
He is gambling.
His regime is in trouble and needs a win. In normal times he would invade Cuba or somewhere similar.
And his chorus will put up with all of the shit because they believe he will stop abortions.
The rest of the world will return to normal at some point but the US will be in quarantine.
The only troll farms that we have in the U.S. are all Democrap controlled.....NBC. CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC....
Some have learned from their dismal ratings that they are losing their pop audience who are quite angry they've been lied to for 3 years. The ones who aren't angry at their own party are operatives, beyond all reason, and dedicated to entrenching America into communistic thinking here and elsewhere. They should have been shocked to know that Christine Blasey-Ford, who came onto the public scene as an obscure college instructor who'd thought she'd been molested by a school acquaintance who later became a nominee for the Supreme Court, when in fact, he was a virgin at the time she accused him of near-rape, groping, etc. at a party all 5 people allegedly attending have zero recollection of, and her alleged wailing about mistreatment was not heard even by her then-best friend. And in fact, in her high school years, she had already become a drunken druggie with a promiscuity problem. As a DNC Deep stater wannabe, she had to prove her stripes by lying her ass off in a public way to a national audience of stunned Americans, except for those of us who took Psychology 101 and fully understood body language that was indicitive of deception and in this case, lying for a political end, nothing more. Her faux outrage was picked up on by many, many people, but so many more other bought Christine's well-planned little farm until they heard about the facts of her front door(s) being related to her business, and despite her denials, she in fact was including a chapter on cheating an electronic lie detector test for truth. Which reminds me, she also taught classes that truth was not really needed in order to achieve a personal or a political goal.

This POS was promoted to a full professorship on her return to Water's, Schiff's, Feinstein's, and Pelosi's Ca-LIE-fornia. Now all California children can be corrupted prior to graduation with such a curriculum as evading telling the truth, creating a false narrative to blacken an American President's eye, and disdaining the United States of America Constitution and any law needing to be broken to achieve a nefarious end.
He is gambling.
His regime is in trouble and needs a win. In normal times he would invade Cuba or somewhere similar.
And his chorus will put up with all of the shit because they believe he will stop abortions.
The rest of the world will return to normal at some point but the US will be in quarantine.
"In trouble" how? Your comment about Cuba is exceedingly stupid as is the idea that the US will remain in quarantine after the rest of the world has returned to normal. That's just idiotic with no basis in reality.
Right now social media is being bombarded with Trump trolls screaming about a deep recession and how that would cost more lives than the virus, blah blah blah. We all know the only reason Trump wants to turn the economy back on against all medical expert's advice and against all sanity is because Trump believes the economy will help him with the coming election. That's insane.

China shut down their economy for 3 months, and locked down cities of millions. Their efforts contained the virus in their country. There was no deep recession and no one died from a recession. Why would we? The Trump supporters screaming otherwise are just disgusting people. How do you live with yourselves?
Just 5 more years to go!
damn, I sure wish I were working in the public sector getting paid to stay home instead of watching the business I run get absolutely decimated.

That way, I could be all about shutting everything down, too!
Right now social media is being bombarded with Trump trolls screaming about a deep recession and how that would cost more lives than the virus, blah blah blah. We all know the only reason Trump wants to turn the economy back on against all medical expert's advice and against all sanity is because Trump believes the economy will help him with the coming election. That's insane.

China shut down their economy for 3 months, and locked down cities of millions. Their efforts contained the virus in their country. There was no deep recession and no one died from a recession. Why would we? The Trump supporters screaming otherwise are just disgusting people. How do you live with yourselves?

Hey dipshit....there are multiple reports China is still engulfed in a sea of Corona while rounding up corpses and burning them in incinerators at night, out of sight. If they'd come clean in the beginning, there would be hundreds of Americans still alive and our economy the envy of the world like it was a month ago. We should hunt down and murder the leaders of that monstrosity you adore.
Right now social media is being bombarded with Trump trolls screaming about a deep recession and how that would cost more lives than the virus, blah blah blah. We all know the only reason Trump wants to turn the economy back on against all medical expert's advice and against all sanity is because Trump believes the economy will help him with the coming election. That's insane.

China shut down their economy for 3 months, and locked down cities of millions. Their efforts contained the virus in their country. There was no deep recession and no one died from a recession. Why would we? The Trump supporters screaming otherwise are just disgusting people. How do you live with yourselves?
Irony trollish thread accusing others of being trolls lol

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