Feb jobs report

I would add to that the deregulation the bush boy did that allowed Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans.

It was illegal for Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans before the bush boy.

Those sub prime loans were bundled with a few good ones and ll were marked prime even though it was known that was a lie. The rational was the good loans would cancel out the bad ones. We all know how that worked out.

Before deregulation, sub prime loans were considered predatory lending and illegal in a lot of states.

My highlight above.

Re-writing history I see.

UPDATED: Obama Sued Citibank Under CRA to Force it to Make Bad Loans
Posted on 03 October 2008

Do you remember how we told you that the Democrats and groups associated with them leaned on banks and even sued to get them to make bad loans under the Community Reinvestment Act which was a factor in causing the economic crisis (see HERE ) … well look at what some fellow bloggers have dug up while researching Obama’s legal career. Looks like a typical ACORN lawsuit to get banks to hand out bad loans.

In these lawsuits, ACORN makes a bogus claim of Redlining (denying poor people loans because of their ethnic heritage). They protest and get the local media to raise a big stink. This stink means that the bank faces thousands of people closing their accounts and get local politicians to lobby to stop the bank from doing some future business, expansions and mergers. If the bank goes to court, they will win, but the damage is already done because who is going to launch a big campaign to get the bank’s reputation back?

It is important to understand the nature of these lawsuits and what their purpose is. ACORN filed tons of these lawsuits and ALL of them allege racism.

Thanks to the IUSB Vision Weblog for providing additional details of this story.

UPDATED: Obama Sued Citibank Under CRA to Force it to Make Bad Loans - Media Circus | Media Circus

Regarding the Democrats actions on Capitol Hill.

Here the Democrats are railing that there is nothing wrong with Fannie and Freddie and to simply leave them alone.

Your posted a fake news article that said President Obama sued Citibank in October 2008. Obama wasn’t elected President until November 2008.

Your posted a fake news article that said President Obama sued Citibank in October 2008. Obama wasn’t elected President until November 2008.

Before he was elected to any office, he was a "community organizer".
He was well known for shaking down businesses with threats of boycotts and lawsuits.

just more LIES!

He was a famous shakedown artist here in Chicago. A worthless POS from way back.

There is no end to your stupidity. I guess you favor racism by banks.
Oct 6, 2008 · That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they
If you are talking about HR 1461 or S 190 (I noticed you didn't cite the bill number and neither did your source) both bills were blocked by in committee the GOP who controlled ALL committees, so you are just covering your first lie with another lie, so typical of the lying scum Right.

In 2005 Oxley tried again and this time got a reform bill through the House. Democrats unanimously supported HR 1461 in the Financial Services Committee. A majority of Democrats supported it on the floor, though Congressman Frank and others voted against it because of unrelated restrictions it placed on the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The bill passed the House, but the Bush administration and Senate Republicans opposed the Oxley bill. Senate Democrats offered the House‐passed Oxley bill in that chamber, but Senate Republicans, who held the majority, lacked the votes to pass the bill. They took no action on any bill.

On September 14, 2006, members of the House Financial Services Committee who had supported GSE reform, including Congressman Frank, sent a letter to then‐Senate Banking Committee Chairman
Richard Shelby urging the Senate to work with them to get a pill passed into law. The letter stated:

Accounting violations by the GSEs have brought to light the fact that current GSE regulators lack
many of the supervisory and enforcement powers bank regulators can wield. We must remedy
this situation by consolidating GSE regulation and providing the tools needed to oversee these
large, complex financial institutions. Both H.R. 1461 and S. 190 create a strong independent
agency to ensure the GSEs operate in a safe and sound manner and comply with their statutory
However, as Oxley told the Financial Times in September 2008, the White House gave House
Republicans “the one‐finger salute.”

Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 1461 - Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005 | The American Presidency Project
H.R. 1461 fails to include key elements that are essential to protect the safety and soundness of the housing finance system and the broader financial system at large. As a result, the Administration opposes the bill.
There was also S. 1508, H.R.2575 and S. 1656.

Democrats didn't block a single one of those bills ... they didn't have to -- Republican leadership in the Senate blocked every one of them.
Who cares? The best thing that happened was blocking Garland.:beer:
You asssfuclks love trashing the Constitution.
Screen Shot 2019-03-10 at 8.23.55 AM.png
Oct 6, 2008 · That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they
If you are talking about HR 1461 or S 190 (I noticed you didn't cite the bill number and neither did your source) both bills were blocked by in committee the GOP who controlled ALL committees, so you are just covering your first lie with another lie, so typical of the lying scum Right.

In 2005 Oxley tried again and this time got a reform bill through the House. Democrats unanimously supported HR 1461 in the Financial Services Committee. A majority of Democrats supported it on the floor, though Congressman Frank and others voted against it because of unrelated restrictions it placed on the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The bill passed the House, but the Bush administration and Senate Republicans opposed the Oxley bill. Senate Democrats offered the House‐passed Oxley bill in that chamber, but Senate Republicans, who held the majority, lacked the votes to pass the bill. They took no action on any bill.

On September 14, 2006, members of the House Financial Services Committee who had supported GSE reform, including Congressman Frank, sent a letter to then‐Senate Banking Committee Chairman
Richard Shelby urging the Senate to work with them to get a pill passed into law. The letter stated:

Accounting violations by the GSEs have brought to light the fact that current GSE regulators lack
many of the supervisory and enforcement powers bank regulators can wield. We must remedy
this situation by consolidating GSE regulation and providing the tools needed to oversee these
large, complex financial institutions. Both H.R. 1461 and S. 190 create a strong independent
agency to ensure the GSEs operate in a safe and sound manner and comply with their statutory
However, as Oxley told the Financial Times in September 2008, the White House gave House
Republicans “the one‐finger salute.”

Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 1461 - Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005 | The American Presidency Project
H.R. 1461 fails to include key elements that are essential to protect the safety and soundness of the housing finance system and the broader financial system at large. As a result, the Administration opposes the bill.
There was also S. 1508, H.R.2575 and S. 1656.

Democrats didn't block a single one of those bills ... they didn't have to -- Republican leadership in the Senate blocked every one of them.
Who cares? The best thing that happened was blocking Garland.:beer:
You asssfuclks love trashing the Constitution.
Advise and Consent baby! It's in the Constitution.

Suck it up.
Which President Created the Most Jobs?

Bush the Lesser was a DISASTER as far as job creation

not wrong at all.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Bush II left office with a net of 2135000 jobs created in 96 months, that is an average of 22,240 jobs per month.

Obama left office with a net of 10586000 jobs created in 96 months, that is an average of 110,271 jobs per month.

And Obama was a shitty ass president...which shows just how bad Bush II was
Total Unemployed people DECREASED by 300K
That's because 200K dropped out of the labor force, you left that part out, no surprise there!

Nope, you're wrong again.

Here is the Labor Participation Rate as of 3/09/2019


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Nope, he’s not wrong. Sadly, you and boedicca are brain-dead conservatives who fail at reality. Meanwhile, the BLS confirms edthecynic’s claim that 200K people dropped out of the labor force...


Observe which side resorts to lies & misinformation and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument and they know it.

I call you dumbasses & assfucks because you either don't know shit & deliberately spread lies. Go fuck yourself.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a poster who descends into a spew of vulgarity has lost the debate.
That's because 200K dropped out of the labor force, you left that part out, no surprise there!

Nope, you're wrong again.

Here is the Labor Participation Rate as of 3/09/2019


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Nope, he’s not wrong. Sadly, you and boedicca are brain-dead conservatives who fail at reality. Meanwhile, the BLS confirms edthecynic’s claim that 200K people dropped out of the labor force...


Observe which side resorts to lies & misinformation and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument and they know it.

I call you dumbasses & assfucks because you either don't know shit & deliberately spread lies. Go fuck yourself.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a poster who descends into a spew of vulgarity has lost the debate.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a poster who descends into a spew of lies and misinformation has lost the debate.
Which President Created the Most Jobs?

Bush the Lesser was a DISASTER as far as job creation

not wrong at all.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

View attachment 249567

Bush II left office with a net of 2135000 jobs created in 96 months, that is an average of 22,240 jobs per month.

Obama left office with a net of 10586000 jobs created in 96 months, that is an average of 110,271 jobs per month.

And Obama was a shitty ass president...which shows just how bad Bush II was

Obama was better than most.
Oct 6, 2008 · That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they
If you are talking about HR 1461 or S 190 (I noticed you didn't cite the bill number and neither did your source) both bills were blocked by in committee the GOP who controlled ALL committees, so you are just covering your first lie with another lie, so typical of the lying scum Right.

In 2005 Oxley tried again and this time got a reform bill through the House. Democrats unanimously supported HR 1461 in the Financial Services Committee. A majority of Democrats supported it on the floor, though Congressman Frank and others voted against it because of unrelated restrictions it placed on the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The bill passed the House, but the Bush administration and Senate Republicans opposed the Oxley bill. Senate Democrats offered the House‐passed Oxley bill in that chamber, but Senate Republicans, who held the majority, lacked the votes to pass the bill. They took no action on any bill.

On September 14, 2006, members of the House Financial Services Committee who had supported GSE reform, including Congressman Frank, sent a letter to then‐Senate Banking Committee Chairman
Richard Shelby urging the Senate to work with them to get a pill passed into law. The letter stated:

Accounting violations by the GSEs have brought to light the fact that current GSE regulators lack
many of the supervisory and enforcement powers bank regulators can wield. We must remedy
this situation by consolidating GSE regulation and providing the tools needed to oversee these
large, complex financial institutions. Both H.R. 1461 and S. 190 create a strong independent
agency to ensure the GSEs operate in a safe and sound manner and comply with their statutory
However, as Oxley told the Financial Times in September 2008, the White House gave House
Republicans “the one‐finger salute.”

Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 1461 - Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005 | The American Presidency Project
H.R. 1461 fails to include key elements that are essential to protect the safety and soundness of the housing finance system and the broader financial system at large. As a result, the Administration opposes the bill.
There was also S. 1508, H.R.2575 and S. 1656.

Democrats didn't block a single one of those bills ... they didn't have to -- Republican leadership in the Senate blocked every one of them.
Who cares? The best thing that happened was blocking Garland.:beer:
You asssfuclks love trashing the Constitution.
Advise and Consent baby! It's in the Constitution.

Suck it up.
Well, when did they advise and consent because they never voted.

Are you just stupid?
Nope, you're wrong again.

Here is the Labor Participation Rate as of 3/09/2019


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Nope, he’s not wrong. Sadly, you and boedicca are brain-dead conservatives who fail at reality. Meanwhile, the BLS confirms edthecynic’s claim that 200K people dropped out of the labor force...


Observe which side resorts to lies & misinformation and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument and they know it.

I call you dumbasses & assfucks because you either don't know shit & deliberately spread lies. Go fuck yourself.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a poster who descends into a spew of vulgarity has lost the debate.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a poster who descends into a spew of lies and misinformation has lost the debate.

Just say Orange Man Bad now, and you'll win the Moonbat Trifecta!
Nope, he’s not wrong. Sadly, you and boedicca are brain-dead conservatives who fail at reality. Meanwhile, the BLS confirms edthecynic’s claim that 200K people dropped out of the labor force...


Observe which side resorts to lies & misinformation and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument and they know it.

I call you dumbasses & assfucks because you either don't know shit & deliberately spread lies. Go fuck yourself.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a poster who descends into a spew of vulgarity has lost the debate.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a poster who descends into a spew of lies and misinformation has lost the debate.

Just say Orange Man Bad now, and you'll win the Moonbat Trifecta!
See, you prove my point.

Observe which side resorts to lies & misinformation and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument and they know it.

I call you dumbasses & assfucks because you either don't know shit & deliberately spread lies. Go fuck yourself.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a poster who descends into a spew of vulgarity has lost the debate.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a poster who descends into a spew of lies and misinformation has lost the debate.

Just say Orange Man Bad now, and you'll win the Moonbat Trifecta!
See, you prove my point.

You are seriously misguided, but you do get 10 points for consistency.

Learn how to interpret the BLS monthly reports and then get back to us. Of course, the prerequisites for that are an understanding of BASIC MATH, logic, and reading comprehension...so that might be over your pay grade.
If you are talking about HR 1461 or S 190 (I noticed you didn't cite the bill number and neither did your source) both bills were blocked by in committee the GOP who controlled ALL committees, so you are just covering your first lie with another lie, so typical of the lying scum Right.

In 2005 Oxley tried again and this time got a reform bill through the House. Democrats unanimously supported HR 1461 in the Financial Services Committee. A majority of Democrats supported it on the floor, though Congressman Frank and others voted against it because of unrelated restrictions it placed on the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The bill passed the House, but the Bush administration and Senate Republicans opposed the Oxley bill. Senate Democrats offered the House‐passed Oxley bill in that chamber, but Senate Republicans, who held the majority, lacked the votes to pass the bill. They took no action on any bill.

On September 14, 2006, members of the House Financial Services Committee who had supported GSE reform, including Congressman Frank, sent a letter to then‐Senate Banking Committee Chairman
Richard Shelby urging the Senate to work with them to get a pill passed into law. The letter stated:

Accounting violations by the GSEs have brought to light the fact that current GSE regulators lack
many of the supervisory and enforcement powers bank regulators can wield. We must remedy
this situation by consolidating GSE regulation and providing the tools needed to oversee these
large, complex financial institutions. Both H.R. 1461 and S. 190 create a strong independent
agency to ensure the GSEs operate in a safe and sound manner and comply with their statutory
However, as Oxley told the Financial Times in September 2008, the White House gave House
Republicans “the one‐finger salute.”

Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 1461 - Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005 | The American Presidency Project
H.R. 1461 fails to include key elements that are essential to protect the safety and soundness of the housing finance system and the broader financial system at large. As a result, the Administration opposes the bill.
There was also S. 1508, H.R.2575 and S. 1656.

Democrats didn't block a single one of those bills ... they didn't have to -- Republican leadership in the Senate blocked every one of them.
Who cares? The best thing that happened was blocking Garland.:beer:
You asssfuclks love trashing the Constitution.
Advise and Consent baby! It's in the Constitution.

Suck it up.
Well, when did they advise and consent because they never voted.

Are you just stupid?
Sucks, eh? :)
Which President Created the Most Jobs?

Bush the Lesser was a DISASTER as far as job creation

not wrong at all.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

View attachment 249567

Bush II left office with a net of 2135000 jobs created in 96 months, that is an average of 22,240 jobs per month.

Obama left office with a net of 10586000 jobs created in 96 months, that is an average of 110,271 jobs per month.

And Obama was a shitty ass president...which shows just how bad Bush II was
Actually Bush's net job creation was worse than that, there were 6 million unemployed when he took office and 12 million when he left. So even though he gained 2 million jobs he lost 6 million for a net loss of 4 million.
Which President Created the Most Jobs?

Bush the Lesser was a DISASTER as far as job creation

not wrong at all.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

View attachment 249567

Bush II left office with a net of 2135000 jobs created in 96 months, that is an average of 22,240 jobs per month.

Obama left office with a net of 10586000 jobs created in 96 months, that is an average of 110,271 jobs per month.

And Obama was a shitty ass president...which shows just how bad Bush II was
Actually Bush's net job creation was worse than that, there were 6 million unemployed when he took office and 12 million when he left. So even though he gained 2 million jobs he lost 6 million for a net loss of 4 million.
Jobs gained is a net. You don't subtract unemployed from it to get the net.
My highlight above.

Re-writing history I see.

UPDATED: Obama Sued Citibank Under CRA to Force it to Make Bad Loans
Posted on 03 October 2008

Do you remember how we told you that the Democrats and groups associated with them leaned on banks and even sued to get them to make bad loans under the Community Reinvestment Act which was a factor in causing the economic crisis (see HERE ) … well look at what some fellow bloggers have dug up while researching Obama’s legal career. Looks like a typical ACORN lawsuit to get banks to hand out bad loans.

In these lawsuits, ACORN makes a bogus claim of Redlining (denying poor people loans because of their ethnic heritage). They protest and get the local media to raise a big stink. This stink means that the bank faces thousands of people closing their accounts and get local politicians to lobby to stop the bank from doing some future business, expansions and mergers. If the bank goes to court, they will win, but the damage is already done because who is going to launch a big campaign to get the bank’s reputation back?

It is important to understand the nature of these lawsuits and what their purpose is. ACORN filed tons of these lawsuits and ALL of them allege racism.

Thanks to the IUSB Vision Weblog for providing additional details of this story.

UPDATED: Obama Sued Citibank Under CRA to Force it to Make Bad Loans - Media Circus | Media Circus

Regarding the Democrats actions on Capitol Hill.

Here the Democrats are railing that there is nothing wrong with Fannie and Freddie and to simply leave them alone.

Your posted a fake news article that said President Obama sued Citibank in October 2008. Obama wasn’t elected President until November 2008.

Your posted a fake news article that said President Obama sued Citibank in October 2008. Obama wasn’t elected President until November 2008.

Before he was elected to any office, he was a "community organizer".
He was well known for shaking down businesses with threats of boycotts and lawsuits.

just more LIES!

He was a famous shakedown artist here in Chicago. A worthless POS from way back.

There is no end to your stupidity. I guess you favor racism by banks.

Racism? You mean not making loans to bad risks of all races? DURR.
Total Unemployed people DECREASED by 300K
That's because 200K dropped out of the labor force, you left that part out, no surprise there!

Nope, you're wrong again.

Here is the Labor Participation Rate as of 3/09/2019


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Nope, he’s not wrong. Sadly, you and boedicca are brain-dead conservatives who fail at reality. Meanwhile, the BLS confirms edthecynic’s claim that 200K people dropped out of the labor force...

Ummm no. People can enter the population as not in the labor force. If 200,000 15 year olds who didn’t want or need jobs turned 26, that would be 200,000 more not in the labor force.

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