Feb jobs report

Seems traders are not taking his advise

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I'm not worried about hourly moves in the market.

Or daily. Or weekly. Or monthly. They mean nothing.

Either way, I'll continue to hope for the best, regardless of the politics.

We are 410 days into a period of stagnation. How many more days till it is a concern for you?

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Since I have to take this stuff seriously, my level of concern rarely changes.

This is all just partisan noise.

Makes no sense at all.

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What made no sense was Obama blaming ATMS for slow job growth.
75 straight months of SIX digit monthly job growth under Obama
With wage growth picking up. That goes perfectly with trumps plan

And a drop in unemployment rate comes BECAUSE higher wages helps to finance more family members and they STOP looking

Fantastic news for America and trump
So now the lying scum Right are claiming an increase in the NOT IN LABOR FORCE is a GOOD thing after whining just how BAD it was during Obama.

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.
And yet companies can't find employees ......makes ya go hhhhmmmmm
Unemployment rate dropped
Wage increase keeps increasing

That's the Real News
Markets loved the news DOW off only 166,,,,NAS 60

Liberal stock falling

The stampede of the wise out of New York is the real news and makes that report bad for New York and liberals

Net worth of New Yorkers dropping like a Rock

They soon will be begging like Venezuela

Wow New York is toast
New York State is crumbling because of crooked liberals and their net worth dropping like a rock
It was New York not getting tax refunds

And now they are raising taxes again and the wise are stampeding out

New York

The next Venezuela
Unemployment rate dropped
Wage increase keeps increasing

That's the Real News
Markets loved the news DOW off only 166,,,,NAS 60

Liberal stock falling

The stampede of the wise out of New York is the real news and makes that report bad for New York and liberals

Net worth of New Yorkers dropping like a Rock

They soon will be begging like Venezuela

Wow New York is toast
The tax man is auditing all who leave Making billions
Lot of factors, weather, govt shutdown, etc. One month is one month see what happens in March
Worst Feb on record for snow, ice, temps in midwest/rust belt states. Tends to slow things down...
So? That makes people late for work, it doesn’t get them laid off.

Ahh, you never fail to show your ignorance of how the real world works.

If the roads are covered in snow and everything is all locked up, nothing can get to where it needs to go. If a business can't manufacture widgets because the trucks carrying the widget parts are stuck in snow 1000 miles away, things tend to get bad real fast. I'm a truck driver. For the past two winters we've seen record snowfall. I was stuck at a truck stop for 5 days in January because of the weather. My load was delivered almost a week late. Orders weren't filled, products not produced, money not made.

There are more than employees traveling the roads of this nation you fucking moron.
That affects GDP, not unemployment. Companies aren’t laying off people due to bad weather that just lasts a few days. At worst, they’ll make employees eat up PTO days. Thanks for demonstrating once again just how brain-dead the right is.
Lying liberals will
Not last much longer


So why are so many northerners packing their bags?

Reason No. 1: high costs. Data released by personal finance site GoBankingRates.com reveals that the No. 1 financial fear of people who live in the Northeast is that they will live in debt forever; the Northeast is the only region of the country ranking this factor as No. 1. (The other regions put retirement as their No. 1.)

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