fed ex driver wont deliver to houses with blm flags

Everyone has the right to demonstrate dissatisfaction

No one has the right to refuse to do your job and keep getting paid.
Yes he can…no he can’t.
I guarantee you there is No Job that liberals would not back getting fired from if the work infringes on their feelings
Not doing the job you are paid to do is not admirable to most quality employers. If he is stupid enough to tell them why he left he would be lucky to get a job at the 7/11 because he could not be trusted to serve anyone wearing a BLM shirt

have you ever actually held a job, you do not really seem to understand what employers want
Yes I have a job where being a yes man will get you gone quick, I bet you have never had one the way you run your trap about nothing all the time
Black Lives Matter-We know that already and have behaved accordingly.
Police are mowing down blacks-Incorrect
Blacks are disproportionately criminal and want those “barriers” removed-Correct
Make police and whites scapegoats to aid in removal of barriers to criminality.-Underway
Try a juevenile guilt trip by virtue signaling the overtly obvious of Black Lives Mattering with your insipid signs.
Gee, one persons resistance to fake sign indoctrination might just set off a more wholesale like kind response and libbies can’t have that regarding a premiere Fake.
My response will now be to throw any BLM sign into the street. Let’s get taking back reality underway!
But they're not dangerous to the FedEx driver. Two wrongs doesn't make a right
Blm and antifa are dangerous organizations. As long as the terrorize in liberal run towns they will not be prosecuted. They came to greenville south Carolina and tried to get a confederate statue removed. We don't put up with that crap here. You want to get it removed, do it the legal way. Oh, and down the road, a man was in a girls bathroom. Well he got the shit beat out of him before the cops arrived. As he should have, I love this place!
Blm and antifa are dangerous organizations. As long as the terrorize in liberal run towns they will not be prosecuted. They came to greenville south Carolina and tried to get a confederate statue removed. We don't put up with that crap here. You want to get it removed, do it the legal way. Oh, and down the road, a man was in a girls bathroom. Well he got the shit beat out of him before the cops arrived. As he should have, I love this place!
yes a bus load showed up in my town for a statue removal, they saw all the guns and stayed on the bus, it was really funny
They are generating a personal protest and not engaging in athletic entertainment
Are you so cuck that you don’t know a football game from a fallacy based kneeldown commentary?

When they kneel is the key. The game has not started. For most of the NFL's existence the players would still be in the locker room when the anthem was played.

But they are doing their job when the game starts.
Any liberal who refuses to do their job and does not quit should be fired. Period.
They have not been and won’t be. Liberals don’t get fired for putting their emotions out there at work. You must have missed the issuance of that mandate.
No one wants to go into shithole neighborhoods.

I saw nothing that said it was a shithole neighborhood. There are a few Black Lives Matter signs in yards in my neighborhood. It is far from a shithole neighborhood. It is an older neighborhood, with sidewalks, nice houses and community events. But some people still have the signs.
When they kneel is the key. The game has not started. For most of the NFL's existence the players would still be in the locker room when the anthem was played.

But they are doing their job when the game starts.
Let’s micro parse about the “when”.
Another failed attempt to preserve your one way street of permitted protest
They have not been and won’t be. Liberals don’t get fired for putting their emotions out there at work. You must have missed the issuance of that mandate.

Putting their emotions out at work? Exactly what does that mean? If the guy in the OP put his emotions out, he could still deliver the packages.
Let’s micro parse about the “when”.
Another failed attempt to preserve your one way street if permitted protest

It is not micro parsing. It is answering the question about whether they are doing their job. They are paid to play a game for entertainment. Before the game starts they have no job to do.
Refusing to do your job is certainly not a quality most employers admire.
Depends on the circumstances, in this case reasonable people would see that this guy had concerns for safety when entering these BLM neighborhoods as he has seen the violence from their ilk on TV. One should never argue when it comes to safety
Yes I have a job where being a yes man will get you gone quick, I bet you have never had one the way you run your trap about nothing all the time

I had a job where being a "Yes Man" would get me fired and get people hurt. I would never have let my personal, political feelings dictate whether I did my job or not.
When they kneel is the key. The game has not started. For most of the NFL's existence the players would still be in the locker room when the anthem was played.

But they are doing their job when the game starts.
their job starts the minute the enter the stadium and most contract have outside the stadium acceptable behavior

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