fed ex driver wont deliver to houses with blm flags

Depends on the circumstances, in this case reasonable people would see that this guy had concerns for safety when entering these BLM neighborhoods as he has seen the violence from their ilk on TV. One should never argue when it comes to safety

I saw nothing in his statement that said he was entering a bad neighborhood. As I said before, I have seen Black Lives Matter in my neighborhood. And it is certainly not a dangerous neighborhood.

He also said he would not deliver packages if they were not flying an American flag. Do you agree with that?
Black Lives Matter-We know that already and have behaved accordingly.
Police are mowing down blacks-Incorrect
Blacks are disproportionately criminal and want those “barriers” removed-Correct
Make police and whites scapegoats to aid in removal of barriers to criminality.-Underway
Try a juevenile guilt trip by virtue signaling the overtly obvious of Black Lives Mattering with your insipid signs.
Gee, one persons resistance to fake sign indoctrination might just set off a more wholesale like kind response and libbies can’t have that regarding a premiere Fake.
My response will now be to throw any BLM sign into the street. Let’s get taking back reality underway!

Damn I wish you were in Atlanta. I'd get one of the signs and put it in my yard. Just to see if you have the balls.
I saw nothing that said it was a shithole neighborhood. There are a few Black Lives Matter signs in yards in my neighborhood. It is far from a shithole neighborhood. It is an older neighborhood, with sidewalks, nice houses and community events. But some people still have the signs.
Is you neighborhood off MLK Boulevard? And you've got sidewalks too with "community events" at the corner liquor store?!
Libbies would be pinning a medal and starting Gofundme me if any black, Muslim, Hispanic , gay berg, etc quit their job over a sign that bothered them.
No one wants to go into shithole neighborhoods.
They can be very entertaining at times but those hoods can be dangerous anytime of the day. I was a outside salesman for a company in Chicago and as the "new guy" I got the ghetto. My customers loved me because I showed up and did my job when most of the previous salesman didn't. Most would have me call when I was close so they could watch out for me and than would escort me to my car. In ten years I was only shot at 3 times (that I know of) good thing they aim like morons.
Yes I have a job where being a yes man will get you gone quick,

doing what you are paid to do is not being a yes man, how fucking stupid can you be?
I bet you have never had one the way you run your trap about nothing all the time

you would lose again, but since you seem to work as a fry cook at Wendy's I will not take your money.

really, Lebron has posted much worse and still plays basketball

When has he refused to do his job...play basketball?
Another failed attempt to preserve your one way street of permitted protest

permitted protest that do not stop one from doing the job they are paid to do. This fucking moron was paid to deliver packages, his protest stopped him from doing that and he is not sucking off the Govt teet.

NFL players can kneel and still play football when they are done.
white fed ex drive wont deliever to hue with bm, kamala harri or biden flags. things is he quit before the fed ex told the pres they fied him lol lol. xan not blaim him those people are all terroists and dangerous. but you know had he said that about a trump or amerian flag it would have been ok. double standard.
Could you translate that into English?
doing what you are paid to do is not being a yes man, how fucking stupid can you be?

you would lose again, but since you seem to work as a fry cook at Wendy's I will not take your money.

When has he refused to do his job...play basketball?
STFU troll, I guess I have a new stalker
No, I wouldn't. And the racist pieces of shit can go get their own crap; nobody is obligated to cater to them, and no employer worth working for would order employees to risk their lives for chump change hourly pay. They can buy armored cars and pay armed mercenaries to make deliveries into Hood Rat Land.
Are you really that fucking stupid, dumbass if they are paying you to deliver packages then your job is to deliver packages to the address on the package. You don't get to pick and choose what packages you want to deliver, what are you going to tell them when you apply, "hey I only deliver packages to white racist".

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