Fed Mouthpiece Jon Hilsenrath Furious "Stingy" US Consumers Refuse To Buy The "Recovery" Propaganda


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Come on USMB faithful

Dig deep and dig often and get this party going again

Seems not all of us are convinced that everything is awesome.



No commentary necessary on this piece originally posted on the Wall Street Journal by Jon Hilsenrath (the same ad hoc, trial ballooning Fed mouthpiece whose work as it relates to the Federal Reserve has to be precleared by the Federal Reserve itself as we first reported five years ago).

And no, to our best knowledge, this is not the WSJ transforming into the Onion.


Dear American Consumer,

This is The Wall Street Journal. We’re writing to ask if something is bothering you.

The sun shined in April and you didn’t spend much money. The Commerce Department here in Washington says your spending didn’t increase at all adjusted for inflation last month compared to March. You appear to have mostly stayed home and watched television in December, January and February as well. We thought you would be out of your winter doldrums by now, but we don’t see much evidence that this is the case.

You have been saving more too. You socked away 5.6% of your income in April after taxes, even more than in March. This saving is not like you. What’s up?

We know you experienced a terrible shock when Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008 and your employer responded by firing you. We know stock prices collapsed and that was shocking too. We also know you shouldn’t have taken out that large second mortgage during the housing boom to fix up your kitchen with granite countertops. You’ve been working very hard to pay off this debt and we admire your fortitude. But these shocks seem like a long time ago to us in a newsroom. Is that still what’s holding you back?

Fed Mouthpiece Jon Hilsenrath Furious Stingy US Consumers Refuse To Buy The Recovery Propaganda Zero Hedge
QE inflated stock market values, the printing presses and dishonest UE reporting was bound to catch up to these fools. Remember the red matter in that Star Trek movie, well there you go.
QE inflated stock market values, the printing presses and dishonest UE reporting was bound to catch up to these fools. Remember the red matter in that Star Trek movie, well there you go.
So,,,the red matter represented the US economy under Oblama? You must be a Star Ship Trooper fan.....
I still cant figure out why Sarah Jessica Parker was gloating about the 2 million jobs Rick Perry,,oh, sorry, Obama Created in 2009. How dumb can a woman be?
I dont think I will ever live to see the day when we are creating 5 Million jobs a month. now thats a recovery.
QE inflated stock market values, the printing presses and dishonest UE reporting was bound to catch up to these fools. Remember the red matter in that Star Trek movie, well there you go.
So,,,the red matter represented the US economy under Oblama? You must be a Star Ship Trooper fan.....

(face palm) Star Trek
No shit Sherlock......The red matter was from the movie Star Trek, but it was such a lame comparison I only acknowledge your lower status of sci-fi movie rating...
QE inflated stock market values, the printing presses and dishonest UE reporting was bound to catch up to these fools. Remember the red matter in that Star Trek movie, well there you go.
So,,,the red matter represented the US economy under Oblama? You must be a Star Ship Trooper fan.....

(face palm) Star Trek
No shit Sherlock......The red matter was from the movie Star Trek, but it was such a lame comparison I only acknowledge your lower status of sci-fi movie rating...

That you would mention that stupid movie in the same post as Star Trek...talk to the hand! :eusa_hand:
QE inflated stock market values, the printing presses and dishonest UE reporting was bound to catch up to these fools. Remember the red matter in that Star Trek movie, well there you go.
So,,,the red matter represented the US economy under Oblama? You must be a Star Ship Trooper fan.....

(face palm) Star Trek
No shit Sherlock......The red matter was from the movie Star Trek, but it was such a lame comparison I only acknowledge your lower status of sci-fi movie rating...

That you would mention that stupid movie in the same post as Star Trek...talk to the hand! :eusa_hand:
The last two Star treks movies were quit annoying with the glare..I understand the director has changed for the next movie...I am sad that McCoy's nurse died from the original series..I had a crush on her...
So the government's strategy was to inflate asset prices by sparking inflation and let the "feel good" effect lead to more spending. And it worked, sort of. Except the economy has sucked ever since Obozo got into office. There has been no real growth, little business investment and thus no expansion. It is merely inflationary.
This is the end of Keynesian economics. It is now thoroughly discredited. The most discredited theory since Marxism, which lives on only in university lounges and Obama appointees.

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