Federal agents seize John Eastman's phone

At what other point in American history have liberals gotten such hardons from the unbelievable governmental abuse of lawyers?
Submitted falsified electorates to Congress to obstruct a Constitutional proceeding is a Felony. Eastman will sing like a canary. He won't go down alone.

This circus is a farce. Nothing happened from the Trump side. But plenty happened from the pelousi side.
Submitted falsified electorates to Congress to obstruct a Constitutional proceeding is a Felony. Eastman will sing like a canary. He won't go down alone.
Nobody submitted any falsified slate of electors (not “electorates” 🙄) to Congress, skippy.
This circus is a farce. Nothing happened from the Trump side. But plenty happened from the pelousi side.
You call "nothing" the attempt to overturn an election that has stood up in over 60 court cases. You call "nothing" the illegal attempt to install fake electors into the certification process. You call nothing an acting president pressuring multiple electoral officials to falsify their voting statistics? These are called "felonies."

trump is nothing but a Mafia Boss who uses fear and intimidation in order to keep the repub party in his control. But with each J6 revelation, he becomes more damaged. I don't see any Biden vs trump polls anymore. I only see Biden vs desantis.
The repub party is desperately trying to move away from trump. But they enabled the crazy SOB. So Good Luck with that!
He will trash desantis and the repub party if he is not handed the 2024 nomination. It will be very ugly.
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All Posters are reminded this is not a Hillary Thread. It is the "Federal agents seize John Eastman's phone". Stay on topic. Do not attempt to derail thread. Do not respond to off topic here. Start a new thread, if you feel it needs discussion.
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