Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

Yeah the fake Canyon Pooter had me fooled. Thank the lord he is boss of nothing and owns nothing such that decent Americans are not held hostage and threatened by his need for others to quell his health phobias
This good news whether you realize it or not.

Donald H lives in Canaduh, and he hates the fact that we Americans are much freer than he and his countrymen. He doesn't wish for his own country to be free, but rather, he wishes for an “equality” to be achieved in the form of us Americans being as oppressed as he and his fellow Canadians are.
Donald H lives in Canaduh, and he hates the fact that we Americans are much freer than he and his countrymen. He doesn't wish for his own country to be free, but rather, he wishes for an “equality” to be achieved in the form of us Americans being as oppressed as he and his fellow Canadians are.
Yeah Bob, that's what I say too!

Let's get together and stuff it down their throats til they choke on it!
I wasn't aware that Trump derangement syndrome is an international phenomenon.
It’s not spread but we do now have a wholly untested and unproven shot for TDS. Starting 12/1 it will be mandated that for everyone’s health and well being the TDS inflicted MUST receive shots. All grocery stores will become clinics to serve this need. Declining cannot be accepted. Stop selfishly worrying about when you will be able to shop and eat again, this is more important
Trump had the VAX developed. Anyone who says different is a scurvy shithead liar.
The vaccines were largely developed during Trump's term as president.

It's a little hard to understand the reason why Trump's supporters are so nearly unanimous on the vaccines being bad, injurious to health, fake, ineffective, etc., if Trump is just the opposite.

Do you have an explanation? I'll cautiously reserve my opinion until all the arguments pro or con are in.
The vaccines were largely developed during Trump's term as president.

It's a little hard to understand the reason why Trump's supporters are so nearly unanimous on the vaccines being bad, injurious to health, fake, ineffective, etc., if Trump is just the opposite.

Do you have an explanation? I'll cautiously reserve my opinion until all the arguments pro or con are in.
We're smarter than the average Bears Boo-Boo.
We're smarter than the average Bears Boo-Boo.
Just agree or disagree mikey. I'm not going to entertain you nearly as long as I did Shooter.
If you can't do that then .................................. later!
Just agree or disagree mikey. I'm not going to entertain you nearly as long as I did Shooter.
If you can't do that then .................................. later!
I have a list of entertaining Canadians and you're probably not on it, but I'll check and see.

John Candy, Mike Myers , Rush, Triumph , The Guess Who, Neil Young..... no sorry I don't see you.
Just agree or disagree mikey. I'm not going to entertain you nearly as long as I did Shooter.
If you can't do that then .................................. later!
What's that?
You're going to tuck your tail and run away?
No way!

The fact you refuse to demonstrate a rational basis for your claims means you -know- they are unsupportable nonsense.
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The vaccines were largely developed during Trump's term as president.

It's a little hard to understand the reason why Trump's supporters are so nearly unanimous on the vaccines being bad, injurious to health, fake, ineffective, etc., if Trump is just the opposite.

Do you have an explanation? I'll cautiously reserve my opinion until all the arguments pro or con are in.
Its called we dont trust the Govt and their continual lies.

Oh and we hate fuckers who say Do what I say OR ELSE. Makes us want to feclare War and shit
If I worked for you and had Covid but no longer do then I don’t have to provide shit to you to calm your fears and if you demand proof and vac cards as a continuation of employment then your hyper frightened ass gets sued and the business goes under all in the name of nobility and forcing your fears on others.
As a business owner you have ZERO legal rights to demand that employees quell your Covid fears. Your virtue signaling that you really are just looking out for All your employees is nanny state overexertion .Government has exceeded its legal authority by declaring itself self appointed caretaker of all and its far wiser if you too did not do that. It’s not your authority. and dubious at best and questionable as to ethical or legal consideration and not historical precedent as a Bosses duty. You may consider yourself in charge of these aspect of employee life as Boss but you are Not despite likely good intentions .
You are overreaching and exceeding authority and which is a Big part of this overreactive hoax
I actually do believe you feel it noble and correct but that’s a big part of this problem with people thinking they are everyone else’s guardian.
Thank goodness I don't work for exactly who you describe would require such a thing. I had Covid, did my 15 days, came back to work to everyone's delight. No one was scared of me nor did they shun me. We all went about our jobs as if nothing happened. Been a year now, and still working with the same crowd, and yes we've had other's get it also over time, and they did their 15 days, and we welcomed them back the same way. So the beat goes on, and we are all good to go.
Thank goodness I don't work for exactly who you describe would require such a thing. I had Covid, did my 15 days, came back to work to everyone's delight. No one was scared of me nor did they shun me. We all went about our jobs as if nothing happened. Been a year now, and still working with the same crowd, and yes we've had other's get it also over time, and they did their 15 days, and we welcomed them back the same way. So the beat goes on, and we are all good to go.
The guy was faking his situation
The vaccines were largely developed during Trump's term as president.

It's a little hard to understand the reason why Trump's supporters are so nearly unanimous on the vaccines being bad, injurious to health, fake, ineffective, etc., if Trump is just the opposite.

Do you have an explanation? I'll cautiously reserve my opinion until all the arguments pro or con are in.
Well conservatives aren't like Democrat's, where as just because the vaccines were under development during Trump's administration, we don't just fall in line like Democrat's do, otherwise where we ignore our own thinking because someone tells us too. It's amazing how the Democrat's will follow a narrative as if they are commanded too, and it's as if they have no mind of there own.

Then when they realize their wrong, they end up like this "Young Turks" women, where she ends up having to admit her wrong like she has done concerning the Rittenhouse case.

How detrimental is that ? Well it's proven to be highly detrimental to one's credibility. Keep it up Democrat's, you're doing just fine.

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