Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

No, it's ensuring that I'm providing as safe and as healthy a workplace for my employees.

Interestingly, not a single one of my people who've had Covid (or the two that have it) have an issue with it. You know who has a problem with it?

DIpshit, know-it-all pinheads on the internet. That's who has a problem with it...

You don't make anyone safer by forcing unwanted and risky experimental medical procedures on them.

You and Josef Mengele would probably have got along very well, if you'd known each other.
It should be pointed out, that HIPAA and various other laws that protect our medical privacy and our rights to determine what treatments we will or will not receive, duly enacted through Congress and signed into law by past Presidents, are, in fact, valid laws, while an illegal order given unilaterally by a corrupt wannabe dictator is not.

A business owner is required to obey the actual laws, and if he chooses, instead, to obey the illegal order, and violate the laws, then that illegal order doers not relieve him of the legal consequences for violating the law.

Of course, you're trying to argue with someone who claims to be a professional photographer, but is under the insane delusion that any equipment made by Canon is of suitable quality for any professional or serious amateur. From this, you have to know that his grasp on reality is tenuous, at best. If he called himself “Nikon Shooter” then maybe he'd have some credibility.
HIPPA laws do not preclude an employer from requiring one to submit their vaccination status

Vaccination information is classed as PHI and is covered by the HIPAA Rules. However, HIPAA only applies to HIPAA-covered entities – healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses – and their business associates. If an employer asks an employee to provide proof that they have been vaccinated in order to allow that individual to work without wearing a facemask, that is not a HIPAA violation as HIPAA does not apply to most employers.

That's true, you don't.

And the reward for your inaction would be to get escorted from the premises...

Well, I have an entire legal department and and an Attorney General who say otherwise.

But, yeah, I should listen to some clown on the internet...

And, as an employee, you have ZERO right to retaining your job with my company...

No, dummy, it's me doing what I can to ensure that those who have had Covid, and may still have it, don't bring it into the workplace...

Were you drunk when you typed that? Seriously, I'm not certain what message you were attempting to convey...

It has nothing to do with a hoax. How stupid of you.

As a business owner, I have a responsibility to ensure that I'm providing as safe a workplace for my employees as possible...

Again, I have a responsibility to ensure that I'm providing as safe a workplace for my employees as possible. My requirement for a negative test prior to returning to work is perfectly legal. It's a quick swap in your nose. Why wouldn't you want to know if you were Covid free?
You fooled me and that’s hard to do
You own nothing and are boss of none
Your chesty Big Boss Man show is arrogance on display as you claim to have the power to make hundreds of people comply with your need for health assurances. And suggest it’s because you care so much for others. In fact you simply want to try to control people and jeopardize their livelihood to satisfy your Covid health phobia.
You don't make anyone safer by forcing unwanted and risky experimental medical procedures on them.

You and Josef Mengele would probably have got along very well, if you'd known each other.

What a little fuckin' drama queen you are.

What's risky and experimental about a Covid test?
You fooled me and that’s hard to do

I get the sense that it's more difficult to fool a four year old by pulling a quarter out from behind his ear...

You own nothing and are boss of none
Your chesty Big Boss Man show is arrogance on display as you claim to have the power to make hundreds of people comply with your need for health assurances. And suggest it’s because you care so much for others. In fact you simply want to try to control people and jeopardize their livelihood to satisfy your Covid health phobia.

Here's the thing, dipshit. I own two companies. Between them I employ about a 150 people. Not a single one of them has a problem with the perfectly legal requirements I have in place for returning to work after being infected with Covid. Not a single one of them has a problem with me paying them their full salary for up to three weeks while they convalesce. Not a single one them has a problem with working in a safe environment. Morale is high and the people are happy.

Do you think for a second that I would question whether or not that's more important than the opinion of some know-nothing mouth breather on an internet forum?

Fuck off. You're hardly that important.

I have no phobia regarding Covid. I've had it twice. I do, however, understand that it can be severe for some people and, yeah, even deadly. I would be remiss if I were to do as you're apparently suggesting and not require a negative test. Frankly, my employees probably wouldn't stand for it. They want to know they're workplace is safe and healthy.

And I'll do everything I can to provide that to them...
I get the sense that it's more difficult to fool a four year old by pulling a quarter out from behind his ear...

Here's the thing, dipshit. I own two companies. Between them I employ about a 150 people. Not a single one of them has a problem with the perfectly legal requirements I have in place for returning to work after being infected with Covid. Not a single one of them has a problem with me paying them their full salary for up to three weeks while they convalesce. Not a single one them has a problem with working in a safe environment. Morale is high and the people are happy.

Do you think for a second that I would question whether or not that's more important than the opinion of some know-nothing mouth breather on an internet forum?

Fuck off. You're hardly that important.

I have no phobia regarding Covid. I've had it twice. I do, however, understand that it can be severe for some people and, yeah, even deadly. I would be remiss if I were to do as you're apparently suggesting and not require a negative test. Frankly, my employees probably wouldn't stand for it. They want to know they're workplace is safe and healthy.

And I'll do everything I can to provide that to them...

Your employees' medical information is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!

That's the law. And even if it wasn't the law, it's common sense and common decency.
Your employees' medical information is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!

That's the law. And even if it wasn't the law, it's common sense and common decency.

Let me ask you something, Zippy: If you worked in an office of, say, 20 people; people who you considered not only co-workers but friends, and you got Covid, why wouldn't you want to be able to show them you're no longer infected?

I don't really fucking care if you like this or not, but there's no law in Florida which precludes me from reuiring a negative test before allowing someone to come back to work...
It's funny how you're so eager to impose your illegal requirements on your employees, and stick your nose where it does not belong in their private medical affairs, in order to assuage the phobia that you claim you do not have.

First, for the umpteenth time, there's no law in Florida which precludes me from requiring a negative test.

Second, the requirement is in place for my employees far more than it is for me.

What's funny here is that you're filling your diaper over something you don't agree with, yet every employee I have apparently likes and agrees with it.

So fuck off, you sad little shit...
Let me ask you something, Zippy: If you worked in an office of, say, 20 people; people who you considered not only co-workers but friends, and you got Covid, why wouldn't you want to be able to show them you're no longer infected?

I don't really fucking care if you like this or not, but there's no law in Florida which precludes me from reuiring [sic] a negative test before allowing someone to come back to work...

If someone is so brainwashed, and cowardly, that he's deathly afraid of the possibility that I might have what, in fact, is a mild color, to the degree that he demands that I sacrifice my medical privacy and freedom to assuage his irrational fear, then that is his problem, not mine.

And HIPAA, and all the other related federal laws, apply in Florida just as they apply everywhere else in the U.S.

Sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, into your employees' private medical matters, is a federal offence. “I was just following orders.” referring to the illegal orders that the criminal infesting the White house is trying to impose, will not protect you from the legal consequences.
If someone is so brainwashed, and cowardly, that he's deathly afraid of the possibility that I might have what, in fact, is a mild color, to the degree that he demands that I sacrifice my medical privacy and freedom to assuage his irrational fear, then that is his problem, not mine.

And HIPAA, and all the other related federal laws, apply in Florida just as they apply everywhere else in the U.S.

Sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, into your employees' private medical matters, is a federal offence. “I was just following orders.” referring to the illegal orders that the criminal infesting the White house is trying to impose, will not protect you from the legal consequences.

Okay, well, I don't know what to tell you.

You're getting spun up over something which will never impact you. How fucking stupid is that? You will literally never be impacted by the fact that it's legal in Florida for me to require a negative test. All your whining to the contrary won't change that fact. Nothing I do is impacted at all by Biden. Nothing. But it's clear why you react as you do.

So, yeah, I guess go ahead and let yourself get all worked up and frothy. It's stupid, but it appears as though you excel at stupid...
Why do you think I would care about any insult from you? You're an ignoramus who believes that Canon makes photographical equipment that is worthy of any serious photographer.


I slam your stupid arguments into a shitty little mudhole, so you respond by attacking the brand of camera gear I use?

How fucking juvenile.

Go away, little boy, it has to be well past your bedtime...
It should be pointed out, that HIPAA and various other laws that protect our medical privacy and our rights to determine what treatments we will or will not receive, duly enacted through Congress and signed into law by past Presidents, are, in fact, valid laws, while an illegal order given unilaterally by a corrupt wannabe dictator is not.

A business owner is required to obey the actual laws, and if he chooses, instead, to obey the illegal order, and violate the laws, then that illegal order doers not relieve him of the legal consequences for violating the law.

Of course, you're trying to argue with someone who claims to be a professional photographer, but is under the insane delusion that any equipment made by Canon is of suitable quality for any professional or serious amateur. From this, you have to know that his grasp on reality is tenuous, at best. If he called himself “Nikon Shooter” then maybe he'd have some credibility.

You're such a fucking buffoon.

HIPAA doesn't apply to me, dipshit. Of course, being a pinhead, you wouldn't know that.

By requiring a negative test, I'm not violating any laws or anyone's rights. I do not open myself up to any sort of consequences by requiring it.

Lastly, your comments regarding Canon demonstrate that you truly are an ignorant little fuck. Canon/Nikon is a Ford/Chevy thing. It's a Fender/Gibson thing. Saying one is inferior to the other demonstrates that you've no real knowledge about cameras or photography at all. For the record, though, dipshit, I do also own Nikon cameras, as well as Mamiya, Bronica and Hasselblad medium format gear.

The people whose opinions matter are the people signing the checks, not dipshit wannabe's like you. Hell, you're undoubtedly one of those sad little fucks who turns his camera mode switch to "professional" mode, aren't you?

Lastly, your comments regarding Canon demonstrate that you truly are an ignorant little fuck. Canon/Nikon is a Ford/Chevy thing.

Something that you seem to have missed is a that as a Nikon guy, I have a duty and an obligation to regard Canon as hopelessly inferior, and to regard it and anyone who uses it with utter contempt.

As a Canon guy, you have the same duty toward Nikon adherents, but you are too ignorant and malfeasant to understand this.

The people whose opinions matter are the people signing the checks, not dipshit wannabe's like you. Hell, you're undoubtedly one of those sad little fucks who turns his camera mode switch to "professional" mode, aren't you?


I'm a guy who mounts nearly-50-year old lenses on my modern dSLR (even though Nikon swears that these lenses are not compatible with it) and sets that dial to M.

That's assuming I'm even using my modern dSLR, and not my nearly-50-year-old F2.
Something that you seem to have missed is a that as a Nikon guy, I have a duty and an obligation to regard Canon as hopelessly inferior, and to regard it and anyone who uses it with utter contempt.

As a Canon guy, you have the same duty toward Nikon adherents, but you are too ignorant and malfeasant to understand this.

No, I'm an adult.

There's the difference...

I'm a guy who mounts nearly-50-year old lenses on my modern dSLR (even though Nikon swears that these lenses are not compatible with it) and sets that dial to M.

That's assuming I'm even using my modern dSLR, and not my nearly-50-year-old F2.

When I get a wild hair I'll break out the F-1...

Is this good news now with new strains approaching? Good for the Trumpers but not so good for America's responsible medical community that sees the risk coming down the pipe!
Good for Trump's true believers who get fixed up with deworming medicines, that 'really' work!
This good news whether you realize it or not.

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