Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

Sure, your perception of the world is real.


Folks are just dropping dead in the streets of COVID.

Just today, I braved the dead bodies in the streets, as a went out for supplies . . . . .

The OP want only those that agree with them to respond and for all the rest of us, well we can fuck off…
ESL? The past and present issue arises in all your posts. ESL is a legitimate excuse but I fear it's something else?
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You are just stupid. No, if you have not been vaccinated and I have you have a far greater chance of getting the virus than me. If you would actually read some reliable information you would know that. But I know, the CDC, Medical Schools, and AMA are all dumbasses. Joe Blow Dumbfawk on Facebook knows his shit.

And there may be one vaccine that is 100% effective, that is called sterilizing immunity. But the reality is vaccines that can achieve sterilizing immunity are very rare and none of the most commonly administered vaccines in the world can achieve sterilizing immunity.

You are not better off, unless you live in a cave and have no contact with the outside world, which might be believable based on your posts here. And you are more likely to spread the virus than me. Again, that has been well documented.

I mean this is an easy calculus to make. It is harm verses harm. What is the harm of you getting the vaccine? Will your arm hurt a little bit? Are you afraid of needles? And the side effects common and debilitating? Suck it up buttercup. Because what is the harm of you not getting the vaccine. The continued perpetuation of Covid longer than is necessary. The increased chances of you spreading to someone that could DIE. I mean if anything, this whole vaccine argument clearly shows which side is amazingly self-consumed and has no empathy, or care for that matter, for the rest of society.
if you have no control over the outside world, why are you trying to control it?
You're talking about public health mandates. These will go away when the virus is gone, they're not permanent. In the meantime, Republicans are stripping away at actual rights that they want to make permanent, like women's rights for equality, minority rights for equality, and voter suppression laws. So you see they're the ones who are causing the real damage to our nation. Claiming it's to improve and protect the nation, you can't improve America by taking away people's rights. That's what made our nation great. Freedom and democracy, itself are at risk from the Republicans.
republicans are doing no such thing. Democrats, however...
I wouldn't be forcing you to do anything at all.

If you worked for me and tested positive for Covid, you would need a negative test before you came back to work. If you refused to do that, well, that would be your choice. You can choose to do it and continue working for me or you can refuse providing a negative and go find another place to work.

The choice would be completely yours; I would not make it for you.

And, before you ask, you get 21 days. I'd pay you for 21 days before I would be forced to accept your resignation...
If I worked for you and had Covid but no longer do then I don’t have to provide shit to you to calm your fears and if you demand proof and vac cards as a continuation of employment then your hyper frightened ass gets sued and the business goes under all in the name of nobility and forcing your fears on others.
As a business owner you have ZERO legal rights to demand that employees quell your Covid fears. Your virtue signaling that you really are just looking out for All your employees is nanny state overexertion .Government has exceeded its legal authority by declaring itself self appointed caretaker of all and its far wiser if you too did not do that. It’s not your authority. and dubious at best and questionable as to ethical or legal consideration and not historical precedent as a Bosses duty. You may consider yourself in charge of these aspect of employee life as Boss but you are Not despite likely good intentions .
You are overreaching and exceeding authority and which is a Big part of this overreactive hoax
I actually do believe you feel it noble and correct but that’s a big part of this problem with people thinking they are everyone else’s guardian.
I wouldn't be forcing you to do anything at all.

If you worked for me and tested positive for Covid, you would need a negative test before you came back to work. If you refused to do that, well, that would be your choice. You can choose to do it and continue working for me or you can refuse providing a negative and go find another place to work.

The choice would be completely yours; I would not make it for you.

And, before you ask, you get 21 days. I'd pay you for 21 days before I would be forced to accept your resignation...
You are not being forced to accept resignations. You would be creating impermissible requirements for a continuation of employment.
Forced compliance just to virtue signal how much you want to show others that you care is arrogant, egotistical nonsense
If I worked for you and had Covid but no longer do then I don’t have to provide shit to you to calm your fears

That's true, you don't.

And the reward for your inaction would be to get escorted from the premises...

and if you demand proof and vac cards as a continuation of employment then your hyper frightened ass gets sued and the business goes under all in the name of nobility and forcing your fears on others.

Well, I have an entire legal department and and an Attorney General who say otherwise.

But, yeah, I should listen to some clown on the internet...

As a business owner you have ZERO legal rights to demand that employees quell your Covid fears.

And, as an employee, you have ZERO right to retaining your job with my company...

Your virtue signaling that you really are just looking out for All your employees is nanny state overexertion .

No, dummy, it's me doing what I can to ensure that those who have had Covid, and may still have it, don't bring it into the workplace...

Government has exceeded its legal authority by declaring itself self appointed caretaker of all and its far wiser if you too did not do that. It’s not your authority. and dubious at best and questionable as to ethical or legal consideration and not historical precedent as a Bosses duty. You may consider yourself in charge of these aspect of employee life as Boss but you are Not despite likely good intentions .

Were you drunk when you typed that? Seriously, I'm not certain what message you were attempting to convey...

You are overreaching and exceeding authority and which is a Big part of this overreactive hoax

It has nothing to do with a hoax. How stupid of you.

As a business owner, I have a responsibility to ensure that I'm providing as safe a workplace for my employees as possible...

I actually do believe you feel it noble and correct but that’s a big part of this problem with people thinking they are everyone else’s guardian.

Again, I have a responsibility to ensure that I'm providing as safe a workplace for my employees as possible. My requirement for a negative test prior to returning to work is perfectly legal. It's a quick swap in your nose. Why wouldn't you want to know if you were Covid free?
If I worked for you and had Covid but no longer do then I don’t have to provide shit to you to calm your fears and if you demand proof and vac cards as a continuation of employment then your hyper frightened ass gets sued and the business goes under all in the name of nobility and forcing your fears on others.
As a business owner you have ZERO legal rights to demand that employees quell your Covid fears.

It should be pointed out, that HIPAA and various other laws that protect our medical privacy and our rights to determine what treatments we will or will not receive, duly enacted through Congress and signed into law by past Presidents, are, in fact, valid laws, while an illegal order given unilaterally by a corrupt wannabe dictator is not.

A business owner is required to obey the actual laws, and if he chooses, instead, to obey the illegal order, and violate the laws, then that illegal order doers not relieve him of the legal consequences for violating the law.

Of course, you're trying to argue with someone who claims to be a professional photographer, but is under the insane delusion that any equipment made by Canon is of suitable quality for any professional or serious amateur. From this, you have to know that his grasp on reality is tenuous, at best. If he called himself “Nikon Shooter” then maybe he'd have some credibility.
You are not being forced to accept resignations.

Oh, I know I wouldn't be forced to accept them.

I choose to...

you would be creating impermissible requirements for a continuation of employment.

They're not impermissible at all. The State of Florida says they're not.

Early on, I had one employee who didn't feel sick at all, but got the test anyway just so he could tell people he'd been tested.

Lo and behold, his test came back positive, yet he didn't have a single symptom...
Forced compliance just to virtue signal how much you want to show others that you care is arrogant, egotistical nonsense

No, it's ensuring that I'm providing as safe and as healthy a workplace for my employees.

Interestingly, not a single one of my people who've had Covid (or the two that have it) have an issue with it. You know who has a problem with it?

DIpshit, know-it-all pinheads on the internet. That's who has a problem with it...

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