Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

There it is.

See, the first person to call the other a "Nazi" proves that he is incapable of adding anything of intellect or value. You're a fucking retard.

I wish I could hire you, just so I could fire you for being a worthless piece of shit.

You are hereby dismissed...
OMG I have been hereby dismissed.
When adults show children the error of their ways the kids often resort to tantrums of dismissal
That’s a good show you just put on Mr Boss of Nothing Fake Ass.
I think you're talking about the contrariness of the conservative right. Y'all imagine small freedoms being taken from you when the vaccines are mandated due to the need to protect public health. And that's all founded on Trump's ridiculous suggestions of substituteing snake oil remedies as being more effective than the vaccines.

So my point is, America has fallen to 58th. in the world of 'freedom' because you've been napping as the very wealthy has been stripping the big freedoms away from the ordinary working class people.
See my link I've posted on that the next time I get time to post it. Or find it with a search if you care enough.
Listen, I live in the real world (my world), and I can only attest to my own experiences, and maybe of those who are in abundance in my area code, otherwise for whom have also had the same experiences with the Covid virus, and yes had also survived it like I did.

Thes people, including me have had the virus, and we had gotten over it naturally, and we have gained immunity from it... We have since been living productive normal lives again ever since.

Thank God.

Nope I don't wear a mask except in close quarters maybe, and then it depends on if any of those who are walking - say maybe for an example the isle's of Walmart - and maybe they are wearing the mask and/or maybe not, then maybe I will or maybe I won't wear it also. Just depends on my worries that day, otherwise if I think maybe that someone is a possible threat to me or not, then I'll take precautions yes.

But if they aren't wearing a mask, then I'm going maskless just as well.

If anything I should be protecting myself from them if they aren't wearing a mask right ?? Not that scared myself, and I trust natural immunity, so I live a normal life with my health being back to a normal status in life. All my family including the 80 year old member's have all had it, and they recovered naturally, and they are also living their lives normal again due to their natural immunity.

Millions are living with natural immunity, but people like you want everyone to just get in line because you are so scared of everyone and/or everything undoubtedly. Get over it. And if you are scared, then go get what you think will work to help you (either a mask or the shot).

Well the world hopefully isn't going to fall for the bullcrap much longer, and therefore to allow other's who aren't following the reality or the science to then dictate to other's upon how they should conduct themselves or live their lives around them isn't helpful.... Those who aren't following the science, and therefore could be attempting to force their political over reaching agenda's upon the unvaxed who are living with natural immunity, should be ashamed of themselves if that is the case by what they are doing.

If the Democrat's hadn't have lost the trust of the American people, then things might be different, but that's no longer the case, and the Democrat's are seen as hostile actor's in America who have a politicized political agenda on everything they do now. That's not good.

No anti-vaxer, but not volunteering to go out and just get something that I don't need in order to try and calm the unfounded fears for those following political agendas instead of the science.

If we followed the Democrat's way of thinking, and if we were to curtail ourselves to all of their fears, then we wouldn't have ever achieved much of anything in this country over time. No one would have been allowed to or would have taken the risk involved when trying new things or inventing new things let alone venture outside of the protection of our homes. :)

We would be as backasswords as any third world or supposed modern day country who hides it's bad side's/corruption, otherwise without acknowledging transparency is thee key to our freedom's and wealth, and this is regardless of any other nation that is living as a bordered sovereign nation within the world.

We are being dragged into a bad situation with all of this mess, and it's either by design, by coincidence or just by plain ole evilness is what we are seeing and experiencing now.
Millions are living with natural immunity, but people like you want everyone to just get in line because you are so scared of everyone and/or everything undoubtedly. Get over it. And if you are scared, then go get what you think will work to help you (either a mask or the shot).
Your perceptions are interesting and so I've chosen that paragraph to which I'll reply because it says everything to me that is important. There's enough in that one paragraph that deserves a response.

Millions may or may not be living with natural immunity according to my information, but millions are irrelevant in a world in which there are over 7 billion people. Stating a per centage would be informative if you are aware of such.

Telling me that I'm afraid of everyone and everything isn't helpful, but I've chosen to point that out because it's indicative of your attitude and the tone you wish to impress upon me. In fact, I don't think I'm more afraid of Covid than you or anyone else.

Get over it?? You go to the trouble of writing a long post and then you purposely alienate me with that insult. If you don't want to talk or impress your opinion on me then don't bother. But you have, and then you tell me to get over it!

I wear a mask because it's mandated in indoor public places by the owners of establishments, and I wear it in consideration of others. I believe in the science that our government believes that says it's effective in stopping the spread of Covid. That has nothing to do with fear on 'my' part at least.

So reject my opinions if you like and rest assured that you need not write a long post to say so. The fact that you 'did' tells me that my opinion was at least worth your time.

Excepting for the 'get over it', thank you for your opinion. If you care to continue by answering the question on the per centage of people living with natural immunity, then please do. Only just base that on accepted medical information and not political speculation.
Your perceptions are interesting and so I've chosen that paragraph to which I'll reply because it says everything to me that is important. There's enough in that one paragraph that deserves a response.

Millions may or may not be living with natural immunity according to my information, but millions are irrelevant in a world in which there are over 7 billion people. Stating a per centage would be informative if you are aware of such.

Telling me that I'm afraid of everyone and everything isn't helpful, but I've chosen to point that out because it's indicative of your attitude and the tone you wish to impress upon me. In fact, I don't think I'm more afraid of Covid than you or anyone else.

Get over it?? You go to the trouble of writing a long post and then you purposely alienate me with that insult. If you don't want to talk or impress your opinion on me then don't bother. But you have, and then you tell me to get over it!

I wear a mask because it's mandated in indoor public places by the owners of establishments, and I wear it in consideration of others. I believe in the science that our government believes that says it's effective in stopping the spread of Covid. That has nothing to do with fear on 'my' part at least.

So reject my opinions if you like and rest assured that you need not write a long post to say so. The fact that you 'did' tells me that my opinion was at least worth your time.

Excepting for the 'get over it', thank you for your opinion. If you care to continue by answering the question on the per centage of people living with natural immunity, then please do. Only just base that on accepted medical information and not political speculation.
I've given you medical information, but you choose to not accept it because it's not coming from your source in which you only trust. So it's a wasted exercise in trying to convince you of anything your master's aren't telling you, even though we are actual living proof of what we stand upon in this thing.

Is this good news now with new strains approaching? Good for the Trumpers but not so good for America's responsible medical community that sees the risk coming down the pipe!
Good for Trump's true believers who get fixed up with deworming medicines, that 'really' work!
You call it any damned thing you want, but if ivermectin work's, then I'm taking that dewormer if I get sick, and you can sit over in your country dying because your master's told you it was a dewormer.. lol. Who in hell care's what it is long as it works ?

I got over the Covid using apple cider vinegar, doxycycline, Mucinex, and Vicks vapor rub.
You call it any damned thing you want, but if ivermectin work's, then I'm taking that dewormer if I get sick, and you can sit over in your country dying because your master's told you it was a dewormer.. lol. Who in hell care's what it is long as it works ?

I got over the Covid using apple cider vinegar, doxycycline, Mucinex, and Vicks vapor rub.
I got over Coving using nothing at all. People who are sick with it should just quit whining.
I got over Coving using nothing at all. People who are sick with it should just quit whining.
It's the folks who are terrified of getting sick with it "AGAIN", that are whining the most, and if not careful, they'll have everyone that they fear staying at home, and this is all because they want to take our place back out into the fresh air and work spaces, yet with their mask on even after their jabs, but first they got to get rid of us somehow, then they'll feel safe again... ROTFLMBO. Thank God we don't act like this in the state that I live in.. Good grief.

Almost two years now, and everyone around me has had the thing already. Everyone I know (except for a few), recovered from it naturally, and a few even got the jab afterwards, but most didn't get the jab after being sick with it. We have super low case numbers again, and that's great. Fear is a terrible thing.

People don't look down on other's because they choose to wear a mask or get the jab, so they need to get over trying to control others or trying to tell them what to do in life. Protect oneself is my philosophy in life or maybe they should just go live in a cave somewhere if they just can't take it anymore. lol.
I wear a mask because it's mandated in indoor public places by the owners of establishments, and I wear it in consideration of others. I believe in the science that our government believes that says it's effective in stopping the spread of Covid. That has nothing to do with fear on 'my' part at least.
I don't trust them any further than I can throw them and I'm not near the Grand Canyon. I don't believe the mask has stopped a dang thing. And refuse to do so as places that went FULL TYRANT on the MASK had the same result as places that EMBRACED FREEDOM from the mask.

The Gov't is TAINTED. They have Financial interest in these vaccines and are making massive money off of it. Fa Chi stands to make a ton of money with the NIH. They are right now arguing in court about it with Moderna because they are making Billions off of it. Moderna made NO MONEY before this plannedemic. Now their shares have increased 372%. NIH helped them develop the mRNA vaccine.

FA Chi is laughing all the way to the bank. This doesn't even include the partners from the NIH, WHO and HHS of ECO Health Alliance who were playing GOD with viruses in Wuhan when this happened.


Treatment types and doses. India used ivermectin and faired far better than we did. They have 4 times the population and have less than half the deaths we have. They SUED THE WHO over misinformation and pushing the higher priced drugs.


1.3% mortality rate. 0.014447 But that is only from REPORTED CASES. We know that the number is way beyond the reported number. Because people who don't feel sick aren't gonna run down and say DO I HAVE COVID.....

They are currently SUING the WHO......as I already stated because they have used CHEAP drugs THAT WORK.........and the WHO is trying to sell the HIGH DOLLAR DRUGS.

So.............India uses cheap drugs........Way more peeps there......and Half our reported death rate. So we either SUCK AT TREATMENT HERE..........or the early REPORTING WAS INFLATED HERE. Maybe because in HOT SPOTS hospitals were given $77,000 per patient via the Cares Act. But anyone who said that early on were TRASHED BY COMMUNIST FACT CHECKERS.

That money is WELL DOCUMENTED.......It's in the Cares ACT PERIOD.

Money and who gets it is driving the vaccines here in America.
India has given over a billion vaccine doses.

They used inactivated vaccines. A more NATURAL VACCINE.


Which vaccines is India using?​

India is using three vaccines - the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab, known locally as Covishield; Covaxin by Indian firm Bharat Biotech; and Russian-made Sputnik


WE ALL KNOW WHY.........

He needs to be tried for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY at this point.
He SHOULD BE HUNG. I don't care who likes it. They did Gain of Function Research in Wuhan including Pentagon Counter bio warfare research on bats. They hid information on they created in the lab 10 fold worse corona strains via Gain of Function Research.

ECO Health alliance has partners in the NIH, HHS, WHO and Bill Gates Foundation. They were funded by the same. Now we know that NIH is in court suing Moderna over the patents for mRNA vaccine. Fau Chi stands to make a fortune off of it.

Ties that bind. And it's all being uncovered now. India is also Suing the WHO for a misinformation campaign trying to sell their dang products. India used cheap drugs.......Natural vaccines and have done better than we ever dreamed in this. 4 times the population and half the deaths.
India has given over a billion vaccine doses.

They used inactivated vaccines. A more NATURAL VACCINE.


Which vaccines is India using?​

India is using three vaccines - the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab, known locally as Covishield; Covaxin by Indian firm Bharat Biotech; and Russian-made Sputnik


WE ALL KNOW WHY.........

Yes, India’s are either chimp or human adenoviruses unlike mRNA parts of viruses. So then, why did the Arab son fronting as a black, Obama, and his crony and current POSPOTUS, JoeXi, fund Duke-NUS Singapore? Technology from adenovirus outbreaks in Singapore went on to vaccinate the Russian military (Ad26-Ad5 combination vaccine).
Yes, India’s are either chimp or human adenoviruses unlike mRNA parts of viruses. So then, why did the Arab son fronting as a black, Obama, and his crony and current POSPOTUS, JoeXi, fund Duke-NUS Singapore? Technology from adenovirus outbreaks in Singapore went on to vaccinate the Russian military (Ad26-Ad5 combination vaccine).
Not sure what your question is there. But I'm ticked that we didn't use more natural vaccines than them FORCING experimental vaccines ONLY HERE. We know why. FOLLOW THE MONEY and you understand the reason.
He SHOULD BE HUNG. I don't care who likes it. They did Gain of Function Research in Wuhan including Pentagon Counter bio warfare research on bats. They hid information on they created in the lab 10 fold worse corona strains via Gain of Function Research.

ECO Health alliance has partners in the NIH, HHS, WHO and Bill Gates Foundation. They were funded by the same. Now we know that NIH is in court suing Moderna over the patents for mRNA vaccine. Fau Chi stands to make a fortune off of it.

Ties that bind. And it's all being uncovered now. India is also Suing the WHO for a misinformation campaign trying to sell their dang products. India used cheap drugs.......Natural vaccines and have done better than we ever dreamed in this. 4 times the population and half the deaths.
From our investigative trajectory, they were also comparing anthropogenic influences on coronavirus genomes, especially from the key genus, Rhinolophus. So viruses from out in the sticks (RaTG13) were compared with consistently-monitored populations of roosting bats on the outskirts of Kunming. There is also a nasty (communist) Flower and Animal Market there, where one can find such curiosities as orchids ripped from trees in the jungle. Duh
Not sure what your question is there. But I'm ticked that we didn't use more natural vaccines than them FORCING experimental vaccines ONLY HERE. We know why. FOLLOW THE MONEY and you understand the reason.
You can learn from other USMB threads why mRNA vaccine may differ from chimp virus vaccine, once you know how the mRNA vaccine is produced. There’s a breast cancer link there. That’s why.
Yes, India’s are either chimp or human adenoviruses unlike mRNA parts of viruses. So then, why did the Arab son fronting as a black, Obama, and his crony and current POSPOTUS, JoeXi, fund Duke-NUS Singapore? Technology from adenovirus outbreaks in Singapore went on to vaccinate the Russian military (Ad26-Ad5 combination vaccine).

Singapore, 16 July 2020 – The T cells, along with antibodies, are an integral part of the human immune response against viral infections due to their ability to directly target and kill infected cells. A Singapore study has uncovered the presence of virus-specific T cell immunity in people who recovered from COVID-19 and SARS, as well as some healthy study subjects who had never been infected by either virus.

The study by scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School, in close collaboration with the National University of Singapore (NUS) Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) was published in Nature. The findings suggest infection and exposure to coronaviruses induces long-lasting memory T cells, which could help in the management of the current pandemic and in vaccine development against COVID-19.

The team tested subjects who recovered from COVID-19 and found the presence of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in all of them, which suggests that T cells play an important role in this infection. Importantly, the team showed that patients who recovered from SARS 17 years ago after the 2003 outbreak, still possess virus-specific memory T cells and displayed cross-immunity to SARS-CoV-2.

Thanks. I book marked it.

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