federal deficit hits five year low

says some flakey internets poster.

When have you EVER been proven correct on a prediction?
I wont let you ignore this fact.

LOL, fer sure us people living under this administration and doing the suffering (8% unemployment, over $3 for a gallon of gas, food prices through the roof, etc) don't know what is happening, just the Chicago Tribune does

Gas has Obama'd here in the Peoples Republic. We are well above $4 for regular unleaded.
says some flakey internets poster.

When have you EVER been proven correct on a prediction?

What prediction did I make in that post? Can you not adress the goddamn point, or are you too fuckin drunk to comprehend?

so you think leaving the massive cuts in will help the revenue flow?

are you that stupid?

Dang it, TM! When has Obama ever made massive cuts? Seems he's been sailing this ship between rocks on one side and icebergs on the other. I don't agree with some/a lot of his policies but he sure as Hell is getting the economy right.

I think one reason Congressional Republicans are stuck in the mud over the budget is they have the same answer Mittens had in the third debate. "Couldn't have done it better myself."

And another thing! That is the last time I agree with you. :D

mmmm...... dont you remember the republican talking point of "Obama is cutting medicare".

you people never remember what you just said
five year low.

No more lies about out of control spending by Obama.

Every time there is a dem the deficits get lower.

Republicans balloon the deficit when in office

As usual, you're lying and incapable of understanding what you read.

IF Sequestration is employed, THEN the deficit will fall. But the chance this will actually occur is near zero.
Liberals always present statistics without any broader context...............

If Truthmatters got a boob job and said she upped her boob size 100%, the meatheads of the world would be mightily impressed. The more astute people whould ask the more pertinent question, "Were you flat chested to begin with?".......and if so, nobody is impressed.

To be taking a bow about supporting a guy who is a-ok with a 900 billion dollar deficit is nothing less than k00k...................which of course we have here with 100 posts/day gal here.

The nutters over in the environment forum do the same thing with stats about electric cars and renewable energy, posting up "150% increase in sales" crap. But it never talk about, "As compared to what?". When your baseline is shit, a 700% increase is still what it is: shit. The far left always use bogus stats to get peoples attention on stuff, but when you look closer, its simply more Wizard of Oz BS

Nobody cares about George Bush anymore except the internet OCD's............and Bush was an asshole with spending anyway. Obama's just a bigger asshole.
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Quote: Originally Posted by Truthmatters
CBO | The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023

The federal budget deficit, which shrank as a percentage of GDP for the third year in a row in 2012, will fall again in 2013, if current laws remain the same.

Alot of men woke up this am with a big old hard-on but it went away by the time they went downstairs for their coffee.........but almost all of them are not going around today telling the world, "Hey.....my dick grew 4X the size today!!!"

Spending has been out of control for 10 years now and its only getting worse by any standard, especially when we are being governed by a president who doesnt believe in a growth economy. When you have annual growth rates of 2% and oever a trillion/year in entitlements, you're fucked. Only those who hail from Oz dont get it.
Liberals always present statistics without any broader context...............

If Truthmatters got a boob job and said she upped her boob size 100%, the meatheads of the world would be mightily impressed. The more astute people whould ask the more pertinent question, "Were you flat chested to begin with?".......and if so, nobody is impressed.

To be taking a bow about supporting a guy who is a-ok with a 900 billion dollar deficit is nothing less than k00k...................which of course we have here with 100 posts/day gal here.

The nutters over in the environment forum do the same thing with stats about electric cars and renewable energy, posting up "150% increase in sales" crap. But it never talk about, "As compared to what?". When your baseline is shit, a 700% increase is still what it is: shit. The far left always use bogus stats to get peoples attention on stuff, but when you look closer, its simply more Wizard of Oz BS

Nobody cares about George Bush anymore except the internet OCD's............and Bush was an asshole with spending anyway. Obama's just a bigger asshole.

Honestly, I suspect TM has triple-F cups. When one is 5' and 400 lbs, the cup size gets pretty big.
what an idiot.

facts matter more than your pretend stiffy

Hey.....in my 50's now.........never pretend to have the stiffy of my younger days........alas, and fAiL!!! Might be an idiot too, but at least I dont define my life on prolific #'s of posts at some message board in the nether-regions of the internet.

Obama's Simpson/Bowles commission said the ongoing debt is unsustainable..........but thats not a fact in the world of the k00ks.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
so you think leaving the massive cuts in will help the revenue flow?

are you that stupid?

Dang it, TM! When has Obama ever made massive cuts? Seems he's been sailing this ship between rocks on one side and icebergs on the other. I don't agree with some/a lot of his policies but he sure as Hell is getting the economy right.

I think one reason Congressional Republicans are stuck in the mud over the budget is they have the same answer Mittens had in the third debate. "Couldn't have done it better myself."

And another thing! That is the last time I agree with you. :D

mmmm...... dont you remember the republican talking point of "Obama is cutting medicare".

you people never remember what you just said

How about we just disagree that we agree and hope that everyone else forgets this little conversation ever happened. :eusa_shhh:
All that has happened is adjusments have been made so the curve skyrockets after dumbo leaves office.

From the link:

In other words, it hasn't happened yet. My money is firmly on that those supposed cuts never happen. Just like they didnt happen over the so called fiscal cliff.

But this is a TM thread, so of course it's a big fat fucking lie.

No lie at all.

One way or the other..there either will be cuts..or a package to cut and increase revenue.


In other words, another tax increase. :lmao:

You guys are nothing if not completely predictable. There will be no cuts in spending in March. That can will get kicked down the road like it always does. However, you might be right. Maybe a deal will come through to tax us even further to continue the spending.

Thanks, rent seekers and their sycophants.

Cutting loopholes and "short" term cuts isn't really a tax increase.

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