federal deficit hits five year low

how can you say that when you have produced NOTHING and I have given link after link to trustable sources?
dont want to show the link you got that from huh?

Here you go
Alan Reynolds: Why 70% Tax Rates Won't Work - WSJ.com

It comes from the U.S. budget historical data.
Facts are Facts TM deal with it.

Alan Reynolds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alan Reynolds is one of the original supply-side economists.[1]

He is currently Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and was formerly Director of Economic Research at the Hudson Institute (1990–2000). He served as Research Director with National Commission on Tax Reform and Economic Growth, (the Kemp Commission), an advisor to the National Commission on the Cost of Higher Education, and as a member of the OMB transition team in 1981.
The Obamanoids crying up the Deficit as being at a five year low is akin to an Arsonist claiming he helped put out the fire he set.

Just sayin'.
what the hell do you people think you gain be being such complete pablum lapping clones?
you cant put a new face on your lies and think you will win elections in the future

The Deficit is different from the Debt TM.
The Deficit is what the government takes in. All taxes collected.
The Debt is what government spends. Government is still borrowing.
Debt is continuing to rise.

Government Debt Chart: United States 1997-2017 - Federal State Local Data

We have a Budget deficit, which is the opposite of a Budget surplus.
We don't need the Deficit to go down we need it to go up.
We need to get the Debt down.
We can not afford to keep spending more than we take in TM.

You either raise taxes or cut goverment spending.
With people like you handling the spending, we will get nowhere at all.

The deficit is the difference between what you take in and what you pay out in a certain time period.

The debt is how much you owe other people for loaning you the money to pay off the deficit spending.

Obama has piled up more debt since he came into office than ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS PUT TOGETHER!!!
Did George W. Bush cause this crisis?- MSN Money

How did we get a $1.5 trillion change in our fiscal condition during Bush's time in office? Roubini lists five factors:

1. We cut taxes.

2. We spent $2 trillion on two unwinnable wars.

3. We doubled discretionary spending. Some conservatives originally aimed to "starve the beast" by cutting taxes in order to force future cuts in spending. But spending grew so out of control in Bush's term that no beast was starved, Roubini said. In fact, the beast was fed.

4. We added entitlement benefits like the Medicare drug benefit.

5. We entered the largest economic and financial crisis ever, which caused a huge increase in the deficit through the "recession deficit" and the cost of bailing out the banks and financial institutions.
Did George W. Bush cause this crisis?- MSN Money

How did we get a $1.5 trillion change in our fiscal condition during Bush's time in office? Roubini lists five factors:

1. We cut taxes.

2. We spent $2 trillion on two unwinnable wars.

3. We doubled discretionary spending. Some conservatives originally aimed to "starve the beast" by cutting taxes in order to force future cuts in spending. But spending grew so out of control in Bush's term that no beast was starved, Roubini said. In fact, the beast was fed.

4. We added entitlement benefits like the Medicare drug benefit.

5. We entered the largest economic and financial crisis ever, which caused a huge increase in the deficit through the "recession deficit" and the cost of bailing out the banks and financial institutions.

I don't have a problem with Roubini's points. The problem is spending. Do I buy that Obama's plan will reduce spending? Not hardly. I believe Obama may succeed in cutting the deficit to some degree, it will just be through increased tax revenues, and not by cutting spending. I would even be supportive of a modest tax increase if our elected officials would get serious about trimming the fat. Until I see that they are, no way.
This to add to your thread, TM.

Eager to buy time and avoid economic pain, President Barack Obama urged Congress on Tuesday to pass targeted short-term spending cuts and higher taxes as a way to put off sweeping, automatic cuts that would slice deeply into military and domestic programs starting March 1.

Obama’s appeal came as Congress’ budget office projected a yearly federal deficit under $1 trillion for the first time in his presidency and as Republicans applied political pressure on the president to submit balanced budgets, pushing fiscal issues back to the forefront in Washington after weeks devoted to immigration and guns

Read more: Obama Urges Stopgap Budget Deal to Avoid Deep Cuts | TIME.com

so you think leaving the massive cuts in will help the revenue flow?

are you that stupid?

Dang it, TM! When has Obama ever made massive cuts? Seems he's been sailing this ship between rocks on one side and icebergs on the other. I don't agree with some/a lot of his policies but he sure as Hell is getting the economy right.

I think one reason Congressional Republicans are stuck in the mud over the budget is they have the same answer Mittens had in the third debate. "Couldn't have done it better myself."

And another thing! That is the last time I agree with you. :D

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