federal deficit hits five year low

Housing Starts Up 12%, Matching New Optimism | Reverse Mortgage Daily

Privately-owned housing starts in December stood at a seasonally adjusted annual number of 954,000 units, up 12.1% from November, representing a 36.9% increase from December 2011.

In total, last year’s 780,000 housing starts were 28.1% above those in 2011, but despite monthly and annual gains, construction activity continues to remain far below normal national levels.
Predictions are facts now?

I predict that TM will fall down, hit her head and start making sense. Lets' see if it's true...
why are you trying to run away from the facts in this thread?
all you have is some guys blog
I gave you far better resources
like always you will go with the dumb blog
Ok, how bout HuffinGlue?:
Dean Baker: Irresponsibly Following the Congressional Budget Office
It's not just economic turning points that CBO tends to miss. They sometimes badly misjudge the impact of specific programs. Last summer Congress funded a program to keep homeowners facing foreclosure in their homes. CBO projected that 400,000 loans would be modified under this program by 2011. Through April of 2009 there had been fewer than 1000 applications, and only 51 completed modifications. A column in the New York Times last week noted how CBO had repeatedly underestimated the cost savings that resulted from various efforts to restrain medical care costs. Jon Gabel, a researcher at the University of Chicago, argued that CBO assumes zero cost-savings for any legislated changes where the benefits are not known.
When the Gov't source is consistently wrong you have to go to other sources and yes, that includes blogs.

Why are you so Anti-Learning and Anti-Information? :confused:
This to add to your thread, TM.

Eager to buy time and avoid economic pain, President Barack Obama urged Congress on Tuesday to pass targeted short-term spending cuts and higher taxes as a way to put off sweeping, automatic cuts that would slice deeply into military and domestic programs starting March 1.

Obama’s appeal came as Congress’ budget office projected a yearly federal deficit under $1 trillion for the first time in his presidency and as Republicans applied political pressure on the president to submit balanced budgets, pushing fiscal issues back to the forefront in Washington after weeks devoted to immigration and guns

Read more: Obama Urges Stopgap Budget Deal to Avoid Deep Cuts | TIME.com
Federal deficit hits 5-year low, but cuts drag economy - chicagotribune.com

one more con lie that no one will believe anymore is dead.

Another example of LYING BY OMISSION. Here is the "rest of the story".

At the same time, the nation's debt load is expected to fluctuate but ultimately rise to record levels this decade, largely because of increased spending on healthcare and the federal safety net for older Americans with the aging of the baby boom population.

Additionally, the outlook shows how difficult it will be for House Republicans to accomplish their goal of balancing the budget in 10 years with potentially deep austerity measures.

Even though revenue is rising and spending is decreasing, the overall budget outlook remains stark. By the end of the decade, public debt is set to rise to 77% of GDP, a decade of highs on par with debt levels in World War II.

"The projected path of the federal budget remains a significant concern," the CBO wrote.
would you prefer people jsut not have ANy healthcare?

do you realise the cost incurred to our country in that case?

this is WHY the public option was needed
This to add to your thread, TM.

Eager to buy time and avoid economic pain, President Barack Obama urged Congress on Tuesday to pass targeted short-term spending cuts and higher taxes as a way to put off sweeping, automatic cuts that would slice deeply into military and domestic programs starting March 1.

Obama’s appeal came as Congress’ budget office projected a yearly federal deficit under $1 trillion for the first time in his presidency and as Republicans applied political pressure on the president to submit balanced budgets, pushing fiscal issues back to the forefront in Washington after weeks devoted to immigration and guns

Read more: Obama Urges Stopgap Budget Deal to Avoid Deep Cuts | TIME.com

so you think leaving the massive cuts in will help the revenue flow?

are you that stupid?
This to add to your thread, TM.

Eager to buy time and avoid economic pain, President Barack Obama urged Congress on Tuesday to pass targeted short-term spending cuts and higher taxes as a way to put off sweeping, automatic cuts that would slice deeply into military and domestic programs starting March 1.

Obama’s appeal came as Congress’ budget office projected a yearly federal deficit under $1 trillion for the first time in his presidency and as Republicans applied political pressure on the president to submit balanced budgets, pushing fiscal issues back to the forefront in Washington after weeks devoted to immigration and guns

Read more: Obama Urges Stopgap Budget Deal to Avoid Deep Cuts | TIME.com


Tax adn spend LOLberals at there absolute finest. Don't even bother to thinly veil that request for more of our money, just come right out and say it.

"We want more of the private sector money so we can keep wasting it on failed programs to get re-elected and keep our top of the world perks, and favors flowing."


And so, sycophants immediately get tingly, smile and open their neighbors wallet at the ballot box.
how is it that deficits have shrunk under Obama yet you claim hes spending away the country?

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