federal deficit hits five year low

The Deficit is different from the Debt TM.
The Deficit is what the government takes in. All taxes collected.
The Debt is what government spends. Government is still borrowing.
Debt is continuing to rise.

Government Debt Chart: United States 1997-2017 - Federal State Local Data

We have a Budget deficit, which is the opposite of a Budget surplus.
We don't need the Deficit to go down we need it to go up.
We need to get the Debt down.
We can not afford to keep spending more than we take in TM.

You either raise taxes or cut goverment spending.

Yup. And anyone expecting any spending cuts, except to Defense that is, is going to be in for a long wait.

The Dems are great at promising spending cuts but somehow they never come about. I, for one, won't be holding my breath.
our best times in this country were when the top tax rates were 70% and above

No they weren't
When taxes are higher it brings in less.

click on chart to make it bigger.
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he wouldnt share with you anymore huh

No, he kept running out. His stash kept getting stolen by some fat bitch named TM, to be used as a dietry supplement

Obama has NOT been on a massive spending spree bankrupting the country.

all your lies mean nothing but that you are a liar

End of Bush years, Debt was 10.3 Trillion.
That was bad enough.
President Obama 16.4 Trillion and still rising.
Were did that 6.4 Trillion come from TM?
CBO | Trends in Federal Tax Revenues and Rates

Over the past 40 years, federal revenues have ranged from nearly 21 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in fiscal year 2000 to less than 15 percent in fiscal years 2009 and 2010, averaging 18 percent of GDP over that span. Most of the revenues--about 82 percent in 2010--come from the individual income tax and the payroll taxes used to finance Social Security, Medicare, and the federal unemployment insurance program. Other sources of revenues include corporate income taxes, excise taxes, estate and gift taxes--all together about 13 percent of revenues in 2010--and nontax revenues such as earnings of the Federal Reserve System, customs duties, fines, and various fees. Variation in individual income tax receipts, stemming from both policy changes and economic developments, has generated the largest fluctuations in revenues as a percentage of GDP.

Under current law, revenues will rise significantly from their recent low relative to GDP as the economy recovers from the recession and the tax reductions enacted in 2001, 2003, and 2009 expire. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that under current law, federal revenues will reach 21 percent of GDP in fiscal year 2020, just above their peak share of 10 years ago
FactCheck.org : The Impact of Tax Cuts

from the Congressional Budget Office, the Treasury Department, the Joint Committee on Taxation and the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers – all disagreed with that theory, saying that tax cuts may spur economic growth but they lead to revenues that are lower than they would have been if the cuts hadn’t been enacted.
all you have is some guys blog

I gave you far better resources

like always you will go with the dumb blog
I overheard a discussion between realtors yesterday about the housing market here in Las Vegas - they said the banks are holding back 8,000 homes from the market! And thousands more are being held by owners/investors who are renting them out.

And they said that foreclosing on a house if the owner (in correct word) missed one payment was bad policy. Looks like someone got the last laugh.

Takes money to make money and banks got money.
Pending home sales slide as available supply dips - Business - ReviewJournal.com

Completed sales of previously occupied homes rose last year to their highest level in five years, one of many signs of recovery in the housing market last year. Las Vegas Realtors sold 44,902 homes in 2012, the third-highest year on record.

The national Realtors' group forecasts that sales will rise 9 percent this year as the recovery strengthens. Other economists have similar forecasts.

"We believe the disappointment represents just a brief lull in what are volatile data rather than a fundamental change of direction," said Jim O'Sullivan, an economist at High Frequency Economics.

More people are also moving out on their own after living with friends and relatives in the recession. That's driving a big gain in apartment construction and also pushing up rents.

Builders, meanwhile, started work on the most new homes in 4½ years in December. Last year was the best year for residential construction since 2008, just after the recession started.
wow you really are insane steph

Sweetie............you calling ANY member on here "insane" is the funniest shit you can find on here.

almost 70,000 posts

But you are calling other people insane? Everybody else is wondering if you ever go to the fucking bathroom in your life WITHOUT your laptop??:eusa_dance:
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The national Realtors' group forecasts that sales will rise 9 percent this year as the recovery strengthens. Other economists have similar forecasts.

"We believe the disappointment represents just a brief lull in what are volatile data rather than a fundamental change of direction," said Jim O'Sullivan, an economist at High Frequency Economics.
Sounds like a Religion.
and do you remember how healthcare prices were rising BEFORE Obamacare?
wow you really are insane steph

Sweetie............you calling ANY member on here "insane" is the funniest shit you can find on here.

almost 70,000 posts

But you are calling other people insane? Everybody else is wondering if you ever go to the fucking bathroom in your life WITHOUT your laptop??:eusa_dance:

did they change the cussing rules?

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