Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

Should society in general censure the APA like Congress did?

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Your 'points' are gibberish

~Just after his first 6 formative years, this boy raised by two lesbians suddenly wants to femalize himself by genital mutilation. "Gender identity disorder" could also be called "my gender doesn't matter disorder."

Anectdote- and as I have shown- children with gender disorder occur in families with heterosexuals also- gibberish.

I will take the only point you answered. The rest you just said "are gibberish", which shows your fear of them and inability to counter with lucid points.

As to the one point you did answer, a child can grow to hate his gender in any type of home. Yet in a homosexually-parented home, that propensity would rise astronomically. !

a) there is no evidence that these children are growing to hate their gender
b) there is no evidence that this is more- or less- prevalent in either heterosexual or homosexual homes.
c) the rest of your babble is just homophobic babble.
Guy, it's kind of hard to reason with someone whose entirely life is built on irrational hate because his imaginary childhood friend got the gays.

He "got the gays" by being molested, remember? You keep skating over the top of that crucial detail. He died of AIDS and took hundreds with him, in essence, because of untreated sexual assault wounds and deep repressed anger/self-loathing over who had had become and why..

Your solution would be to tell him to "embrace what you have become, celebrate it!". And that is like throwing rock salt in his wounds...

Or.....your close personal friend turned out to be a mass murderer because of his twisted family that physically abused him as a child in order to beat the gay out of him.

Or....perhaps it was your persistant bullying which drove him to murder.....

Or....perhaps he had a genetic mental issue....

Or...perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.
"gibberish"..."hysteric gibberish"..."homophobic gibberish" all do not qualify as pointed rebuttals to what I said. When you get out of your fear-cage and want to tackle the points head-on, let me know "Syriusly"..

Just calling gibberish for what it is- homophobic gibberish.
He "got the gays" by being molested, remember? You keep skating over the top of that crucial detail. He died of AIDS and took hundreds with him, in essence, because of untreated sexual assault wounds and deep repressed anger/self-loathing over who had had become and why..

Your solution would be to tell him to "embrace what you have become, celebrate it!". And that is like throwing rock salt in his wounds...

No, he probably "got the gays' because he was gay all along.

If he ever existed.
Or.....your close personal friend turned out to be a mass murderer because of his twisted family that physically abused him as a child in order to beat the gay out of him.

Or....perhaps it was your persistant bullying which drove him to murder.....

Or....perhaps he had a genetic mental issue....

Or...perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.

1. No, in fact he was always coming on to all his male friends who with extraordinary tolerance told him "no thanks", over and over and over..

2. Nobody was bullying him. He was a masochist and would often bully himself though. He used to ride down steep hills on a skateboard and wipe out on purpose. He would grab electrical poles on car batteries to get shocked. It probably fits with the pain mixed with pleasure that a boy would be grafted to after being anally raped while young.

3. A genetic mental issue? He was one of the most easy going guys you'd ever meet. Always held down a job, funny, intelligent. He just had that part of himself that was unresolved as to the childhood sexual abuse. He was one of a "pervasive" "epidemic" of gay men with unresolved childhood sexual abuse issues.. That's a behavioral mental issue..

4. He was as real as anyone could be. Are you suggesting a gay guy with unresolved childhood sexual abuse issues is a fanciful myth?
He "got the gays" by being molested, remember? You keep skating over the top of that crucial detail. He died of AIDS and took hundreds with him, in essence, because of untreated sexual assault wounds and deep repressed anger/self-loathing over who had had become and why..

Your solution would be to tell him to "embrace what you have become, celebrate it!". And that is like throwing rock salt in his wounds...

No, he probably "got the gays' because he was gay all along.

If he ever existed.
So you're saying the childhood sexual abuse of him as a boy by a man had nothing to do with his gay promiscuous sexual behavior as a adult?
So you're saying the childhood sexual abuse of him as a boy by a man had nothing to do with his gay promiscuous sexual behavior as a adult?

yeah, pretty much.

Most people I knew who were abused sexually as children actually were pretty hung up about sex.
Or.....your close personal friend turned out to be a mass murderer because of his twisted family that physically abused him as a child in order to beat the gay out of him.

Or....perhaps it was your persistant bullying which drove him to murder.....

Or....perhaps he had a genetic mental issue....

Or...perhaps he is a figment of your imagination.

1. No, in fact he was always coming on to all his male friends who with extraordinary tolerance told him "no thanks", over and over and over..

2. Nobody was bullying him. He was a masochist and would often bully himself though. He used to ride down steep hills on a skateboard and wipe out on purpose. He would grab electrical poles on car batteries to get shocked. It probably fits with the pain mixed with pleasure that a boy would be grafted to after being anally raped while young.

3. A genetic mental issue? He was one of the most easy going guys you'd ever meet. Always held down a job, funny, intelligent. He just had that part of himself that was unresolved as to the childhood sexual abuse. He was one of a "pervasive" "epidemic" of gay men with unresolved childhood sexual abuse issues.. That's a behavioral mental issue..

4. He was as real as anyone could be. Are you suggesting a gay guy with unresolved childhood sexual abuse issues is a fanciful myth?

I am saying there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe a word you post with your history of flat out lies.

You keep expanding on your story about him...which is very indicative of an ongoing lie.
He "got the gays" by being molested, remember? You keep skating over the top of that crucial detail. He died of AIDS and took hundreds with him, in essence, because of untreated sexual assault wounds and deep repressed anger/self-loathing over who had had become and why..

Your solution would be to tell him to "embrace what you have become, celebrate it!". And that is like throwing rock salt in his wounds...

No, he probably "got the gays' because he was gay all along.

If he ever existed.
So you're saying the childhood sexual abuse of him as a boy by a man had nothing to do with his gay promiscuous sexual behavior as a adult?

IF he actually existed- and if he actually was sexually abused- then his being a mass murderer may or may not have been because of his abuse.

Thousands- if not millions of children are sexually abused each year- and they don't all go on to become mass murderers.

Which means there was something else that was different about your friend.

And that may have been you.
So you're saying the childhood sexual abuse of him as a boy by a man had nothing to do with his gay promiscuous sexual behavior as a adult?

yeah, pretty much.

Most people I knew who were abused sexually as children actually were pretty hung up about sex.
Most people you know... hmmm well there you have it. Shut down the research facilities. "JoeB" has spoken!

Interestingly, researchers have been trying to add the psychological signs of childhood sexual abuse to the DSM, but have been disallowed by the audited-group-think gang at the APA...I guess if it was pointed out that these symptoms are indications of childhood sexual abuse, there might be a line drawn between adults who behave this way and an environmental causal agent. Can't have that happening...


Psychosocial Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse
Comparable efforts to identify the psychosocial indicators of child sexual abuse have been made by mental health professionals. In 1985, 100 national experts in sexual abuse met to develop criteria for the "Sexually Abused Child Disorder," in the hope that it would be included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Three-Revised (DSMIII-R). It was not, but the effort remains important. The criteria of the "Sexually Abused Child Disorder" differentiate three levels of certainty (high, medium, and low) and vary by developmental stage. These criteria include both sexual and nonsexual indicators.61...

Sexual Indicators Found in Younger Children...

Sexual interaction with other people.
Sexual aggression toward younger or more naive children (represents an identification with the abuser).
Sexual activity with peers (indicates the child probably experienced a degree of pleasure from the abusive activity).
Sexual invitations or gestures to older persons (suggests the child expects and accepts sexual activity as a way of relating to adults).
Sexual interactions involving animals or toys.
A child may be observed sucking a dog's penis.
A child makes "Barbieâ„¢* dolls" engage in oral sex...

Sexual Indicators Found in Older Children
As children mature, they become aware of societal responses to their sexual activity, and therefore overt sexual interactions of the type cited above are less common. Moreover, some level of sexual activity is considered normal for adolescents. However, there are three sexual indicators that may signal sexual abuse.
sexual promiscuity among girls,
being sexually victimized by peers or nonfamily members among girls, and
adolescent prostitution.
Of these three indicators, the last is most compelling. One study found that 90 percent of female adolescent prostitutes were sexually abused.62 Although there has not been comparable research on male adolescent prostitutes, there are clinical observations that they become involved in prostitution because of sexual abuse.63 Child Sexual Abuse Intervention and Treatment Issues Indicators Of Child Sexual Abuse

Hmmm a complete vacuum of research done on male survivors of childhood sexual abuse...I wonder why that would be?.... Maybe CQR wouldn't approve of or fund such research because those conclusions might have to be "audited" ...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
Thousands- if not millions of children are sexually abused each year- and they don't all go on to become mass murderers.

Which means there was something else that was different about your friend.

And that may have been you.

You're saying that promiscuous gays carrying HIV are a rare thing are you?... That's what he was you know. In fact, the phenomenon is so common that there's even a term for it in gay vernacular...it's "AIDS-terrorist". Must be common enough to warrant a catchy phrase in a subculture's vernacular...
Thousands- if not millions of children are sexually abused each year- and they don't all go on to become mass murderers.

Which means there was something else that was different about your friend.

And that may have been you.

You're saying that promiscuous gays carrying HIV are a rare thing are you?... That's what he was you know. In fact, the phenomenon is so common that there's even a term for it in gay vernacular...it's "AIDS-terrorist". Must be common enough to warrant a catchy phrase in a subculture's vernacular...

I know you have reading comprehension issues- so once again- you clearly have no idea what I was saying.

Once again thousands- if not millions of children are sexually abused each year- and they don't all go on to become mass murderers.

Which means there was something else that was different about your friend.

And that may have been you.
I know you have reading comprehension issues- so once again- you clearly have no idea what I was saying.

Once again thousands- if not millions of children are sexually abused each year- and they don't all go on to become mass murderers.

Which means there was something else that was different about your friend.

And that may have been you.
Right. I was his friend, stood by him through thick and thin...so that caused him to become an AIDS-terrorist like so many other gay men ( enough to make a phrase for in LGBT vernacular) and infect gay men with HIV in a subconscious vendetta...against me...

Great reasoning there Syriusly! Don't joint any debate clubs anytime soon.. :cuckoo:

If CQR includes "reasoning" like yours, our nation's mentally ill are completely unprotected. We might as well be in the stone age.
I know you have reading comprehension issues- so once again- you clearly have no idea what I was saying.

Once again thousands- if not millions of children are sexually abused each year- and they don't all go on to become mass murderers.

Which means there was something else that was different about your friend.

And that may have been you.
Right. I was his friend, stood by him through thick and thin...

And so why didn't you help him find therapy when he was molested? Or afterwards when he was struggling with his sexuality?

As you have pointed out- therapy was legal- why didn't you help him get therapy, rather than just stand by as he went out and attempted to commit mass murder?
And so why didn't you help him find therapy when he was molested? Or afterwards when he was struggling with his sexuality?

As you have pointed out- therapy was legal- why didn't you help him get therapy, rather than just stand by as he went out and attempted to commit mass murder?

We didn't know he was molested until after he died and his brother opened up to my brother. All we knew while he was alive was that he was a really intelligent, sensitive guy who followed women around with love in his eyes while he privately sought compulsive gay sex. He hit on every guy he could, even his friends he knew for a fact were straight and kept reminding him over and over and over and over. He couldn't help himself. He HAD to fuck men, all the time, constantly. I lost touch with him long before we discovered he had HIV. In fact, I heard he had HIV and died of AIDS all on the same day.

Why would anyone get help for him? Isn't it perfectly normal to be a gay guy? Even then that's what we all were being told...even when yes, we knew it was bizarre behavior. What man went around romancing women while at the same time was compulsively gay? It wasn't like a front either. He was really into the gals he chased...intellectually, in theory, in his mind. But his body was imprinted in a different direction. And hence his angst. I guess he opened up to his brother about all of it after he knew he was dying. Too bad he waited that long. But you know he lived in California so even if he went to a therapist to control or eliminate his compulsive sexual fixation, he'd be told to embrace it instead...

..so what good it would have done is beyond me... CQR would agree: he was just fine, right?...
You're saying that promiscuous gays carrying HIV are a rare thing are you?... That's what he was you know. In fact, the phenomenon is so common that there's even a term for it in gay vernacular...it's "AIDS-terrorist". Must be common enough to warrant a catchy phrase in a subculture's vernacular...

Yes, urban legends are so real.

The problem is that when you replace simple logical reasoning and the pursuit of data and facts with "audited group think" (CQR), you'll never get to the bottom of why people are mentally ill. That is a huge disservice to the suffering. In my friend's case, today's APA would be useless. They would never help him fully resolve his childhood sexual trauma. Because at a given point, doing so would conflict with the APA's "audited position" on being gay...no matter what the origin of that behavior is. He would be at some point told to embrace what was done to him as permanent. Can you imagine how utterly hopeless you would feel if the last person on earth qualified to help you turned to you and said "you'll just have to learn to love the thing you hate, that's plaguing you because I won't help you change it even if you are so depressed from wanting to be rid of it that you want to kill yourself".

Apparently the threat of suicide only gets the APA to help you have your genitals amputated, not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES help to be rid of the lingering behaviors that were born from childhood sexual abuse..

The APA doesn't want to understand the etiology of homosexuality because they've decided the behaviors are "innate", "born that way" and any actual findings that would certainly fly in the face of those conclusions are data that would be "audited" out of any studies or conclusions. In other words, the APA is now, de facto, a deviant sexual cult..

The APA so far as I know has made no comments on this CDC study. And that is shocking..

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
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It could rightfully be said that CQR would have only exacerbated my friend's rampage..
Did we turn over a new page in hopes the old one will "go away"?

This is what the CDC says- which you ignore when it is inconvenient to your anti-homosexual campaign
CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

The majority of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) have and maintain good mental health, even though MSM are at greater risk for mental health problems. Like everyone else, the majority of MSM are highly resilient and able to cope successfully with many negative life stressors, such as those associated with homophobia and discrimination.

Let's look at the study again FROM THE CDC ALSO:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Your contention, I presume from a standpoint of CQR (Audited group-think...ie: a cult) is that, without doing a study of 3,000 gay men and gathering the raw statistical data on specific questions (not generalized assumptions courtesy of "CQR"), "gay men have these mental issues from homophobia and discrimination"? That's what the APA decided in contrast to what the CDC FOUND...

Do you suppose that severe, "pervasive" or "epidemic" drug abuse, spousal abuse and depression MIGHT stem from what the CDC identifies as an "intertwined" co-morbid presentation in gay men? Do you suppose that the statistics that support other populations of survivors of childhood sexual abuse, that show they ALSO have a high propensity for drug abuse, spousal abuse and depression, might show that this is the causal agent of the other problems? Or is that just a "data fluke" that can be resolved by an "audit" from a group of powerful people lodged in high ranks in the APA? CQR gives them the power to remake reality you know. It gives their whims and assumptions "power over numbers" remember. Read the OP again..

Sigh, ok, a grammar lesson for you. Let's take a sentence of similar structure to the one you are quoting. "Apples are used to make pies AND grow on trees".... Is that saying that pies grow on trees? of course not... this grammatical use can be otherwise stated as "Apples are used to make pies AND apples grow on trees".

Now let's take the quote you use: "Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men AND is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse".

Which according to grammatical rules can be re-stated as "Substance Abuse is pervasive among gay men AND Substance Abuse is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse and childhood sexual abuse".

Again, what he is saying is that it is SUBSTANCE ABUSE that is intertwined with these other epidemics, he's not making a statement here about the intertwining of of those epidemics with being gay. And wouldn't you know it, you have been provided link after link from the CDC that shows that's exactly what was meant, where time and time again they express that it is the stress of homophobia and stigmatization that leads to the depression and abuse that is comorbid with substance abuse... all of which need to be addressed. Your interpretation rests on a blatant misunderstanding of grammar in the English language and flies in the face of every article from the CDC that further addresses the same topic, confirming your misunderstanding, not to mention the vast conspiracy that it must rely on, taking over every psychological and medical association and every level of government across dozens of nations. At some point you have to start imagining, "maybe it's me?"
It could rightfully be said that CQR would have only exacerbated my friend's rampage..

Or maybe he couldn't get help for his abuse and resulting compulsions because of people such as yourself, as the FBI explains:

The most common reasons victims do not disclose are a fear of the stigma of
homosexuality; lack of societal understanding; presence of positive feelings for
the offender; embarrassment, shame, or fear over their victimization; or do not
believe they are victims. Since most of the offenders are male, fear of the stigma of
homosexuality is usually a significant issue for victims who are boys.
Although being
seduced by a male child molester does not necessarily make a boy a homosexual,
the victims do not understand this. If a victim does disclose, he risks significant
ridicule by his peers and lack of acceptance by his family.

You, yourself, are promoting the type of stigma that makes abused kids afraid to speak up about their abuse.

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