Federal grand jury to hear evidence that 9/11 was a controlled demolition

this is what official conspiracy theory apologists like claudette and Aaron troll always do when you challenge them with videos like this that debunk the theory of the governments that the fires caused the collapsed of the towers and bin laden was behind the events.:abgg2q.jpg:

Risking his neck to inform us that our Constitution is almost gone.

I love the inconsistency of these conspiracy theories.

A guy who knew a guy who knew a guy whose cousin shook hands with Hillary committed suicide. It was murder!

A guy who worked directly for the CIA posts a bunch of horseshit on Youtube? Still alive after 15 years. :dunno:
Is that your excuse for not giving the guy 5 minutes to at least form your own thoughtful opinion instead of passing judgment on a person you know absolutely nothing about ..as well as attempting to insult me ?

How was I trying to insult you? And I gave him more than five minutes. Before this thread I had never heard of the guy, but now I know his history, as well as the kind of Youtube videos he posts.
Risking his neck to inform us that our Constitution is almost gone.

I love the inconsistency of these conspiracy theories.

A guy who knew a guy who knew a guy whose cousin shook hands with Hillary committed suicide. It was murder!

A guy who worked directly for the CIA posts a bunch of horseshit on Youtube? Still alive after 15 years. :dunno:
Is that your excuse for not giving the guy 5 minutes to at least form your own thoughtful opinion instead of passing judgment on a person you know absolutely nothing about ..as well as attempting to insult me ?

How was I trying to insult you? And I gave him more than five minutes. Before this thread I had never heard of the guy, but now I know his history, as well as the kind of Youtube videos he posts.
I don't post junk...that's why. If you attack a post which I know to be 100% credible, then you attack me.
In my opinion, if people are not at least somewhat supicious of the official MSM/ government story by now, then they either don't want to know or they are involved in the ongoing cover-up.


you nailed it,they are for sure ONE of the two THAT cant be debated.

This is true regardless if one is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist or not

Also true is main street America was hit , not like we didn't have warnings

Why didn't heads roll?


This is true regardless if one is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist or not

Also true is main street America was hit , not like we didn't have warnings

Why didn't heads roll?


thats a fact all these shills like agent say it can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are is that if it were just mere incompetence on the governments part,why was nobody fired for their alleged incompetence? :abgg2q.jpg: heads would have rolled had it just been this theory that it was just mere incompentence of people with high level important roles.:iyfyus.jpg:

This is worse than Deanturd's stupid bullshit.

that would describe the investigation of the 9/11 coverup commission the official conspiracy theory they invented that 19 muslims and bin laden were behind the attacks and fires brought down the tires yes that IS stupid bullshit invented/:abgg2q.jpg:
More and more people are asking questions 18 years later.

No... they aren't.

Experts have debunked this bs already.
Experts from NIST ?
That's a good one. Here's one question you can't answer.
Why wasn't the collapse of Tower 7 ever even mentioned in the 9/11 Commission's report ?
I'll wait.

Nope watched a documentary on 9-11 quite a few years ago. They had all the conspiracy claims on the show construction engineers, fire experts and others who debunked every conspiracy point.

Anyone who believes the Govt. would blow up two towers, the pentagon and kill 3000 people isn't to swift.

The silliest part of these conspiracy theories is how much easier the government's narrative is to explain.

1. Terrorists got onto planes.

2. Terrorists took over planes.

3. Terrorists crashed planes.

If you turned that into a movie it would be boring as hell. That's what I think drives some conspiracies. Some people want the world to be more exciting than it really is.
Absolutely correct.

More and more people are laughing at truthers. :lol:

Yeah i read them a lot back when , they'd forward evidence, it'd go round/round , be debunked to some degree

And then there's those 28 pages , we're told it's not public due to being a matter of national security

My take is, what that means is there'd be riots in the streets ,and our entire M.E. foriegn policy would crash and burn

Oh but, they'll declassify after 50 yrs, like they did revealing all the shenanigahns leading uo to Pearl Harbor

Few that were complict will be alive , and even fewer will care

In any case, the CT's are right in that we don't have clarity and transparency

The 9/11 truth movement has been active and persistent for over 17 years, and while mainstream media won’t touch the story, and while most Americans refuse to even consider the possibility that the attacks were an inside job, the actual evidence supporting controlled demolition theory is so convincing that a legitimate federal grand jury investigation will address this very question.

Federal Grand Jury To Hear Evidence That 9/11 Was A Controlled Demolition
Federal Grand Jury To Hear Evidence That 9/11 Was A Controlled Demolition


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No matter what there will be cover ups, lies, truth left out. The public won't believe the truth when they hear it because they've been brainwashed into everything it was and isn't but really is lol.

You can be sure information will be hidden bank on it. once this comes out we will have a . BLACK EYE BIGGER THAN your weakest leftist dildo can ever imagine.

The lies that were there and the truths that many a holes today claim are false, but yet there are court documents proving the lies, they claim are conspiracies.....


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Is the Jury being served popcorn? Most comedies have the option of buying popcorn before you sit back and watch them.

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