Federal Gun Law Struck Down

Fetuses aren't people.


And violent, subhuman, criminal pieces of shit •ARE• people.

That is how mentality, morally, spiritually fucked-up you are, that that is how you see and define humanity. Once again, you show us that you are not nearly as far removed from your relatives in The Old Country as you would like to believe.
Wow....you are a troll...lying about what happened.

Rittenhouse was attacked by 4 thugs, who had been burning and looting businesses all night long and they tried to set a gas station on fire...he moved the dumpster with the fire away from the gas pumps and they began their attack.

They attacked him and hit him in his head with a skateboard, trying to kill him.......they mobbed him....and he only fired in self defense....you lying asshole.

Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children.....over 1 million children in just 6 years......more people murdered by their governments than gun murder in our country over 247 years.....they have nothing to teach us....

Japan murdered upwards of 10 million civilians...again, nothing to teach us ......
Yeah ...I thought he was leaving out some important details of the Rittenhouse incident. That's what they do...wait long enough for it to fade then substitute a BS narrative engineed to further a particular viewpoint. Those assholes....trying to burn down someone's business...too bad any of them lived.

And violent, subhuman, criminal pieces of shit •ARE• people.

That is how mentality, morally, spiritually fucked-up you are, that that is how you see and define humanity. Once again, you show us that you are not nearly as far removed from your relatives in The Old Country as you would like to believe.
Joe is apparently some type of political activist. I've been studying his posts for some time now. He's definitely intelligent but obviously infected with the Nirvana bug ..good luck to him ...he and Timothy Treadwell are soul mates I think.
That fat little fuck will get his eventually.

Every time you call someone else “fat”, I cannot get the images out of my head that I found of you during my “Stalker Bob” phase.

You are not exactly svelte. Not at all. “Morbidly-obese” would be a very fair description.

And violent, subhuman, criminal pieces of shit •ARE• people.
Yup. They are people who have been less fortunate than you and I.

You have a nice job, a full belly and a warm place to sleep tonight, and you still come off as half a psycho.
If you were starving and sleeping on the street, C'Thulhu knows what you'd do.
That fat little fuck will get his eventually.

Very revealing statement...
Why focus on Rittenhouse?
There are numerous murderers and social deviants out there to choose from; including most of the destructive rioters in Kenosha who victimized an entire town with no conscience whatsoever.
No, Kyle DIDN'T "freak out" he only shot those that needed to be shot. He didn't spray bullets into the crowd.

You are just pissed that Kyle killed your best buddy the child rapist, and your 2nd best buddy the torture rapist.

Sucks to be you.

BTW, why oh why do like rapists so damned much?
Of all the things that have happened in the last few years seeing Kyle acquitted was so wonderful. I remain delighted the bed wetters lost that battle. They got away with destroying a city, but at least the gene pool was able to excrete two filthy animated turds.
I just hope it inspires a lot more people to fight back against these malignant parasites when they attack people.
Next we need to get SGT Perry record clear. That persecution was an egregious crime and that vile DA should be in prison. Garrett Foster was a piece of commie shit and he belongs below the dirt.

You see, this funny thing, the Nazis had to change the laws to make Jews less than Germans.
The fetus has never been a person in the eyes of the law, even when abortion was illegal.

So, Jews were less than human, because the law was changed to say so? Humanity is not an inherent trait, but only what is granted and recognized by law?

If we were to get a law passed in Shitcago that states that morbidly-obese criminal-loving Nazi descendants are not human beings, would you admit, then, that you are not a human being as long as you remain in Shitcago? Would you magically become human again if you left Shitcago, only to become non-human if you returned?

Whatever humanity you claim for yourself, is it not inherent in you; is it only a matter of what the law will grant you?
Joe is apparently some type of political activist. I've been studying his posts for some time now. He's definitely intelligent but obviously infected with the Nirvana bug ..good luck to him ...he and Timothy Treadwell are soul mates I think.

Um, actually, I'm pretty cynical, for the most part. But I recognize when something isn't working and what we are doing isn't working.

And it's not like we are trying to do something that's never been done before. The Japanese and Europeans have FIGURED THIS OUT.

Every time you call someone else “fat”, I cannot get the images out of my head that I found of you during my “Stalker Bob” phase.

Yeah, that was fucking weird... Clearly I am living in your head. I think you need some help there.

Very revealing statement...
Why focus on Rittenhouse?
There are numerous murderers and social deviants out there to choose from. In including most of the destructive rioters in Kenosha who victimized an entire town with no conscience whatsoever.

Because most of them are arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned, and that's how the system SHOULD work.
Because of a lot of money sent by gun nuts and a clearly incompetent judge, this fat little fuck killed two people and is not being held accountable criminally.
Civilly will be another matter, because you'll have much better lawyers and it's a less steep hill to climb.
Yup. They are people who have been less fortunate than you and I.

You have a nice job, a full belly and a warm place to sleep tonight, and you still come off as half a psycho.
If you were starving and sleeping on the street, C'Thulhu knows what you'd do.
Ahhh..... finally we have it! The big RATIONALE! It's ok to burn, loot, rape and murder as long as it's for the RIGHT REASON.....This is why people arm themselves.
Very revealing statement...
Why focus on Rittenhouse?
There are numerous murderers and social deviants out there to choose from. In including most of the destructive rioters in Kenosha who victimized an entire town with no conscience whatsoever.
Joe doesn't want to go after democrooks. He hates the rest of us.
Yup. They are people who have been less fortunate than you and I.

You have a nice job, a full belly and a warm place to sleep tonight, and you still come off as half a psycho.
If you were starving and sleeping on the street, C'Thulhu knows what you'd do.

Bob will never find himself in that position because he makes good choices.

Unlike you.

Makes sense you're a fan of Lovecraft. He was a socialist too. Of course he lived a life of luxury till his capitalist grandfather died, then he and his mom lived a more severe life. She was a loon, which helped old H.P. with his stories.

He of course died at 45 or 46 from intestinal cancer. Evil eats you up from the inside.

Remember that Lil joey...
So, Jews were less than human, because the law was changed to say so? Humanity is not an inherent trait, but only what is granted and recognized by law?

Um, yeah... you see, that's a reality, guy. There are no "rights". There are only privileges that society lets you have. The reason why Jews were caught unawares by Hitler was they figured he was just another "anti-Semite" and he would pass. Some Jews even supported him because they thought he could turn the economy around.

I'd say that was crazy, but after six years of arguing with Trump supporters, maybe not so much. one of my dear friends is gay Hispanic woman who voted for Trump because her girlfriend likes her.

If we were to get a law passed in Shitcago that states that morbidly-obese criminal-loving Nazi descendants are not human beings, would you admit, then, that you are not a human being as long as you remain in Shitcago? Would you magically become human again if you left Shitcago, only to become non-human if you returned?

Well since I don't live in Chicago proper and none of my ancestors were members of the NSDAP (we left before the Nazis took power).

Also given some of the pictures you've posted here, you seem to have an obsession with fat people, like that's a turn on for you... but I'd be breaking the rules if I said more, so I won't.

Whatever humanity you claim for yourself, is it not inherent in you, or is it only a matter of what the law will grant you?
Realistically, um, yeah. I have no illusions that most of what we call "civilization" can fall pretty quickly.

All you can try to do is make it better, but frankly, most of what you propose on abortion just make things worse.
Very revealing statement...
Why focus on Rittenhouse?
There are numerous murderers and social deviants out there to choose from; including most of the destructive rioters in Kenosha who victimized an entire town with no conscience whatsoever.

Because he used a gun to save himself from the brown shirts of the democrat party....blm and antifa. The fact that the brown shirts of the democrat party are only turned loose in black neighborhoods, in democrat party controlled cities.....where the democrats have taken guns away from normal people.......shows us what the democrats would do if they could take guns away from the people in Red states and cities........blm and antifa would be turned loose to burn, loot, rape and kill in those cities ......

But the fact that those places have the most privately owned guns stops the democrats......so they are working daily to get those guns so that their brownshirts can burn, loot, and murder without fear of getting shot by good people....
Because he used a gun to save himself from the brown shirts of the democrat party....blm and antifa. The fact that the brown shirts of the democrat party are only turned loose in black neighborhoods, in democrat party controlled cities.....where the democrats have taken guns away from normal people.......shows us what the democrats would do if they could take guns away from the people in Red states and cities........blm and antifa would be turned loose to burn, loot, rape and kill in those cities ......

But the fact that those places have the most privately owned guns stops the democrats......so they are working daily to get those guns so that their brownshirts can burn, loot, and murder without fear of getting shot by good people....
Sounds about right
Bob will never find himself in that position because he makes good choices.

Or he's just been lucky enough to be born white, male, and straight in a society that favors privilege. I've benefited from the same privileges, but I'm honest enough to admit they are exactly that.. privileges based on the inequities of our society.

Makes sense you're a fan of Lovecraft. He was a socialist too. Of course he lived a life of luxury till his capitalist grandfather died, then he and his mom lived a more severe life. She was a loon, which helped old H.P. with his stories.

Hmmmm... not really. Lovecraft was well off by the standards of the day but hardly affluent, and both of his parents were institutionalized. This probably influenced his writing, where his characters discover the true nature of the universe.... and go insane.


He of course died at 45 or 46 from intestinal cancer. Evil eats you up from the inside.
Well, I'm 61 and in good health, so I don't worry about that.
Seems to me that if you are wishing people you disagree with to die, that's pretty hateful.
Because he used a gun to save himself from the brown shirts of the democrat party....blm and antifa. The fact that the brown shirts of the democrat party are only turned loose in black neighborhoods, in democrat party controlled cities.....where the democrats have taken guns away from normal people.......shows us what the democrats would do if they could take guns away from the people in Red states and cities........blm and antifa would be turned loose to burn, loot, rape and kill in those cities ......

Or the fat little fuck could have stayed in Antioch. I mean, I didn't shoot anyone that weekend... because I didn't leave my house looking for trouble.

Rittenhouse was caught on tape wishing he could shoot a black man running out of a CVS. That guy probably wasn't even committing a crime... but Rittenhouse wanted to shoot him anyway.

Prosecutors said a newly surfaced video taken just weeks before last year's deadly Kenosha shootings captured the Illinois teenager Kyle Rittenhouse describing his wish to shoot at people with an AR-15 as they left a pharmacy.

According to court documents obtained by Insider, prosecutors are seeking to have the judge admit the video as evidence in Rittenhouse's upcoming trial. They said the video provided "crucial insight" into Rittenhouse's state of mind in summer 2020.

The 29-second video, which has been published by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, does not show Rittenhouse's face. The video was apparently filmed across the street from a CVS Pharmacy, where several hooded people could be seen rushing out and clutching items.

A voice that sounds like Rittenhouse's can be heard saying, "Bro, I wish I had my f---ing AR. I'd start shooting rounds at them
Or he's just been lucky enough to be born white, male, and straight in a society that favors privilege. I've benefited from the same privileges, but I'm honest enough to admit they are exactly that.. privileges based on the inequities of our society.

Hmmmm... not really. Lovecraft was well off by the standards of the day but hardly affluent, and both of his parents were institutionalized. This probably influenced his writing, where his characters discover the true nature of the universe.... and go insane.

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Well, I'm 61 and in good health, so I don't worry about that.
Seems to me that if you are wishing people you disagree with to die, that's pretty hateful.
Well I don't know you disagree with Rittenhouse don't you?
Because he used a gun to save himself from the brown shirts of the democrat party....blm and antifa. The fact that the brown shirts of the democrat party are only turned loose in black neighborhoods, in democrat party controlled cities.....where the democrats have taken guns away from normal people.......shows us what the democrats would do if they could take guns away from the people in Red states and cities........blm and antifa would be turned loose to burn, loot, rape and kill in those cities ......

But the fact that those places have the most privately owned guns stops the democrats......so they are working daily to get those guns so that their brownshirts can burn, loot, and murder without fear of getting shot by good people....
Yep....try that in a small town...but nope I guess they already know what would happen. Geez I got to wonder if they study these things before they actually throw these riots. I'm sure they're not as random as they seem.

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