Federal Gun Law Struck Down

Well I don't know you disagree with Rittenhouse don't you?

What the fuck are you talking about and what does that have to do with my point about white privilege?

Yep....try that in a small town...but nope I guess they already know what would happen. Geez I got to wonder if they study these things before they actually throw these riots. I'm sure they're not as random as they seem.

Um, who would want to live in a small town. It would get very boring after a few weeks.

I just spent a week up at my Cabin and I realized there's just not a lot to do up there other than relax. Good for a vaction, but not much for a life. No wonder people in small towns are miserable.
Or the fat little fuck could have stayed in Antioch. I mean, I didn't shoot anyone that weekend... because I didn't leave my house looking for trouble.

Rittenhouse was caught on tape wishing he could shoot a black man running out of a CVS. That guy probably wasn't even committing a crime... but Rittenhouse wanted to shoot him anyway.

Prosecutors said a newly surfaced video taken just weeks before last year's deadly Kenosha shootings captured the Illinois teenager Kyle Rittenhouse describing his wish to shoot at people with an AR-15 as they left a pharmacy.

According to court documents obtained by Insider, prosecutors are seeking to have the judge admit the video as evidence in Rittenhouse's upcoming trial. They said the video provided "crucial insight" into Rittenhouse's state of mind in summer 2020.

The 29-second video, which has been published by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, does not show Rittenhouse's face. The video was apparently filmed across the street from a CVS Pharmacy, where several hooded people could be seen rushing out and clutching items.

A voice that sounds like Rittenhouse's can be heard saying, "Bro, I wish I had my f---ing AR. I'd start shooting rounds at them

Tell us joe....did he shoot anyone coming out of that pharmacy?

Yes.....thought crimes are your next step in your march to mass murder .......

He didn't shoot anyone till they tried to murder him.......the two felons, one of them a child rapist, and the other two assholes.
Um, actually, I'm pretty cynical, for the most part. But I recognize when something isn't working and what we are doing isn't working.

And it's not like we are trying to do something that's never been done before. The Japanese and Europeans have FIGURED THIS OUT.

Yeah, that was fucking weird... Clearly I am living in your head. I think you need some help there.

Because most of them are arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned, and that's how the system SHOULD work.
Because of a lot of money sent by gun nuts and a clearly incompetent judge, this fat little fuck killed two people and is not being held accountable criminally.
Civilly will be another matter, because you'll have much better lawyers and it's a less steep hill to climb.
You are not a cynic you are a liar

Rittenhouse did notr commit a crime he acted in self defense

The judge was correct in his rulings.

You are simply a racist who hates that the facts in this case proved the white kid innocent
Or he's just been lucky enough to be born white, male, and straight in a society that favors privilege. I've benefited from the same privileges, but I'm honest enough to admit they are exactly that.. privileges based on the inequities of our society.

Hmmmm... not really. Lovecraft was well off by the standards of the day but hardly affluent, and both of his parents were institutionalized. This probably influenced his writing, where his characters discover the true nature of the universe.... and go insane.

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Well, I'm 61 and in good health, so I don't worry about that.
Seems to me that if you are wishing people you disagree with to die, that's pretty hateful.
White priviledge is a myth tyou havenever madea point about white priviledge you have only repeated PROVEN crap
Or I have a realistic viewpoint that if kids and staff are going to be able to get in and out of schools, so can school shooters.

Here's how you keep school shooters out of schools. Don't let them get guns to start with.

Every last fucking mass shooter have two things we always find out about them.

1) Everyone in that person's life knew they had serious mental problems.
2) they had absolutely no problem getting a gun.

So... here's a crazy idea. Let's make it EASY for the mentally ill to get medical treatment and HARD for them to get guns, instead of the other way around.

You control who enters the school

CC cameras and double door vestibules like the one that thwarted a school shooter in TN a few weeks ago but you never heard that on the news did you?
When you treat a medical problem like a criminal problem, you will always still have the problem.

19.7 Million Americans have an addiction problem. You want to lock them all up?
When you have an open borders problem maintained by the Dems / Marxists, you will have Mexican cartels and Chinese drug suppliers who will exploit those open borders.
Or he's just been lucky enough to be born white, male, and straight in a society that favors privilege. I've benefited from the same privileges, but I'm honest enough to admit they are exactly that.. privileges based on the inequities of our society.

Hmmmm... not really. Lovecraft was well off by the standards of the day but hardly affluent, and both of his parents were institutionalized. This probably influenced his writing, where his characters discover the true nature of the universe.... and go insane.

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Well, I'm 61 and in good health, so I don't worry about that.
Seems to me that if you are wishing people you disagree with to die, that's pretty hateful.

Where did I wish death on anyone? That's YOU, you sick fuck! You wish people to die all of the time! You threaten people with death all of the damned time! When your time comes, you won't see it.
What the fuck are you talking about and what does that have to do with my point about white privilege?

Um, who would want to live in a small town. It would get very boring after a few weeks.

I just spent a week up at my Cabin and I realized there's just not a lot to do up there other than relax. Good for a vaction, but not much for a life. No wonder people in small towns are miserable.

Good. Sell your imaginary cabin so that the locals no longer have to deal with your angry ass.
Also given some of the pictures you've posted here, you seem to have an obsession with fat people, like that's a turn on for you... but I'd be breaking the rules if I said more, so I won't.

I don't know what pictures you're referring to. Feel free to link to them.

I do not normally judge people that strongly by their appearance, but by their deeper character. My own wife is fat, and not particularly attractive by the conventional visual standards of our culture, but in ways that a vacuous creature such as yourself lacks the capacity to grasp, she is a far more beautiful human being than you can possibly imagine.

I normally would not comment on your weight issues. There are much more meaningful criteria on which to judge you.

The only treason I mention your weight at all is that this makes at least twice that I know of, within the last few weeks, where you have used language to disparage someone else as being obese, who is much less so than you are, if at all. That glass house in which you are living is looking very shatterable.
All you can try to do is make it better, but frankly, most of what you propose on abortion just make things worse.


Because there is no better way to improve society, than to murder larger numbers of innocent members thereof. Your relatives who stayed behind in The Old Country certainly agreed with you on that point.
…but I'm honest…

Well, in his defense, he IS a complete psycho idiot.
I'm afraid that I will wake up one morning and turn on the news and find out that this psycho shithead Joeshitforbrains tried to kill Kyle Rittenhouse. He is that demented and obsessed with hating Kyle.

Of course we know Kyle's record for defending himself against Leftest scum so maybe the news will have a favorable outcome.
Mormon Stalker bob, just showing his weirdness.

Tell us joe....did he shoot anyone coming out of that pharmacy?
No, but it showed state of mind. He wanted to murders someone, preferably someone black.


Because there is no better way to improve society, than to murder larger numbers of innocent members thereof. Your relatives who stayed behind in The Old Country certainly agreed with you on that point.

Well, no, really most Germans had no idea what was going on in the camps...

But Abortion HAS improved society greatly. The difference between a first world rich country and an impoverished third world one is birth control. When American women could finally take control of their reproduction, they benefited greatly economically. They had babies when they were ready to have them.

If you look at China, what allowed China to bolt into the status they have now is that they instituted a "one child" policy. Now, that actually took things TOO far, in many ways. but it shows that there is a correlation between family planning and prosperity.

I'm going to go one further, because harsh truths are your kryptonite.

When did Roe v. Wade make abortion Illegal? 1973. When did the horrific crime rates start dropping? That 's right, in the early 1990's, when all those delinquents that would have been born to unwed mothers would have turned 20 had they not been aborted.
Mormon Stalker bob, just showing his weirdness.

No, but it showed state of mind. He wanted to murders someone, preferably someone black.

Well, no, really most Germans had no idea what was going on in the camps...

But Abortion HAS improved society greatly. The difference between a first world rich country and an impoverished third world one is birth control. When American women could finally take control of their reproduction, they benefited greatly economically. They had babies when they were ready to have them.

If you look at China, what allowed China to bolt into the status they have now is that they instituted a "one child" policy. Now, that actually took things TOO far, in many ways. but it shows that there is a correlation between family planning and prosperity.

I'm going to go one further, because harsh truths are your kryptonite.

When did Roe v. Wade make abortion Illegal? 1973. When did the horrific crime rates start dropping? That 's right, in the early 1990's, when all those delinquents that would have been born to unwed mothers would have turned 20 had they not been aborted.
In that case he would have shot black people. but never did.

BTW no where in that fiulm does he say anything about race. So your so called preference he had is your imagination
Mormon Stalker bob, just showing his weirdness.

No, but it showed state of mind. He wanted to murders someone, preferably someone black.

Well, no, really most Germans had no idea what was going on in the camps...

But Abortion HAS improved society greatly. The difference between a first world rich country and an impoverished third world one is birth control. When American women could finally take control of their reproduction, they benefited greatly economically. They had babies when they were ready to have them.

If you look at China, what allowed China to bolt into the status they have now is that they instituted a "one child" policy. Now, that actually took things TOO far, in many ways. but it shows that there is a correlation between family planning and prosperity.

I'm going to go one further, because harsh truths are your kryptonite.

When did Roe v. Wade make abortion Illegal? 1973. When did the horrific crime rates start dropping? That 's right, in the early 1990's, when all those delinquents that would have been born to unwed mothers would have turned 20 had they not been aborted.

Yeah.....keep showing is who really are joe....and why we need our guns.
When did Roe v. Wade make abortion Illegal? 1973. When did the horrific crime rates start dropping? That 's right, in the early 1990's, when all those delinquents that would have been born to unwed mothers would have turned 20 had they not been aborted.

Your entire argument rests on the premise that it is justifiable to kill a human being who has never committed any crime, on the basis that he •MIGHT•, commit crimes, that he is being born into a situation that increases his likelihood of growing up to be a criminals. There are a lot of similar arguments that could be made, that society could be made safer by selectively denying rights to those who have not yet done any wrong, but who are deemed likely to do so in the future. Take away key rights established in the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments, and we could give police much greater power to solve crimes, or to prevent them before they happen. If that's the sort of society in which you want to live, then surely there are some other countries out there that would fit you much better than this one. But that is not the society that our country is supposed to be.

If there was any validity, here, to your argument in favor of murdering innocent children, then surely it would be better, instead of murdering innocent children who have done no wrong, to identify some similar number of people who have had some time to live, and who have shown a credible inclination toward criminality. Just go through the roughest neighborhoods—anyone who does or deals drugs, who associates with criminal gangs, who sires children without having the decency to marry the mother thereof and support his family, anyone who demonstrates inclinations toward homosexuality or other fucked-up sexual perversions, etc.—just round them up and kill them all.

You could bring about a much, much, much greater reduction in crime and other social ills by doing that, without having to kill as many innocent children are are now killed via abortion.

But again, that is not the sort of society in which I want to live, and that is not the society that this is meant to be. That's the society that your relatives who stayed behind in The Old Country tried to build there.

Here, we do not punish anyone for a crime that he has not, in fact, been proven to have committed, nor do we punish anyone out of proportion to the seriousness of his crime.
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Yeah.....keep showing is who really are joe....and why we need our guns.

Um, no, guy, we are not safer with people like Kyle Flopsweat out there shooting people in the street.

Your entire argument rests on the premise that it is justifiable to kill a human being who has never committed any crime,
No, my entire argument is that fetuses aren't human beings at all, and that abortion is merely another form of family planning. Planned families tend to be stable families.

But again, that is not the sort of society in which I want to live, and that is not the society that this is meant to be. That's the society that your relatives who stayed behind in The Old Country tried to build there.

I wouldn't want to live in a society as you would have it, where we go around murdering people for having the wrong kind of sex to appease an imaginary sky fairy.

Oh, the kinds of people who supported Hitler are the same kind who supported Trump.. Find some "other", blame him for all your woes, and exempt yourself from responsibility.
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In that case he would have shot black people. but never did.

BTW no where in that fiulm does he say anything about race. So your so called preference he had is your imagination

no, it shows he wanted to murder someone, really, really bad, but probably couldn't merely for being black in a Hoodie. So when the Kenosha Militia offered him the opportunity to shoot him some darkied, he leapt at that. Oh, wait, what, nothing here but White Allies... well, he hates him some White allies, too.

On a serious note, the entire trial hinged on whether he was a kid who just was defending himself, or someone who went to Kenosha looking to kill someone. So of course, Judge Senile suppressed that tape. He suppressed video of Kyle beating up a 14 year old girl. He suppressed pictures of him wearing a "Free as Fuck" tee-shirt throwing back some beers with the racist proud boys.

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