Federal Gun Law Struck Down

The first felon was a mentally ill homeless man living on the street. Rittenhouse freaked out and shot him.

Except they didn't try to kill him, they tried to tackle him so the police could take him into custody... which of course they didn't because he was white.


This country was founded on genocide and slavery, that's really not a good excuse to keep doing them.

As for the "perfect world", I don't believe we can have that.
We can have a better world. Japan and most of Europe ban gun ownership. They have nowhere near our murder rates, nowhere near our crime rates, and nowhere near our incarceration rates.

Actually, the protests in Kenosha were mostly peaceful until Rittenhouse and the other thugs showed up.

I never posted about having firearms. While I was in the military a long time ago, I haven't touched a weapon since 1992. I did recently apply for a FOID card, the kind of supposedly strict gun control guys like 2TinyGuy whines about. It was ridiculously easy to get.

Except- Germany, Japan, the UK, France, Italy, and Canada all have some form of gun control, and they are doing just fine.

In fact, the reasons why we have such high crime rates is because we don't solve the underlying causes - addiction, mental illness, poverty, racism and of course, gun proliferation.
The last paragraph has some merit no doubt.

I don't really care what happens in other nations...the social Constructs are different enough to render them non applicable here as far as I'm concerned.

Japanese culture specifically is alien to North America....as for Germany as and France...they have been innundated with violence imported by their own stupidity...nothing peaceful about either nation. Can't comment on Italy...don't know enough.

This is North America...
You're not going to get voluntary compliance just for the sake of it. Not that kind of culture.
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The first felon was a mentally ill homeless man living on the street. Rittenhouse freaked out and shot him.

Except they didn't try to kill him, they tried to tackle him so the police could take him into custody... which of course they didn't because he was white.


This country was founded on genocide and slavery, that's really not a good excuse to keep doing them.

As for the "perfect world", I don't believe we can have that.
We can have a better world. Japan and most of Europe ban gun ownership. They have nowhere near our murder rates, nowhere near our crime rates, and nowhere near our incarceration rates.

Actually, the protests in Kenosha were mostly peaceful until Rittenhouse and the other thugs showed up.

I never posted about having firearms. While I was in the military a long time ago, I haven't touched a weapon since 1992. I did recently apply for a FOID card, the kind of supposedly strict gun control guys like 2TinyGuy whines about. It was ridiculously easy to get.

Except- Germany, Japan, the UK, France, Italy, and Canada all have some form of gun control, and they are doing just fine.

In fact, the reasons why we have such high crime rates is because we don't solve the underlying causes - addiction, mental illness, poverty, racism and of course, gun proliferation.

Wow....you are a troll...lying about what happened.

Rittenhouse was attacked by 4 thugs, who had been burning and looting businesses all night long and they tried to set a gas station on fire...he moved the dumpster with the fire away from the gas pumps and they began their attack.

They attacked him and hit him in his head with a skateboard, trying to kill him.......they mobbed him....and he only fired in self defense....you lying asshole.

Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children.....over 1 million children in just 6 years......more people murdered by their governments than gun murder in our country over 247 years.....they have nothing to teach us....

Japan murdered upwards of 10 million civilians...again, nothing to teach us ......
Or I have a realistic viewpoint that if kids and staff are going to be able to get in and out of schools, so can school shooters.

Here's how you keep school shooters out of schools. Don't let them get guns to start with.

Every last fucking mass shooter have two things we always find out about them.

1) Everyone in that person's life knew they had serious mental problems.
2) they had absolutely no problem getting a gun.

So... here's a crazy idea. Let's make it EASY for the mentally ill to get medical treatment and HARD for them to get guns, instead of the other way around.

They just need to lock the doors to the school......and your god, government, needs to actually arrest violent teenagers instead of giving them a pass ....as they did under obama's Promise Program.....
WHEN this country eventually devolves into some form of socialism or fascism... your gun won't protect you.
It probably won't even let you go out in a blaze of glory.
You'll just be a footnote on the nightly news.
There are already hundreds of footnotes in the evening news Because they were NOT ARMED.
The first felon was a mentally ill homeless man living on the street. Rittenhouse freaked out and shot him.

Except they didn't try to kill him, they tried to tackle him so the police could take him into custody... which of course they didn't because he was white.


This country was founded on genocide and slavery, that's really not a good excuse to keep doing them.

As for the "perfect world", I don't believe we can have that.
We can have a better world. Japan and most of Europe ban gun ownership. They have nowhere near our murder rates, nowhere near our crime rates, and nowhere near our incarceration rates.

Actually, the protests in Kenosha were mostly peaceful until Rittenhouse and the other thugs showed up.

I never posted about having firearms. While I was in the military a long time ago, I haven't touched a weapon since 1992. I did recently apply for a FOID card, the kind of supposedly strict gun control guys like 2TinyGuy whines about. It was ridiculously easy to get.

Except- Germany, Japan, the UK, France, Italy, and Canada all have some form of gun control, and they are doing just fine.

In fact, the reasons why we have such high crime rates is because we don't solve the underlying causes - addiction, mental illness, poverty, racism and of course, gun proliferation.

No, Kyle DIDN'T "freak out" he only shot those that needed to be shot. He didn't spray bullets into the crowd.

You are just pissed that Kyle killed your best buddy the child rapist, and your 2nd best buddy the torture rapist.

Sucks to be you.

BTW, why oh why do like rapists so damned much?
I mean, most Gun Fetishists know how many people Rittenhouse killed.

He did not kill any people.

He put down two subhuman criminal pieces of shit, and injured a third.

It's funny that you deny the very humanity of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, to the point of trying to excuse the savage, cold-blooded murders of thousands of them every day, more than a million every year; but you cry over a few violent, subhuman creatures that needed to be put down, including one that turns out of have been a childfucker.

You value the lowest of subhuman criminal shit, more than you value an innocent child. This is the most perfect demonstration of just what a twisted, evil, soulless piece of shit you truly are.
WHEN this country eventually devolves into some form of socialism or fascism... your gun won't protect you.
It probably won't even let you go out in a blaze of glory.
You'll just be a footnote on the nightly news.

Yeah, it will.
Wow....you are a troll...lying about what happened.

Rittenhouse was attacked by 4 thugs, who had been burning and looting businesses all night long and they tried to set a gas station on fire...he moved the dumpster with the fire away from the gas pumps and they began their attack.

Uh, no. Why you always lying.

Rittenhouse ran around like a spaz, shot a homeless guy, and the crowd tried to detain him for the police, until he shot wildly into the crowd killing one and wounding another.

They just need to lock the doors to the school......and your god, government, needs to actually arrest violent teenagers instead of giving them a pass ....as they did under obama's Promise Program.....

Uh, you have to open those doors. That's how the kids get in and out. The only time you can lock the building is when it's empty and everyone has gone home.

We already lock up 2 million people. Locking them up isn't the answer.
Uh, no. Why you always lying.

Rittenhouse ran around like a spaz, shot a homeless guy, and the crowd tried to detain him for the police, until he shot wildly into the crowd killing one and wounding another.

Uh, you have to open those doors. That's how the kids get in and out. The only time you can lock the building is when it's empty and everyone has gone home.

We already lock up 2 million people. Locking them up isn't the answer.

Nope. Kyle killed your child rapist best buddy, and then made a beeline to law enforcement. Your 2nd best buddy, the torture rapist tried to intercept him.


Why do you lie about stuff that is so easily disproven?
He did not kill any people.

He put down two subhuman criminal pieces of shit, and injured a third.
He shot Mormons?

It's funny that you deny the very humanity of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings,

Fetuses aren't people.
People protesting police violence are.

Happy to have cleared that up for you, it seems the Magic Underwear is cutting off blood flow to your thoroughly washed brain.
Nope. Kyle killed your child rapist best buddy, and then made a beeline to law enforcement. Your 2nd best buddy, the torture rapist tried to intercept him.

He didn't make a "Beeline", he just ran off to Antioch.
The police caught up with him the next day.

and sorry, minor offenses these people might have committed don't justify gunning them down in the street.
The first felon was a mentally ill homeless man living on the street. Rittenhouse freaked out and shot him.

Except they didn't try to kill him, they tried to tackle him so the police could take him into custody... which of course they didn't because he was white.


This country was founded on genocide and slavery, that's really not a good excuse to keep doing them.

As for the "perfect world", I don't believe we can have that.
We can have a better world. Japan and most of Europe ban gun ownership. They have nowhere near our murder rates, nowhere near our crime rates, and nowhere near our incarceration rates.

Actually, the protests in Kenosha were mostly peaceful until Rittenhouse and the other thugs showed up.

I never posted about having firearms. While I was in the military a long time ago, I haven't touched a weapon since 1992. I did recently apply for a FOID card, the kind of supposedly strict gun control guys like 2TinyGuy whines about. It was ridiculously easy to get.

Except- Germany, Japan, the UK, France, Italy, and Canada all have some form of gun control, and they are doing just fine.

In fact, the reasons why we have such high crime rates is because we don't solve the underlying causes - addiction, mental illness, poverty, racism and of course, gun proliferation.
You still on your crazy obsession with Kyle Rittenhouse? LOL!

You are one sick puppy.
He didn't make a "Beeline", he just ran off to Antioch.
The police caught up with him the next day.

and sorry, minor offenses these people might have committed don't justify gunning them down in the street.

Once again you lie. Kyle's actions are the most documented in the history of a shooting. Your bullshit lies are just that.

Bullshit lies.
He shot Mormons?

Fetuses aren't people.
People protesting police violence are.

Happy to have cleared that up for you, it seems the Magic Underwear is cutting off blood flow to your thoroughly washed brain.

The socialists also said Jews were not people too.....

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