Federal Gun Law Struck Down

Actually, they are of the same quality as the ones I've used for my linked in profile.

The picture in 189 has a resolution of 291×409 pixels for the whole thing, showing you and your lady full-length. Cropped down to just your head is less than a hundred pixels each way.

The 2022 picture in 215 is 79×88 pixels. Looks like, for the version of the 1988 picture in that post, you cropped it out of the enhanced version that I produced of your original; but oddly, shrunk it down a bit from there.

Is it possible that there is something about the way you are posting pictures to this forum, that is causing them to be greatly reduced in resolution from your source images?
Is it possible that there is something about the way you are posting pictures to this forum, that is causing them to be greatly reduced in resolution from your source images?

Probably... I'm just not all that interested in helping a stalker get his jollies.

For instance, the 2022 picture is from a larger one with my girlfriend, but I'm sure as hell not printing a picture of her here...
Is it possible that there is something about the way you are posting pictures to this forum, that is causing them to be greatly reduced in resolution from your source images?
Probably... I'm just not all that interested in helping a stalker get his jollies.
For instance, the 2022 picture is from a larger one with my girlfriend, but I'm sure as hell not printing a picture of her here...

I suppose we've gone very far from you original point, which was to prove who you are, but I say that my original point in response to that is that if you are going t post photographs as alleged proof of anything, the you need to post photographs that are of sufficient resolution and quality to show what it is that you claim that they show; which you have utterly failed to do.


Here is a picture of me in 1991, just ten years after I graduated from high school, in uniform, showing that I was, by that point, a four-star general. You want to claim that thsi picture doesn't show what I say it shows? Prove it.

That is, after all, very obviously the same guy as in the other pictures that I have posted of myself, isn't it?

I suppose we've gone very far from you original point, which was to prove who you are, but I say that my original point in response to that is that if you are going t post photographs as alleged proof of anything, the you need to post photographs that are of sufficient resolution and quality to show what it is that you claim that they show; which you have utterly failed to do.

Your original point is you are being intentionally disingenuous.. because you've clearly been stalking me all over social media and now know everything I've claimed is accurate.

Frankly, it's kind of weird, but I guess I did shatter your world by pointing out the historical truth of Joseph Smith.

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