Federal Gun Law Struck Down

You're hoping to bait me into agreeing that an innocent child should be murdered in cold blood, just on the possibility of what choices he might make as he gets older.

For this example, it is proven that sexual orientation is genetic and the gene for it has been positively identified. No choice involved, when that kid gets older, he or she will be gay.

Okay to abort or not?

I think I have already made it as clear as I possibly can that I absolutely do not agree with that fucked-up premise. It takes a foul creature as fucked as you are to even think of supporting such a thing.

Oh, you've made it very clear that you care about kids until they are born.... then the little bastard better learn how to duck under a desk when a mass shooter shows up, and don't go asking you for any free school lunches.

I don't support or oppose abortion... I recognize that women who don't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. If you want less of them, then you have universal health care, paid family leave, and generous maternity benefits. Because if a $300 abortion is cheaper than a $10,000 live birth, some women are going to go for the $300 abortion.

I don't need to talk about abortion in the Philippines again, do I?
For this example, it is proven that sexual orientation is genetic and the gene for it has been positively identified. No choice involved, when that kid gets older, he or she will be gay.

Okay to abort or not?

Asked and answered, already.

No, I do not think it is OK to murder an innocent child in cold blood, on the basis of what one presumes that child will do later in his life.

Murdering innocent children is your thing, not mine.
Asked and answered, already.

No, I do not think it is OK to murder an innocent child in cold blood, on the basis of what one presumes that child will do later in his life.

We are not talking about presumption... we are talking metaphysical certainty that kid will grow up to be gay and demand you recognize his marriage to another man as valid as yours.
We are not talking about presumption... we are talking metaphysical certainty that kid will grow up to be gay and demand you recognize his marriage to another man as valid as yours.

Minority Report was science FICTION. You do understand this, right? There is no reason to expect that we will ever be able to prove that a person who has not yet committed a crime, is unalterably destined to commit a crime in the future.

You're trying to use an absurd bullshit science fiction premise to bait me into agreeing with you that it is justifiable to put an innocents human being to death for an offense that it is presumed he will commit in the future.

No, I do not agree, because unlike you, I am a human being, and not a subhuman murderous piece of shit.

No matter how you try to reword it, no matter what lies you try to wrap around it, your premise, at its very core, is murderous bullshit, that only an evil twisted, soulless piece of shit such as yourself would ever think of trying to argue.
No, it is based on intent, when arguing self-defense.

And he will lose a civil trial, that's why he's been dodging process servers.

Um, yeah, about that...

I can show you a picture of myself in uniform, but you'll just claim it isn't me.
No it is not it is based on actions you ignorant dumbfuck

He is likely to win in the civil trial you stupid troll

No you cannot BOY you nnever had anny such form of manhood and are a proven LIAR
Minority Report was science FICTION. You do understand this, right? There is no reason to expect that we will ever be able to prove that a person who has not yet committed a crime, is unalterably destined to commit a crime in the future.

I find it interesting that you think this is fiction. We ALREADY use pre-natal genetic testing to identify if a child is going to have a disease like Down Syndrome or Tay-Sachs. (And yes, in most cases, abortion results when that happens.)

You're trying to use an absurd bullshit science fiction premise to bait me into agreeing with you that it is justifiable to put an innocents human being to death for an offense that it is presumed he will commit in the future.

I find it amusing that you equate being gay with a criminal offense. Then again, you think gay people only exist because other gay people tell them that the butt sex is cool, probably because you've never knowingly talked to a gay person in your life.

No, I do not agree, because unlike you, I am a human being, and not a subhuman murderous piece of shit.

Except you want to kill gays, women who have abortions, doctors who perform abortions, transgenders, politicians who make rules you don't like, and some fat guy from Chicago who makes fun of your cult. But you aren't murderous at all, Mormon Bob.

No matter how you try to reword it, no matter what lies you try to wrap around it, your premise, at its very core, is murderous bullshit, that only an evil twisted, soulless piece of shit such as yourself would ever think of trying to argue.

Again, it's a simple question. If you can genetically prove that a fetus will grow up to be a gay person, and commit what you consider mortal sins, is it okay to abort it?
No it is not it is based on actions you ignorant dumbfuck

He is likely to win in the civil trial you stupid troll

No you cannot BOY you nnever had anny such form of manhood and are a proven LIAR

So let's make a bet. If I can prove my military service, you promise to quit USMB and never, ever come back.


Back to Shooty McFlopsweat. Here's why he'll lose the civil trial.

1) The burden of proof in a criminal trial is beyond a reasonable doubt. Personally, I think there wasn't any, if Judge Senile hadn't excluded all the key evidence he would have been easily convicted. All they have to prove in a civil trial is a preponderance of the evidence.

2) Civil Lawyers are going to be a LOT more competent than the smartest civil servant in Kenosha County, WI, doncha know.

3) Shooty has already blown through all the money that people like you sent him. he won't be able to get a good lawyer with no ethics this time.

4) The Civil Jury is going to hear about the CVS tape, the time he beat up that 14 year old girl, and the time he hung out with the Nazi Proud Boys exchanging racist hand gestures.
So let's make a bet. If I can prove my military service, you promise to quit USMB and never, ever come back.


Back to Shooty McFlopsweat. Here's why he'll lose the civil trial.

1) The burden of proof in a criminal trial is beyond a reasonable doubt. Personally, I think there wasn't any, if Judge Senile hadn't excluded all the key evidence he would have been easily convicted. All they have to prove in a civil trial is a preponderance of the evidence.

2) Civil Lawyers are going to be a LOT more competent than the smartest civil servant in Kenosha County, WI, doncha know.

3) Shooty has already blown through all the money that people like you sent him. he won't be able to get a good lawyer with no ethics this time.

4) The Civil Jury is going to hear about the CVS tape, the time he beat up that 14 year old girl, and the time he hung out with the Nazi Proud Boys exchanging racist hand gestures.
There was no key evidence excluded.

None of that bullshit such as YOUr lies about hand gestures will matter.

They wiill hear how grosskreutz attempted to kill him amking it self desense

Yiou canniot prrove as fucking thing BOY You are a liar and that is not opinion you habe proven it HERE
There was no key evidence excluded.

None of that bullshit such as YOUr lies about hand gestures will matter.

They wiill hear how grosskreutz attempted to kill him amking it self desense

Yiou canniot prrove as fucking thing BOY You are a liar and that is not opinion you habe proven it HERE

Here's a picture of me in uniform from 1988. You can leave the internet now.


Grosskuertz pulled a gun after Rittenhouse killed two people already. Rittenhouse can't claim self defense on that one.
Here's a picture of me in uniform from 1988. You can leave the internet now.

View attachment 816985

Grosskuertz pulled a gun after Rittenhouse killed two people already. Rittenhouse can't claim self defense on that one.
Thst is a picture of anyone wannabe

Yes he can claim self defense since grosskreutz illegally pursued him.

he was no law enforcement office and riuttenhouse was running TO the police

Gorsskreutz is going to lose as are you, as you always have you lying PX warrior punk
Thst ids a piocture of anyone wannabe

Dude, are you even literate?

Nope that's a picture of me and my then girlfriend at the Regimental Ball in 1988.

Yes he can claim self defendse since grosskreutz illegally pursued him.

No, he pulled out a gun in self defense after Rittenhouse shot other people. He's going to own Rittenhouse's ass when he is done.
Dude, are you even literate?

Nope that's a picture of me and my then girlfriend at the Regimental Ball in 1988.

No, he pulled out a gun in self defense after Rittenhouse shot other people. He's going to own Rittenhouse's ass when he is done.
That is a random picture you dumbfuck your claim is bullshit especially since you are a KNWOn and PROVEN liar

he did NOT pull a gun iun self defense THAT IS PROVEN

He is going to be humilaited as are you
Look, man, just admit you were wrong and be a man about it.

You are the one who is wrong here and YOU know it

You asre a proven liar and I have demonstrated that fact

Fuck you joe

You are a coward who never served and a disgusting racist

Id say man up and admit but I already know you never have and never will
I find it amusing that you equate being gay with a criminal offense.

In this case, it's you making that connection, not me.

You're pushing a bullshit hypothetical Minority Report scenario, trying to bait me into agreeing that it is OK to murder an innocent child in cold blood, if it can be proven that that child is destined to commit a particular evil. You're the one who has chosen to define being a faggot as that evil, which you assume I would consider to be worthy of death.

And no, your premise is bullshit, and I will never agree with it. You can never know what anyone does until he actually does it, it is never justified to punish so9meoen for a crime that he has not yet actually committed, and no, I don't agree that merely being inclined toward homosexuality is a crime that calls for death.

You're the open pushing an evil, murderous position here, and trying to smear me with it.

Except you want to kill gays, women who have abortions, doctors who perform abortions, transgenders, politicians who make rules you don't like, and some fat guy from Chicago who makes fun of your cult. But you aren't murderous at all, Mormon Bob.

I want those who commit murders (including those of the most innocents and defenseless of all humans beings to be brought to justice, to be put to death.

It is bizarre, and only goes to show how morally, ethically, and spiritually fucked up you are, that you take the side of the murderers, and condemn me for wanting justice for the murdered; that you think this gives you any high ground from which to look down on me.

The rest of your accusations are hyperbole and bullshit, and you know damn well that you are lying. But then it should be no surprise that a foul creature that openly sides with murderers, perverts, tyrants. and other subhuman filth, is also a pathologically liar.

Again, it's a simple question. If you can genetically prove that a fetus will grow up to be a gay person, and commit what you consider mortal sins, is it okay to abort it?

I have made it as clear as I possibly can.

No, I will never agree that it is acceptable to murder an innocents human being, based on any assumption about what that human being might do in the future.

Murdering innocent people, while protecting the guilty, is your thing, not mine.
In this case, it's you making that connection, not me.

You're pushing a bullshit hypothetical Minority Report scenario, trying to bait me into agreeing that it is OK to murder an innocent child in cold blood, if it can be proven that that child is destined to commit a particular evil. You're the one who has chosen to define being a faggot as that evil, which you assume I would consider to be worthy of death.

We aren't talking about "this child will grow up to be Hitler, maybe" (which would be evil) we are saying that kid will have a kind of sex you think is icky and your imaginary friend in the sky says is wrong. I really don't care.

But it's amusing that you just can't get your head around some people are gay because they are born that way....

And no, your premise is bullshit, and I will never agree with it. You can never know what anyone does until he actually does it, it is never justified to punish so9meoen for a crime that he has not yet actually committed, and no, I don't agree that merely being inclined toward homosexuality is a crime that calls for death.

You're the open pushing an evil, murderous position here, and trying to smear me with it.

Um, you think that gay people are okay as long as they don't have sex? That's kind of messed up, man. And when they do have the icky Butt Sex, let's kill them like the bible says, right man!

I want those who commit murders (including those of the most innocents and defenseless of all humans beings to be brought to justice, to be put to death.

It is bizarre, and only goes to show how morally, ethically, and spiritually fucked up you are, that you take the side of the murderers, and condemn me for wanting justice for the murdered; that you think this gives you any high ground from which to look down on me.

You mean you'd kill a full grown woman who has family and people who care about her because she terminated a glob of tissue the size of a kidney bean. Do you not see how fucked up that is, man?

I have made it as clear as I possibly can.

No, I will never agree that it is acceptable to murder an innocents human being, based on any assumption about what that human being might do in the future.

Murdering innocent people, while protecting the guilty, is your thing, not mine.

Fetuses aren't people, so I don't have an issue with it. But so you are okay with the gays until the have sex, because they aren't gays before that.. Got it.
So, what do you get when you combine the cliché about repeating a Big Lie over and over, hoping it will become true, with the cliché that defines insanity as doing what has been done before, and expecting a different result; and throw in a hefty dose of mind-destroying hallucinogenic drugs?

I guess JoeB131 is what you get.

We aren't talking about "this child will grow up to be Hitler, maybe" (which would be evil) we are saying that kid will have a kind of sex you think is icky and your imaginary friend in the sky says is wrong. I really don't care.
But it's amusing that you just can't get your head around some people are gay because they are born that way....
Um, you think that gay people are okay as long as they don't have sex? That's kind of messed up, man. And when they do have the icky Butt Sex, let's kill them like the bible says, right man!
You mean you'd kill a full grown woman who has family and people who care about her because she terminated a glob of tissue the size of a kidney bean. Do you not see how fucked up that is, man?
Fetuses aren't people, so I don't have an issue with it. But so you are okay with the gays until the have sex, because they aren't gays before that.. Got it.
Man up, I proved you wrong.
No you did not.

You have repeatedly lied in yur argument since the beginning of this. And not just on this thread.

when one has to lie and dream up details AS YOU HAVE DONE you prove nothing escept your own cowardice and dishonesty

You are profen wrong and you know it

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