Federal Gun Law Struck Down

So, what do you get when you combine the cliché about repeating a Big Lie over and over, hoping it will become true, with the cliché that defines insanity as doing what has been done before, and expecting a different result; and throw in a hefty dose of mind-destroying hallucinogenic drugs?

Naw, guy, it's just fun watching you try to be both anti-Abortion and hating gays at the same time... I can see where you are confused.

Fetuses aren't people, so there's no confusion on my part.

You have repeatedly lied in yur argument since the beginning of this. And not just on this thread.

when one has to lie and dream up details AS YOU HAVE DONE you prove nothing escept your own cowardice and dishonesty

You are profen wrong and you know it

Dude, you aren't even fucking literate!

I gave you proof positive that I had been in the service (and had in fact achieved rank as a non-Commissioned officer).
Naw, guy, it's just fun watching you try to be both anti-Abortion and hating gays at the same time... I can see where you are confused.

Fetuses aren't people, so there's no confusion on my part.

Dude, you aren't even fucking literate!

I gave you proof positive that I had been in the service (and had in fact achieved rank as a non-Commissioned officer).
No you did not give any proof at all BOY

You were never even man enough to flip burders

You are a motherfucking liar and coward
Photographs are proof, buddy.

I don't dispute your claim to have been in the military, but the only thing that the picture proves that you posted is that you are in possession of a very poor quality picture of a man in a military uniform, standing with a lady in a blue dress. The quality of the picture is too poor to allow either of the people appearing therein to be identified.

I can provide a picture of me taken some time in the late 1970s or early 1980s, in my JROTC uniform in High School. I would expect anyone to be able to compare that picture with any of the recent pictures that I have posted of myself on this forum, and be able to determine that there is a high likelihood that it is in fact, a picture of the same guy in the more recent pictures, albeit with about forty years of aging between them.

Having seen more recent pictures of you, I would not have any confidence at all in assuming that the picture that you posted here is a genuine picture of yourself. I could easily find random pictures of other guys on the net, that look more like me than that picture looks like you.
I don't dispute your claim to have been in the military, but the only thing that the picture proves that you posted is that you are in possession of a very poor quality picture of a man in a military uniform, standing with a lady in a blue dress. The quality of the picture is too poor to allow either of the people appearing therein to be identified.

Actually, you've seen recent pictures from your stalking adventures, and you know it's the same person.

I can provide a picture of me taken some time in the late 1970s or early 1980s, in my JROTC uniform in High School.

Which proves you were in JROTC. The problem is the insignias for JROTC are completely different than the real army, and you can tell the difference between a 14 year old and a 25 year old,

Having seen more recent pictures of you, I would not have any confidence at all in assuming that the picture that you posted here is a genuine picture of yourself. I could easily find random pictures of other guys on the net, that look more like me than that picture looks like you.

Then your eyesight isn't particularly good. Anyone with a lick of sense can tell it's the same person, just looking at the nose and ears.
Actually, you've seen recent pictures from your stalking adventures, and you know it's the same person.

No, I really do not. The pictuire that you posted here, as I said, is of such poor quality that you really cannot tell who it is. If someone showed me, that picture, and then showed me one of the recent pictures I've seen of you, and asked me if I thought they were the same person, I';d have to say that I cannot be sure, but that I doubt it.

As I said before, I could easily find random pictures on the net of other guy, not me, that looks much more like me than the picture you posted looks like you. To be fair, my physical health, condition, and visual appearance do not appear to have been nearly as impacted by all the years that I have lived, as yours have been; so it's much more believable for a forty year-old picture of you to be unrecognizable compared to a more recent picture, than it would be with me.
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Which proves you were in JROTC. The problem is the insignias for JROTC are completely different than the real army, and you can tell the difference between a 14 year old and a 25 year old,

The 14-year-old (give or take a year or so) version of me looks a lot more like the sixty-year-old version of me than the alleged 25-year-old version of you looks like the sixty-year-old version of you.


Of course, unless you give your permission, I'm not going to post the recent pictures here that I have found of you, so others will just have to take my word, that they look a •LOT• more different from the picture that you posted, than the above two pictures of me look from each other. I'm not sure that the difference is fully accounted for by aging, even as badly as you appear to have aged, or by the incredibly poor quality of the picture that you posted here.
Then your eyesight isn't particularly good. Anyone with a lick of sense can tell it's the same person, just looking at the nose and ears.

Really? This is all the detail that your picture shows. Really can't tell much about the details of the nose or ears. The general shape of the head is totally different, but that could be because there's a lot of fat on your head now that wasn't there then. can't tell if the nose is the same shape; can't tell if the ear is the same shape. This picture seems to show an attached pinna, while the more recent images shows a slight detached pinna.


Let's see what Topaz Photo AI can do with this…
Admittedly, it would be a stretch to claim or assume that this is an accurate rendering of the actual face in the original picture. As little detail as the original shows, this is probably much more AI-based guesswork than anything else.

My wife is much better than I am at recognizing faces. I have to admit that I am rather weak on that, compared to most. I showed her this, and a more recent image of JoeB131, and asked her if she thought they might be the same guy, roughly forty year apart. She expressed significant doubt.

But again, to get from the picture that was first posted in this thread to something that resembles a recognizable face, most likely involves much more AI guesswork than anything else, and it would be remarkable if this actually turned out to be an accurate rendering of the face depicted in the original.

Of course, unless you give your permission, I'm not going to post the recent pictures here that I have found of you, so others will just have to take my word, that they look a •LOT• more different from the picture that you posted, than the above two pictures of me look from each other. I'm not sure that the difference is fully accounted for by aging, even as badly as you appear to have aged, or by the incredibly poor quality of the picture that you posted here.

Uh, wow, Bob, you obsessive denial is amusing to watch.

The only differences are that 1) I am heavier now and 2) I've lost most of my hair.

That's... um it.

But you're obsessiveness is getting a little creepy, to be honest. I mean, it's always been creepy and your a Mormon, so it's a whole religion based on being creepy, but, MAN!
Okay, judge for yourself.

View attachment 817826 Joe B in 1988
View attachment 817828Joe B in 2022

Pretty clearly the same guy.

(Had to crop out the images of the women in these pictures so Bob doesn't creepily start stalking them, too.)

Right. Because both those pictures are of such high quality that we can clearly tell whether one is likely a picture of the same guy as the other.

I can say that that second picture looks plausibly similar to the pictures I've found of you, but the quality is even worse than your earlier picture, so it really isn't possible at all to know for sure. I know that you have good-quality recent pictures of yourself; I've seen them. Surely you must have better old pictures of yourself as well.

If you're going to post two pictures, and claim that they are of the same guy, forty years apart, it'd really help if you posted pictures that were of sufficient quality for the subject to be recognizable.


Let's see if Photo AI can do anything with that newer picture…
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Let's see if Photo AI can do anything with that newer picture…

OK, I am amazed at Topaz. After going through Photo AI, the unrecognizable blob that you posted really does look like the other pictures I have seen of you. I can say, with a high degree of confidence, that that really is the same guy as in the pictures I've seen elsewhere. You must have dyed your hair for this picture, as the others I've seen of you clearly show grey hair. Photo AI even rendered your ears with the same weird shape as in the pictures I've seen elsewhere, a shape that doesn't appear in your 1988 picture. Something unusual must have happened to your ears between the old picture and the newer ones. If I hadn't seen other pictures that show your ears with that same weird shape, I'd have assumed that it was just a distortion, an artifact of Photo AI trying to interpolate too much that just wasn't there; similar to what seems to have happened in this rendering to your glasses, especially the left (viewer right) lens.


For what it is worth, I do not dispute your claims that the pictures in question are of you; just that pictures of such poor quality are sufficient to establish the identity of anyone appearing therein. I say that is no way that anyone would look at the two different pictures that you have posted here, and confidently say, “Yes, that's the same guy.”.
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I think I know what your Chinese girlfriend sees in you, JoeB131


No one would mistake one for the other, of course, but there certainly is a resemblance. In fact, I dare say that the sixty-year-old version of you looks much more like Mao Zedong than like the alleged 25-year-old version of you. It's certainly easy to see how you'd appeal to a woman who was probably raised to idolize Mao.
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I think I know what your Chinese girlfriend sees in you, JoeB131

View attachment 818002 View attachment 818004

No one would mistake one for the other, of course, but there certainly is a resemblance. In fact, I dare say that the sixty-year-old version of you looks much more like Mao Zedong than like the alleged 25-year-old version of you. It's certainly easy to see how you'd appeal to a woman who was probably raised to idolize Mao.
I always thought I looked more like Buhhda.

Please everyone note, I've never said anything negative about Bob's better half.

Right. Because both those pictures are of such high quality that we can clearly tell whether one is likely a picture of the same guy as the other.

I'm sorry your eyesight is so poor... I'm more worried about the level of obsession you have.

I can say that that second picture looks plausibly similar to the pictures I've found of you, but the quality is even worse than your earlier picture, so it really isn't possible at all to know for sure. I know that you have good-quality recent pictures of yourself; I've seen them. Surely you must have better old pictures of yourself as well.

Well, funny thing... not really. I don't like being photographed. My Girlfriend asked me to show her some pictures of when I was younger, and I really couldn't come up with that many of them.

I think I have maybe four pictures of myself from when I was in the service... Probably used to have more, but didn't keep them.

Ironically, I have way too many pics of myself because my better half is quite the shutterbug. She loves taking pictures and videos.
OK, I am amazed at Topaz. After going through Photo AI, the unrecognizable blob that you posted really does look like the other pictures I have seen of you. I can say, with a high degree of confidence, that that really is the same guy as in the pictures I've seen elsewhere. You must have dyed your hair for this picture, as the others I've seen of you clearly show grey hair.

I've been dying my hair for the last 10 years... mostly because I've been encountering age discrimination since my 40's.

The better question is, why you spend so much time stalking a complete stranger on line because he hurt your feelings in an on-line discussion. If a friend came to me and told me that story, I'd be seriously concerned for their mental well-being.

Clearly, I am having a negative effect on your mental health, Bob, and I really don't want to be responsible for that... so I am considering just putting you on ignore for your own well-being.

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