Federal judge stalls Obama's executive action on immigration

Oh and 1 more thing. It's a Republican judge. Why is the right all of a sudden for judicial activism?


Activism?? The judge is striking down obama's amnesty because it conflicts with laws written by congress that say illegals cannot live or work here. The activism is on obama's part for writing laws even though the constitution says "all legislative powers shall be vested in a congress of the united states." THINK
That has failed and is a complete mess. The average application to just get into the country is 7 to 9 years. That doesn't include the 3-5 year waiting period for APPLYING for US citizenship and then the process of obtaining US citizenship.

You really think someone in a desperate situation is going to say "Oh I will just wait 7 years to make some money. Hope I don't die." It's a failed system that creates the problem of illegal immigration. But Republicans won't do anything about the system because it would hurt their employer donors who make a shit ton off of cheap labor.

Yeah - the illegals want to come here and get on our welfare and live off working white people. And you think we should make that even easier for them!!!

Republicans: ridding the country of nasty Latinos. Great platform to run on. :thup:

We have a system of legal immigration in this nation you dimwit.

That has failed and is a complete mess. The average application to just get into the country is 7 to 9 years. That doesn't include the 3-5 year waiting period for APPLYING for US citizenship and then the process of obtaining US citizenship.

You really think someone in a desperate situation is going to say "Oh I will just wait 7 years to make some money. Hope I don't die." It's a failed system that creates the problem of illegal immigration. But Republicans won't do anything about the system because it would hurt their employer donors who make a shit ton off of cheap labor.

Jobs in this country are for Americans. It isn't our job to make sure uneducated saps from Mexico work. So we should just see to it that every poor person in the world has a job? And Americans can just go on welfare?
It's wonderful to watch people shift positions about the constitution. If judges, and probably hand picked judges, tell everyone to marry gays well that is proper, but if if judges ask only for a stay on a certain controversial action by the administration that is bogus.

I have not read the opinion but my understanding is that the judge is asking for a stay not because he is ruling on the merits of the action but because if the actions are allowed to go forward then it will become de facto law even of the Supreme Court reverses the presidents actions. The financial burden to the states who are suing the fed govt of allowing the DHS to proceed with the presidents orders is significant. The judge maintained that irreparable harm would be done to the states if they had to start funding the presidents executive order before a ruling on its legality. So the judge may lean towards believing the presidents actions are illegal but he is kicking it upstairs where it is going to go anyway, postponing implementation, not deciding the case.

From nancy Pelosi to the posters on here this issue keeps being misrepresented as an immigration issue, and of course,the media will frame it,the way the liberals want it, but this is a constitutional issue about overreach and has nothing to do with mean nasty republicans hating brown people.

I've been sent to spread the message,
Mmmmmmmmmm, God Bless Texas!
obozo is going to appeal. Good luck with that one. The decision reads like a treatise. It's 133 pages. I doubt if the bozo wasted his time reading it.

The appeal will fail.
but this is a constitutional issue about overreach and has nothing to do with mean nasty republicans hating brown people.

Either the Constitution (1787) applies all the time or it doesn't apply at all. I hate it when motherfuckers only want to enforce those provisos they find convenient.

Here is Founding Father and Third President backing up my assertions:

4. Resolved, That alien friends are under the jurisdiction and protection of the laws of the State wherein they are: that no power over them has been delegated to the United States, nor prohibited to the individual States, distinct from their power over citizens. And it being true as a general principle, and one of the amendments to the Constitution having also declared, that “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people," the act of the Congress of the United States, passed on the — day of July, 1798, intituled “An Act concerning aliens,” which assumes powers over alien friends, not delegated by the Constitution, is not law, but is altogether void, and of no force.

Thomas Jefferson
Judge Napolitano and Ted Cruz think it is a solid ruling and the 5th Circuit Appelate Court is considered the most conservative of all the Appelate courts. Man this would save republicans bacon in Congress. Maybe the rule of law will finally triumph. I've got my fingers crossed.
Any shut down would clearly be the fault of Obama and the Democrats. Everybody knows that.

Yeah! Everybody knows that!


Because guess what? Obama doesn't have to sign the bill. He can veto it, and Congress can try to override his veto. Obama isn't powerless here. Republicans need to learn the word "compromise" and maybe their defeat in 2016 won't be so bad.

Oh and 1 more thing. It's a Republican judge. Why is the right all of a sudden for judicial activism?

Hanen, who's been on the federal court since 2002 after being nominated by President George W. Bush, regularly handles border cases but wasn't known for being outspoken on immigration until a 2013 case.

The left can shove compromise up their ass.

Oh okay, so YOU BELIEVE that only ONE party should get to dictate government policy? Sounds very communistic to me. But what do I know right? I am just a commie liberal.

The left needs to be destroyed before they destroy the country.
When the illegal worker, becomes legal to work, then the companies hiring them have to pay the same amount for these employees, including all taxes due, as they do for all of their citizen employees....this takes the ADVANTAGE for the illegal to be hired before the US Citizen by these companies away... I believe these companies will then hire US Citizens before these immigrants, if there is no money to be saved with their cheap, under the table, labor.

The judge was clear that this was TEMPORARY, and the president just had to comply with the Administrative procedural Act....then it would be clear for Obama to continue with his delayed deportation for the parents of these US citizen children.

I'm not certain what part of the Administrative Procedural Act needs to be adhered to that this judge believes was not followed??

Judge also said this ruling of his does not apply to the 700k south american underage immigrants that entered the past few years, or the other kids that were brought here when very young and have lived here for 5 years minimum....

It's too bad congress doesn't do something on this....they need to act....either fund the money for these US CITIZEN children to be put in foster homes and send their parents back to Mexico, or allow these parents of US Citizen children stay here...one or the other, it is congress that should get off their culos and do something.
Yeah! Everybody knows that!


Because guess what? Obama doesn't have to sign the bill. He can veto it, and Congress can try to override his veto. Obama isn't powerless here. Republicans need to learn the word "compromise" and maybe their defeat in 2016 won't be so bad.

Oh and 1 more thing. It's a Republican judge. Why is the right all of a sudden for judicial activism?

Hanen, who's been on the federal court since 2002 after being nominated by President George W. Bush, regularly handles border cases but wasn't known for being outspoken on immigration until a 2013 case.

The left can shove compromise up their ass.

Oh okay, so YOU BELIEVE that only ONE party should get to dictate government policy? Sounds very communistic to me. But what do I know right? I am just a commie liberal.

The left needs to be destroyed before they destroy the country.

The left AND the right thought need to be destroyed before they destroyed the country.
I support the judge

We need to lock it down for a while. Round up the muslims in order to 'vet' them back into our culture


U.S. delays Obama's immigration steps after judge's rebuke

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama's administration on Tuesday delayed implementing his unilateral steps to shield millions of illegal immigrants from deportation after a judge blocked the actions at the urging of 26 states accusing Obama of exceeding his powers.

In a setback to the president, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, a city along the Texas border with Mexico, issued a temporary court order on Monday stopping Obama's executive actions that bypassed a gridlocked Congress.

U.S. delays Obama s immigration steps after judge s rebuke Reuters
Any shut down would clearly be the fault of Obama and the Democrats. Everybody knows that.

Yeah! Everybody knows that!


Because guess what? Obama doesn't have to sign the bill. He can veto it, and Congress can try to override his veto. Obama isn't powerless here. Republicans need to learn the word "compromise" and maybe their defeat in 2016 won't be so bad.

Oh and 1 more thing. It's a Republican judge. Why is the right all of a sudden for judicial activism?

Hanen, who's been on the federal court since 2002 after being nominated by President George W. Bush, regularly handles border cases but wasn't known for being outspoken on immigration until a 2013 case.

The judge made the right choice. We do not REWARD criminal behavior period. Round them all up, mom, pop, the kids, and the old drunk uncle except at mass on Sunday, and send them direct to Point of debarkation

Any shut down would clearly be the fault of Obama and the Democrats. Everybody knows that.

Yeah! Everybody knows that!


Because guess what? Obama doesn't have to sign the bill. He can veto it, and Congress can try to override his veto. Obama isn't powerless here. Republicans need to learn the word "compromise" and maybe their defeat in 2016 won't be so bad.

Oh and 1 more thing. It's a Republican judge. Why is the right all of a sudden for judicial activism?

Hanen, who's been on the federal court since 2002 after being nominated by President George W. Bush, regularly handles border cases but wasn't known for being outspoken on immigration until a 2013 case.

The judge made the right choice. We do not REWARD criminal behavior period. Round them all up, mom, pop, the kids, and the old drunk uncle except at mass on Sunday, and send them direct to Point of debarkation


Of course we reward criminal behavior.

The ignorasses pretend that the federal government has the authority to interdict, detain and deport.

apparently you don't see .... try post #56 ... have your garbageman explain it to you.

I see just fine. You think that Obama is an emperor - because that is your desire. You have no grasp of the structure of government used in the United States.
apparently you don't see .... try post #56 ... have your garbageman explain it to you.

I see just fine. You think that Obama is an emperor - because that is your desire. You have no grasp of the structure of government used in the United States.

what leads you to think that ? just because I didn't vote for him you think that I think he is an emperor ... I that it?

well, I SAY you're an idiot and I don't need to think about it either.
He will appeal. He may very well lose. In fact, I think he WILL lose.

Congress has already passed laws that override his EO. That is what the dispute is all about.

But Congress has every right to refuse to fund any policy, let alone one that is probably illegal.

It is not any different than any other policy initiative.

I asked Seite this, but he has the intellect of a stalk of broccoli and was unable to find a talking point at ThinkProgress to simulate an answer; but who do you imagine that Obama will appeal to? The SCOTUS? If he did, do you think the court would hear it? Does the desire to abuse power provide standing for Obama to appeal?
the House passed legislation defunding the immigration EO, assuming the Senate follows suit, the POTUS can veto to bill.

the House passed legislation defunding ACA 55 times ... how's that working out ?

Apparently DailyKOS forgot to program you to understand that the Senate is no longer controlled by the democrats...
I see just fine. You think that Obama is an emperor - because that is your desire. You have no grasp of the structure of government used in the United States.

HAHAHA. You know nothing. The president has no authority to write laws, esp laws that contradict laws written by congress.

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