Federal Judge Stops trump's Plan To Use 3.6 Billion Military Dollars On Wall

I'm sure there are some fiction writing sites that would suit you better. TO be fair, Trump does take both sides of an argument many times. Hard to lose that way.
Thanks for proving my point.
of course the reason you hate Hillary is totally imaginary and proved to be nothing but garbage propaganda every time. Super dupe. Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? The whole world thinks you are nuts....
Even Comey said she was guilty, said but she didn't intend too. Translation, she is a dumbass.
James Comey is a big mouth GOP jackass, super duper. She did nothing that general Powell and condoleezza didn't do.none of the secretaries of State even considered emails, just used them to communicate. And this ridiculous crap cost her the presidency. Unbelievably 60% of political coverage during the campaign was about her emails! Nobody gives a damn anymore except for brainwashed functional morons like you..
Actually all the whistleblowers that go against her, commits suicide.
Nothing but garbage propaganda, super duper conspiracy Nut Job lol...
Thanks for proving my point.
of course the reason you hate Hillary is totally imaginary and proved to be nothing but garbage propaganda every time. Super dupe. Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? The whole world thinks you are nuts....
Even Comey said she was guilty, said but she didn't intend too. Translation, she is a dumbass.
James Comey is a big mouth GOP jackass, super duper. She did nothing that general Powell and condoleezza didn't do.none of the secretaries of State even considered emails, just used them to communicate. And this ridiculous crap cost her the presidency. Unbelievably 60% of political coverage during the campaign was about her emails! Nobody gives a damn anymore except for brainwashed functional morons like you..
Actually all the whistleblowers that go against her, commits suicide.
Nothing but garbage propaganda, super duper conspiracy Nut Job lol...
That's okay, if Trump doesn't get her. Hell will.
Which is fine. Just quit trying to defend his failures and lies.
What failures? He has also been one of the first presidents to keep almost all of his campaign promises.

Well, let's see.
Build the wall? nope
Throw Hillary in prison? Nope
Spend a trillion on infrastructure? nope.
Deport 12 million aliens in 2 years? Nope
End deficit spending? Nope
Win the trade war? Nope
Denuclearize N. Korea? Nope
Replace Obamacare with a better health plan? Nope
End the violence in Chicago? Nope
Will be working too hard to play golf? Nope

Shall I go on?
The wall is being built. It's proven that Obama spied on Trump, only time the cards will drop. Liberal judges unlawfully stopped him from doing some of your list. Trump also met with ruler of North Korea, something Obama could've hoped for.

True, Trump's asshole buddy is Kim. He has given Kim the credibility that he craved on the world stage...and got nothing in return. The fantasy that Trump was spied on by the democrats is a joke, and any ruling a judge makes is lawful unless overturned by a higher court. But, you just keep on watching Fox news. Like a broken clock being right 2 times per day, even you may be correct about something! Who know? Maybe someday Trump will invite you to the WH for a Whopper!
He will turn the supreme court conservative. Then he won't have to worry about your littlejudges anymore. I don't have cable, but you do speak talking points.

Ok, so you have shifted from, "Trump has kept all of his campaign promises", to "Trump will keep one of his campaign promises".
Voting map anyone??
Maps don’t vote
Voting maps do its very red haha
No idea what you are babbling about
It’s about the rejecting of the wall, according to the voting map it’s shows we want the wall.. thank you

Again, maps don’t vote
People do
Yes in the map reflects the people voted for the wall, if you don’t like elections fear elections you don’t have to live in my great country.. America voted for Donald John Trump the greatest president of the United States.. by far
Doesn’t matter what the judge says anyway

We will tear down the wall as soon as Trump is gone anyway
That's one hell of a repair job!
Worth every penny.

Oh wait...




handing trumpdrones their ass isnt good enough

by all means break it off too.
You guys seen especially triggered today. Is it the impeachment hearings?

You get bitch slapped and that's all you got? :lol:

By the way. I'm not the slightest bit worked up about Trump's impeachment. His legacy is set in stone now. The third president ever impeached. A hundred years from now, the only thing Americans will know about Donald J. Trump is that he was elected by Putin and tried to rig the 2020 election.

So...nice try. What else you got?
You are obviously more triggered than regular TDS. What did you expect? Did you really think this impeachment thingy would work. Do you also think the Dems have a chance next year?

Poor clueless bastard.

If it weren't so pathetic, it would be funny.
As I said. Trump's legacy is already set in stone, no matter what happens. Nothing will change that. No worries.

It's clear that you are the one who is triggered. YOU keep bringing it up, in a completely unrelated topic. It's weighing on your mind.

Maps don’t vote
Voting maps do its very red haha
No idea what you are babbling about
It’s about the rejecting of the wall, according to the voting map it’s shows we want the wall.. thank you

Again, maps don’t vote
People do
Yes in the map reflects the people voted for the wall, if you don’t like elections fear elections you don’t have to live in my great country.. America voted for Donald John Trump the greatest president of the United States.. by far
Actually, most Americans voted against the wall
Doesn’t matter anyway

Dems will tear down the wall once Trump is gone anyway
Just like Germany tore down the wall once the communists were gone

That is probably the dumbest comparison I have read here at the Forum. Figures it would come from RW...LOL
I'm sure there are some fiction writing sites that would suit you better. TO be fair, Trump does take both sides of an argument many times. Hard to lose that way.
Thanks for proving my point.
of course the reason you hate Hillary is totally imaginary and proved to be nothing but garbage propaganda every time. Super dupe. Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? The whole world thinks you are nuts....
Even Comey said she was guilty, said but she didn't intend too. Translation, she is a dumbass.
James Comey is a big mouth GOP jackass, super duper. She did nothing that general Powell and condoleezza didn't do.none of the secretaries of State even considered emails, just used them to communicate. And this ridiculous crap cost her the presidency. Unbelievably 60% of political coverage during the campaign was about her emails! Nobody gives a damn anymore except for brainwashed functional morons like you..
Actually all the whistleblowers that go against her, commits suicide.

I was wondering if you had forgiven Hillary for killing Vince Foster!
Voting maps do its very red haha
No idea what you are babbling about
It’s about the rejecting of the wall, according to the voting map it’s shows we want the wall.. thank you

Again, maps don’t vote
People do
Yes in the map reflects the people voted for the wall, if you don’t like elections fear elections you don’t have to live in my great country.. America voted for Donald John Trump the greatest president of the United States.. by far
Actually, most Americans voted against the wall
Would you like to see a voting map?
No idea what you are babbling about
It’s about the rejecting of the wall, according to the voting map it’s shows we want the wall.. thank you

Again, maps don’t vote
People do
Yes in the map reflects the people voted for the wall, if you don’t like elections fear elections you don’t have to live in my great country.. America voted for Donald John Trump the greatest president of the United States.. by far
Actually, most Americans voted against the wall
Would you like to see a voting map?
Maps don’t vote
It’s about the rejecting of the wall, according to the voting map it’s shows we want the wall.. thank you

Again, maps don’t vote
People do
Yes in the map reflects the people voted for the wall, if you don’t like elections fear elections you don’t have to live in my great country.. America voted for Donald John Trump the greatest president of the United States.. by far
Actually, most Americans voted against the wall
Would you like to see a voting map?
Maps don’t vote
Who said maps votes? Lol
No idea what you are babbling about
It’s about the rejecting of the wall, according to the voting map it’s shows we want the wall.. thank you

Again, maps don’t vote
People do
Yes in the map reflects the people voted for the wall, if you don’t like elections fear elections you don’t have to live in my great country.. America voted for Donald John Trump the greatest president of the United States.. by far
Actually, most Americans voted against the wall
Would you like to see a voting map?

map this -

Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
It’s about the rejecting of the wall, according to the voting map it’s shows we want the wall.. thank you

Again, maps don’t vote
People do
Yes in the map reflects the people voted for the wall, if you don’t like elections fear elections you don’t have to live in my great country.. America voted for Donald John Trump the greatest president of the United States.. by far
Actually, most Americans voted against the wall
Would you like to see a voting map?

map this -

Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
Lol Daca has nothing to do with the wall you moron..
All the "let beaners keep fucking Americans over or else" posts in this thread is awfully telling of the type of unAmerican pieces of shit we are dealing with on the Left.
A federal judge in Texas has put a stop to trump stealing 3.6 billion dollars from our military to spend on his wall.

Sure it's going to be appealed but for now, not one penny of that money will be spent on his wall.

When are we going to get that check from Mexico?

Federal judge blocks Trump plan to spend millions in military funds on border wall construction
The wall has been under construction for over a year. I would just put about 12 million land mines along the border and watch the illegals explode.

Sure you would, but you're crazy.
If your belly went empty you'd okay the use of nbc warfare.

WTF is nbc warfare? Quit making shit up and just say what you mean. I can't read your goofy mind.

He's referring to Nuclear, Biologic and Chemical Warfare. Their effects for filling your belly were not covered covered in the school I took. Mostly planned for as area deniability weapons. Can't recommend it.

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