Federal Judge Tells U.S. Supreme Court to ****!

If they were truly and unequivocally 'retired' they would not still be sitting in court hearing cases and continuing to render decisions on them while having their full staff and secretaries just as always.

In the federal court system SENIOR Judges are retired and another Judge has been selected to replace them. But some SENIOR Judges continue to accept cases at THEIR DISCRETION.

.Senior status
is a form of semi-retirement for United States federal judges, and judges in some state court systems. After federal judges have reached a certain combination of age and years of service on the federal courts, they are allowed to assume senior status. A judge must be at least 65 and have served for 15 years to qualify, with one fewer year of service required for each additional year of age. When that happens, they receive the full salary of a judge but have the option to take a reduced caseload (although many senior judges choose to continue to work full-time). Additionally, senior judges do not occupy seats; instead, their seats become vacant, and the President may appoint new full-time judges to fill their spots. Depending on how heavy a caseload they carry, senior judges remain entitled to maintain a staffed office, including a secretary and one or more law clerks.
Which simply means that at any rate they're still actively working in court.

Can't even read, can you? Only some of them are fully active, they are considered retired if they assume that status, even if they keep up a full caseload.
Jut because Bush appointed him doesn't make him a Republiican. All presidents have a habit of appointing judges of both parties, something any well informed person would know.

But it is nice to see that you support a misogynistic asshole just because he agrees with you.

I guess you are not a well informed person, because you assumed he was a Republican with your statement above.

How did I do that. oh he who uses a misogynistic asshole to defend his position?

You are an idiot. This is what you posted (bolded below). Clear understanding that you think he is a Republican....unless you have trouble with the English language, which wouldn't surprise me.

It shows that idiocy isn't restricted to Democratic appointees. what a surprise.
I guess you are not a well informed person, because you assumed he was a Republican with your statement above.

How did I do that. oh he who uses a misogynistic asshole to defend his position?

You are an idiot. This is what you posted (bolded below). Clear understanding that you think he is a Republican....unless you have trouble with the English language, which wouldn't surprise me.

It shows that idiocy isn't restricted to Democratic appointees. what a surprise.

Yes, people appointed by Democrats, not Republicans. That in no way assumes his political party affiliation, it just points out that Republicans appoint idiots just as often as Democrats.
The supreme court is the highest court in the land so his opinion is the same as anyone else's. It's unlikely that the high court would pay attention to someone that calls himself a dirty old man.
How did I do that. oh he who uses a misogynistic asshole to defend his position?

You are an idiot. This is what you posted (bolded below). Clear understanding that you think he is a Republican....unless you have trouble with the English language, which wouldn't surprise me.

It shows that idiocy isn't restricted to Democratic appointees. what a surprise.

Yes, people appointed by Democrats, not Republicans. That in no way assumes his political party affiliation, it just points out that Republicans appoint idiots just as often as Democrats.

He's not an idiot....he was a able to call out the partisanship of the right-leaning Supreme Court....who can't be trusted to do what is right.
So some dumb ass says the supremes should have stayed quiet and allowed HHS to violate federal law, sounds to me he should seek a new profession.

If only because such behavior is undignified and unbecoming to a judge.

No, he, as is the supreme court are charged with following law. In this case the supremes did so, he would have elected to do nothing and allow more lawlessness. That is dereliction of duty and I think the supremes should censure him.
Ah for speaking his opinion. ...goods times

For putting partisanship into it.
A Judge is suppose to be neutral.

Who the Hell are you kidding? The Supreme Court decision on this was not neutral; it was determined based on religious views. Right or wrong, judges are rarely neutral. Good Lord.

Wrong it was based on law. It's called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which places the highest legal standard on government that there is no other way to accomplish its goal. HHS failed that test, the court said there are less intrusive ways to provide the service. If you're going to open your mouth at least have a clue what you're talking about.
Who the Hell are you kidding? The Supreme Court decision on this was not neutral; it was determined based on religious views. Right or wrong, judges are rarely neutral. Good Lord.

It was determined based on federal law, get over it.

Right....and if the Supreme were to tip to the left and had gone against it, you would be saying they are crooked.....:lol::lol:

They would be crooked according to current law.
You are an idiot. This is what you posted (bolded below). Clear understanding that you think he is a Republican....unless you have trouble with the English language, which wouldn't surprise me.

It shows that idiocy isn't restricted to Democratic appointees. what a surprise.

Yes, people appointed by Democrats, not Republicans. That in no way assumes his political party affiliation, it just points out that Republicans appoint idiots just as often as Democrats.

He's not an idiot....he was a able to call out the partisanship of the right-leaning Supreme Court....who can't be trusted to do what is right.

I guess you missed the post where I proved how stupid he is. Let me give you the link again, along with a quote from his blog.

In a recent case involving this fine young lawyer every female law clerk in the building slipped in and out of the courtroom to observe her. I am not exaggerating. I later learned that word had gotten around about this lawyer’s dress. Acknowledging that the lawyer was really good, the consensus of the sisterhood was uniformly critical. “Unprofessional” was the word used most often. To a woman, the law clerks seethed and sneered. They were truly upset.
From the foregoing, and in my continuing effort to educate the bar, I have three rules that young women lawyers should follow when considering how to dress for court:
1. You can’t win. Men are both pigs and prudes. Get over it.
2. It is not about you. That goes double when you are appearing in front of a jury.
3. Think about the female law clerks. If they are likely to label you, like Jane Curtin, an ignorant slut behind your back, tone it down.
On being a dirty old man and how young women lawyers dress « Hercules and the umpire.

Sounds like a guy any partisan hack would be happy to use to support their position.
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It was determined based on federal law, get over it.

Right....and if the Supreme were to tip to the left and had gone against it, you would be saying they are crooked.....:lol::lol:

They would be crooked according to current law.

Why? Because Hobby Lobby is so pious, they don't care that most of the products they sell in their stores come from China, where female babies are aborted and people work in slave-like conditions. Why weren't Hobby Lobby's Christian values piqued enough to refuse business with China?
Hobby Lobby just wants Obamacare to fail, hoping it will help Republicans win general elections, because they like Republicans in the White House, who give them bigger tax cuts.

I suppose next, the Jehovah Witnesses who own businesses, can claim they won't pay for blood transfusions on their health care for their employees, because it goes against their religion....and how about those that don't believe in any kind of medicine...we should exclude them, too.
Yes, people appointed by Democrats, not Republicans. That in no way assumes his political party affiliation, it just points out that Republicans appoint idiots just as often as Democrats.

He's not an idiot....he was a able to call out the partisanship of the right-leaning Supreme Court....who can't be trusted to do what is right.

I guess you missed the post where I proved how stupid he is. Let me give you the link again, along with a quote from his blog.

In a recent case involving this fine young lawyer every female law clerk in the building slipped in and out of the courtroom to observe her. I am not exaggerating. I later learned that word had gotten around about this lawyer’s dress. Acknowledging that the lawyer was really good, the consensus of the sisterhood was uniformly critical. “Unprofessional” was the word used most often. To a woman, the law clerks seethed and sneered. They were truly upset.
From the foregoing, and in my continuing effort to educate the bar, I have three rules that young women lawyers should follow when considering how to dress for court:
1. You can’t win. Men are both pigs and prudes. Get over it.
2. It is not about you. That goes double when you are appearing in front of a jury.
3. Think about the female law clerks. If they are likely to label you, like Jane Curtin, an ignorant slut behind your back, tone it down.
On being a dirty old man and how young women lawyers dress « Hercules and the umpire.

Sounds like a guy any partisan hack would be happy to use to support their position.

That doesn't prove he is stupid.....many Republican leaders have made even worse comments, so I guess a lot of Republican leaders are stupid, too?

"A lot of people like being in abusive relationships." - State Rep. Mark Warden (R - New Hampshire) (February 2013)

"If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down." - Representative Todd Akin, Republican Senate nominee from Missouri. (August 2012)

"And I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen." - Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock (October 2012)

"You would be giving off more CO2 if you are riding a bike than driving a car." - Washington State Republican Representative Ed Orcutt (March 2013)

Really Stupid Republican Quotes
He's not an idiot....he was a able to call out the partisanship of the right-leaning Supreme Court....who can't be trusted to do what is right.

I guess you missed the post where I proved how stupid he is. Let me give you the link again, along with a quote from his blog.

In a recent case involving this fine young lawyer every female law clerk in the building slipped in and out of the courtroom to observe her. I am not exaggerating. I later learned that word had gotten around about this lawyer’s dress. Acknowledging that the lawyer was really good, the consensus of the sisterhood was uniformly critical. “Unprofessional” was the word used most often. To a woman, the law clerks seethed and sneered. They were truly upset.
From the foregoing, and in my continuing effort to educate the bar, I have three rules that young women lawyers should follow when considering how to dress for court:
1. You can’t win. Men are both pigs and prudes. Get over it.
2. It is not about you. That goes double when you are appearing in front of a jury.
3. Think about the female law clerks. If they are likely to label you, like Jane Curtin, an ignorant slut behind your back, tone it down.
On being a dirty old man and how young women lawyers dress « Hercules and the umpire.

Sounds like a guy any partisan hack would be happy to use to support their position.

That doesn't prove he is stupid.....many Republican leaders have made even worse comments, so I guess a lot of Republican leaders are stupid, too?

"A lot of people like being in abusive relationships." - State Rep. Mark Warden (R - New Hampshire) (February 2013)

"If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down." - Representative Todd Akin, Republican Senate nominee from Missouri. (August 2012)

"And I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen." - Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock (October 2012)

"You would be giving off more CO2 if you are riding a bike than driving a car." - Washington State Republican Representative Ed Orcutt (March 2013)

Really Stupid Republican Quotes

It proves you are a hack, which was my point.

By the way, since I am not a Republican, and think all politicians are lying sacks of shit, feel free to prove me right by posting all the stupid quotes you like.

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