Feds charge knockout attacker with hate crime

'Knockout game' attack leads to hate crime charge

Why haven't any USMB "conservatives" jumped on this story yet? Could it be because it's a white man being charged? Could it be because the man stated that his intention was to attack a black person?

Payback's a bitch, asshole. A few more of these "sidewalk monkeys" should have their brains randomly beat out. Then they'll see what it's like to be on the receiving end of their ghetto bullshit.

Did the man targeted commit a crime? Did he have anything to do with these other men who play the knockout game? Do you find justice in a man randomly targeting black people for what others have done?

The "justice" is in black kids targeting white people and getting away with it or getting only the minimum punishment.

This white guy is clearly a criminal who needs to be punished. According to him, the reason why he did it was to prove that HE would be punished when a black person committing the same crime against a white person would not be. He proved his point and will now be punished as he should be. As they ALL should be and aren't.
I don't agree with hate crime legislation at all, but there are certain qualifiers. A black person randomly hitting a white person doesn't show racist intent. White people commit crimes against blacks all the time without being charged with a hate crime, because there is no proof race was a factor. What this man did was stated on video that it was his intent to target blacks, then preceded to carry out the crime.
'Knockout game' attack leads to hate crime charge

Why haven't any USMB "conservatives" jumped on this story yet? Could it be because it's a white man being charged? Could it be because the man stated that his intention was to attack a black person?

Yeah, why aren't we more like you? Why aren't we responding to this with the same outrage and indignation that YOU showed when blacks were doing it?
I don't agree with hate crime legislation at all, but there are certain qualifiers. A black person randomly hitting a white person doesn't show racist intent. White people commit crimes against blacks all the time without being charged with a hate crime, because there is no proof race was a factor. What this man did was stated on video that it was his intent to target blacks, then preceded to carry out the crime.

Wow! That is the most ignorant thing I've seen since Truthmatters was posting here. Doesn't show racist intent? I do believe you actually believe that nonsense!
I don't agree with hate crime legislation at all, but there are certain qualifiers. A black person randomly hitting a white person doesn't show racist intent. White people commit crimes against blacks all the time without being charged with a hate crime, because there is no proof race was a factor. What this man did was stated on video that it was his intent to target blacks, then preceded to carry out the crime.

Wow! That is the most ignorant thing I've seen since Truthmatters was posting here. Doesn't show racist intent? I do believe you actually believe that nonsense!

A black man attacking a white man alone doesn't show racist intent. All it shows is that a black man attacked a white man. And don't compare me to Truthmatters, you lair. :redface:
'Knockout game' suspect charged with hate crime by Justice department | Fox News

A white teen wanted to see if his reversal of the knockout game (white on black) would be a nationwide news story. Guess what he was right, the national news is picking up the story and running with it. But that is not all. The attorney general didn't hestitate to charge him with a FEDERAL HATE CRIME!

Let me get this straight. First, the national media tries to bury the trendy vicious game the black community is playing. Second, they they try to say it's not racial. Third, then they deny it's existence. And lastly they call it right wing racist who are reporting on it.

HOWEVER, that goes out the window when a white kid does it. The national news jumps on the story (CNN HAS IT AS THEIR LEAD STORY), even through for every one of these stories there are 1000+ black on white knock out game attacks. Also for all those vicious knockout game attacks this is the FIRST one reported that a hate crime has been charged.

For the record, I believe this moron should be charged. Attacking an elderly person, a woman or a young child of any race is deplorable and disgusting. However, the media and AG response to this attack vs the much more numerous black on white attacks is disgusting! The Hypocrisy of the LEFTIST MAIN STREAM media in reporting this attack vs the black on white TREND is disgusting!

White Guy Accused Of Filming 'Knockout Game' Attack On Black Man Gets Charged With Hate Crime
You notice in the huffingglue post they didn't HESTITATE to say in the title "WHITE GUY."

Texas thug, 27, charged with hate crime for beating up elderly black man in 'knockout game' attack | Mail Online
Didn't hestitate to say ELDERLY BLACK

'Knockout' attack: Suspect charged with federal hate crimes - U.S. News

Feds: 'Knockout' attack was a hate crime - CNN.com
THIS IS CNN LEAD COVER STORY! YOU KNOW THE ONE HIGHLIGHTED AT THE TOP. Note they have his pearl white picture plastered for all to see!
The crime was done in Texas. Had he been prosecuted by state law, he could have gotten 20 years. Under federal law he only faces 10 years. I think he should get the death penalty.
In todays liberal PC world only white people can be considered racist.

99% of the 'knockouts' have been by blacks on whites.

But the only guy charged with a knockout hate crime is white.

Go figure........ :doubt:

Were any of the blacks stupid enough to record themselves saying that they were specially targeting whites?

There has only been one case a minority being the victim of this "game". And that resulted in a Hate Crime charge.

Not a single minority who has attacked a White or a Jew has been charged with a Hate Crime.
I personally don't believe in hate crimes, but they are part of the law. In this case the guy who did it said he was intentionally looking for a black victim, so according to the law I can understand why he was charged with a hate crime. This guy is a piece of shit to knock out a 80 year old man. I hope they throw the book at him.

his statement does not indicate hate for black people, rather, he is making a political statement about the media and law enforcement. a completely screwed way to make a statement, however, he was simply making a statement and he was proven correct. no hate crimes when the victims are white, but we suddently get a hate crime when the victim is black.

that is injustice.

You are correct, and I agree, it's incredibly stupid on his part.
Notice how anti gay and anti tranny attacks are 100 percent committed by blacks and Hispanics but that's just local news at most
Eric Holder said he would never prosecute a black person for a hate crime. This idiot didn't need to mwke a political statement. If he felt the need to make a statement, pick on a 20 year old black man not a 79 year old black man.

If you are talking about what I think you are talking about.. J. Christian Adams stated "I was told by voting section management that cases are not going to be brought against black defendants on [behalf] of white victims."

Adams worked in the Voting section of the DOJ. Supposedly it was a new political appointee of Obama/Holder that told him that.
Not a get out of jail free, but a much better excuse than the Black youth argument of boys being boys or black youth get a pass because of poverty.

Nevertheless, while the black participates of these crimes get a slap on the wrist, this white kid is facing 10 years!!!

His crime was deporable. He attack and 79 year old man! Only a monster and complete pussy would do such a thing! However, the black on white knock out game/polar bear hunting attacks are on the elderly and women also. They should face just as much of a punishment as this kid.

Federal authorities charge white 'knockout' suspect with hate crime - Washington Times

Note the Washington times is pushing the story also!
The Justice Department wants a nationally televised event for a white on black crime. If he was black it would have been a misdemeanor assault charge with the courts deepest apologies for the legacy of slavery. Not how the other knockout attacks are racially unidentified as compared to this attack where the race is identified by all news outlets.
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What sucks is that this guy actually did something that stupid. I'm conservative all the way but wtf would possess anyone to do something so stupid? That is, if we are to believe his story. To go to those lengths to prove something that everyone with a functioning brain cell already knows is true? Smh. I can't work up any sympathy for the guy.
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IF he were to prove he did it for "an experiment", then there might be something to this story. But how can it be proved other than what he said AFTER he did such a crime? And what about the poor black dude who had no clue he was part of a supposed "experiment"? 79 years old? Come on. What the fuck is going on with todays youth in targeting elderly people? Oh. Wait. I know. COWARDICE.

Hey old people! Got some advice for ya: START PACKIN'.
IF he were to prove he did it for "an experiment", then there might be something to this story. But how can it be proved other than what he said AFTER he did such a crime? And what about the poor black dude who had no clue he was part of a supposed "experiment"? 79 years old? Come on. What the fuck is going on with todays youth in targeting elderly people? Oh. Wait. I know. COWARDICE.

Hey old people! Got some advice for ya: START PACKIN'.

This crime is horrendous! From my understanding the 79 yr old was hurt really bad and is in hospital! Amazing kids now-a-days attack the elderly and not try to HELP the elderly! Not what my generation was taught!
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

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