Fed's Rate Hikes Are Really A Bullish Validation Of Trumponomics


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011
from: http://www.investors.com/politics/e...-really-a-bullish-validation-of-trumponomics/

Editorial 3/15/2017

...the Fed's decision to raise rates is a nothing-burger. It takes the benchmark fed funds rate only to the 0.75%-1.00% range, a level that is almost negligible compared to the past norm for interest rates. By way of comparison, from 1992 to 2017, a period of abnormally low interest rates, the fed funds averaged 2.74%.

And that may be the point.

Investors know that, with a change in the presidency, the economic future is likely to be much better than the recent slow-growth past, and they're putting their bets on the table now.

The Fed's measured, quarter-point hike is a signal that policymakers might have learned their lesson, and won't make the same foolish mistakes that they did in the recent past. That's why most market indexes on Wednesday closed near their highs for the day...

...the deregulated, low-tax Trump economy will grow, and grow fast. There are going to be more jobs. They fear that strains will emerge on labor and raw resources, pushing inflation above their 2% long-term target. And they're afraid of getting way behind the curve.

In short, the Obama era of slow growth is finally ending. Investors know that's not a bad thing. As long as the Fed doesn't push the growth-equals-inflation panic button and ratchet up interest rates, as it has in the past, the Trump economy's future should be very bright indeed.
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Stocks are soaring and the reason is that Yellen's made it clear that the Fed's not raising rates any more. OK, so they're not raising 'em any less either but that's not the point.

Yeah, we all agree that Yellen's got a lot of short comings. She's a typical extreme left-wing loopy Princeton Democrat w/ politics to match. She's unable to lead and for years she's utterly failed to get a concenessus of policy opinion at the Federal Reserve. imho the only thing she's good for is monetary policy which I'll concede she does perfectly: we've had stable price growth well under control. Come to think of it, that's really what her job is all about.

So while her politics are dumb, she's got a super good understanding of what the Fed must do. Her control of interest rates (about the only thing the Fed can do) kept them as low as possible to prevent a replay of the serious deflation that hit at the end of '08. When things calmed down (it took years and years until 2015) she tried raising rates and she immoderately saw that the O economy was still on life support and the rate hikes stopped.

Until now. She won't say it, but she knows that since the election we now got a great economy.
No its been growing for the last 4 and 5 years, slowly which is good. Trump has nothing to do with it , except a few stocks are higher.
...its been growing for the last 4 and 5 years, slowly which is good. Trump has nothing to do with it....
The focus of the article is Yellen's fed which at long last is finally able to bring interest rates back up to longer term averages.

Yellen's no right-winger. Appointed by O, from Princeton just like Krugman, she's as leftist as they come but she herself admitted that when she tried to bring rates up back just a couple years ago it was a disaster --the U.S. econ was a basket-case and the havoc caused by the teeniest of rate hikes proved to everyone that politics aside, we were in a very bad way. Yellen knew better then to even think about it for some time to come.

Then Trump gets elected and now she's full speed ahead w/ rate hikes and we're all just fine thank you.
It took 7 years of Obama's presidency before the feds starting raising rates again. That right there proves he was a failure.

Add in: pensions no longer exist, large companies still contract most of their work out, and companies still don't give raises.
from: http://www.investors.com/politics/e...-really-a-bullish-validation-of-trumponomics/

Editorial 3/15/2017

...the Fed's decision to raise rates is a nothing-burger. It takes the benchmark fed funds rate only to the 0.75%-1.00% range, a level that is almost negligible compared to the past norm for interest rates. By way of comparison, from 1992 to 2017, a period of abnormally low interest rates, the fed funds averaged 2.74%.

And that may be the point.

Investors know that, with a change in the presidency, the economic future is likely to be much better than the recent slow-growth past, and they're putting their bets on the table now.

The Fed's measured, quarter-point hike is a signal that policymakers might have learned their lesson, and won't make the same foolish mistakes that they did in the recent past. That's why most market indexes on Wednesday closed near their highs for the day...

...the deregulated, low-tax Trump economy will grow, and grow fast. There are going to be more jobs. They fear that strains will emerge on labor and raw resources, pushing inflation above their 2% long-term target. And they're afraid of getting way behind the curve.

In short, the Obama era of slow growth is finally ending. Investors know that's not a bad thing. As long as the Fed doesn't push the growth-equals-inflation panic button and ratchet up interest rates, as it has in the past, the Trump economy's future should be very bright indeed.
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Stocks are soaring and the reason is that Yellen's made it clear that the Fed's not raising rates any more. OK, so they're not raising 'em any less either but that's not the point.

Yeah, we all agree that Yellen's got a lot of short comings. She's a typical extreme left-wing loopy Princeton Democrat w/ politics to match. She's unable to lead and for years she's utterly failed to get a concenessus of policy opinion at the Federal Reserve. imho the only thing she's good for is monetary policy which I'll concede she does perfectly: we've had stable price growth well under control. Come to think of it, that's really what her job is all about.

So while her politics are dumb, she's got a super good understanding of what the Fed must do. Her control of interest rates (about the only thing the Fed can do) kept them as low as possible to prevent a replay of the serious deflation that hit at the end of '08. When things calmed down (it took years and years until 2015) she tried raising rates and she immoderately saw that the O economy was still on life support and the rate hikes stopped.

Until now. She won't say it, but she knows that since the election we now got a great economy.
I wouldn't go betting on a rising stock market right now. The DOW, NASDAQ and S&P are way overpriced already.

Or as Trump said during the presidential debate, "We Are in a BIG, Fat, Ugly, Bubble.

...wouldn't go betting on a rising stock market right now. The DOW, NASDAQ and S&P are way overpriced already. . Or as Trump said...
Wait a sec., you think Trump doesn't own any stocks at all right now?
from: Fed's Rate Hikes Are Really A Bullish Validation Of Trumponomics

Editorial 3/15/2017

...the Fed's decision to raise rates is a nothing-burger. It takes the benchmark fed funds rate only to the 0.75%-1.00% range, a level that is almost negligible compared to the past norm for interest rates. By way of comparison, from 1992 to 2017, a period of abnormally low interest rates, the fed funds averaged 2.74%.

And that may be the point.

Investors know that, with a change in the presidency, the economic future is likely to be much better than the recent slow-growth past, and they're putting their bets on the table now.

The Fed's measured, quarter-point hike is a signal that policymakers might have learned their lesson, and won't make the same foolish mistakes that they did in the recent past. That's why most market indexes on Wednesday closed near their highs for the day...

...the deregulated, low-tax Trump economy will grow, and grow fast. There are going to be more jobs. They fear that strains will emerge on labor and raw resources, pushing inflation above their 2% long-term target. And they're afraid of getting way behind the curve.

In short, the Obama era of slow growth is finally ending. Investors know that's not a bad thing. As long as the Fed doesn't push the growth-equals-inflation panic button and ratchet up interest rates, as it has in the past, the Trump economy's future should be very bright indeed.
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Stocks are soaring and the reason is that Yellen's made it clear that the Fed's not raising rates any more. OK, so they're not raising 'em any less either but that's not the point.

Yeah, we all agree that Yellen's got a lot of short comings. She's a typical extreme left-wing loopy Princeton Democrat w/ politics to match. She's unable to lead and for years she's utterly failed to get a concenessus of policy opinion at the Federal Reserve. imho the only thing she's good for is monetary policy which I'll concede she does perfectly: we've had stable price growth well under control. Come to think of it, that's really what her job is all about.

So while her politics are dumb, she's got a super good understanding of what the Fed must do. Her control of interest rates (about the only thing the Fed can do) kept them as low as possible to prevent a replay of the serious deflation that hit at the end of '08. When things calmed down (it took years and years until 2015) she tried raising rates and she immoderately saw that the O economy was still on life support and the rate hikes stopped.

Until now. She won't say it, but she knows that since the election we now got a great economy.
Here is what really happened:

1 - DJ Trump talked up his proposed tax cuts.

2 - WSJ figured out that if you lower corp tax rates then you raise EPS and therefore PE's are understated so stocks skyrocketed.

3 - Nellen & Fed interpreted the Wall Street spike to indicate earnings growth (these bankers are really morons).

4 - Now the Fed wants to raise interest rates.

This is lunacy at the moment and it will trigger another recession all because DJT ran his mouth -- his only talent so far.
...wouldn't go betting on a rising stock market right now. The DOW, NASDAQ and S&P are way overpriced already. . Or as Trump said...
Wait a sec., you think Trump doesn't own any stocks at all right now?
I don't know how many stocks he owns but his FEC financial disclosure forms indicate that in 2015 he made $27 million on 45 stocks.
...he made $27 million on 45 stocks.
Now, that's believable! He's no moron; he get's votes when he says that stocks are going to crash and he makes money buying 'em up. Sounds good to me.

Ah, did you know stocks are going to like crash or something? I mean, really really soon guy...

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